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Generate Oracle BI Repository and NoetixAnswers

This chapter provides information about generating Magnitude NoetixViews (NoetixViews) and Noetix Analytics for Oracle E-Business Suite (Noetix Analytics) metadata. It discusses the prerequisites for generating the metadata and contains procedures that help you to generate the UDML files and the Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) repository using Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence (Noetix Generator). This section also describes the process for generating NoetixAnswers into the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

About the Generation Steps

When using the Noetix Generator, you can choose to perform the following steps:

Repository Generation:

  • Validate Metadata

  • Generate UDML Files

  • Generate Repository

  • Run Consistency Check

  • Create Application Roles

Answer Generation:

  • Generate NoetixAnswers

Validate Metadata

The Validate metadata step is available for both NoetixViews and Noetix Analytics generations. This step duplicates some of the validation functionality in Noetix Analytics Metadata Manager (Metadata Manager), but reads metadata specific to the Noetix Generator, and takes into account any Noetix Generator hook scripts that may be in place.

The generator validates metadata by running a series of SQL queries embedded in the XML files found in the [Generator install folder]\Metadata Validation folder. If any of these queries returns one or more record, the generator will log detailed warning information and query results to the debug log in the [Generator install folder]\logs folder. It will then cancel all remaining steps in the execution plan.

You may extend this step by adding your own custom validation checks. For each check you add, create a new XML file in the [Generator install folder]\Metadata Validation folder, mirroring the structure of one of the existing XML files installed with the generator.

If the Validate metadata step fails in your environment, you will need to resolve the underlying issues using Metadata Manager or with the help of Product Supportbefore continuing.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you keep the Validate metadata option checked for all generations. Bypassing this step may lead to consistency check errors in generated Oracle BI repositories.

Generate UDML Files

Generate UDML Files generates NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics content into Oracle BI UDML files that can then be imported into a new or existing repository.

Generate Repository

Generate Repository utilizes the Oracle BI nQUDMLExec.exe utility to import the generated UDML files into a new or existing repository.

Import Unchanged UDML Files

Import Unchanged UDML Files causes Noetix Generator to import all of the UDML files it creates using nQUDMLExec.exe, not just the files where changes were detected since the previous regeneration. For an initial generation, Noetix Generator will always import all of the UDML files it creates.

Run Consistency Check

After generating the NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics metadata into the repository and before uploading the repository to the Oracle BI server, you need to make sure that the metadata does not contain errors or warnings. While initiating a generation, you can select the Run Consistency Check check box on the Execution Plan tab of the Noetix Generator to perform a consistency check for the objects that will be generated into the repository. The Noetix Generator uses the validaterpd.exe utility of Oracle BI to perform the consistency check, and the results are saved in the consistencyCheckResults.xml file. By default, the file containing the results is created in the top-level folder defined for the repository. You can view the results in the Consistency Check Results window of the Noetix Generator after the repository is created. For information about viewing the results, see the View Consistency Check Results section.

NOTE: The consistency check can be performed as a separate step. After the generation is complete, select only the Run Consistency Check check box, and regenerate.

Create Application Roles

The Create Application Roles option generates application roles into the Oracle WebLogic Server. These roles can then be used to provide access to the content created by Noetix Generator.

NOTE: This step must be performed before bringing a generated repository online in Oracle BI. Failure to do so will result in inaccessible subject areas.

Generate NoetixAnswers

After a generated repository file has been brought online, the Generate NoetixAnswers check box on the Execution Plan tab can be used to generate report and dashboard templates into Oracle BI that can be used to create reports or dashboards in Oracle BI.

