Manage View Columns
In the Noetix Views Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench), you can add, modify, or suppress the Noetix-defined or custom columns in your views. You can delete the custom columns but not Noetix-defined columns. The following types of columns can be customized through NoetixViews Workbench:
Simple column
Constant column
Expression column
Key flexfield column
Descriptive flexfield column
Lookup column
You can manage the columns through the Modify View » <view label>» Add, modify & suppress columns page of the NoetixViews Workbench. The page lists the columns that are present in the view with the following information:
Column: Indicates the unique name of the column.
Category: Indicates the type of the column; the possible values are "Column, Constant or Expr", "Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)", "Key Flexfield (KFF)", "Lookup", and "Non-editable".
Suppressed: Indicates the suppression status of the column; the possible values are "Yes" and "No".
Last Updated By: Indicates the name of the user who last updated the column.
- State: Indicates if the view has been customized through the NoetixViews Workbench; the possible values are "UNCHANGED" and "CHANGED".
Note: The columns of the Non-editable category cannot be modified or deleted but can only be suppressed. For information about such column types, see Unsupported Column Types in NoetixViews Workbench.
NOTE: If you want to sort the information on the basis of a column, click the column label. You can also use the respective boxes under the column label to filter the information based on the specific value of the column.
The following topics explain the procedures related to managing columns in a view:
Modify Columns