EBS Accounts Receivable (AR)
To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Accounts Receivable (AR).
No. |
Views |
Description |
1 |
AR Adj Dist SLA GL Je |
This cross-functional view links Oracle Receivables and Oracle General Ledger through Oracle Subledger Accounting. It links an adjustment distribution in Receivables with the corresponding accounting entry in Subledger Accounting and links these accounting entries with the corresponding journal entry lines in General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of an adjustment distribution and the corresponding subledger journal. |
2 |
AR Adjustment Line Dtls |
This view returns information on adjustments and adjustment tax lines made on the customer transactions. A record is returned for each adjustment line and the associated tax line. |
3 |
AR Adjustments |
This view returns information about adjustments made to customer transactions. This information is displayed on the Adjustments window of the Oracle Receivables module. A record is returned for each adjustment. |
4 |
AR Cash Receipts |
This view returns information about cash receipts. This information was supplied in the Main and More tabs of the Receipts window of Oracle Receivables. A record is returned for each receipt transaction, which is represented by a combination of every column in the view. |
5 |
AR Cash Receipts Combined |
This view returns information about standard cash receipts and interim or quick cash receipts. This information was supplied in the Main and More tabs of the Receipts window of Oracle Receivables. A record is returned for each receipt transaction, which is represented by a combination of every column in the view. |
6 |
AR Correspondence Details |
This view returns information on dunning correspondence with customers. A record is returned for each dunning letter sent. |
7 |
AR Credit Memo Lines |
This view returns information on credit memo lines and its associated tax lines and freight details. This information is displayed on the Transactions window of the Oracle Receivables module. |
8 |
AR Customer Balance Aging |
This view lists the as-of-date outstanding balances for customer transactions. |
9 |
AR Dunning Letters |
This view returns information on those dunning letters that have been sent regarding the delinquent customer transactions. A record is returned for each transaction mentioned in each dunning letter. |
10 |
AR Invoice Activity Lines |
This view returns information on receipts and credit memos that have been applied to the lines of an invoice. A record is returned for each combination of an invoice number, an invoice line number, and a receipt number or a credit memo number. |
11 |
AR Invoice Exceptions |
The view returns information about completed invoices that are not associated with any payment schedules. A record is returned for each transaction number. |
12 |
AR Invoice Lines |
The view returns information about completed invoices that are not associated with any payment schedules. A record is returned for each transaction number |
13 |
AR Margins |
This view returns information about the margin calculated from the actual price and selling price of each inventory item for an invoice in Receivables. A record is returned for each combination of a sales order number, a sales order line, an invoice number, an invoice line number, and an operating unit name (if available). |
14 |
AR Misc Rcpt Dist SLA GL Je |
This cross-functional view links Oracle Receivables and Oracle General Ledger through Oracle Subledger Accounting. It links a miscellaneous receipt in Receivables with the corresponding accounting entry in Subledger Accounting and links these accounting entries with the respective journal entry lines in General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a miscellaneous receipt distribution and the corresponding subledger journal. |
15 |
AR Receipts Register |
This view returns information about receipts. This information is displayed on the Receipts (<Organization>) and Receipt History (<Organization>) windows of Oracle Receivables. A record is returned for each combination of a cash receipt identifier, cash receipt history identifier, and receipt clearance status. |
16 |
AR Revenue Distributions |
This view returns information about transaction details have been distributed for a general ledger period and a general ledger account. |
17 |
AR Std Rcpt Dist SLA GL Je |
This cross-functional view links Oracle Receivables and Oracle General Ledger through Oracle Subledger Accounting. It links a customer receipt distribution in Receivables with the corresponding accounting entry in Subledger Accounting and links these accounting entries with the corresponding journal entry lines in General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a customer receipt distribution and the corresponding subledger journal. |
18 |
AR Tran Dist SLA GL Je |
This view provides information about customer transactions, transaction lines, and distributions along with the related general ledger journal entry batch and the journal entry header and lines details. The GL Transfer Status column indicates whether or not the transaction is transferred to General Ledger. The Trans GL Posting Level column indicates whether the transaction is transferred to General Ledger at the summary or detail level. The general ledger and subledger journal information are displayed in the form of debit and credit amounts. |
19 |
AR Trans Distributions |
The view returns information about distributions. This information was supplied in the Distributions (<Organization>) window that is accessed through Transactions (<Organization>) window of Oracle Receivables. A record is returned for each customer transaction distribution identifier. |
20 |
AR Transaction Line Dtls |
The view returns information on line details of all types of transactions except bills receivables. This information was supplied in the Transactions, Lines, Detail Tax Lines, and Freight windows of the Oracle Receivable module. A record is returned for each line available on an invoice. |
21 |
AR Applied Receipts |
This view returns information about receipts applied to customer transactions. This information is displayed on the Receipts (<Organization>) window of Oracle Receivables. A record is returned for each combination of a receipt number and customer transaction number. |
22 |
AR Unappld Unreslvd Rcpts |
This view returns information about cash receipts that have not been fully applied to customer transactions. This information is displayed on the Receipts (<Organization>) window of Oracle Receivables. A record is returned for each combination of a cash receipt identifier and an account code combination identifier. |