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Create a Business View

To create a business view, sign in to the Angles Hub and perform the following steps:

  1. Add required details on the Overview tab

  2. Provide required details on the Query tab

  3. Add Column Description

  4. Add Join Relations

Add required details on the Overview tab

  1. Click Business Views. The Business Views page is displayed.

  2. Click List View.
  3. Click Create View. The Overview tab is displayed.
  4. Enter the required details on the Overview tab and click Next. The Query tab is displayed.

    Note: View Name, Short Description, Application Type, and Source Application are mandatory fields.

Provide required details on the Query tab

  1. Click Query. The Query tab is displayed.

  2. Click SQL Query. The SQL Query tab is displayed.

    Note: The changes you make in the Query Model, Columns Criteria, or SQL Query sections reflect in the other sections.

  3. Enter the SQL Query and click Next.
  4. Click Refresh.
  5. Click Columns Criteria.
  6. Customize the business views by:
    • Selecting, grouping, or renaming columns

    • Hiding or deleting columns

    • Modifying aggregation or sorting

  7. Optionally, customize the query of the business view through Query Model.
  8. To build your query, drag a table to the Query Model and create joins.
  9. Click Query Results.

    Note: Keep updating the business views in SQL Query, Query Model, or Columns Criteria until you get the desired query result.

  10. Click Save view.
  11. To save as a new version, enter the comment and click Save changes.

Add Column Description

  1. Click Columns. The Columns tab is displayed.

  2. Enter the description of columns.

  3. Click Save view.

  4. To save as a new version, enter the comment and click Save changes.

Add Join Relations

  1. Click Join Relations > Add Join. The Add/Edit Join window is displayed.

  2. Enter the View to Join.

  3. Enter the View Alias.

  4. Select the Join Type.

  5. Click Column Mapping.

  6. Click Add Condition.

  7. Select From View Column and To View Column.

  8. Click Save > Save View.

  9. To save as a new version, enter the comment, and click Save changes.

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