EBS Application Object Library (AOL)
To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Application Object Library (AOL).
No. |
Views |
Description |
1 |
AOL_Columns |
This view returns information about individual columns in application tables, consistent with the technical reference manual. Also returned is information on whether this column is related to a flexfield, and other values identifying the flexfield that is using the table column and the value set to which this column belongs. |
2 |
AOL_Common_Quickpicks |
This view returns shared QuickCodes that are used by Oracle Applications for QuickPicks. Each row includes an application identifier, a QuickCode type, the QuickCode, and the meaning of the QuickCode. |
3 |
AOL_Conc_Manager_Rules |
Information about Concurrent Managers and their specialization rules. Included are application identifier, a complex rule for each identifier, and the name of the complex rule. |
4 |
AOL_Conc_Pgm_Executables |
This view returns information about concurrent programs. Each row includes a name and description of the concurrent program. Each row also includes the execution methods for the program, the argument method, and whether the program is constrained. |
5 |
AOL_Conc_Request_Args |
This view returns information about the arguments or parameters for pending and completed concurrent requests. This view has arguments 26 through 100 available and the request identifier. |
6 |
AOL_Concurrent_Programs |
This view returns information about concurrent programs. Each row includes a name and description of the concurrent program. Each row also includes the execution methods for the program, the argument method, and whether the program is constrained. |
7 |
AOL_Concurrent_Requests |
This view returns historical information about pending and completed concurrent requests and their parameters, such as who submitted, the request type, whether the request should run sequentially with other requests in the same logical database or instance. |
8 |
AOL_Currencies |
This view stores information about currencies. Each row includes the Currency_Code established by ISO (International Standards Organization) standard, the name of the Currency, an Enabled_Flag to indicate whether the Currency is enabled for use at your site, a Currency_Flag to indicate if this is a Currency or a statistical unit, and Issuing_Territory_Code which indicates the issuing country. Issuing_Territory_Description and Issuing_Territory_Short_Name are listed too. |
9 |
AOL_Descr_Flex_Segments |
Basic information about descriptive flexfields. This view only returns information about table related descriptive flexfields that have actually been defined, Standard Report Submission descriptive flexfields are not available here. |
10 |
AOL_Descr_Flexfields |
Basic information about all table related descriptive flexfields is available. All possible table related descriptive flexfields are returned, even if no segments are actually defined for the flexfield. |
11 |
AOL_Exclusive_Conc_Pgms |
This view returns information about incompatible concurrent programs. This means that the programs cannot run at the same time. Each row identifies a concurrent program and another concurrent program that is incompatible with it. |
12 |
AOL_Flex_Cross_Val_Rules |
This view returns information about key flexfield cross-validation rules. Each row includes values that identify the application with which the key flexfield is registered, the key flexfield structure, and the name and description of the cross-validation rule. |
13 |
AOL_Flex_Hierarchies |
This view stores information about flexfield hierarchies. Each row includes a value set identifier and name, a hierarchy identifier, and a hierarchy name. One row is returned for each flexfield hierarchy. Oracle Applications use this information to build and process multi-level hierarchies of flexfield data. |
14 |
AOL_Flex_Val_Hierarchies |
This view returns information about child value ranges for key flexfield segment values. Each row includes an identification of the parent value the range belongs to, as well as the low and high values that make up the range of child values. |
15 |
AOL_Flex_Val_Qualifiers |
This view returns information about flexfield and segment qualifiers. A flexfield qualifier describes segments defined when customizing key flexfields. Each row includes a key flexfield code, a flexfield qualifier, a segment qualifier, and the date these qualifiers were assigned to the flexfield. One row is returned for each qualifier assignment. |
16 |
AOL_Flex_Value_Security |
This view returns information about key flexfield value security rules. Each row includes the security rule's name and description, as well as the Error_Message a user sees after entering a value that violates the rule. |
17 |
AOL_Foreign_Keys |
This view returns information about the registered foreign keys in your applications. Each row includes the name and description of the foreign key, the primary key it references, the cascade behavior, the relation, and any special condition. |
18 |
AOL_Forms |
This view returns information about your registered application forms. Each row includes the form's file name, the EasyForm title, and a description of the form. |
19 |
AOL_GL_Security |
This view returns the accounting flexfield value security rules associated with each user and responsibility. The view lists the details of the value rule including the Segment_Name and the ranges of included or excluded values. |
20 |
AOL_Index_Columns |
This view returns information about individual columns in the Application indexes. Each row includes the index column and its sequence in the index. |
21 |
AOL_Indexes |
