Noetix Platform Administrative Tools
You will use the following applications to administer the solution provided by Magnitude Software, Inc. To run these applications, you must have administrative privileges for each computer on which they are installed. To do this, add your user account to the Administrators group on each server or client computer. If you need assistance with this task, contact your system administrator.
NQS Administrator: This is the primary tool you will use to administer the solution provided by Magnitude. Use this tool to administer users, security, Noetix QueryServer (NQS) servers and connections, and virtual tables (VTables) and mappings. You will also use this tool to access the Noetix Cache Maintenance Server and Noetix agent tools.
NQS Monitor: This tool allows you to track NQS and Noetix WebQuery (NWQ).
NQS Query: This tool allows you to test queries built against the NQS VTables.
NWQ: Within NWQ, you grant permissions to access NWQ folders and add/modify/delete NWQ folders. Users can also manage queries they own within their Personal folder, including publishing queries to the Public folder.
NWQ Administrator: This tool allows you to grant or revoke permissions to NWQ features. Additionally, you can view a list of NWQ queries that a user owns and take ownership of a query.
NWQ Printer Utility: This tool allows you to manage paper source values for printers used in NWQ subscriptions deliveries.
Noetix SMTP Auth Configuration Utility: This tool allows you to add, update, or remove the SMTP authentication for the delivery of NWQ subscription email notifications.
NQS Administrator
The majority of administrative tasks can be accomplished using NQS Administrator. This application allows administrators to set up, optimize, and centrally manage your Magnitude solution. Initial configuration should be done through this application.
You will also use NQS Administrator for NWQ administrative tasks.
Select Start > All Programs > Noetix Platform > Noetix QueryServer.
The logon window will be displayed. Log on initially as SysAdmin. This user is created automatically during installation. The name of the server on which the Noetix QueryServer service was installed should be entered in the Hub field. Select OK to log on.
For security, Magnitude recommends you to change the SysAdmin password during your first session. For information about how to change the password, see Manage User Accounts in “Managing Users, Organizations.”
NQS Administrator will open.
Initially, the Administrator Wizards dialog box will display the setup tasks you will need to complete to configure NQS. Specific instructions on completing each of these tasks are listed throughout this guide.
Using NQS Administrator
The administrator wizards are the easiest way to set up much of NQS. The wizard dialog opens automatically when you open NQS Administrator. You can also access the wizards by selecting Administrator Wizards from the Tools menu.
To make changes to objects or to set them up manually, you will use the property sheets in the main window of NQS Administrator. To open an object’s property sheets, first browse to the object using the left-hand menu (the Navigator) (1). When you select an object in the Navigator, the object’s path displays in the description bar (2) at the top right-hand side of the page. Under the description bar, the detail view (3) displays the child objects of the object selected in the Navigator. Objects that do not have children, (for example, users, connections, mappings) do not show up in the Navigator but are displayed in the detail view.
Below the detailed view, the property sheets (4) display the properties of the currently selected object. If you lose track of which object’s properties you are viewing, refer to the property sheet description (5).
The hierarchy of reporting objects and security objects you create in NQS is shown in the left-hand Navigator (1). These objects are explained throughout this guide.
NQS Monitor
NQS Monitor is a tool for the administrator to determine the frequency and the type of information that is being queried from the Noetix QueryServer service. Based on the statistical output, queries can be optimized by creating mappings to retrieve the data from the database more efficiently, caching the data, or by creating a reporting server that takes the load away from the production system.
You can use NQS Monitor for the following tasks:
Tracking Noetix QueryServer service and NWQ usage.
Tracking user activity.
Tracking VTables, mappings, connections, servers, and query times.
Tracking physical server response time.
Accessing statistical counters, charts, and graphs for analysis and tracking.
For detailed information about the tool, see the NQS Help.
When first installed, the NQS Monitor will be turned off (not tracking or logging). You will need to turn on NQS Monitor to begin collecting data.
Select Start > All Programs > Noetix Platform > Noetix QueryServer > NQS Monitor.
- OR -
In NQS Administrator, on the Tools menu, select Monitoring.
The Log On window appears. Log on as sysadmin with the sysadmin’s password or as a user assigned the N$QueryAnalyzers role. The name of the server on which the Noetix QueryServer service was installed should be entered in the Hub field.
Select OK to log on.
NQS Monitor will open. To start tracking, select on the toolbar.
The Monitor Control dialog appears. Do one or both of the following:
To begin tracking NQS, select Start in the Noetix QueryServer area.
To begin tracking NWQ, select Start in the Noetix WebQuery area.
After you have collected data, you can use the following NQS Monitor features to help you analyze and troubleshoot the system:
Query Log: Displays detailed information about queries that have been processed by NQS, such as user, organization, VTable, mapping, processing times, curser times, and so on. This information is extremely valuable when troubleshooting.