Prerequisites for Generating NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics Metadata

The following are the prerequisites for generating NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics metadata into the Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) repository:

  • Oracle BI administrative tools are installed

  • The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) must be present to generate application roles into WebLogic

  • NoetixViews or PeopleSoft Enterprise (including AnswerBuilder) are generated

  • Noetix Analytics has been implemented and the Active Metadata Repository (AMDR) has been populated

  • The user credentials to access NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics metadata are available

  • Connectivity information about the database where NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics are hosted is available

  • The administrative credentials to access the Oracle BI repository are available, if generating into an existing repository or generating NoetixAnswers

  • The administrative credentials for WebLogic are available. This is necessary to generate application roles into WebLogic to secure the Noetix-generated subject areas and NoetixAnswers.

  • Free disk space on the Oracle BI Presentation Server is available for NoetixAnswers, which will depend on the number and type of NoetixViews roles selected for generation.

  • Prior to running Noetix software against a new Oracle BI installation, you should confirm that you are able to take the Oracle sample.rpd repositories on and off line with no errors, and that you are able to create and run reports against these samples.

  • Columns of BLOB, CLOB, LONG, and RAW data type are not supported by Oracle Business Intelligence and therefore are suppressed by the Noetix Generator. If you need to load such columns into your reporting layer, convert them to a data type that is supported by your business intelligence (BI) tool.

Granting Access to the Noetix Analytics Operational Data Store and Data Marts

The Noetix Generator can validate the metadata in the Noetix Analytics Active Metadata Repository (AMDR) prior to generation to find metadata inconsistencies that may occur when customizing Noetix Analytics. Certain validation tests require that the AMDR Oracle user has access to query the tables found in the Operational Data Store (ODS) and data marts (DM) schemas. This can be done by granting the user the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege in Oracle.

NOTE: This step is not required in order to use Noetix Generator. If the appropriate access is not granted to the AMDR user, Noetix Generator will skip the validation tests that require this access and will provide the administrator with SQL statements that can be executed manually to validate the metadata.

Generating UDML Files and Repository Using Noetix Generator

The Noetix Generator uses the functionality of Universal Database Markup Language (UDML) to generate NoetixViews and Noetix Analytics content into the Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) repository. These UDML files are script files that contain the definition of the Oracle BI repository objects. Noetix Generator uses the nqUDMLGen.exe utility to check the objects found in an existing repository and determines which objects, if any, must be deleted from the repository before generating new objects. Noetix Generator creates the repository using the nQUDMLExec.exe utility.

This section contains the procedure to generate the UDML files and Oracle BI repository using Noetix Generator.

NOTE: Generate NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics content into an offline copy of an existing repository. The repository can then be brought online after performing a consistency check on the generated repository.

To generate the UDML files and repository:

  1. On the Start menu, click Programs > Noetix Generator for Oracle BI > Noetix Generator for Oracle BI. The Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence window appears.

  2. Do the following on the Execution Plan tab:

    1. In the Generation Target drop-down list, make sure that the Oracle Business Intelligence version appropriate for your environment is selected.

    2. In the Metadata Source drop-down list, choose MagnitudeNoetixViews or Noetix Analytics, depending on the type of Noetix content you want to generate into Oracle BI.

    3. Beneath Generator Steps, select the appropriate generator steps for the action you want to perform. See “About the Generation Steps” for more information on the generator steps available. NoetixAnswers must be generated later after the generated repository has been brought online.

  3. If MagnitudeNoetixViews was selected on the Execution Plan tab, select the Source Parameters tab and do the following:

    1. Under Oracle Connection Information, in the User Name box, type the NoetixViews schema name, and in the Password box, type the password for the given user name.

    2. In the TNS Name box, type the Oracle database name where NoetixViews are stored.

    3. View essays and column descriptions can be generated for NoetixViews. This information will be displayed as tool tips in Oracle BI Answers and can be valuable to report authors. It can also increase the size of the repository above unmanageable levels for larger NoetixViews installations.

      In the appropriate drop-down lists, select an option to specify to what degree view essays and column descriptions are generated. The options available are:

      • None: View essays and column descriptions will not be generated into the repository.

