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Installing Angles for Oracle-Generator for IBM Cognos BI

This section provides information about the prerequisites for the standalone version of the Angles for Oracle-Generator, the Angles for Oracle-Generator application, and the procedure for installing it.


Before installing the standalone version of the Angles for Oracle-Generator and the Angles for Oracle-Generator application, make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:

  • Review the system requirements, and make sure that the minimum requirements are met. For information, see the “System Requirements” section of the product name here Release Notes.

  • IBM Cognos Framework Manager is installed.

  • The standalone version of theproduct name here Framework Manager are installed and configured in the computer where product name here BI Service is installed.

  • The IBM Cognos Server can be installed and configured on the same computer as the IBM Cognos Framework Manager or any other computer.

Installing Standalone Angles for Oracle-Generator

This section explains how to install the standalone version of the Angles for Oracle-Generator.

To install the standalone version of the Angles for Oracle-Generator

  1. Double-click the Setup.exe file. The Welcome to theproduct name here BI Setup Wizard page is displayed.

  2. Click Next. The Software License Agreement page is displayed.

  3. Review the software license agreement, and click I Agree. The Choose Components page is displayed.

  4. By default, the product name here BI check box is selected. Click Next. The Installation Location page is displayed.

  5. Accept or change the default folder location that is displayed. To change the default folder, click Browse and select a folder, and then click Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page is displayed.

    Note: If the default folder location contains another instance of the standalone Angles for Oracle-Generator and you want to retain multiple installations, you can specify a different location. Make sure that the installation folder that you specify is empty such that the folder contains only installation-related files after the setup is complete.

  6. Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create shortcuts for the standalone Angles for Oracle-Generator. By default, it is product name here BI. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. Click Next. The Ready to Install page is displayed.

    Note: Provide the following information, if applicable:

  • If the setup cannot locate the IBM Cognos Framework Manager, the IBM Cognos BI Installation Location page will be displayed prompting you to enter the location where IBM Cognos Framework Manager is installed. Specify the location, and continue with the setup.

  • If the setup cannot locate SQL*Plus, the Oracle SQL*Plus Installation Locationpage will be displayed prompting you to provide the location where Oracle SQL*Plus is installed. Enter the location, and then continue.

  1. Click Install. After the installation process is complete, the Installation Complete page is displayed.

  2. Click Finish to exit the step.

Installing Angles for Oracle-Generator Application

You can install the Angles for Oracle-Generator application by performing the following:

  1. Install the product name here BI Service.

  2. Install the Angles for Oracle-Generator application.

For information about using the Angles for Oracle-Generator application, see the product name herefor NEM Help.

Install product name here Service

This section explains how to install the product name hereBI Service.

To install the product name here BI Service

  1. Perform steps 1 to 3 explained in Installing Standalone Angles for Oracle-Generator. The Choose Components page appears with the product name hereBI check box selected by default.

  2. Select the check box product name here BI Service. Click Next. The Installation Location page is displayed.

  3. Accept or change the default folder location that is displayed. To change the default folder, click Browse and select a folder, and then click Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page is displayed.

  4. Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create shortcuts for the standalone Angles for Oracle-Generator. By default, it is product name here BI. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. Click Next. The Noetix Enterprise Manager Service Location page is displayed.

    Note: Provide the following information, if applicable:

  • If the setup cannot locate the IBM Cognos Framework Manager, the IBM Cognos BI Installation Location page will be displayed prompting you to enter the location where IBM Cognos Framework Manager is installed. Specify the location, and continue with the setup.

  • If the setup cannot locate SQL*Plus, the Oracle SQL*Plus Installation Locationpage will be displayed prompting you to provide the location where Oracle SQL*Plus is installed. Enter the location, and then continue.

  1. Enter the computer name or IP address where the Insightsoftware Noetix Enterprise Manager (Noetix Enterprise Manager) is installed in Server Name, and its network port number in Network Port. Click Next. The product name here BI Service Server and Port page is displayed.

    Note: Ensure that the Noetix Enterprise Manager is running on the installed machine.

  2. Enter the computer name or IP address for the product name here BI service in Server Name, and its network port number in HTTP Port. Click Next. The Destination folder page for product name here BI Service is displayed.

    Note: Provide an unused four digit port number. Ensure that the port is open and is not blocked by the firewall.

  3. Specify the path in which the metadata generated with the use of the Angles for Oracle-Generator application needs to be saved. Click Next. The Ready to Install page is displayed.

  4. Click Install. After the installation process is complete, the Installation Complete page is displayed.

  5. Click Finish to exit the step.

Install Angles for Oracle-Generator Application

This section explains how to install the Angles for Oracle-Generator Application.

To install the Angles for Oracle-Generator Application

  1. Double-click the GeneratorforCognosforNEM-<version>-windows-x64.exe file. The product name herefor NEM Setup page is displayed.

  2. Click Next. The Software License Agreement page is displayed.

  3. Review the software license agreement, and click I Agree to continue the installation. The Choose Start Menu Folder page is displayed.

  4. Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create shortcuts for the Angles for Oracle-Generator application. By default, it is product name here BI for NEM. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. Click Next. The Ready to Install page is displayed.

  5. Verify the installation folder location, and click Install. The progress of the installation is displayed.

  6. Optionally, click Show details. The log details of the installation process are displayed. After the installation is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

  7. Click Finish to exit the step.

    NOTE: After the installation process is complete, the log details will be stored in the GeneratorforCognosforNEM-installer.log file located at the installation folder.

