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Work with Generated Repositories

This chapter provides information about the Oracle Analytics repository objects, how the Angles for Oracle Generator interacts with these objects, and how to use the Oracle Analytics Presentation Services to view the generated content.

About Generated Objects

The Angles for Oracle Generator generates the NoetixViews metadata into the following Oracle Analytics repository layers:

  • Physical
  • Business Model and Mapping
  • Presentation


The Physical layer of the Administration Tool defines the data sources to which the OAC  sends queries, and the relationships between physical databases and other data sources that are used to process multiple database queries. In this layer, the Angles for Oracle Generator does the following:

For NoetixViews:

  • Creates a data source that points to the TNS name associated with the NOETIX_SYS schema.
  • Creates a connection pool in the data source. The following properties are set for the connection pool, based on the values given by you as an administrator:
    • Name
    • Connection pool type
    • Timeout
    • Maximum number of connections
  • Creates a schema folder based on the NOETIX_SYS schema. A SYS schema is also created to house the DUAL table. This is necessary to support multiple-view reports.
  • Creates a physical table in the generated schema folder for each view in the NOETIX_SYS schema, based on the roles you select to generate.
  • Creates foreign key relationships between the physical tables. These relationships are based on the Z$ columns found in the NoetixViews.
  • Creates a physical table for each List of Values (LoV) view.
  • Creates the necessary joins between the LoV view and the views referencing them.
  • Creates a “Noetix-Custom” physical display folder for custom physical objects added to the generated database. For more information about adding custom objects, see the "Adding Custom Objects to the Physical Layer" section in Customizing Generated Content.

Business Model and Mapping

The Business Model and Mapping layer of the Administration Tool defines the business model of the data, and the mapping between the business model and the physical layer schemas. In this layer, the Angles for Oracle Generator does the following:

For NoetixViews (Standard and Cross Operations):

  • Generates a business model for each organizational unit (set of books, inventory organization, etc.) selected for generation.
  • Generates logical tables in the business layer based on each generated physical table.
  • Creates logical dimension tables for each physical table with the following attributes:
    • Have the same name as the physical table.
    • Contain all the columns that are present in the physical table, except columns used in other dimension tables based on the physical table.
  • Creates logical fact tables based on each physical table with the following attributes:
    • Have the same name as the physical table with a suffix “_Fact.”
    • Contain aggregate columns for each measure column in the view. These columns are defined in the fact table with a default aggregation function, such as SUM or COUNT. The SUM function is used by default, but can be modified in the product name heremetadata.
  • Creates a logical dimension table for each key flexfield and key flexfield description hierarchy found in the underlying view. These tables have the following attributes:
    • Are named using the convention: <View Name>_Dimension_<Key flexfield Name>, for example, AR2_Cash_Receipts_Dimension_Account.
    • Contain all the columns from the view that are associated with the segments of the associated flexfield.


    The HR_Applicant_Hist view has four key flexfields defined in it: Jobd, Posd, Vacancy_Job_Name, and Vacancy_Position_Name. The Angles for Oracle Generator creates the following dimension tables for this view:

    • HR_Applicant_Hist: This table is named after the physical table and contains all of the columns in the physical table, except columns referenced in the other dimension tables.
    • HR_Applicant_Hist_Dimension_Jobd: This table describes the Jobd key flexfield and contains all columns related to this flexfield.
    • HR_Appliant_Hist_Dimension_Posd: This table describes the Posd key flexfield and contains all columns related to this flexfield.
    • HR_Applicant_Hist_Dimension_Vacancy_Job_Name: This table describes the Vacancy_Job_Name key flexfield and contains all columns related to this flexfield.
    • HR_Applicant_Hist_Dimension_Vacancy_Position_Name: This table describes the Vacancy_Position_Name key flexfield and contains all columns related to this flexfield.
  • Generates logical joins between the logical dimension tables and the logical fact table generated for the view. The resulting effect creates a star schema for each view.
  • Creates dimension objects for each dimension table generated with the following attributes:
    • Each dimension object has a total logical level, set as a grand total level.
    • Key flexfield based dimensions have each KFF segment added in a hierarchy, the first segment as the parent and each subsequent section as a child of the segment before it.
    • The key flexfield segment columns from the associated dimension table are added to each associated level of the dimension object.
    • Non-key flexfield based dimensions have a single Detail level under the Total level. The columns from the associated dimension table are added to the single Detail level.
    • Logical levels are added for each associated LoV column in the underlying view, if a foreign key join exists between the Noetix view and LoV view.
  • Each logical table source linked to a dimension table has aggregate content settings configured to map the table to the lowest level of the dimension objects associated with it. For key flex-field-based dimensions, the logical table is mapped to the last segment in the hierarchy. For non-key flex-field-based dimensions, the logical table is mapped to the Detail level of the dimension object because that is the lowest level.
  • Each logical table source linked to a fact table has aggregate content settings configured to map the table to:
    • The lowest level of each dimension object associated with the dimension tables joined to the fact table.
    • The lowest level of each “Detail” dimension object associated with dimension tables that can be joined to the view using Z$ relationships found in the Angles for Oracle Generator metadata layer.
  • Generates logical display folders based on the NoetixViews roles with the following attributes:
    • Adds the logical dimension tables for views associated with the role to the appropriate folders.
    • Adds the logical fact tables for views associated with the role to the appropriate folders.
    • Adds the dimension objects for views associated with the role to the appropriate folders.

