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EBS Work In Progress (WIP)

To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Work In Progress (WIP).





WIP All Jobs

This view returns information about standard and nonstandard discrete and lot-based jobs, maintenance jobs, and repetitive and flow schedules. This information was supplied in the Discrete Jobs, Repetitive Schedules, and Flow Schedule Details windows of Oracle Work in Process. A record is returned for each combination of a job and an organization.


WIP All Matrl Reqrmt Costs

This view returns information on the costs of materials required for discrete jobs (standard and nonstandard), lot-based jobs (standard and nonstandard), and repetitive schedules. A record is returned for each combination of a job, component, and cost type.


WIP All Matrl Requirements

This view returns information on material requirements for discrete jobs (standard and nonstandard), lot-based jobs (standard and nonstandard), and repetitive schedules. A record is returned for each combination of a job and a component.


WIP All Matrl Shortages

This view returns information on the requirement and availability of components for the completion of discrete jobs (standard and nonstandard), lot-based jobs (standard and nonstandard), and repetitive schedules. This information is displayed on the View Potential Shortages window of the Oracle Work In Process module in Oracle Discrete Manufacturing. A record is returned for each combination of a job, a component, and an operation.


WIP All Move Transactions

This view returns information on move transactions for discrete jobs (standard and nonstandard), lot-based jobs (standard and nonstandard), and repetitive schedules. This information is displayed on the View Move Transactions window of the Oracle Shop Floor Management module (lot based jobs) and the Oracle Work In Process module (all other jobs). A record is returned for each combination of a job, a component, and an operation.


WIP All Resource Dist

This view returns information about costing details of resource transactions for standard and nonstandard discrete and lot-based jobs, maintenance jobs, and repetitive and flow schedules. This information is displayed on the WIP Transaction Distributions window of Oracle Shop Floor Management for lot-based jobs and Oracle Work in Process for all other jobs. A record is returned for each combination of a transaction identifier, an item, an account, a resource name, and a resource applied value.


WIP All Resource Trans

This view returns information about resource transactions for standard and nonstandard discrete and lot-based jobs, maintenance jobs, and repetitive and flow schedules. This information was supplied in the Resource Transactions window and is displayed on the View Resource Transactions window of Oracle Shop Floor Management for lot-based jobs and Oracle Work in Process for other jobs. For discrete and lot-based jobs and flow schedules, a record is returned for each transaction identifier. For repetitive schedules, a record is returned for each combination of a transaction identifier and repetitive schedule.


WIP Method Variance

This view returns information on the comparison between the routing operations and routing operation resources used in a WIP job with the ones defined in BOM. This information was supplied in the Routings window of the BOM module and Operations window of the WIP module. A record is returned for each combination of a resource name, an operation sequence number, and a job name.


WIP Resource Distributions

This view returns information about costing details of resource transactions for standard and nonstandard discrete jobs and repetitive and flow schedules. This information is displayed on the WIP Transaction Distributions window of Oracle Work in Process. A record is returned for each combination of a transaction identifier, an assembly item, an account, a resource name, and a resource applied value.


WIP Resource Transactions

This view returns information about resource transactions for standard and nonstandard discrete jobs and repetitive and flow schedules. This information is displayed on the View Resource Transactions window of Oracle Work in Process. For discrete jobs and flow schedules, a record is returned for each transaction identifier. For repetitive schedules, a record is returned for each combination of a transaction identifier and repetitive schedule.


WIP Routings

This view returns information on the routing operations for jobs and repetitive schedules. This information is displayed on the View Operations window of the Work in Process (WIP) module in Oracle E-Business Suite. For routing operations for a job, a record is returned for each combination of a job name and an operation sequence number, and for repetitive schedules, the combination includes a production line, and a job scheduled completion date.


WIP Sales Orders

This view returns information about sales orders that are fulfilled by discrete and flow schedule jobs. This information is displayed on the Sales Orders window of Work in Process. A record is returned for each combination of a job name, a sales order, a sales order line number, an allocated quantity, and a reserved quantity.

BS Work In Progress (WIP)


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