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Appendix B

Generator Configuration

This section outlines Angles for Oracle Generator’s configuration files and their settings. Most configuration settings are stored in a file called Generator.config. Settings specific to logging are stored in NGManager-log.config and ng-log.config, for the GUI and command-line versions of the generator respectively.


Most Angles for Oracle Generator configuration settings are stored in Generator.config. This file can be found in the directory where the generator was installed. The generator reads the file when it is launched and will use the parameter values specified in the file during the generation.

The configuration file is read by the generator at the start of each generation. It is not necessary to close the generator tool and open a new window after changing a value.

Create a backup of the modified Generator.config file because it will be overwritten during an upgrade or reinstallation of the product.

The configuration file contains the following parameters that can be modified to change the behavior of the generator:

  • SqlPlusExeLocation: Specifies the location of Oracle SQL*Plus executable on the computer. An empty string is allowable if sqlplus.exe is already in the %PATH% environment variable.
  • StatusTimeoutHours: Specifies the value in hours that (Undefined variable: General.ProductShortName) must wait before assuming that an ongoing generation is not responding. If the timeout value is reached, administrators are presented with an option to end an ongoing generation. This value can be set to zero to always provide the administrator with the option of aborting a different, ongoing generation.
  • If the administrator attempts to launch a generation while another one is running and before the timeout value is reached, a message appears stating that a generation cannot be started because one is already in progress.

  • MaximumAnswerGenerationErrorsAllowed: Specifies the maximum number of report template generation errors that the generator will accept before ending the generation with a failed status. Error messages will be written out as warnings to the generation log until this maximum value is reached.
  • JavaTimeoutSeconds: Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the Java portion of the generator, which is responsible for generating report templates, before it considers that process to be hung. If this timeout is reached, the generation will end with a failed status.
  • AnswerLoggingSkipCount: Specifies the number of report templates to generate before writing out an informational message to the generation log.
  • This value can be set to 1 to cause the generator to write out an informational message for each report template that it generates. This can be useful when troubleshooting a generation problem.

  • AnswerDatePlaceholder: Certain report templates require Web Intelligence to validate the SQL of the report before it can be saved. A valid date must be specified if the report contains date prompts. This setting specifies the default date to use for this validation. The default of 1/1/2000, in the format of MM/DD/YYYY, is adequate for most installs, unless a different date format is used in your locale. If that is the case, this setting should be updated to reflect a valid date for the environment.
  • SleepSecondsBetweenAnswers: Specifies the number of seconds that the generator should wait before attempting to generate another report template. Increasing the value will increase the duration of the Generate NoetixAnswers step, but may throttle the stream of requests to the Web Intelligence service enough that the service does not become overwhelmed with the number of requests made to it. It is highly unlikely that this setting will need to be used. insightsoftware recommends adding an additional Web Intelligence Server to increase the processing capacity of the Web Intelligence layer instead of using this setting. Web Intelligence will automatically balance the request load to the available servers during the generation of NoetixAnswers.
  • PerRoleAnswerRangeMinimum: Each report template generated for a given Noetix Views (NoetixViews) role universe is numbered in the generation log (i.e. report 1, report 2, etc.). This setting allows the administrator to specify which report in the list to start generating, per NoetixViews role universe that is selected in the Universe Selection dialog.
  • For example, if this parameter is set to 4 and two NoetixViews role universes are selected, the generator will sort the answers for each of those roles alphabetically. It will then skip the first three answers associated with each role and start generating from the fourth one on.

    This setting is useful while troubleshooting problems incurred with specific report templates during the Generate NoetixAnswers step or while testing a NoetixAnswers hook script that modifies one or more report templates.

  • PerRoleAnswerRangeMaximum: This setting is similar to the PerRoleAnswerRangeMinimum setting, except that it is used to specify the ordinal of the last report template to generate, based on the alphabetically sorted list of report templates associated with a selected NoetixViews role universe. Report templates after this value in the list will be skipped.



  • ShowAnswerWarningLog: Certain report templates may not be compatible with BusinessObjects XI due to features that may not be available in Web Intelligence. This setting determines if warnings related to incompatible report templates should be shown in the generation log. The value of this setting can be set to true if these types of answer warnings should be written to the log or false otherwise.
  • ModifyUniverseConnections: By default, the generator will not switch the connection of existing universes, even if the existing universe connection does not match the connection name specified in the generation arguments. Setting this value to “true” will cause universe connections to be changed as needed to match the universe connection specified on the Target Parameters tab of the generator user interface.
  • ConnectionFolderDelimiter: This setting, along with the ConnectionRootFolder setting, is used only with SAP BusinessObjects 23.1 and higher. These values are used internally by the generator to distinguish between connection folders in SAP BusinessObjects. There is generally no need to modify these values unless you have defined connection names or connection folder names containing the “/” character.
  • ConnectionRootFolder: See ConnectionFolderDelimiter, above.

  • TempConnectionNetworkLayer: During new universe creation and during List of Values (LoVs) creation, the generator will create temporary connections to the NOETIX_SYS schema (in NoetixViews) or to the Noetix Analytics/RapidDecision metadata repository. These connections are necessary because Designer will use them to query database objects directly during these steps. This setting, along with the TempConnectionDatabaseEngine setting, is a SAP-defined string used to specify the driver used for temporary connections. Contact insightsoftwareSupport if you need to modify this value.TempConnectionDatabaseEngine: See TempConnectionNetworkLayer, above.
  • TempConnectionLOVTimeoutSeconds: This setting controls the maximum amount of time a temporary connection will take before timing out while creating an LoV mapping. The default is 20 seconds. A bug in certain versions of SAP BusinessObjects may cause popup windows to appear as a result of LoV timeouts during generations. On systems where LoV queries may take longer than 20 seconds to return values, you may need to adjust this to a larger value to allow LoV generations to proceed unattended.

Configuring the Generator debug log

When the generator runs, it will by default write diagnostic information to a text file, debug.log, in the [Generator install folder]\logs folder.

The generator currently has settings for four levels of diagnostic information. In order of increasing verbosity, they are DEBUG, TRACE, VERBOSE, and ALL. DEBUG is the recommended default. You can control this setting by making changes to the log4net/root/level node in the NGManager-log.config file, in the [Generator install folder] folder. Usually you will only modify this file if directed by insightsoftwareSupport.

If you are using the command-line version of the generator, apply these changes to ng-log.config instead.

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