      • First Sentence: Only the first sentence of view essays and column descriptions will be generated.

      • Max Displayable Size: Oracle BI Answers has a limit to the size of the presentation table and column descriptions that it can display as tool tips. This option will truncate view essays and column descriptions to those limits, if necessary.

      • Full: The full view essays and column descriptions will be generated into the repository.

        NOTE: The full view essays and column descriptions can always be found in the Magnitude NoetixViews Help File or Magnitude Noetix Search.

    4. To choose roles that you want to generate, click Edit List under Metadata Filter. The Choose Roles dialog box appears as follows:

      Note: If Noetix Generator metadata tables and views are not up-to-date, when you click Edit List, a message appears that Noetix Generator will refresh its metadata layer. If prompted, choose Yes. This process may take several minutes.

    5. The Choose Roles dialog will display NoetixViews roles grouped by organizational unit (set of books, inventory organization, etc.) for the Standard and Cross Operations editions of NoetixViews or grouped by Subject Area for the Global Extension. In the list, select the check boxes for the organizational units or individual NoetixViews roles you want to generate into the Oracle BI repository, for example, HR1_HR_Manager. You can also check the “Select All” box to select all NoetixViews roles.

      NOTE: Magnitude Software, Inc. recommends selecting NoetixViews Global Extension roles over Standard or Cross-Operations roles to minimize the size of the resulting Oracle BI repository.

      NOTE: The Regeneration Strategy for an initial generation will automatically be set to Full. SeePreviously Generated Subject Areas and Roles in Regenerate Magnitude NoetixViews (NoetixViews) or Noetix Analytics for Oracle E-Business Suite

for more details on regeneration strategies.

  1. The Choose Roles dialog can estimate the amount of space generated content will take up in the repository file. This capability is useful for larger NoetixViews Standard or Cross Operations installations where it may be necessary to horizontally scale NoetixViews content into multiple Oracle BI repositories. See Generating Large Amounts of NoetixViews Content into Oracle BI Leads to Performance Issues in Troubleshooting for more information regarding scaling Oracle BI to support a large NoetixViews installation.

    Click Estimate Repository Sizes to estimate the effect adding NoetixViews content will have. The size of the selected objects will be displayed in kilobytes (KB) to the right of each node in the tree. The size of each organizational unit and the total repository size will increase as NoetixViews roles are selected.

    Click OK after selecting the NoetixViews roles to generate into the repository.

    NOTE: The Estimate Repository Sizes functionality uses the Noetix Generator metadata layer to estimate the size of each NoetixViews role. If these tables and views are not up-to-date, a message will appear stating that Noetix Generator will refresh its metadata layer. This process will require the full metadata layer to be refreshed and may take several minutes.

  2. In the Maximum wait time if NoetixViews is still running (minutes) list box, select or enter a number that denotes the time Noetix Generator needs to wait if the NoetixViews generation is not yet complete.

    NOTE: The Maximum wait time if the process to generate NoetixViews is still running (minutes) feature is useful when you want to schedule unattended regeneration of NoetixViews and Noetix Generator for Oracle BI in a sequence. If the NoetixViews generation completes before the set time, Noetix Generator continues its generation. Otherwise, the generation for Oracle BI fails with an error message stating that the process timed out waiting for the NoetixViews generation to complete.

  1. If Noetix Analytics was selected on the Execution Plan tab, select the Source Parameters tab and do the following:

    1. Under Oracle Connection Information, type the Noetix Analytics Active Metadata Repository (AMDR) schema name in the User Name box. Type the password associated with the user name in the Password box.

    2. Type the Oracle database name where the Noetix Analytics AMDR schema resides in the TNS Name box.

    3. Under Metadata Source Environment, choose the environment from the AMDR schema that you want to generate against.

    4. Choose the system within the environment to generate against in the System drop down.

    5. To choose the relationship sets to generate, click Edit List. The Choose Subject Areas dialog appears as follows:

      If relationship sets from custom data sources have been described through Noetix Analytics Metadata Manager, they will appear alongside the out-of-the-box relationship sets. If selected, these will be generated into Oracle BI in the same manner as the out-of-the-box content from Noetix.

