Stage 2: Configure View Properties
In Stage 2 of the Add View wizard, you can specify description, view essay, keywords, security codes, and role labels for the view that is being added. In this stage of the wizard, you can also specify if you want to add search-by (A$) columns to the view.
IMPORTANT: This stage consists of many pages. After you make changes in one page, if you do not proceed to the next page or to the next section, the changes made in the page will not be saved. Also, if you close the Add View wizard before creating the view and start the wizard again, you will be directly pointed to the next page or section after the last saved point in the wizard.
About Security Codes
You can use security codes to define the application-specific security for views corresponding to an Oracle E-Business Suite module that supports application-specific security. In Noetix Views (NoetixViews), the application-specific security is enforced over the existing organizational unit-based security. When the application-specific security is enforced, access to the data in Noetix views is determined based on security rules, security profiles, budget access levels, and service request types. The following security codes can be used to enforce applications-specific security for views in the NoetixViews Workbench:
Account: Enforces application-specific security based on the flexfield security rules. This type of application-specific security can be enforced on views pertaining to Oracle General Ledger that contain the GL CODE COMBINATIONS tables.
HR: Enforces application-specific security based on the HR security profiles. This type of application-specific security can be enforced on views pertaining to Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Oracle Payroll, and Oracle Time and Labor.
Budget Level: Enforces application-specific security based on budget access levels. This type of application-specific security can be enforced on views pertaining to Oracle U.S. Federal Financials if the views include a call to the N SEC MANAGER MDSEC PKG.CHECK BUDGET LEVEL ACCESS package function.
SR Type: Enforces application-specific security based on service request types. This type of application-specific security can be enforced on views pertaining to Oracle Depot Repair, Oracle Field Service, and Oracle TeleService that contain the CS INCIDENTS ALL B table or the
For more information about application-specific security, see the MagnitudeNoetixViews Administrator Guide.
Configuring View Properties
In Stage 2, as part of configuring view properties, first, you need to provide the view essay, description, keywords, and security codes for the view. Then, you can specify if you want to add A$ columns to the view followed by specifying the role labels for the view.
To configure view properties
In the Description box, type the description, which can contain a maximum of 80 characters.
In the View essay box, type the view essay, which can contain a maximum of 3,000 characters.
Add or remove keywords from the view. Keywords are used as index entries in the Microsoft WinHelp format of the Noetix Help File. Do the following to add or remove keywords that you want to associate with the view:
In the Keywords box, type a keyword, and click Add. The keyword is added to the list of keywords. Repeat the step if you want to add more keywords.
IMPORTANT: The keywords added to a view must be unique. If you try to add a duplicate keyword, an error message will be displayed.If you want to remove a keyword, select the keyword from the list, and click Remove. If you want to select multiple keywords from the list, press CTRL, and click the keywords.
If the view that is being added is not a list of values (LoV) view, and If you want to define application-specific security for the view, in the Security code list, click a security code. The options available are None, Account, HR, Budget Level, and SR Type. By default, the None option is selected. You need to select a security code based on the application-specific security available for the application associated with the view and the functionality of the view. For example, if you want to define the application-specific security to views that return information for the GL CODE COMBINATIONS table, select theAccountsecurity code.
In the Selections pane, verify the properties defined for the view, and click Next.
Do one of the following:
If you are adding a base view, the Add View » Base View appears. Go to next step.
If you are adding a simple view, go to step 8.
If you are adding an LoV view, go to step 12.
If the view is being added as a base view, in the Sort layer (0 to 900) box, type a number to specify the order in which the view needs to be processed. The sort layer specifies the order in which the view will be processed during Stage 4 of the generation process.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the sort layer value of the base view is lower than the sort layer value of the dependent views.
If you want to add A$ columns to the view that is being added, under Indexed Columns, select the I want Search-By columns in this view check box. By default, this check box is selected. If you have selected the check box, the columns that are indexed in the underlying Oracle E-Business Suite tables will be identified as A$ columns.
In the Selections pane, verify the properties defined for the view.
Click Next. The Add View » Role Labels pageappears.
In the Role Labels list, by default, a role label corresponding to the detected application of the view is listed. To modify the role label listing, follow these steps:
Click Add. The Add Role Labels dialog box is displayed.
In the Labels list, click a role label that you want to add. To select multiple role labels, press CTRL, and click the role labels. The role labels displayed in theLabelslist are populated based on the NoetixViews modules available in your NoetixViews schema.NOTE: A role label contains a collection of roles that can be assigned to Noetix query users to provide them access to the required form of the view.
Click Add. The selected role labels are added to the Role Labels list.
If you want to remove a role label from the Role Labels list, select a role label, and click Remove. To select multiple role labels, press CTRL, and then click the role labels.
In the Selections pane, verify the properties defined for the view.
Click Next. The Add View » Noetix Columns page for adding the key flexfield, descriptive flexfield, and lookup type columns appears. If the view is being added as an LoV view, the Add View » Define Column Properties page appears.
If you want to complete Stage 3 and the subsequent stages of the wizard later, click Cancel to close the Add View wizard. You can use the A view I was addingearlier option to complete the remaining stages of the wizard. For more information, see step 3 in "Stage 1: Check Code Compliance."