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Install Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence

This chapter provides the concepts and procedures that help you install Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence (Noetix Generator).


Before beginning the installation of the Noetix Generator, review the System Requirements section of the Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence Release Notes.

Installing Noetix Generator

You can install the Noetix Generator using the installation wizard. You must download the software from the Noetix software distribution center and run the setup files. This section contains the procedure to perform the installation.

Noetix Generator is intended to be installed on a computer on which the Oracle BI Administration Tool is installed, but can also be installed on a Windows-based Oracle BI server, if necessary.

IMPORTANT: You must install Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) administration tools and Oracle SQL*Plus before installing Noetix Generator. In addition, the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) must be present on the computer where Noetix Generator will be installed.

To install Noetix Generator:

  1. Navigate to the location on your computer where the installation setup files are located, and click Setup.exe. The welcome page of the installation wizard appears.

  2. Follow the instructions on the page and click Next. The Software License Agreement page appears.

  3. Click I Agree. The Installation Location page appears.

  4. Verify the location of the installation if you want to keep the default settings or click Browse and select a location if you want to change, and click Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

    NOTE: If another instance of Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence is already installed and you want to have multiple installations, you can install a second instance by selecting a different destination folder. The destination folder for the new instance should be empty.

  5. Keep the default settings or customize the Start menu folder name, and click Next. The installation setup searches for the Oracle BI tools and if it does not find them, prompts you to specify the location on the Noetix Generator for Oracle BI page.

  6. Type or select the location where the Oracle BI administration tools are installed, or if you have not yet installed the Oracle BI administration tools, exit setup, install the Oracle BI administration tools, and run the Noetix Generator setup again.

    NOTE: For Oracle BI 11g, the administration tools are typically located in the <install_path>\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation folder. For Oracle BI 12c, the administration tools are typically located in the <install_path>\user_projects\domains\bi\bitools\bin folder.

  7. Click Install. After Noetix Generator is installed, the Installation Complete page appears.

  8. Click Finish. The installation wizard exits.

Post Installation Tasks

This section contains information about verifying some of the Noetix Generator configuration settings and using self-signed certificates to generate NoetixAnswers.

Verifying Configuration Settings

The following tasks need to be performed after installing the Noetix Generator.

To verify and update the configuration settings

  1. Open the [Generator Install Folder]\Generator.config file using a text editor.

  2. Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable that is used by the wlstJavaHome setting points to a version of Java that is supported by the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool.

    If you do not want to use a global environment variable, update the path in the configuration file to point to the Java installation that you want to use. Magnitude Software, Inc. recommends using the instance that is installed with Oracle BI, such as, C:\OBI_Home\jdk160_18.

  3. Verify that the MW_HOME environment variable used by the wlstMwHome setting points to the Oracle BI installation folder, such as C:\OBI_Home for Oracle BI server full installations, or Oracle WebLogic Server installation folder, such as C:\wlserver1034 for zip installations of WebLogic server. The folder specified for Oracle WebLogic Server should contain either a "wlserver" or "wlserver_10.3" folder.

    If you do not want to use a global environment variable, change the value of this setting in the Generator.config file to reflect the path of the Oracle BI/Oracle WebLogic Server installation folder.

  4. The wlstCmdLocation setting is configured with a default path to the wlst.cmd file that Noetix Generator calls to execute the WLST script necessary to generate application roles into the Oracle WebLogic Server. The default value includes a #wlstMwHome# macro string that is replaced with the value of the wlstMwHome setting when the command file is called.

    Verify that this path to the command file is valid for your installation of WebLogic.

    NOTE: The \wlserver\ portion of the path may need to be updated to include the WebLogic version, such as \wlserver_10.3\.

  5. For Oracle BI 11g, make sure that the obiOracleBiApplication setting is configured with a default value of coreapplication. To verify that this default value is correct, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the bi-init.cmd file on the computer where Noetix Generator was installed. This file can typically be found in the [Oracle BI Installation Folder]\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIApplication\coreapplication\setup folder, but the actual location can vary based on configuration.

    2. Open this file using a text editor.

      NOTE: Magnitude recommends using a text editor other than Notepad, such as WordPad. Notepad does not display line break characters in the bi-init.cmd file correctly, which can cause problems if you copy/paste from the file to configure the generator setting.