For NoetixViews (Global Extension):

  • Generates a business model for each global subject area (Financials, Human Resources, etc) selected for generation.
  • Generates logical dimension tables for each physical table based on the global transaction view. These logical dimension tables have the following attributes:
    • Have the same name as the physical table
    • Contain all columns present in the physical table, except any single structure key flexfield columns contained in the view. They will be modeled in separate logical dimension tables.
  • Generates logical dimension tables for each single structure key flexfield and key flexfield description hierarchy defined in the transaction views. These logical dimension tables have the following attributes:
    • Are named using the convention: <View Name>_Dimension_<Key Flexfield Name>, for example, FAG0_Asset_Assignment_Hist_Dimension_AssetLoc.
    • Contain all of the columns from the view that are associated with the segments of the associated flexfield.


    The FAG0_Asset_Assignment_Hist view has three single structure key flexfields defined in it: AssetCat, AssetKey, and AssetLoc. The Angles for Oracle Generator will create the following dimension tables for this view:

    • FAG0_Asset_Assignment_Hist: This table is named after the physical table it is based on and contains all of the columns in the physical table, except columns referenced in the other dimension tables listed below.
    • FAG0_Asset_Assignment_Hist_Dimension_AssetCat: This table describes the AssetCat key flexfield and contains all segment columns related to this flexfield.
    • FAG0_Asset_Assignment_Hist_Dimension_AssetKey: This table describes the AssetKey key flexfield and contains all segment columns related to this flexfield.
    • FAG0_Asset_Assignment_Hist_Dimension_AssetLoc: This table describes the AssetLoc key flexfield and contains all segment columns related to this flexfield.
  • Creates logical fact tables for each physical table based on the global transaction views. These logical fact tables have the following attributes:
    • Have the same name as the physical table they are based on, with a suffix of “_Fact”
    • Contain aggregate columns for each measure column in the view. These columns are defined in the fact table with a default aggregation function, such as SUM or COUNT. The SUM function is used by default, but can be modified in the Angles for Oracle Generator metadata.
  • Creates logical dimension tables for each key flexfield (XXK) view. These logical dimension tables have the following attributes:
    • One dimension table is created for each instance of the key flexfield in the related transaction views. The column label associated with the instance of the key flexfield will be appended to the end of the logical table’s name.

      For example, an XXK_GL_Acct_AcctLiab dimension table will be created for the liability account defined in the general ledger accounting key flexfield.

      These dimension tables will contain all of the columns found in the associated physical table.

    • One dimension table is created for each key flexfield structure associated with the key flexfield. This logical dimension table will have multiple instances in the business model, one per instance of the key flexfield in the related transaction views.

      For example, an XXK_GL_Acct_AcctLiab (Operations Accounting Flex) dimension table will be created for the Operations Accounting Flex structure and liability account.

      These dimension tables will contain just the columns from the underlying physical table that are associated with the structure in question. The logical table source for this dimension table will also have a WHERE clause defined that filters the results of the underlying physical table to just those rows that pertain to the associated key flexfield structure.

    • The key flexfield logical dimension tables will have multiple logical table sources defined, linking the logical table to each duplicated copy of the physical key flexfield table.
    • Each key flexfield dimension table will have multiple logical table sources. Each key flexfield physical table is duplicated for each transaction view it is associated with to make it possible to select different key flexfield values when joining multiple transaction views together. A logical table source is created for each duplicate physical table.
  • Creates logical dimension tables for each parent-child hierarchy view, when available. These logical dimension tables have the following attributes:
    • Dimension tables are for each “Essentials” and “Hierarchies” parent-child view created for each segment in the appropriate key flexfields.

