Generate Using Scripts
Option 2: Generate Using Scripts
The scripts-based generation involves generating Noetix views by running scripts from SQL*Plus and provides a straightforward means of providing information and making generation decisions. A scripts-based generation may be preferable for large generations or certain Microsoft Windows environments. For information about determining the best generation method for your specific needs, see Choose a Generation Method in Pregeneration Considerations.
Prior to performing a scripts-based generation, you may have to install NoetixViews Administrator. For information about installing NoetixViews Administrator, see Install the Software on Windows in “Installing NoetixViews.”
On a Windows-based computer, script-based generation of Noetix views is available for only Stages 2 through 4. After Stage 1 is completed in NoetixViews Administrator, click Tools > Support > SQL*Plus Prompt or click on the toolbar to connect to the database through SQL*Plus as the Noetix System Administration User and continue with the next stages. For information about generation of views using NoetixViews Administrator, see Generate Using NoetixViews Administrator.
Stage 1: Create Noetix System Administration User Account
To begin Stage 1 of the generation process
Change the present working directory to the server directory containing the generation scripts of NoetixViews.
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as a database user with DBA privileges. Provide the user details in the following format:
Note: If you are using an instance that is not stored in the ORACLE SID environment variable, type @dbconnectstring.
Run the generation script for Stage 1, install1.sql, as follows:
start install1.sql
Answer the following prompts:
Please enter the Oracle User Name for the NoetixViews SysAdmin User
Important: The user name must start with a letter and can contain only the letters A to Z, digits 0 to 9, and underscore ( ). The user name cannot exceed 30 bytes and cannot contain quotation marks (") or single quotation marks ('). Diacritical marks and characters for Western European languages can also be typed.
Please enter the Oracle User Password for the NoetixViews SysAdmin User.
The password cannot contain white spaces and the at sign (@), ampersand (&), slash mark (/), backslash (\), quotation marks ("), and single quotation marks (') special characters. Also, you will be prompted to re-enter the password for verification.
Please enter the Database Connect String for the Database.
Please enter the Default Tablespace to create NoetixViews Objects in.Please enter the Temporary Tablespace to assign the NoetixViews Sysadmin Acct.
For full functionality of the Query User Maintenance facility, you must permanently grant the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY (Oracle 9i+ only) privileges to the Noetix Administrator account.
These privileges allow the Noetix Administrator to more efficiently maintain synonyms created for query users. Removing Noetix Role access from certain query user types will not be allowed if these privileges are not granted.
You can grant these privileges each time you run the Query User Maintenance facility (for role deletions) and then revoke the privileges when the process completes. This option requires a DBA Account username/password each time role/query user deletion is necessary.
Certain install stage 4 processes are faster if these privileges are granted.
Grant these privileges to the Noetix Administrator User?
Verify the information that you have entered. If the information is incorrect, exit the SQL*Plus session (usually by pressing CTRL+C), and run Stage 1 of the generation process again. If the information is correct, press ENTER to continue.
If you want to run Stage 2 later, exit SQL * Plus. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type exit, and then press ENTER. If you want to run Stage 2 immediately after this stage, see the next section.
Stage 2: Grant Limited Privileges to AOL Data
To begin Stage 2 of the generation process
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS user. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type the following command:
connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>
Run the generation script for Stage 2, install2.sql, as follows:
start install2.sql
Answer the following prompt:
Please enter the Oracle User Name for the NoetixViews SysAdmin User.
Verify the information that you have entered. If the information is incorrect, exit the SQL*Plus session (usually by pressing CTRL+C), and start Stage 2 of the generation process again. If the information is correct, press ENTER to continue.
If you want to run Stage 3 later, exit SQL*Plus. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type exit, and then press ENTER. If you want to run Stage 3 immediately after this stage, see the next section.
Stage 3: Set Up Noetix System Administration User Account
To begin Stage 3 of the generation process
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type the following command:
connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>
Run the generation script for Stage 3, install3.sql, as follows:
start install3.sql
Answer the following prompt:
Please enter the Oracle user name for the APPS or AOL User.
Note: Enter the logon information for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS user. An Oracle E-Business Suite AOL (APPLSYS) user account can be entered instead if you have run Stage 2 of the generation process using APPLSYS in the past.
Verify the information that you have entered. If the information is incorrect, exit the SQL*Plus session (usually by pressing CTRL+C), and run Stage 3 of the generation process again. If the information is correct, press ENTER to continue.
If you want to run Stage 4 later, exit SQL * Plus. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type exit, and then press ENTER. If you want to run Stage 4 immediately after this stage, see the next section.
