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Administrative Scripts

This section provides information about the script files that can be used to complete a variety of generation and maintenance tasks pertaining to NoetixViews. A number of important UNIX, MS-DOS, and SQL scripts are available in the NOETIX SYS user directory (by default, <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>) on a computer running Microsoft Windows and in the server directory containing the generation scripts of NoetixViews on a UNIX-based computer.

Available UNIX Scripts

The following is a list of UNIX scripts that you can run on a UNIX-based computer to complete some important generation and maintenance tasks:

  • Checks whether the logon user’s environment is ready for installing, upgrading, or maintaining Noetix views.

  • Sets up the Cron environment when regenerating views by using Cron.

  • Populates the crontab file when regenerating views by using Cron.

  • Starts Stage 4 of the views generation process from Cron.

  • Sets up generation scripts and metadata on a Unix-based computer. It also sets the execute permission on all *.sh, *.bat, @echo, and @goto files.

Note: The file is applicable for Noetix views generation on a UNIX-based computer only. This script should be run after all the generation scripts are transferred to the UNIX-based computer and prior to the views generation.

Run a UNIX Script

To run a UNIX script

  • On a UNIX-based computer, change the present working directory to the directory containing the generation scripts of NoetixViews.

  • Run the required UNIX script. It is advisable that you work with your support representative to run the appropriate script and complete the specified task.

Available SQL and MS-DOS Scripts

The following is a list of important SQL and MS-DOS script files that can be run on Windows or UNIX:

  • iallhlp.sql: Regenerates the Noetix Help File in the same formats as generated in the previous generation.

  • ianswers.sql: Runs the Noetix Answer Builder.

  • iappspkg.sql: Installs wrapper packages in the APPS schema that are required by NoetixViews.

  • icomhlp.sql: Generates or regenerates Noetix Help File in the Query Tool (column comments) Help format.

  • iconcmgr.sql: Loads the concurrent program when regenerating views by using the Concurrent Manager.

  • iconnect.sql: Generates the tconnect.sql file. This file is generated based on the most recent record available for Stage 4 in the N VIEW PARAMETERS table. It is required only if the tconnect.sql file is missing.

  • i create dc value index.sql: Creates a function-based index on the key flexfield segments so that performance issues are mitigated when the no data cache option is enabled.

  • i create sm users.sql: Adds Oracle database users and Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities as Noetix query users of Database User (Type U), Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) types.

  • i sme transfer settings.sql: Exports the security settings for Noetix query users from one NOETIX SYS schema to another, and backs up the security settings in %.dat files.

  • idelqusr.sql: Removes Noetix query users of the Database User (Type U) type and their roles.

  • ifix4sts.sql: Overrides the generation errors of Stage 4. This file can be run only if views have been generated despite errors. Run this file if you need to run the steps successive to Stage 4, such as generating answers that cannot be completed if any errors are detected during Stage 4.

  • igetprm.sql: Gathers parameters for unattended regeneration of views using the Concurrent Manager or Cron.

  • igetpw.sql: Gathers passwords for unattended regeneration of views using the Concurrent Manager or Cron.

  • iguifs.sql: Enables or disables the generation stages and/or the Noetix Help File generation in NoetixViews Administrator.

Note: The iguifs.sql script can be run only on Windows.

  • ihtmlhlp.sql: Generates or regenerates Noetix Help File in the HTML format.

  • imshlp.sql: Generates or regenerates Noetix Help File in the Microsoft WinHelp format.

  • install1.sql: Starts Stage 1 of the generation process.

  • install2.sql: Starts Stage 2 of the generation process.

  • install3.sql: Starts Stage 3 of the generation process.

  • install4.sql: Starts Stage 4 of the generation process.

  • instuser.sql: Creates an Oracle database user (if run from a database account with DBA privileges).

  • listchng.sql: Provides information about the changes that have occurred in the Noetix views since a previous generation. It also displays the changes occurring in the views due to a NoetixViews upgrade.

  • listcnfg.sql: Provides information about your Noetix views generation.

  • listinfo.sql: Provides information about the FND configuration in the Application Object Library (AOL).

  • listjoin.sql: Provides a list of Z$ columns that can be used for joins.

  • preupd.sql: Performs tasks needed prior to upgrading NoetixViews.

  • tupdprfx.sql: Provides information about the role prefixes in your views.

  • inst4cm.prog: Starts Stage 4 from the Concurrent Manager.

  • clear.bat: Removes old and extraneous files. You may encounter errors while generating or regenerating views, or upgrading the product. After the errors are resolved, run clear.bat, and continue with the generation, regeneration, or upgrade.

  • finderr.bat: Checks a Noetix views generation for errors.

  • wnoetx gseg flex kff cols.sql: Enables individual segment columns to be shown in global views. This file is also used to enable the no data cache option.

Run an SQL or MS-DOS Script

You can run an SQL or MS-DOS script on Windows or UNIX. When you are running these scripts on a computer running Windows, you can call the SQL*Plus or Support prompt from NoetixViews Administrator.

To run an SQL script at the command prompt from NoetixViews Administrator

  1. In NoetixViews Administrator, on the Tools menu, click Support > SQL*Plus Prompt to open an SQL*Plus session from the NoetixViews Administrator main window.

  2. At the SQL*Plus prompt, run the appropriate script to complete the specified task. It is advisable that you work with your support representative to run the appropriate script and complete the specified task.

To run an MS-DOS script at the command prompt from NoetixViews Administrator

  1. In NoetixViews Administrator, on the Tools menu, click Support > Support Prompt. This will take you to the command prompt that will allow you to run the support scripts. The prompt points to the directory that holds the script files specific to the Noetix System Administration User account that you are connected to.

  2. The prompt is displayed as Noetix Home, to describe the location where all files related to the Noetix views generation are located. Work with your support representative to run the appropriate script to complete the specified task.

To run an SQL script on UNIX

Change the present working directory to the server directory containing the generation scripts of NoetixViews. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type the following command:

sqlplus <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>

Run the required SQL script. It is advisable that you work with your support representative to run the appropriate script and complete the specified task.

To run an MS-DOS script on UNIX

  1. Change the present working directory to the server directory containing the generation scripts of NoetixViews.

  2. Run the required MS-DOS script. It is advisable that you work with your support representative to run the appropriate script and complete the specified task.

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