      NOTE: Custom relationship sets must be organized into a similar tree structure as the out-of-the-box content in Business Manager for them to appear properly in the “Choose Subject Areas” dialog.

      NOTE: If Noetix Generator metadata tables and views are not up-to-date, when you click Edit List, a message appears that Noetix Generator will refresh its metadata layer. If prompted, choose Yes. This process may take several minutes.

    6. The Choose Subject Areas dialog will display Noetix Analytics relationship sets, grouped by business areas. In the list, modules related to the Operational Data Store will be suffixed with “Near Real Time” and modules related to the data marts will be suffixed with “Nightly”.

      Select the check boxes for the modules or individual relationship sets you want to generate into the Oracle BI repository.

      NOTE: The Regeneration Strategy for an initial generation will automatically be set to Full. See Previously Generated Subject Areas and Roles in Regenerate Magnitude NoetixViews (NoetixViews) or Noetix Analytics for Oracle E-Business Suite.

  1. Select the Target Parameters tab and do the following:

    1. Under Repository Information, in the UDML File Path box, enter the name of the UDML file with the path, for example, D:\OracleBI\server\Repository\Noetix.udml, and in the Repository File Path box, enter the name of the repository with the path, for example, D:\OracleBI\server\Repository\NoetixRepository.rpd.

      NOTE: If you did not select the check box Generate UDML Files in the Execute Plan tab, the path of the UDML file is the existing UDML file location. The path to the repository can be an existing repository file or a new repository file. If you plan to maintain multiple repositories that contain Noetix-generated metadata, it is recommended that you create and use a separate folder to house the UDML files associated with each instance of Noetix content.

    2. In the Top Level Name box, enter a unique name by which the repository objects can be segregated, for example, Accounts.

      NOTE: To regenerate, you must specify the top level name that you used during the initial generation. You must also ensure that NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics schema does not change from the schema used for the initial generation when regenerating the content for a specific top level name; else the existing objects will be deleted and replaced with objects from the new schema.

      It is also recommended that you select different top level names if you are planning on generating both NoetixViews and Noetix Analytics content into the same Oracle BI repository.

    3. Enter the repository password into the Password box if you are generating into an existing Oracle BI repository. If you are generating into a new Oracle BI repository, enter a password for the repository and then confirm that password in the box to the right.

    4. Check the Remove underscores from generated presentation column names option if you want the generator to remove underscores from presentation column names, making them more user friendly.

      NOTE: If you are regenerating a repository created by Noetix Generator 1.0 for Oracle BI, make sure not to select this checkbox to retain the existing naming convention. Changing this selection will cause existing reports in Oracle BI Answers to break.

    5. Under Server and Credentials, in the User Name and Password boxes, provide the credentials of an Oracle BI user who has administrative privileges, and in the WebLogic Server:Port box, type the Oracle WebLogic Server name and port number in the <server_name>:<port_number> format using which the application roles will be generated into the Oracle WebLogic Server.

      NOTE: You can include "T3S" in the details of the server name and port number mentioned, such as T3S://myserver:7001, to generate the application roles using Secured Sockets Layer (SSL). To use the T3S protocol, you must import the SSL certificate of the Oracle WebLogic Server into Java.

    6. Under Connection Pool, in the Name box, type a name for the connection, for example, testconn, and in the ConnectionPool Type drop-down list, select the connection type, for example, OCI 8i/ 9i if the database to which Noetix Generator must connect is Oracle 9i.

      NOTE: The information you provide for connection pool is used only during an initial generation and should not be modified during regeneration.

    7. In the Database Type drop-down list, select the type that matches the database to which Noetix Generator must connect, for example, Oracle 9i.