DDL Log: Displays entries of the NQS Data Definition Language (DDL) calls that are used to create objects in NQS, such as users, VTables, roles, and so on.
You can save the DDL calls and later run the file in NQS Query. That script will then create all of those objects from the DDL.
NQS Usage Analysis: Displays summary information, such as total rows returned in queries and the average query time. You can group the data by user, server, VTable, mapping, and so on.
Using this feature, you can also export a subset of the NQS Monitor data to Microsoft Excel and automatically generate a pivot table. The data can then be manipulated further, or saved for future reference.
This information can be useful when troubleshooting performance issues.
NQS Real-Time Monitoring: Displays dynamic information on current NQS usage, such as total number of cursors currently opened against the database, the total number of users logged on to the system, and a list of all users currently logged on to the system.
NQS Query
NQS Query enables administrators to construct ad hoc queries against any RDBMS data source through the Noetix QueryServer service for diagnostic and testing purposes. You may use this tool to assist you in common setup or troubleshooting tasks.
For detailed information about using the tool, see the NQS Help.
Select Start > All Programs > Noetix Platform > Noetix QueryServer > NQSQuery.
- OR -
In NQS Administrator, select on the toolbar.
The Log On window appears. Log on as an administrative user, or as sysadmin with the sysadmin’s password. The name of the server on which the Noetix QueryServer service was installed should be entered in the Hub field.
Select OK to log on.
NQS Query will open. To run a query, enter the query on the Query tab, and then select .
The results will be displayed on the Results tab. You can sort or filter the results, or search for specific data. For more information, see the NQS Help.
You can also open NQS Query by executing a query directly against a virtual table (VTable) within NQS Administrator. The results will be displayed on the Results tab in NQS Query.
To do this, right-click the VTable in NQS Administrator, and then select one of the following:
If you want to return all rows, select Return All Rows.
If you want to limit the rows returned, select Return Top. When prompted, enter the number of rows to return, and then select OK.
The Noetix WebQuery (NWQ) application is where most end users will access Magnitude NoetixViews (NoetixViews), NoetixAnswers, and other data. Management features such as granting or revoking access to Public folders and publishing reports to other users can also be done in NWQ.
When a user is authenticated against Oracle E-Business Suite, NWQ will prompt the user to choose what Oracle responsibility he or she wants to log on with. To switch between responsibilities, a user can log off, and then log on again with another responsibility.
Browse and Manage Modes
You can use NWQ in two different modes—Browse and Manage.
The Browse mode supports most options to find, view, and run queries. You will always be in the Browse mode when using queries from the VTables folder. When you are in the Browse mode, a switch to manage link displays.
You can switch to the Manage mode to create, rename, edit, or delete Public or Personal subfolders, as well as grant permissions to Public folders. In Manage mode, you can also delete, copy, move, or publish (from the Personal folder only) groups of queries at once, instead of one-by-one. When you are in Manage mode, a switch to browse link displays.
Open your web browser.
Type http://<computer name>/nwq/login.htm, where computer name is the name of the computer on which NWQ is installed. If your organization policy requires the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for encryption of user credentials and data, type https://<computer name>/nwq/login.htm.
The logon page will be displayed. Enter your NQS user name and password. (For administrative purposes, log on as a user who has been granted the N$WebQueryAdmin and N$WebQueryProfileAdmin roles in NQS.)
Using the SysAdmin account to log on to NWQ is not recommended. Some query features, such as sharing, behave differently for the SysAdmin user. Create a new user account for each individual who needs to use NWQ, and grant these accounts administrative privileges as appropriate.
The My Web Queries page will appear. When administering NWQ, you will use the following features:
Navigator menu: Use the Navigator Menu to help you get around NWQ. Select the Navigator button to activate the menu, then select again to close it. You can pin the Navigator open by selecting the pushpin icon in the corner of the Navigator menu.
The menu will contain different options, such as Change Password, NWQ Administrator, and Save, depending on the page you are viewing.
Modes link: Use this link to switch between the manage and browse modes. To manage folders and folder permissions, you need to be in manage mode.
Folder management links: These links are displayed when in the manage mode. These links allow you to rename, edit, or delete a folder, add a new subfolder, or modify the current folder’s permissions.
You must not log off from an NWQ session while you are still performing some tasks on the application on another tab or window of the web browser. Logging off from one session will automatically log you off from all sessions of the application.
NWQ Administrator
NWQ Administrator provides access to the NWQ Profiles feature of NWQ. The tasks that can be handled through NWQ Administrator are in addition to those managed within NQS.
Open your web browser.
Type http://<computer name>/nwqadmin/login.aspx, where computer name is the name of the computer on which NWQ is installed. If your organization policy requires the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for encryption of user credentials and data, type https://<computer name>/nwqadmin/login.aspx.
The application can also be opened from the Navigator menu within NWQ or from NWQ Administrator (on the Tools menu, select NWQ Administrator). The logon page will be displayed.