Stage 4: Generate Views
To begin Stage 4 of the generation process
Ensure that you are connected to the database as the Noetix System Administration User.
Run the generation script for Stage 4, install4.sql, as follows:
start install4.sql
Answer the following prompts. To accept the default value, press ENTER; otherwise, type a value for each item when prompted, and then press ENTER.
- Please enter the Oracle User Password for the Noetix SysAdmin User.
- Please enter the Database Connect String for the Database.
- Please enter the Default Tablespace to create Noetix objects in.
- Please enter the Oracle Apps Translation Language.
Important: Specify the code for a translation language that is either the base language or an installed language in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. Otherwise, the information in your generated views may not be correct. By default, the code for the base language is displayed
Which type of views would you like to generate (Global Extension, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), or Standard)? Select from the following options to configure the view types you want to generate.
Note: All options include the views for the following:
Oracle Process Manufacturing
Oracle Service
Oracle Application Object Library
Noetix Administration Objects
Create Global Extension Views? (Y/N)
You can see this prompt only if global form of Noetix views is detected in your configuration. If you type Y, global roles are created, and a set of views is generated for each global role. For more information about global views, see Global Views in Forms of Noetix Views
Create Cross Operations Extension Views? (Y/N)
You can see this prompt only if XOP form of Noetix views is detected in your configuration. If you type Y, XOP roles are created, and a set of views is generated for each XOP role. Additionally, if the Oracle E-Business Suite modules at your site for which you are generating XOP views contain organizational units that are included in standard roles, and not in XOP roles, those standard roles will also be created. For more information about XOP views in Forms of Noetix Views.
Create Standard Views? (Y/N)
If you type Y, standard roles are created, and a set of views is generated for each standard role.
Include Standard Inventory Module Views? (Y/N)
You can see this prompt only if NoetixViews for Oracle Inventory is detected in your NoetixViews configuration. If you have more than one inventory organization at your site, you can use this option to generate a set of views specific to each inventory organization. If this option is selected, organization-specific roles are generated for Inventory, and a set of views is generated for each inventory organization.
Oracle Projects now has the ability to display amounts in multiple currencies. The NoetixViews Projects Multi-currency Configuration option provides you the capability to include columns that display amounts in transactional, project functional ( PFC), project ( PC) currencies. Additionally, the currency and exchange information associated with the amount columns will be generated.
Caution: If you are using any of the Oracle Projects multi-currency functionality in your environment, we highly recommend you select this option. If you do NOT choose this option, amount columns will only contain values in project functional currency. The specific currency or exchange related information will not be included in the generated views.
Do you want to add:
Projects Multi-currency columns to the views? (Y/N)
Note: You can see this prompt only if NoetixViews for Oracle Projects is detected in your NoetixViews configuration.
Pause to edit the Noetix prefix file (tupdprfx.sql)?
Do you want the generation process to pause so that you can edit the role prefixes your Noetix views will be generated with? Answer Y to this prompt; otherwise your Noetix views will be generated with default role prefixes. If you answer yes, the generation will pause after you have entered all prompts and the generation has created the default file for you to edit. Instructions to edit these prefixes are listed at that step in the generation.
Answer Builder creates answers specific to your Oracle Configuration.
Run Answer Builder? (Y/N)
You must answer Yes to generate the metadata for the prebuilt reports specific to your Oracle
E-Business Suite configuration. After the metadata is generated successfully, use the Noetix generators to generate the metadata into the meta-layers of the business intelligence (BI) tools. Run Noetix Answer Builder to generate Noetix answers that are specific to your Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. After successful generation of answers, you must use the Noetix generators to generate the answers into the meta-layers of the business intelligence (BI) tools.
Continue if warnings detected? (Y/N)
Answering yes allows you to continue through generation regardless of warnings. Answering No allows you to review any warnings as they are generated before deciding to continue.
Generate Microsoft Help? (Y/N)
This step can also be performed after generation or through NoetixViews Administrator.
Generate Web (HTML) Help? (Y/N)
This step can also be performed after generation or through NoetixViews Administrator.
If any errors are detected during Stage 4 of the Noetix views generation, the Noetix Help File will not be generated. As a workaround, after completing Stage 4, you must first run the ifix4sts.sql script to override Stage 4 errors and then manually generate the Noetix Help File. The ifix4sts.sql script is located in the same directory where the install4.sql script is present.
Verify the information that you have entered. If the information is incorrect, exit the SQL*Plus session (usually by pressing CTRL+C), and start this stage again. If the information is correct, press ENTER to continue.
After all the values have been entered correctly, the Noetix views generation will continue through the next steps.
