Remove View Customizations
You can use the unmanage feature to
remove the customizations of a view. If the view is associated with one
or more packages, you can remove the view automatically from the packages.
You cannot restore the customizations after they are removed.
IMPORTANT: If the changes in a view revision
are based on a legacy script, and if the legacy script is modified or
deleted in the current view revision, before you make further customizations
to the view, you must first unmanage the view to remove all the existing
customizations in the view. Then, you need to run Stage 4 to update the
customization in the NoetixViews schema. Later, you can use the NoetixViews
Workbench to create the customizations that you removed from the view.
To remove view customizations
On the Modify View page, select the managed view from which you want to remove the customizations.
Click Unmanage. The Unmanage '<view label>' dialog box appears. Perform one of the following:
If the view is used in one or more packages, the dialog box displays a message prompting you to remove the view automatically from all the packages and unmanage it. Click Yes. The view will be removed from the corresponding packages and also from the list of managed views.
If the view is not used in a package, the dialog box displays a message prompting you to confirm the action. Click Yes. The view will be removed from the list of managed views.
IMPORTANT: If a customization has been applied to a view through a full or incremental regeneration, after unmanaging the view, before customizing it again, you must run the full or incremental regeneration for the NoetixViews schema. Otherwise, incorrect metadata in the NoetixViews Workbench repository will be the basis for further customizations.