This view returns information about the registered indexes in Oracle Applications. Each row includes the name and description of the index, information about the storage parameters for the index and an Auto_Size flag which indicates whether the install should automatically apply a sizing factor to the storage parameters. |
22 |
AOL_Languages |
This view returns information regarding national dialects. The territory is also available for each available dialect. |
23 |
AOL_Lov_All_Currencies |
For version 10.7 - 10.9999, This view is used to select the CURRENCY_CODE and NAME from FND_CURRENCIES. For version 11+, This view is used to select the CURRENCY_CODE and NAME from FND_CURRENCIES_TL. This LOV was designed to work with Answers. |
24 |
AOL_Lov_Amounts |
This view selects expression 0 from n_application_owners where rownum = 1. |
25 |
AOL_Lov_Application_Names |
For version 9.0 - 10.9999, This view is used to select the APPLICATION_NAME from FND_APPLICATION. For version 11+, This view is used to select the APPLICATION_NAME from N_FND_APPLICATION_VL. This LOV was designed to work with Answers. |
26 |
AOL_Lov_Conc_Request_Ids |
This view is used to select the REQUEST_ID from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS. This LOV was designed to work with Answers. |
27 |
AOL_Lov_Dates |
This view selects expression sysdate from n_application_owners where rownum = 1. |
28 |
AOL_Lov_Desc_Flexfield_Names |
For version 10.7 - 10.9999, This view is used to select the DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME from FND_DESCR_FLEX_COLUMN_USAGES. For version 11+, This view is used to select the DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME from N_FND_DESCR_FLEX_COL_USAGE_VL. This LOV was designed to work with Answers. |
29 |
AOL_Lov_Id_Flexfield_Names |
In query 1, for version 10.7 - 11.4999, This view is used to select the PRINTER_NAME from FND_PRINTER. For version 11.5+, This view is used to select the PRINTER_NAME from N_FND_PRINTER_VL. In query 2, for version 11+, this view is used to gather general printer information. |
30 |
AOL_Lov_Printer_Names |
In query 1, for version 10.7 - 11.4999, This view is used to select the PRINTER_NAME from FND_PRINTER. For version 11.5+, This view is used to select the PRINTER_NAME from N_FND_PRINTER_VL. In query 2, for version 11+, this view is used to gather general printer information. |
31 |
AOL_Lov_Users |
This view is used to select the USER_NAME from FND_USERS. This LOV was designed to work with Answers. |
32 |
AOL_Lov_Y_N_Flags |
This view is used to select the LOOKUP_CODE for YES/NO values from FND_LOOKUP_VALUES. This LOV was designed to work with Answers. |
33 |
AOL_Menus |
This view returns information about defined menus. Oracle and site specific menus are returned, as well as detailed information about submenus, macros, forms, and subroutines. |
34 |
AOL_Printer_Drivers |
This view returns information about printer drivers and subroutines that are defined with Oracle Application Object Library. Each row includes a driver name, user driver name or title for the driver, an optional platform code, and the initialization and reset strings that are used to format printers. |
35 |
AOL_Printer_Information |
This view returns information about all the printers that are defined with Oracle Application Object Library. Each row includes a printer type, a print style, and the name of the printer driver. |
36 |
AOL_Profile_Options |
This view returns information about user profile options. Each row includes the actual profile option name, the more descriptive end-user name, and a description of the profile option. |
37 |
AOL_Request_Groups |
This view returns information about report security groups. Each row includes a value identifying a report security group, the name of a report security group, the group code, and a description of the report security group. One row is returned for each report security group you defined in the Define Report Group form. |
38 |
AOL_Responsibility |
This view returns information about responsibilities. Each row includes the name and description of the responsibility, the application it belongs to, and values that identify the main menu and the first form that it uses. |
39 |
AOL_Shorthand_Flex_Alias |
This view returns alias information for shorthand flexfield entry. This capability provides users with a quick way to enter key flexfield data in Oracle applications. Each row includes the name and description of the shorthand alias, as well as values that identify the key flexfield structure to which the alias belongs. |
40 |
AOL_Tables |
This view returns information about the registered tables in the Applications. Each row includes Table_Name, Application_Name, User_Table_Name (title), and a Description. |
41 |
AOL_User_Logins |
Information about user logins and forms that they have accessed. This view only returns information for users whose Signon Audit level has been set at the User level or higher. Responsibility information is only returned if the Signon Audit Level is set to 'Responsibility' or higher for a particular user. |
42 |
AOL_User_Responsibility |
Basic information about Users and their Responsibilities as defined to Application Object Library. Each row includes the username (what a user types in at the sign-on screen) and information on when the user should change the password. Each row also contains information on when the user last signed on, start and end dates for when a username is valid and a description of the user. |
43 |
AOL_Users |
Basic information about Users. Each row includes the username (what a user types in at the sign-on screen) and information on when the user should change the password. Each row also contains information on when the user last signed on, start and end dates for when a username is valid and a description of the user. |