After this step, Stage 4 will begin. At certain points while processing (which may take awhile), the prompts in the following sections will be displayed. Stage 4 is not completed, until a message stating that the stage is complete is displayed.
Get Passwords
During Stage 4, the process of views generation needs to access the database tables belonging to each of the Oracle E-Business Suite modules detected. You will be prompted for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS user password to ensure that all the necessary tables can be accessed. If you are generating views for Oracle Payroll, you will also be prompted for the password of the Noetix Payroll Data Mart database user (XXEIS user).
Note: The generation will prompt you with the user names it needs passwords for. You should have gathered these passwords during the pregeneration steps outlined earlier in this administrator guide. Type the correct password for each user.
During Stage 4, after the validation of the password for the APPS schema, a prerequisite check process will be performed to detect issues, such as missing SELECT privileges in the APPS schema and issues related to your environment or customizations. This process helps you identify and resolve the errors that may occur during the initial phase of Stage 4. If any issues are identified, Stage 4 will not continue, and the errors will be logged in the prechecker finderr.lst file. Make sure that issues are resolved before you reattempt Stage 4.
Activate Multi-Currency Columns for Projects Views (Optional)
During Stage 4, you may be prompted to add multi-currency columns to the views for Oracle Projects. For information about the conditions in which the prompt appears, see Multi-Currency Activation in NoetixViews for Oracle Projects in NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll.
Edit Role Information
The generation process will continue until it requires role prefixes to be defined. If you have chosen to edit the tupdprfx.sql file, the generation will pause and you will be prompted to open the tupdprfx.sql file and type your customized role prefixes to identify each of your Noetix roles. For information about customizing role prefixes, see Name Role Prefixes inPregeneration Considerations
Generation will pause only if you choose to edit role prefixes during views generation. For more information, see Stage 4: Generate Views.
While you may accept the default role prefixes, it is recommended that you choose prefixes that are more intuitive for users. It is recommended that separate names be given to the role prefix and the Oracle table.
Apart from editing the role prefixes, you can also use the tupdprfx.sql file to enable or disable a role and specify whether the organizational unit of the role will be included in a global and/or XOP instance.
To edit the role information
If you had chosen to edit the tupdprfx.sql file, the generation will pause with the message, “The generation will now pause to allow you to customize your tupdprfx.sql file with your generation specific role prefix values.”
Open an additional SQL*Plus session, and then navigate to your NOETIX SYS user directory. Edit the tupdprfx.sql file with the UNIX editor of your choice.
The tupdprfx.sql file will have a section similar to the following for every role that the generation will create.
In the tupdprfx.sql file, do the following:
To edit the role prefix, edit the value of the i role prefix parameter. For example, if you want to change this role, called AP12 by default, to USAP, you would replace AP12 with USAP.
Repeat this for each prefix listed. Ensure each prefix you type is unique and conforms to the character limitations listed in Role Prefix Naming Conventions in Pregeneration Considerations.
To specify whether the organizational unit of the role will be included in the XOP instance or not, set the value of the i use org in xop flag parameter to Y or N. Similarly, to specify whether the organizational unit of the role will be included in the global instance or not, set the value of the i use org in global flag parameter to Y or N.
Note: The i use org in xop flag and i use org in global flag parameters are valid only if the value of the i instance type parameter is set to S.
To enable or disable the roles associated with the role prefix, set the value of i user enabled flag parameter to Y or N.
After all changes have been done as required, save and close the file.
Return to your SQL*Plus session, and press ENTER to resume the generation process.
Note: If any of the generated roles are in conflict with other roles or users in the database, they are listed in the tmpcrole.lst file created in the NOETIX SYS user directory.
Note: For every role prefix, the introductory comment block displays the organizational units (chart of accounts, ledger/set of books, operating unit, business group, and so on) associated with the role prefix. This will help you to associate a user prefix with an organizational unit and aid in renaming the role prefixes effectively.
Verify Generation
To verify that each stage of the Noetix views generation completed without errors, you can run a script that produces an output listing of all generation errors detected. This script can be run after each individual numbered script is completed, or it can be run after all four stages of the generation process are complete.
To verify that a Noetix views generation completed successfully
Remain in the server directory containing the NoetixViews files.
Run the following script at the UNIX prompt:
An output of all files containing errors will be displayed. This command will also create an error log called finderr.lst in the NoetixViews installation directory. Each time you run this command, this log will be overwritten.
Contact insightsoftwareSupport if any errors are found.
