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EBS Inventory (INV)

To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Inventory (INV).





INV Account Transactions

This report provides the account transaction details for a given item. Information on item, transaction account, transaction type, transaction quantity, and transaction action, among other details, is returned.


INV Alias Transactions

This report provides the alias transaction details for a given item. Information on item, account alias, transaction type, transaction quantity, and transaction action, among other details, is returned.


INV Customer Items

This view returns information about customer items and customers. This information was supplied in the Customer Items Summary window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of a customer name, a customer item number, an item definition level, and a cross-referenced inventory item.


INV Cycle Count Transactions

This report provides the cycle count transaction details. Information on item, cycle count name, transaction date, transaction quantity, and subinventory, among other details, is returned.


INV Item Catalogs

This view returns information about descriptive elements of a catalog group to which items are assigned. This information was supplied in the Item Catalog window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an organization name, item, and element name.


INV Item Inventory Attributes

This report provides the default lot and serial inventory attributes of an item. Information on item, default grade, default lot attributes, and default serial attributes, among other details, is returned.


INV Item Onhand By Lot

This view returns information about on-hand quantities of items pertaining to lots. This information is displayed on the Material Workbench and Availability windows of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item, a lot number, a subinventory, and an organization name (if available).


INV Item Process Attribute

This view returns information about process manufacturing attributes associated with items. This information was supplied in the Process Manufacturing tab of the Master Item window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an organization name (if available) and inventory item.


INV Item Relationships

This view returns information about item relationships in an inventory. This information was supplied in the Item Relationships window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item, a related item, an item relationship type, an organization name (if available), and a substitution set name.


INV Item Supply Demand

This view provides supply or demand source information, such as the identifier and type, and item information, such as the number, description, and primary stocking unit of measure (UOM) code. The view also provides information about organizations, such as the name, code, and transaction subinventory. The SupplyOrDemandQuantity column indicates the scheduled supply or demand quantity of an item. This column returns negative value for demand quantity and positive value for supply quantity. The NettableFlag column indicates whether a subinventory is nettable. The SupplyOrDemand column indicates the transaction type and returns the value “Supply” or “Demand”.


INV Items

This report provides the attributes of an item. Information on item, category, lot, location, unit of measure, expiration interval, shelf life days, and pricing source, among other details, is returned.


INV Lot Details

This view returns information about item lots. This information was supplied in the Edit Item Lots window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item, a lot number, and an organization name (if available).


INV Lot Transactions

This report provides information about the lot transactions for the item. Information about the item, among other details, is returned. Information related to projects and tasks is returned only if the Oracle Projects module is available.


INV Onhand Quantities

This report shows the on-hand quantities for a given Inventory Organization.


INV Onhand Rollup

This view returns information about on-hand quantities of items rolled up to the organization level. This information is displayed on the Material Workbench and Availability windows of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item, a master organization name (if available), and an organization name (if available).


INV Period Close Details

This view returns snapshots of closed balances of items for accounting periods. This information is displayed on the Inventory Accounting Periods window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item, a subinventory, a cost group name, a period name, and an organization name (if available).


INV Physical Inv Transactions

This report shows physical inventory transaction details for the items.Information on physical inventory, item, transaction date, transaction action, and quantity, among other details, is returned.


INV PO Transactions

This report shows inventory transactions that occurred during a specified period.


INV Requisition Transactions

This report provides information about the internal requisition transactions for the period. Information about items, among other details, is returned.


INV Reservations

This view returns information about item reservations in Inventory. This information is displayed on the Demand tab of the Item Reservation window of the Inventory module. A record is returned for each reservation of an item.


INV Sales Order Transactions

This view returns snapshots of closed balances of items for accounting periods. This information is displayed on the Inventory Accounting Periods window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item, a subinventory, a cost group name, a period name, and an organization name (if available).


INV Serial Number Trans

This view returns information about item reservations in Inventory. This information is displayed on the Demand tab of the Item Reservation window of the Inventory module. A record is returned for each reservation of an item.


INV Stock Locators

This view returns information about stock locators to which items are assigned. This information was supplied in the Stock Locators window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an organization code or name, an item, and a stock locator.


INV Transaction Details

This view returns information about item reservations in Inventory. This information is displayed on the Demand tab of the Item Reservation window of the Inventory module. A record is returned for each reservation of an item.


INV Transactions

This view returns information about stock locators to which items are assigned. This information was supplied in the Stock Locators window of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an organization code or name, an item, and a stock locator.


INV Unallocated Inventory

This view returns information about unallocated, allocated, and on-hand quantities of items summed up by locations and lots (if applicable) in organizations. This information is displayed on the Material Workbench and Availability windows of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an organization name (if available), a location, a lot number, a parent lot number, and an item.


INV Unallocated Rollup

This view returns information about on-hand quantities of unallocated items rolled up to the organization level. This information is displayed on the Material Workbench and Availability windows of the Oracle Inventory module. A record is returned for each combination of an item and organization name (if available).

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