This appendix provides you with information to troubleshoot common errors and steps to resolve them when generating Magnitude NoetixViews (NoetixViews) metadata into Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI). Contact if the problem persists.
Generating Large Amounts of NoetixViews Content into Oracle BI Leads to Performance Issues
The administrative and user experience in Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) may degrade as the size of the repository increases. Oracle BI cannot handle repositories that are approximately 400 MB and above in size, and the BI Server service will fail to start. You may not be able to use the entire NOETIX_SYS schema of a NoetixViews instance in a single Oracle BI repository. Magnitude recommends the following approaches to minimize the effect of a large repository:
Perform a staged rollout of NoetixViews content by generating only those NoetixViews roles that are immediately needed. Generate additional roles when needed.
Use Linux-based Oracle BI servers if possible, since these servers handle large repositories better than Windows-based servers.
Use the Generator Filter options in the Noetix Generator to eliminate view essays and column descriptions from the generated objects. The NoetixViews Help File or Magnitude Noetix Search (Noetix Search) can be used to access this information if you choose not to generate it into the repository.
Use Magnitude NoetixViews Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench) or custom hook scripts to avoid generating columns or views from NoetixViews roles that are not needed.
Use NoetixViews Workbench or custom hook scripts to avoid generating List of Value (LoV) mappings that are not needed.
Use multiple instances of Oracle BI and generate multiple smaller repositories based on different sets of NoetixViews modules. The Repository Size Estimator in the Choose Roles dialog of the Noetix Generator interface can be used to estimate the size of the NoetixViews content that will be generated into the repository based on the roles selected. Repositories can be organized by organizational unit, Oracle EBS module or by some other functional grouping.
Queries Fail with a “Null Password Given” Error
The query users get an error message as follows:
[nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 1005, message: ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied at OCI call OCISessionBegin. [nQSError: 17014] Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000)
The administrator may have forgotten to set the password in the connection pool before bringing the repository online. To resolve, do the following:
Open the repository and modify the password associated with the connection pool, and click Save. For information about modifying the password, see “Setting the Connection Pool Password” in Generate Oracle BI Repository and NoetixAnswers.
Open Presentation Services, click Answers, and in the left pane, click Reload Server Metadata before you start executing a query.
Report and Dashboard Templates May Return QBVC92JY Error When Viewed
Report and dashboard templates that typically return a large amount of data in a pivot table view in Oracle BI Answers and Oracle BI Dashboards may fail with a QBVC92JY error. This problem occurs because settings in Oracle BI keep it from processing and displaying large data sets.
This behavior can be mitigated by modifying the <CubeMaxPopulatedCells> and <CubeMaxRecords> settings in the instanceconfig.xml file that is part of Oracle BI.
Refer to Oracle Metalink document 494163.1 for more information regarding this problem and its resolution.
Report and Dashboard Templates May Return View Display Error When Prompt Value is not Provided
Report and dashboard templates may return the following error when the default prompt value is used. This error occurs with prompts that expect non-textual input – for example, a prompt for a numeric value. This happens because the default value, --Select actual values--, is used directly in the SQL command, causing the syntax error.
[nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 27002] Near <->; Syntax error [nQSError: 26012].
To successfully run the report or dashboard template, change all prompts to valid values.
Generated Dashboard Template Pages Display a Large Number of Tabs
Noetix Generator creates one dashboard page for each Noetix answer during the generation of NoetixAnswers. By default, Oracle Business Intelligence will display the other answer-based dashboard pages available in the dashboard in a series of tabs across the top of the dashboard page.
This set of tabs will be unsightly and may diminish the user experience on the generated dashboards due to the high number of answers associated with the dashboard and the length of each answer’s name, as outlined below.
This problem can be remedied by reconfiguring the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) style used by the dashboards. See “Error! Reference source not found.” for more information on reconfiguring the dashboard style.
Deleting Application Roles Manually from Oracle BI 11g is Time Consuming
Noetix Generator creates application roles in the Oracle WebLogic Server to make it easier for Oracle BI 11g administrators to secure Noetix-generated content. Administrators may have the need to delete the roles created by Noetix Generator during server migration, work on a development system, or for some other reason.
Oracle WebLogic Server does not provide a user interface that allows administrators to delete application roles in bulk, but this task can be done by using WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).