    8. In the Timeout (in seconds) list, enter or select a number after which the session can be closed. Magnitude recommends the default value of 300 seconds.

    9. In the Maximum Connections list, select a number that denotes the number of concurrent connections to keep in the connection pool. Magnitude recommends the default value of 10.

      The following screen shot illustrates the Target Parameters tab after the values are entered:

  2. (Optional.) Select the Script tab and click Validate. Alternatively, Validate Script can be selected from the File menu. If there are no errors, a message appears that the script was successfully validated.

  3. (Optional.) The script displayed can be saved as a generation arguments file for later use, if desired. Check the Include passwords when saving box if you want the Oracle connection and repository credentials to be saved to the file and then click Save. The Save As dialog box opens and you can save the script as an XML file with the default file name GenerationArguments.xml. Alternatively, Include passwords when saving can be selected from the File menu. Save Script can then be selected from the File menu to save the generation arguments file.

    NOTE: This script file can be used to generate the UDML files and repository at the Command Prompt. If Include passwords when saving is checked, passwords will be encrypted before being saved to the file. This option is required in order to use the generation arguments file at the Command Prompt.

  4. Select the Execute tab and click Generate. Alternatively, Generate can be selected from the Generator menu. The generation process starts and the log messages are displayed in the Execute window.

    NOTE: After the generation is complete, a log message displays that the generation was completed.

Generating NoetixAnswers

The Noetix Generator uses the Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) Presentation Services Application Programming Interface (API) to generate prebuilt report and dashboard templates into the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. These report and dashboard templates are based on the Noetix views generated into the Oracle BI repository. They can be used by report authors to answer business questions or as a starting point when creating new answers and dashboards.

NoetixAnswers must be generated as a separate task, after bringing the previously generated Oracle BI repository online. See “Generating UDML Files and Repository Using Noetix Generator ” for more information on generating NoetixViews into an Oracle BI repository.

This section contains the procedure to generate NoetixAnswers using Noetix Generator.

NOTE: NoetixAnswers is not available for Noetix Analytics. This section applies exclusively to NoetixViews.

Generate the Oracle BI repository and bring it online prior to generating NoetixAnswers. If the repository was originally created using a previous version of Noetix Generator for Oracle BI, it should be regenerated using the latest version prior to generating NoetixAnswers.

To generate NoetixAnswers:

  1. On the Start menu, click Programs > Noetix Generator for Oracle BI > Noetix Generator for Oracle BI. The Noetix Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence window appears.

  2. Do the following on the Execution Plan tab:

    1. Make sure that the Oracle Business Intelligence version appropriate for your environment is selected in the Generation Target drop-down list.

    2. Make sure that MagnitudeNoetixViews is selected in the Metadata Source drop-down list.

    3. Under Generator Steps, check the Generate NoetixAnswers check box.

  3. Select the Source Parameters tab and do the following:

    1. Under Oracle Connection Information, enter the NoetixViews schema name in the User Name box.

    2. Enter the password associated with the NoetixViews schema in the Password box.

    3. Enter the name of the Oracle database that houses the NoetixViews schema in the TNS Name box.

    4. Under Metadata Filter, click Edit List to select the NoetixViews roles that NoetixAnswers should be generated for. The Choose Roles dialog appears.

      Select the NoetixViews roles for which you want to generate NoetixAnswers, and then click OK.

      NOTE: This step can be skipped if the appropriate NoetixViews roles were previously selected during the creation of the Oracle BI repository.

      NOTE: Only NoetixViews roles that were generated into the Oracle BI repository should be selected. Noetix Generator cannot generate report and dashboard templates for roles that don’t exist in the repository. You may unselect roles for which you do not want to generate report and dashboard templates.

      NOTE: Previously generated report and dashboard templates are not deleted on regeneration. If you stop generating a NoetixViews role into your Oracle BI repository, you may need to manually remove the non-functional report and dashboard templates from Oracle BI Answers.