    3. Locate an expression in the file that starts with set ORACLE_BI_APPLICATION=. The value after the equals sign should be used as the value for the obiOracleBiApplication setting. Alternatively, the value can be set to %ORACLE_BI_APPLICATION% and a %ORACLE_BI_APPLICATION% environment variable can be configured at the operating system level with this value. Noetix Generator will inherit the value from that environment variable.

  6. For Oracle BI 11g, make sure that the obiOracleHome setting is configured with a default value of %BI_ORACLE_HOME%, which will cause Noetix Generator to inherit the value from an operating system level environment variable with the same name. The existence of a BI_ORACLE_HOME environment variable should be checked and the value of that variable should be verified. The obiOracleHome setting in Generator.config can also be modified to have a different value if you do not want to create an environment variable. To determine the appropriate value for this setting, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the bi-init.cmd file on the computer where Noetix Generator was installed. This file can typically be found in the [Oracle BI Installation Folder]\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIApplication\coreapplication\setup folder, but the actual location can vary based on configuration.

    2. Open this file using a text editor.

      NOTE: Magnitude recommends using a text editor other than Notepad, such as WordPad. Notepad does not display line break characters in the bi-init.cmd file correctly, which can cause problems if you copy/paste from the file to configure the generator setting.

    3. Locate an expression in the file that starts with set ORACLE_HOME=. The value after the equals sign should be used as the value for the obiOracleHome setting. Alternatively, a %BI_ORACLE_HOME% environment variable can be configured at the operating system level with this value. Noetix Generator will inherit the value from that environment variable.

  7. For Oracle BI 11g, make sure that the obiOracleInstance setting is configured with a default value of %ORACLE_INSTANCE%, which will cause Noetix Generator to inherit the value from an operating system level environment variable with the same name. The existence of an ORACLE_INSTANCE environment variable should be checked and the value of that variable should be verified. The obiOracleInstance setting in Generator.config can also be modified to have a different value if you do not want to create an environment variable. To determine the appropriate value for this setting, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the bi-init.cmd file on the computer where Noetix Generator was installed. This file can typically be found in the [Oracle BI Installation Folder]\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIApplication\coreapplication\setup folder, but the actual location can vary based on configuration.

    2. Open this file using a text editor.

      NOTE: Magnitude recommends using a text editor other than Notepad, such as WordPad. Notepad does not display line break characters in the bi-init.cmd file correctly, which can cause problems if you copy/paste from the file to configure the generator setting.

    3. Locate an expression in the file that starts with set ORACLE_INSTANCE=. The value after the equals sign should be used as the value for the obiOracleInstance setting. Alternatively, an %ORACLE_INSTANCE% environment variable can be configured at the operating system level with this value. Noetix Generator will inherit the value from that environment variable.

  8. For Oracle BI 11g, make sure that the obiComponentName setting is configured with a default value of coreapplication. To verify that this value is correct, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the BI Administration program shortcut in the Start menu. Right-click on this shortcut and open its Properties dialog.

    2. The Target value for the shortcut should be in the form:

      C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe "/c[Oracle BI Installation Folder]\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIApplication\coreapplication\setup\bi-init.cmd coreapplication_obis1 2 && [Oracle BI Installation Folder]\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\server\bin\AdminTool.exe"

    3. Locate the first argument passed to the bi-init.cmd file in this Target value (bolded above for clarity). This argument should be used as the value for the obiComponentName setting. Alternatively, the value can be set to %COMPONENT_NAME% and a %COMPONENT_NAME% environment variable can be configured at the operating system level with this value. Noetix Generator will inherit the value from that environment variable.

  9. Save the Generator.config file and relaunch the Noetix Generator.

Use Self-Signed Certificates for NoetixAnswers

Noetix Generator supports generating NoetixAnswers into the Oracle BI environment using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). If a trusted certificate is not available and a self-signed one must be used, follow the procedure described in the section to enable Noetix Generator to use the certificate.

To use a self-signed certificate to generate NoetixAnswers:

  1. Create an X509Certificates folder in the Noetix Generator installation folder if one does not already exist. Verify that security for this new folder is configured to allow Noetix Generator to read and write to it.

  2. Use your web browser to copy the self-signed or otherwise untrusted certificate to a new *.cer file.

  3. Move the file to the new X509Certificates folder.

  4. Close and restart Noetix Generator if it was open.

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