Check Concurrent Program Creation
After Stage 4 is run successfully, if there are any issues with the creation of concurrent programs, a warning message will be displayed stating that the concurrent program creation has been completed with errors. If these concurrent programs are not created, your NoetixViews instance will not be updated with the data changes made in Oracle E-Business Suite after the initial generation of Noetix views. In such cases, perform the following:
Resolve the warnings or issues listed in the Listerrors cm.lst file.
Connect to the database through SQL*Plus as the Noetix System Administration User.
Run the wnoetx conc pgm create.sql script. The missing concurrent programs will be created.
If you need assistance in resolving the issues or running the script, contact insightsoftwareSupport.
Note: If Stage 4 fails because of Noetix views generation-related errors, creation of concurrent programs will not be initiated.
Generate Noetix Help File
Noetix Help File can be generated during Stage 4, or at any time after generating Noetix views by using scripts.
Note: If any errors are detected during Stage 4, you cannot generate the Noetix Help File. However, if you intend to override Stage 4 generation errors and generate the Noetix Help File, you must first run the ifix4sts.sql script and then manually generate the Noetix Help File. The ifix4sts.sql script is located in the same directory where the install4.sql script is present.
The Noetix Help File is available in three formats that can be generated with the following procedure.
To generate the Noetix Help File
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User. To do this, at the SQL prompt, type the following command:
connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>
At the SQL prompt, type start <sql script>, and then press ENTER, where <sql script> specifies the script file used for generating the Noetix Help File.
The following script files are available for Noetix Help File generation:
Answer any prompts asked by the script.
Repeat this step to generate additional help formats, if needed.
The Query Tool Help, if generated, will automatically be available to those with the applicable tools.
You must compile and publish the Microsoft WinHelp help file and publish the HTML help file, if generated, using the instructions in the following sections.
Help format |
SQL script |
All help file formats |
iallhlp.sql |
Microsoft WinHelp |
imshlp.sql |
HTML Help |
ihtmlhlp.sql |
Query Tool Help |
icomhlp.sql |
Note: For more information about these help formats, see Choose Help Formats to Generate in Pregeneration Considerations.
Compile and Publish Microsoft WinHelp Format
You will need to compile the Microsoft WinHelp help file using the Noetix Easy Help Wizard and then publish the help file to users.
The Noetix Easy Help Wizard, which is installed along with NoetixViews Administrator, will transfer the Noetix Help File for Windows source file (.rtf) from the server to the Windows client using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The wizard will then compile the file, generating the Noetix Help File locally and creating an icon on your desktop.
The Noetix Easy Help Wizard can be used if your Windows client and the server where you installed NoetixViews Administrator both use Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and the directory where you installed NoetixViews Administrator is accessible to your FTP server.
To transfer and compile the Microsoft WinHelp format
Log on to the Windows-based computer where NoetixViews Administrator is installed.
Click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > EasyHelp Wizard. The Noetix Easy Help Wizard is displayed. Click Next.
The next page prompts you for a UNIX user name, password, and URL of the server on the network to transfer the source file generated during the generation to a client where it will be compiled. The user name entered must have access to the server directory where the noetix.rtf file exists. Click Next.
The next page displays the path to the installation directory where the scripts and noetix.rtf file are currently located. Confirm that the installation directory in the text field is correct. Click Next.
The text box in the next page displays your choices for the user name, server, and directory where the scripts and the noetix.rtf file are located. To view the Noetix Help File after it is generated, select the check box. Click Finish to compile and transfer the Noetix Help File.
- After the Noetix Help File is compiled, you will have the option of creating a desktop shortcut to the Noetix Help File on the computer running Windows. Click Yes, if you want to create a shortcut.
Next, publish the compiled help file to users.
To publish the Microsoft WinHelp help file
Navigate to the noetix.hlp file in <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\MsHelp, where <BASE INSTALL DIR> is the location where you installed NoetixViews Administrator and <ACCOUNT TNS> is the name of the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS) + + the TNS Name of the database instance on which the user resides.
EXAMPLE: <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\MsHelp
Move the noetix.hlp file to a shared server drive. (Each time you regenerate Noetix views, replace the single version of this file on the server.)
Distribute a shortcut to the shared file to all Noetix query users.
Publish the HTML Help Format
The HTML help format does not need to be compiled, but will need to be published to users.
To publish the HTML help format
Navigate to the htmlhelp directory within the NOETIX SYS user directory. (You can point your browser to htmlhelp\help\noetix.htm to view the HTML Help.)
EXAMPLE: <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\htmlhelp
Publish the files to a web server or shared server drive. To do this, move the entire htmlhelp directory tree to a directory on your network that is accessible to your web browser.
Instruct users to open the /htmlhelp/help/noetix.htm page using a web browser.