      NOTE: The View Essays and Column Descriptions options are disabled for NoetixAnswers generations because those options only affect the Oracle BI repository.

  4. Select the Target Parameters tab and do the following:

    1. Under Repository Information, specify the Top Level Name from the previously generated Oracle BI repository that NoetixAnswers should be generated against.

      For example, if Noetix on Prod was specified as the Top Level Name during the generation of the Oracle BI repository (resulting in a full Top Level Name of [Noetix-Noetix on Prod] in the repository), then Noetix on Prod should be specified for generation of NoetixAnswers.

      NOTE: The Top Level Name specified must exactly match the one specified during generation of the repository. An error will be returned if Noetix Generator does not find the Top Level Name in the repository.

    2. Enter the repository password into the Password box.

    3. Check Remove underscores from generated presentation column names if this option was selected during generation of the repository. Otherwise, do not select this check box.

      NOTE: Noetix Generator will return an error if the selection of this checkbox is inconsistent with the contents of the repository.

    4. Under Server and Credentials, in the User Name and Password boxes, provide the credentials of an Oracle BI user who has administrative privileges. This user must have permission to create answers and dashboards in the Shared Folders area of the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

      NOTE: The user specified must also have permission to access the generated subject areas that will contain the Noetix answers.

    5. In the Server URL box, type the URL of the Oracle BI Presentation Services web service, such as http://MyOracleBiServer:9704/analytics/saw.dll for Oracle BI EE Web Services (OBI EE) or http://MyOracleBiServer:9704/analytics-ws/saw.dll for Oracle Analytics Server (OAS).

    6. Under Presentation Services Security Options, choose the access level to grant the groups that will be used to manage access to the generated dashboards.

      NOTE: Selecting the Change or Full Control permission options will allow users to create copies of the generated dashboards in their own My Folders area, but will also allow them to make changes to the master set of dashboards in Shared Folders. If one of these options is chosen, end users should be trained to make copies instead of making changes in place because those changes would be overwritten during regeneration. See Granting Access to NoetixAnswers inManage Security for more information about granting end users access to the generated answers and dashboards.

  5. (Optional.) Select the Script tab and click Validate. If there are no errors, a message appears that the script was successfully validated.

  6. (Optional.) The script displayed can be saved as a generation arguments file for later use, if desired. Check the Include passwords when saving box if you want the Oracle connection and repository credentials to be saved to the file and then click Save. The Save As dialog box opens and you can save the script as an XML file with the default file name GenerationArguments.xml.

    NOTE: This script file can be used to generate NoetixAnswers at the Command Prompt. If Include passwords when saving is checked, passwords will be encrypted before being saved to the file. This option is required in order to use the generation arguments file at the Command Prompt.

  7. Select the Execute tab then click Generate to launch the generation of NoetixAnswers. The generation process will start and will log informational, warning, and error messages to the generation log area of the Execute tab.

    NOTE: After the generation completes, a log message will be written stating that the generation completed.

Generating Repository and NoetixAnswers at Command Prompt

You can also generate the UDML files, Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) repository, and NoetixAnswers at a Command Prompt. This is an unattended generation that reduces downtime during peak hours. To generate at a Command Prompt, you first need to generate two script files: one for generating the repository and one for NoetixAnswers. This can be done by running the Noetix Generator and saving the scripts as XML files.

To generate at a Command Prompt:

  1. Perform step 1 through 6 of the procedure To generate the UDML files and repository in the previous section, see “Generating UDML Files and Repository Using Noetix Generator ” if you want to generate UDML files and an Oracle BI repository from the command prompt.

    Perform step 1 through 6 of the procedure To generate NoetixAnswers in the previous section if you want to generate NoetixAnswers from the command prompt.

    NOTE: You must select Include passwords when saving on the Script tab to use the generation arguments file to perform an unattended regeneration.