      These dimension tables will contain all of the columns found in the associated physical table. The Code_Combination_Id column will be defined as the logical key for these tables.

    • The parent-child logical tables will have multiple logical table sources defined, linking the logical table to each duplicated copy of the physical parent-child table.

      Parent-child physical tables will be duplicated to make it possible to select different values when joining multiple transaction views together.

  • Generates logical joins between the logical dimension tables and the logical fact table generated for the view. The resulting effect creates a star schema for each view.
  • Generates logical joins between the logical dimension tables of one view to the logical fact table of another view, based on the Z$ columns defined in the views. This enables report authors to create reports that join multiple views together.
  • Generates logical joins between the key flexfield (XXK) logical dimension tables and the transaction views they are associated with, based on the Z$ columns defined in the key flexfield and transaction views.
  • Generates logical joins between the parent-child logical dimension tables and the transaction views they are associated with, based on the Code_Combination_Id columns defined in the parent-child and transaction views.
  • Creates dimension objects for each dimension table generated against the transaction views. These dimension objects have the following attributes:
    • Each dimension object has a total logical level, set as a grand total level.
    • Key flexfield based dimensions have each KFF segment added in a hierarchy, the first segment as the parent and each subsequent section as a child of the segment before it.
    • The key flexfield segment columns from the associated dimension table are added to each associated level of the dimension object.
    • Non-key flexfield based dimensions have a single Detail level under the Total level. The columns from the associated dimension table are added to the single Detail level.
    • Logical levels are added for each associated LoV column in the underlying view, if a foreign key join exists between the transaction view and LoV view.
  • Creates dimension objects for each dimension table generated against the key flexfield (XXK) views. These dimension objects are similar to the ones generated for the transaction view-based dimension tables, with the following differences:
    • Dimension objects created for the multi-structure key flexfield dimension tables, XXK_GL_Acct_AcctLiab for example, will have a grand total level and a detail level. A hierarchy based on the key flexfield segment columns contained in the table will not be created because these views define multiple hierarchies that may share segments. Multiple hierarchies that share level columns are not supported in Oracle Analytics.
    • Dimension objects created for the single-structure key flexfield dimension tables, XXK_GL_Acct_AcctLiab (Operations Accounting Flex) for example, will have a grand total level and then levels describing the segment hierarchy defined for the structure. This makes it possible for report authors to create reports that provide drilling capability based on the key flexfield structure hierarchy.
  • Creates dimension objects for each dimension table generated against the parent-child views. For the “Essentials” parent-child logical tables, these dimension objects will be similar to the “Detail” dimension objects created for the transaction view-based logical tables.

    For the ‘Hierarchies” parent-child logical tables, these dimension objects will be defined as ragged hierarchies based on the different hierarchy level columns defined in the associated logical dimension table.

  • Each logical table source linked to a dimension table has aggregate content settings configured to map the table to the lowest level of the dimension objects associated with it. For key flexfield-based dimensions, the logical table is mapped to the last segment in the hierarchy. For non-key flexfield-based dimensions, the logical table is mapped to the Detail level of the dimension object because it is the lowest level.
  • Each logical table source linked to a fact table has aggregate content settings configured to map the table to:
    • The lowest level of each dimension object associated with the dimension tables joined to the fact table.
    • The lowest level of each “Detail” dimension object associated with dimension tables that can be joined to the view using Z$ relationships found in the Angles for Oracle Generator metadata layer.
  • Generates logical display folders based on the global roles with the following attributes:
    • Adds the logical dimension tables for views associated with the role to the appropriate folders.
    • Adds the logical fact tables for views associated with the role to the appropriate folders.
    • Adds the dimension objects for views associated with the role to the appropriate folders.
  • Creates a “Noetix-Custom” logical display folder for custom logical objects added to the generated business model. For more information about adding custom objects to the business model, see Adding Custom Objects to the Business Layer.