Post Installation Tasks

Using Angles for Oracle-Generator Against Multiple Instances of IBM Cognos Framework Manager

During installation, setup attempts to configure Angles for Oracle-Generator for use against all instances of IBM Cognos Framework Manager that it can find installed on the system. It looks in the default installation locations for the versions of IBM Cognos Framework Manager it supports. If setup is unable to find additional instances of IBM Cognos Framework Manager, they can be configured after setup completes by modifying the generator’s configuration file.

To configure Angles for Oracle-Generator to work with additional instances of IBM Cognos Framework Manager:

  1. Open the [Generator Installation Folder]\Generator.config file using a text editor.

  2. Find the FrameworkManagerInstallDirectory setting. The value for this setting can contain paths to multiple IBM Cognos Framework Manager instances, delimited with a pipe (|) character.

  3. Append additional IBM Cognos Framework Manager paths to the existing value for each new instance of IBM Cognos Framework Manager that Angles for Oracle-Generator should work with. Each path should be delimited with a pipe (|) character.

  4. Save the Generator.config file. Close and reopen any existing Angles for Oracle-Generator windows for the changes to take effect.

    NOTE: See “Generating Models, Packages, and Report Templates” for more information on selecting the instance of IBM Cognos Framework Manager to use for a particular generation.

Using Angles for Oracle-Generator with Newer Versions of IBM Cognos BI

The generator works with multiple versions of the Cognos SDK, and uses a configuration file to determine which binaries to link against at runtime. In some customer environments, the Cognos system is newer than any of the SDK binaries tested and released with the generator. Although these Cognos versions are not officially supported to work with the generator, they can often be made to work by making simple changes to the configuration file and by manually adding the newer Cognos SDK binaries to the generator installation.

CAUTION: Contact Insightsoftware Support before attempting to use Angles for Oracle-Generator against an unsupported version of IBM Cognos.

To use Angles for Oracle-Generator with a newer version of IBM Cognos:

  1. Install the Cognos SDK for the version of IBM Cognos that you wish to use Angles for Oracle-Generator with.

  2. Find the installed cognosdotnet_2_0.dll and cognosdotnetassembly_2_0.dll files and copy them to a new [Generator Install Folder]\CognosSDKs\[New Version] folder, were [New Version] is the major and minor version numbers of the new IBM Cognos version.

  3. Open [Generator Install Folder]\CognosVersions.xml using a text editor. Angles for Oracle-Generator uses this file to identify key information about the Cognos versions it supports.

  4. If the version you have is not provided in the file, add a new <cognosRelease> tag to the existing set, with the following properties:

    1. Include an internalVersion attribute on the <cognosRelease> tag that specifies the major, minor, and revision version numbers, in the following format: [Major Version].[Minor Version].[Revision].

    2. Add an <sdkPath> tag as a child of the <cognosRelease> tag that specifies the relative path to the Cognos SDK files that were copied earlier.

    3. Add a <modelNS> tag as a child of the <cognosRelease> tag. Enter the namespace URI specific to the new version of IBM Cognos as the value within the tag. If you are unsure of what this URI is, do the following:

      1. Launch the new version of IBM Cognos Framework Manager and create a new empty model.

      2. Save the model file.

      3. Open the model.xml file that was created by IBM Cognos Framework Manager using a text editor.

      4. Copy the value of the xmlns attribute on the root <project> tag within the model file. This is the namespace URI to specify.

    4. Add an <exactVersion file=”FM.exe”> tag as a child of the <cognosRelease> tag. Retrieve the version number of the FM.exe file from the Details tab of the Properties dialog for the file in the IBM Cognos Framework Manager installation location. Add this as the value of the <exactVersion> tag.

    5. Add an <exactVersion file=”BmtScriptPlayer.exe”> tag as a child of the <cognosRelease> tag. Retrieve the version number of the BmtScriptPlayer.exe file from the Details tab of the Properties dialog for the file in the IBM Cognos Framework Manager installation location. Add this as the value of the <exactVersion> tag.

    6. Add a <versionRange> tag as a child of the <cognosRelease> tag. Add <min> and <max> tags as children of the <versionRange> tag. These child tags should contain partial or complete version numbers to signify the range of Cognos versions that, if found, will utilize the Cognos SDK specified earlier.

      NOTE: A value of 99 can be specified for the <max> tag, if all future versions of Cognos should use the SDK files specified. In addition, existing mappings in the CognosVersion.xml file should be checked to ensure that one of them doesn’t already have a <max> value of 99. If so, that should be changed to avoid confusion about which SDK will be used.

  5. Save the file and launch Angles for Oracle-Generator. Validate that you can generate successfully against the new Cognos environment.

    Note: This mapping file includes additional, more advanced capabilities. Contact Insightsoftware Support if your generation did not complete successfully and a more advanced configuration is needed.

    Caution: The CognosVersion.xml file should be backed up after making changes to it. Any changes will be overwritten when Angles for Oracle-Generator is upgraded in the future. After an upgrade, manually merge the changes into the new file, understanding that the previously unsupported version of Cognos may now be officially supported in the newer version of Angles for Oracle-Generator. If that is the case, then your manual changes to the file may be unnecessary going forward.

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