  2. Exit from the graphical user interface of Noetix Generator and open a Command Prompt window.

  3. Navigate to the folder where you have installed Noetix Generator and run the following command:

    ngo <generationargumentsfile>

    where <generationargumentsfile> is the path to the generation arguments file that was saved in step 1. The generation arguments file specified should be based on whether you want to generate UDML files and an Oracle BI repository or NoetixAnwers.

    For example,

    ngo GenerationArguments.xml

    The generation process starts. After the generation completes, the log message displays that the generation completed without any errors.

    NOTE: If the “Incremental” Regeneration Strategy was selected for NoetixViews 6.5 and above, Noetix Generator will only regenerate the content in the Oracle BI repository related to the views that were changed by the NoetixViews Incremental Regeneration process.

  4. If you opted to generate UDML files and an Oracle BI repository in step 3, perform that step again with the other generation arguments file to generate NoetixAnswers.

    NOTE: The repository must be moved or copied to the Oracle BI server and brought online prior to generating NoetixAnswers.

    NOTE: If you want to direct the generation log to a file instead of the command prompt, you can use the following command:

    ngo <generationargumentsfile> > <logfile name>

For example,

ngo generationarguments.xml > output.txt

View Consistency Check Results

If a consistency check was run on the NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics metadata after it was generated into the repository, you can view the results in the Noetix Generator application after the generation is complete. For information about running the consistency check, see Run Consistency Check.

By default, the last generated XML file for the current repository will be opened. You can also view the results of consistency check for other previously generated repositories.

IMPORTANT: If any errors are detected during consistency check for the repository objects, the metadata in the repository will become invalid. You need to correct these errors and regenerate the repository before uploading it to the server.

To view consistency check results

  1. On the main window of Noetix Generator, click Tools > Consistency Check Results Viewer. The Consistency Check Results window appears.

    The numbers in parentheses beside the Errors and Warnings check boxes in the Show area denote the number of errors and warnings. The Show/Hide Columns list displays the options to select the columns that you want to view in the right pane. The Show/Hide Warnings list displays the list of warning codes found in the result. The number in parentheses beside the warning code denotes the number of such warnings in the repository.

  2. Perform the following steps to view the details of the errors and warnings:

    • In the Show area, select the Errors or Warnings check box, and under the Show/Hide Columns list, select the check boxes pertaining to the following columns that should be displayed in the right pane:

      • OBJECT_TYPE: Represents the object, such as physical column and logical table sources, for which the error or warning has occurred.

      • name: Represents the name of the object.

      • Text: Represents the description of the error or warning.

      • Type: Represents whether the type is an error or warning.

      • Number: Represents the error or warning code.

    • In the Show/Hide Warnings list, select the check boxes pertaining to the warning codes that you want to view. The results are displayed in the right pane.

  3. To hide or display the details of specific warning codes, click View > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears. Perform one of the following steps:

    • To hide the details of a warning code, in the Warning Code list, type the warning code, and click Add. The warning code will appear in the Hidden Warnings box.

    • To display the details of a warning code, select the required code in the Hidden Warnings box, and click Remove Selected. The warning code will be removed.

  4. Click OK. The Consistency Check Results window displays the details of only the selected codes.

Verifying Generated Repository Using Oracle BI Administration Tool

You can check whether the generation of NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics metadata is successful or not by opening the generated repository using Oracle BI Administration Tool.

To verify the generation:

  1. Log on to the Oracle BI AdministrationTool and on the File menu, click Open > Offline. The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Select the repository that you generated and click Open. The Open Offline <repository name> dialog box appears.

  3. Type the user credentials and click OK. The repository displays the generated objects in three panes: Physical, Business Model and Mapping, and Presentation as seen in the following screen shot:

  4. Perform a global consistency check on the repository to verify that the generated NoetixViews content meets Oracle BI’s metadata rules.