Type the NQS user name and password of a user with the N$WebQueryProfileAdmin role, and then select Login. The Queries tab will be displayed. You can view all NWQ queries, generate a list of queries a specific user owns, or delete or take ownership of a query.
To view a list of NWQ subscriptions, select the Subscriptions tab. On this tab, you can search for or delete a subscription and also filter subscriptions by a user or all users. To navigate to the Subscription Schedules page to view the delivery schedules for a query, select the button.
To view NWQ subscription schedules, select the Subscription Schedules tab. On this tab, you can search, delete, and enable subscription schedules.
To view NWQ subscription deliveries, select the Subscription Deliveries tab. You can search and view the details of subscription deliveries through this tab.
To manage NWQ profiles, select the Profiles tab. From this tab, you can manage the profile permissions to control access to NWQ features.
To view a query’s usage by a user or all users, select the Usage by User tab. On this tab, you can type a word or phrase to retrieve queries that match the search criteria or you can type a date range to retrieve the queries used in that range.
To view the summary of usage of a query, select the Usage by Query tab. On this tab, you can type a word or phrase of the query that you want to search for or you can type a date range to retrieve the queries used in that date range.
You must not log off from an NWQ Administrator session while you are still performing some tasks on the application on another tab or window of the web browser. Logging off from one session will automatically log you off from all sessions of the application.
NWQ Printer Utility
NWQ Printer Utility allows you to set paper source values for a printer so that you can get the correct paper source values when you use the printer in your NWQ subscription deliveries. By default, the tool displays the list of printers configured for the Windows user profile.
You can use the tool to select and add printers to the list of printers that will be used in NWQ subscription deliveries. After you add a printer, the tool automatically detects the corresponding paper source values defined for the printer. After you apply the changes, the changes will be saved in NWQ server. Consequently, when a user selects a printer on the DELIVERY PREFERENCES page of NWQ, only the paper sources that correspond to the printer will be displayed and not the default values, such as "AutomaticallySelect", "Envelope", and "ManualFeed".
The NWQ Printer Utility tool is installed along with the Noetix WebQuery component. For information about installing NWQ, see the Noetix Platform Installation Guide.
To set paper source values for a printer
Launch the NWQ Printer Utility tool by selecting Start > All Programs > Noetix Platform > Noetix WebQuery > NWQ Printer Utility. The logon page of the Noetix Printer Utility wizard appears.
Provide the credentials for the NQS administrator, and select Next. The NWQ Printer Utility appears.
Select the drop-down list to view the list of printers configured in your Windows user profile.
Select the required printer from the list, and select Add. The printer is added and appears in the Configured Printers area.
To see the paper sources associated with the printer, select the printer in the Configured Printers area. The paper sources associated with the printer are displayed in the Paper Sources area.
Select Apply. In the Output area, messages are displayed indicating the statuses of the tasks.
Optionally, to remove a printer, select the printer from the Configured Printers area, select Remove, and then select Apply.
Select Exit to exit the wizard. A message appears prompting you to confirm the action.
Select Yes to exit the wizard.
You can also manually add a printer in NWQ. However, you will only get the default paper sources. For more information about the Print subscription delivery preference of NWQ subscriptions, see the NWQ User Help.
Noetix SMTP Auth Configuration Utility
As an administrator, you can use the Noetix SMTP Auth Configuration Utility to add, update, or remove the SMTP authentication for the delivery of NWQ subscription email notifications. If you have configured the SMTP authentication during the Noetix Platform installation, you can use the utility to update the authentication information. For information about configuring the SMTP authentication during the Noetix Platform installation, see Noetix Platform Installation Guide.
For the multi-box installation of Noetix Platform, you can run the utility only on the computer on which the Noetix DeliveryManager service is available.
To add, update, or remove SMTP authentication email notifications
Stop the Noetix DeliveryManager service.
Go to <installation_folder>\Noetix\Tools\SMTPAuthConfigUtility, and run SMTPAuthConfigUtil.exe as an administrator. The Noetix SMTP Auth Configuration Utility appears.
If you want to add the authenticated email id for the delivery of email notifications, select Configure SMTP authentication for subscriptions, and provide the following details:
User Name:Indicates the authenticated email id that must be used for the delivery of email notifications. For example, if your email id is “”, enter “jamie”.
Password: Indicates the email password.
If you want to update the SMTP authentication, the Configure SMTP authentication for subscriptions option will be selected by default. Enter the credentials of authenticated email id that must be used for the delivery of email notifications, and then select Apply. The SMTP authentication information is updated.
If you want to remove the SMTP authentication, clear
Configure SMTP authentication for subscriptions,and select Apply.
To update the SMTP server and port information, you must reinstall Noetix Platform.
Select UseSSL if your SMTP server is configured with SSL.
If you want to test the SMTP server information, enter a valid email address that uses the server, and then select Test. A test email message will be sent to the address entered.