The Presentation layer provides an interface to present customized views of a business model to users. Presentation Catalogs in the presentation layer are visible as business models to users of Oracle AnalyticsPresentation Services. In this layer, the Angles for Oracle Generator does the following:

For NoetixViews (Standard and Cross Operations editions):

  • Generates presentation catalogs based on the organizational units, for example, sets of books, business groups, and so on, associated with the roles that are selected to be generated.
  • Each presentation catalog contains presentation tables based on the views associated with the roles that are selected to be generated.
  • The presentation tables are grouped by the role that each one belongs to, using a hidden feature of Oracle Analytics that lets you create the appearance of a hierarchy in Presentation Services.
    • An empty presentation table is created based on the name of each role.
    • Presentation tables based on each view are sorted under the appropriate role-based presentation table.
    • Presentation tables based on each view are also suffixed with the name of the role to which they belong, to ensure unique names within the presentation catalog.
    • The presentation tables based on each view are given a more user friendly display name based on the view name.
  • Generates presentation tables based on the logical tables in the business layer with the following attributes:
    • Adds columns from each dimension table to the appropriate presentation table.
    • Adds the aggregated columns from each fact table to the appropriate presentation table.
    • Sorts columns in the presentation table alphabetically, with the key flexfield based hierarchical columns at the end of the list.
  • Distinguishes between LoV columns and non-LoV columns using column description provided as a ToolTip in Oracle Analytics Answers.
  • Removes underscores in column names, if that option was selected by the administrator during generation.

For NoetixViews (Global edition):

  • Generates presentation catalogs based on the global subject areas, for example, NoetixViews for Oracle Financials and NoetixViews for Oracle Supply Chain, based on the global roles selected to be generated.
  • Each presentation catalog contains presentation tables based on the views associated with the global roles that were selected for generation into the presentation catalogs.
  • The presentation tables are grouped by the functional area each one belongs to, using a hidden feature of Oracle Analytics that allows you to create the appearance of a hierarchy in Presentation Services.
    • An empty presentation table is created based on the name of the functional area, for example General Ledger Views.
    • Presentation tables based on each transaction view are sorted under the appropriate functional area-based presentation table.
    • An empty presentation table is also created to group the multi-structure key flexfield views together. Presentation tables are created for each multi-structure key flexfield view and are sorted below this empty presentation table.

      An empty presentation table is also created for each key flexfield structure. Presentation tables for each associated single-structure logical dimension table are created and sorted under this empty presentation table, grouping them together.

    • In addition, presentation tables based on the parent-child views are sorted in these groups. Presentation hierarchies defined against the parent-child “Hierarchies” logical tables are also included.
    • Presentation tables based on each transaction view are also suffixed with the name of the functional area or key flexfield structure to which they belong, to ensure unique names within the presentation catalog.
    • The presentation tables based on each view are given a more user friendly display name, based on the name of the underlying view.
  • The presentation tables generated have the following attributes:
    • Presentation columns will be created based on the columns found in each logical dimension tables associated with the transaction view.
    • Presentation columns will be created for each aggregated measure column found in the logical fact tables associated with the transaction views.
    • Columns will be sorted alphabetically, with the single structure key flexfield segment columns sorted to the bottom of the list in hierarchy order.
    • Removes underscores in column names, if that option was selected by the administrator during generation.
  • The presentation hierarchies will have the following attributes:
    • They will have the same name as the corresponding parent-child “Hierarchies” presentation table, with a suffix of “$DIM”.
    • They will have multiple hierarchies defined, based on new hierarchy metadata available in NoetixViews Global Extension.

How Angles for Oracle Generator Interacts with Non-Noetix Objects in the Repository

The Angles for Oracle Generator interacts with non-Noetix objects in the following manner:

  • Does not change objects in the Physical, Business Model and Mapping and Presentation layers that are outside the Angles for Oracle Generator-generated top level physical, business, and presentation catalogs.
  • Deletes custom objects that the administrator manually adds to the Angles for Oracle Generator-generated business model or physical database, unless they have been included in the “Noetix-Custom” physical and logical display folders.
  • Deletes any custom objects in the Angles for Oracle Generator-generated presentation catalogs that do not conform to the naming or content requirements listed in Adding Custom Objects to the Physical Layer.
  • After the initial generation, the Angles for Oracle Generator does not modify a Angles for Oracle Generator-generated connection pool in the physical layer. Only administrators can modify settings for the connection pool.
  • The Angles for Oracle Generator overwrites permission and any other changes made to Angles for Oracle Generator-generated security groups, with the exception of:
    • Group membership; Angles for Oracle Generator retains the membership of a group after regeneration.
    • Permission grants to custom presentation tables and connection pools. For more information about adding custom objects, see the "Adding Custom Objects to the Physical Layer" section in Customizing Generated Content.

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