Necessary Connection Pool Changes

The connection pool created by Noetix Generator must be modified after the initial generation prior to bringing the Oracle BI repository online. This section outlines the necessary changes.

Setting the Connection Pool Password

By default, the Noetix Generator does not set the database connection information. You must manually set the password for the connection pool in Oracle BI Administration Tool to enable display of NoetixViews data in the Oracle BI Answers. This process is only necessary the first time Noetix Generator creates a given connection pool. Noetix Generator will not modify a connection pool after it creates it. This section contains the procedure to set the password.

To set password for the connection pool:

  1. On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Administration. The Oracle BI Administration Tool window appears.

  2. On the File menu, click Open > Offline. The Open dialog box appears.

  3. Navigate to the folder to open the repository for which you want to set the password, select the repository name and click Open. The Open Offline <repository name> dialog box appears.

  4. In the User and Password boxes, type the user name and password associated with the repository, and click OK. The repository opens.

  5. In the Physical pane, expand the database, right-click the connection icon, and click Properties. The Connection Pool-<connection name> dialog box appears as follows:

  1. In the Password box, type the new password and click OK. The Confirm Password dialog box appears.

  2. In the Password box, retype the password and click OK. The new password is set.

  3. Click the Save icon on the toolbar. A message prompts you to check global consistency.

  4. Click Yes. The Check Consistency Manager displays a list of messages, if there are any. Click Close. The repository is saved.

Setting Repository Password in Oracle BI

The repository password must be set in the Oracle BI Administration Tool for new Oracle BI repositories created by Noetix Generator. This password must be set before uploading the repository file to the Oracle BI Server through the Fusion Middleware Control. See the Oracle Business Intelligence documentation for more information about setting the repository password.

Verifying a NoetixAnswers Generation

You can check whether the generation of NoetixAnswers was successful through the Presentation Services user interface.

To verify NoetixAnswers:

  1. Log on to Oracle BI Presentation Services using an administrative account.

  2. Navigate to Oracle BI Answers.

  3. Click Catalog on the top toolbar.

  4. Click on Shared Folders.

  5. Find and click on the Top Level Name folder in the shared folder.

  6. Expand the organizational unit folders that were created by the generator until you get to the lowest level in the folder structure. You should find a list of answers that were generated for the associated NoetixViews role.

  7. Follow the remainder of the steps to verify that dashboards were generated successfully.

  8. Navigate back up to the Top Level Name folder directly under the shared folder.

  9. Click on the _portal folder under the Top Level Name folder.

  10. Navigate into the NoetixViews-role-based folders in the _portal folder and verify that dashboard pages were created successfully for each answer.

  11. Click the Finished button at the upper right to close the Manage Catalog dialog once you are finished.

Configuring Repository for SQL Server-based Noetix Analytics Data Warehouse

After generating the repository for Noetix Analytics that is based on a SQL Server data warehouse, you must perform the steps mentioned in this section before you can upload the repository to the Oracle BI server.

To configure repository

  1. Create a system data source with the use of the NOETIXRPT credentials for the SQL Server database instance in which the Noetix Analytics data warehouse resides.

  2. Open the generated repository file in the Oracle BI Administration Tool.

  3. In the Physical layer, right-click the database, click Properties, and perform the following steps in the dialog box that appears:

    1. On the General tab, in the Database type list, select SQL Server 2008.

    2. On the Features tab, click Reset to defaults, and click OK to return to the main window.

  4. Right-click the connection, click Properties, and perform the following steps in the dialog box that appears.

    1. In the Call interface list, select the required call interface value for the SQL Server database.

    2. Verify that the Require fully qualified table names check box is not selected.

    3. In the Data source name box, type the name of the data source that you created in step 1.

    4. In the User name and Password boxes, type the name and password of the NOETIXRPT database.

    5. Click OK to save the changes and close the connection pool properties dialog box.

  5. In the Physical layer, select any table from the NOETIXODS or NOETIXDM database, and verify that you can view data from the table.

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