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Installing Angles Generator for SAP Business Objects

This section provides information about the prerequisites for Angles Generator for SAP Business Objects(Angles Generator ) and the procedure for installing it.


This section outlines the hardware and software prerequisites of the Angles for Oracle Generator. Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements listed in the System Requirements section of the Angles for Oracle Generator for SAP BusinessObjects Release Notes.

Installing the Application

TheAngles Generator may be installed on an administrator's computer or on a dedicated server. Ensure that the prerequisites are met before installing the application.

To install Angles Generator :

  1. Navigate to the location on your computer where the installation setup files are located, and Select Setup.exe. The Angles for Oracle Generator for SAP BusinessObjects Setup page is displayed. Select Next to continue with the installation.
  2. The Software License Agreement page is displayed. Review the Software License Agreement. Select I Agree to continue the installation.
  3. The Installation Location page is displayed. Verify the path for the destination folder. Select Next.

    If Angles Generator is already installed, you can select a new folder to create a second, side-by-side installation of the generator. Selecting the previous installation folder will cause setup to upgrade that instance of Angles for Oracle Generator.

  4. The Choose Start Menu Folder page is displayed. Verify the name of the Start Menu folder. Select Next.
  5. Setup will attempt to locate Oracle SQL*Plus. If SQL*Plus cannot be located, a screen will appear, prompting for this information. Type the location that contains the SQL*Plus executable, and then Select Next.
  6. The BusinessObjects Universe Designer Installation Location page is displayed. Type the location that contains the version of Designer.exe that the generator should be configured to use, and then Select Next.
  7. If BusinessObjects Designer is upgraded in the future or if you wish to configure the generator to use a different existing version of Designer, rerun setup and specify the new Designer.exe location.

  8. The Ready to Install page is displayed. Select Install to start the installation process.
  9. After the installation is complete, the Installation Complete page is displayed. Select Finish to close the installation wizard.
  10. During the generation, setup installs the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to the generator installation folder. Java is used during the Generate NoetixAnswers step for SAP BusinessObjects 3.1 environments and is necessary to interact with the BusinessObjects Report Engine SDK that governs the creation of Web Intelligence documents.

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