Regenerating Models, Packages, and Report Templates
After an initial generation, you can regenerate models, packages, and report templates (NoetixAnswers) in the following two ways:
Using the product name here BI tool
Using the ngc.exe command line utility
Regeneration Workflow of product name here BI
The following diagram shows the workflow of product name here BI during regeneration:
Regenerating Usingproduct name here BI Tool
The procedure for regenerating NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics metadata using the tool is similar to the initial generation. With the exception of passwords, the fields on all the pages of the tool will display the information that was provided the last time you used the tool. Type the passwords and edit the fields as needed to regenerate. For more information, see Generating Models, Packages, and Report Templates.
For NoetixViews 6.5 and above, the Select Packages dialog provides a Select existing packages with changes detected check box to simplify the regeneration process. When checked, this box will discover which Noetix views were modified during a NoetixViews Incremental Regeneration and then automatically select the associated packages, enabling administrators to quickly synchronize existing Cognos models and packages with the latest view definitions from NoetixViews.
Discovery of the packages with changes detected in NoetixViews is based on the previously generated models from the folder referenced at the bottom of the dialog. A different model folder can be selected by clicking the […] button, or by changing the Generated Model Folder on the Target Parameters tab.
NOTE: The Select existing packages with changes detected check box is disabled for initial generations. This option is only available during regeneration of NoetixViews 6.5 or higher content.
NOTE: Regardless of how you are generating or regenerating, use extra caution with the Security Namespace, Package Suffix, Packages Folder, and Answers Folder boxes if you must use the same Cognos server for test and production. Do not overwrite your production roles, packages, and report templates with test roles, packages, and report templates.
Regenerating Using Command Line Utility
Regenerations can also be done from a command prompt using the ngc.exe utility. This utility allows the user to specify the input parameters for the generation in a generation arguments file instead of through a graphical user interface.
TIP: The most common use of the command line utility is to schedule unattended regenerations using the Scheduled Tasks functionality within Windows.
Before regenerating NoetixViews metadata using the command line utility, a GenerationArguments.xml file must be created and saved from the Script tab of theproduct name here BI tool. Once a GenerationArguments.xml file is available, the regeneration can be started using the command line utility.
To regenerate using the command line utility:
Open a Command Prompt window.
In the Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder containing the ngc.exe file, typically C:\Program Files\Noetix\product name here BI.
At the command prompt, type ngc.exe followed by the path to the file that contains the generation arguments, for example, ngc.exe C:\CognosGenerations\GenerationArguments.xml.
NOTE: By default, the generation log will be displayed in the Command Prompt window. To capture the log, redirect the standard output and standard error streams to files in the following syntax: ngc.exe GenerationArguments.xml 1>output.txt 2>error.txt.
Press ENTER to start the regeneration process.