A sample WLST script is provided below. Modify the values of the variables defined under the # CHANGE THESE VALUES BEFORE RUNNING comment to match your environment before executing the script.
CAUTION: Pay special attention to the value of the rolePrefix variable. Setting the value for this variable incorrectly could result in the accidental deletion of non-Noetix WebLogic application roles.
# Delete OBI Application Roles with a given prefix from a WebLogic server
# To use this script you must have the WebLogic Scripting Tool (wlst). This
# tool is included with Oracle WebLogic Server. Noetix recommends using the
# zip distribution for ease of installing (i.e. Make sure
# you read the README.txt and set MW_HOME and JAVA_HOME correctly.
# Open a command prompt and execute the following commands.
# C:\> C:\path\to\wlserver\common\bin\wlst.cmd C:\path\to\
import wlstModule
def deleteAppRole(appRoleName, appStripe="obi") :
ps = wlstModule.ObjectName(APPL_POLICY_STORE)
wlstModule.mbs.invoke(ps, "removeApplicationRole", [appStripe, appRoleName], ["java.lang.String", "java.lang.String"])
def getRoleNames(app="obi") :
"""Return all the application role names for a given application"""
ps = wlstModule.ObjectName(APPL_POLICY_STORE)
roles = wlstModule.mbs.invoke(ps, "getAllApplicationRoles", [app], ["java.lang.String"])
out = []
if roles != None:
for role in roles:
return out
connect(weblogicUser, weblogicPassword, weblogicAdminServer)
for roleName in getRoleNames():
if roleName.startswith(rolePrefix):
Noetix Generator Renames Application Roles during Regeneration
During regeneration, Noetix Generator will rename WebLogic application roles that it created during an earlier generation against Oracle BI This is necessary to overcome a bug introduced in Oracle BI In the Oracle BI release, Oracle stopped supporting certain characters in WebLogic application role names including the “[“, “]”, “:” and “ “ characters. These characters were previously supported in earlier versions of Oracle BI 11g.
During regeneration, Noetix Generator will do the following to overcome the bug introduced by Oracle:
Generate new WebLogic application roles that no longer include the now offending characters.
Search for application roles with the offending characters that were created by an earlier version of Noetix Generator.
If it finds legacy roles, it will transfer role membership to the newly created roles and then delete the legacy versions to avoid confusion.
NOTE: Contact Oracle Support for resolution to this bug if it is experienced outside of Noetix-generated content. Noetix Generator will not attempt to modify any security objects that weren’t originally created by it. As a result, non-Noetix application roles will continue to suffer from Oracle’s bug.
Custom Outer Joins in Repository Reversed After Noetix Generator Upgrade
The custom outer joins in your NoetixViews metadata may be reversed after an upgrade of the Noetix Generator and regeneration of the metadata.
This behavior is a side effect of a fix introduced in Noetix Generator 4.0 to address the reversal of joins when unchanged metadata was regenerated with the use of Noetix Generator 3.9. If you have used hook scripts or NoetixViews Workbench customizations to address the reversal of joins in Noetix Generator 3.9, existing reports may return incorrect data or no data after the upgrade.
For a workaround, use the NoetixViews Workbench application or the hk_popgkey.sql hook script in the Noetix Generator to revert the changes. For assistance, contact .
Regeneration Increases Repository File Size
During regenerations, on account of the import of existing Universal Database Markup Language (UDML) files into the repository, the size of the repository may increase despite no metadata changes. Thereafter, the repository cannot be uploaded to the Oracle BI server if its size exceeds 40 MB.
For a workaround, make sure of the following points during regeneration:
Do not delete existing UDML files to import them anew.
Do not select the Import Unchanged UDML Files check box.
Performing the following steps periodically:
“Access Denied for User to Path” Error During Generation of Noetix Answers
The Oracle BI user specified in the Server and Credentials area of the Target Parameters tab of the Noetix Generator may not have sufficient permission to create objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog. To resolve this issue, regenerate the Noetix answers by specifying an Oracle BI user who has permission to read, write, and delete objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.
How to Customize Null Flag for Physical Columns in Repository
Previously, reports based on metadata generated with the use of the Noetix Generator displayed the null value for selection in the parameter prompt during run time. Now, you can use the hk_popgvw.sql hook script to modify the behavior by updating the value in the NULLABLE_FLAG column of the N_GEN_VIEW_COLUMNS table.