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Working with Generated Universes and Report Templates

This section provides information about the generated universes and report templates, including managing access to them. Generated universes can be viewed in Universe Designer and generated report templates can be viewed in Web Intelligence.

Universe Structure

The generated universes have the following key features:

For Noetix Views (NoetixViews):

  • Organizational unit universes are organized by the NoetixViews roles that make up the organizational unit. Each NoetixViews role is generated as a class.
  • NoetixViews role universes have classes for each view within the associated role.
  • Each view-based class contains objects based on the underlying view’s columns.
  • Measures will be created for each object with a qualification of Measure.
  • The view’s essay and column descriptions from Noetix Search (Noetix Search) are generated as description information in the universe.
  • Each view is represented as a table in the universe.
  • Joins are created between the appropriate tables, using the Z$ columns defined in the underlying views.
  • For NoetixViews Global Extension, the key flexfield views associated with the Global module will also be generated as tables and classes in the universe. In addition, one class will be generated for each structure associated with a given key flexfield. These classes will contain only the objects associated with the specific key flexfield structure.
  • Contexts are created to group the most widely used joins together, making the report authoring process more flexible. The generated contexts provide report authors with the ability to join up to three related classes together. If additional contexts are required, the metadata used to generate the contexts should be customized using a hook script.
  • Custom hierarchies are created based on the Oracle E-Business Suite key flexfields described in NoetixViews. Each key flexfield found in a Noetix view will be described as a hierarchy, with the flexfield’s segments sorted appropriately. These hierarchies can be used to perform multidimensional analysis in BusinessObjects. For Global Extension, custom hierarchies will also be created for each key flexfield view-based class that is linked to a single key flexfield structure. This allows report users to drill down through the key flexfield structure’s segment hierarchy.

For Noetix Analytics:

  • Universes are generated at the relationship set level for Noetix Analytics. As a result, each universe typically describes a single star schema in the data warehouse.
  • Tables are generated for each table alias associated with the relationship set. Joins between the tables are created based on the relationships defined in the relationship set.
  • Classes are generated based on the field definition folders found in the Business Manager interface of Metadata Manager.
  • Objects are generated based on the fields defined in each field definition folder. Objects will be organized according to the sort order found in Metadata Manager’s Business Manager interface. If fields are organized into folders such as Metrics and Attributes in Business Manager, then separator objects will be created with the same names to help organize objects in each class.
  • Measures will be created for each metric defined in Metadata Manager.
  • Contexts are created based on the join paths found in the relationship set.
  • Custom hierarchies are created for each dimensional hierarchy defined in Angles for Oracle Generator’s metadata layer. Out of the box, custom hierarchies are defined for time dimensions. Custom hierarchies can be defined using generator hookscripts.
  • When exported, generated universes are organized into a folder structure on Central Management Server based on the information group structure from the Business Manager interface in Metadata Manager.

For RapidDecision:

  • Universes are generated at the relationship set level for RapidDecision. As a result, each universe typically describes a single star schema in the data warehouse.
  • Tables are generated for each table alias associated with the relationship set. Joins between the tables are created based on the relationships defined in the relationship set.
  • Classes are generated based on the field definition folders defined in the Business Manager of the Metadata Manager.
  • Objects are generated based on the fields defined in each field definition folder. The objects will be organized into classes and nested classes corresponding to the folders and nested folders defined in the Business Manager.
  • Measures will be created for each metric defined in Metadata Manager.
  • Contexts are created based on the join paths found in the relationship set.
  • Custom hierarchies are created for each dimensional hierarchy defined in Angles for Oracle Generator’s metadata layer. Out of the box, custom hierarchies are defined for time dimensions. Custom hierarchies can be defined using generator hookscripts.
  • When exported, generated universes are organized into a folder structure on Central Management Server based on the information group structure from the Business Manager interface in Metadata Manager.

Backing-up Important Files

The Import existing universes and history step in Angles for Oracle Generator will make it possible to recover the universe and history files necessary to successfully regenerate NoetixViews, Noetix Analytics, or RapidDecision content into SAP BusinessObjects in the event that the administrator’s computer is lost or fails. This step should be selected before executing a regeneration during these types of events.

insightsoftware recommends backing up the universe and history files stored on the Central Management Server to make it possible to recover if the Central Management Server fails.

In addition, any metadata override or generator hookscript files that are used in existing generations should also be backed up from the administrator’s computer.

Working with NoetixAnswers

After a generation of NoetixAnswers is complete, a folder will appear under Public Folders in BusinessObjects InfoView that is named after the Universe Subfolder that was specified before the generation started. This folder contains all of the pre-built report templates that were generated, organized into a folder hierarchy based on the associated organizational units (sets of books, inventory organizations, etc.) and NoetixViews roles. The report templates can be found in folders named after the NoetixViews role associated with each template. This folder hierarchy follows the organizational structure of Noetix Search.

The generated report templates will be named after a question that the template is meant to answer. Users with the appropriate privileges can view and refresh the report templates. They can also create their own custom documents based on the report templates, assuming they have access to BusinessObjects Web Intelligence.

NoetixAnswers is only currently available for NoetixViews.

The generated report templates should not be modified directly in BusinessObjects InfoView or BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. Any changes made to the templates will be overridden during the next regeneration. NoetixAnswers is meant to be either run as generated, or used as a starting point to make a new document. For information about modifying the templates, see “Customizing NoetixAnswers in Customizing Universes, Groups, and Report Templates ”.

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