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Appendix A


This appendix provides information on troubleshooting common problems that may be encountered during the use of Angles Generator for SAP Business Objects (Angles Generator ). Refer to the release notes documentation for a list of known issues, including ways to troubleshoot those issues, if available.

Some Report Templates may not generate into BusinessObjects Web Intelligence

Some report templates that are a part of NoetixAnswers are not compatible with BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. This incompatibility can be caused by a number of things, such as SQL functions that are supported in other business intelligence tools but not supported in Web Intelligence. See the “Known Issues” section of the release notes documentation for a more complete list of the reasons report templates may be incompatible with Web Intelligence.

When the generator encounters one of these report templates during the generation process, it will write out a warning message to the generation log, stating the template that was not generated and the reason it was not generated.

If a desired report template cannot be generated, it may be possible to solve the problem by changing the definition of the report template using a hook script. For more information on creating hook scripts, see the NoetixViews product documentation and training materials.

Performance of lists of values may be poor in SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence

Report authors that use the universes created by the (Undefined variable: General.ProductShortName) may experience performance problems when bringing up a list of values (LoVs) for certain class objects. This problem may also appear when using the report templates created by the generator.

This behavior is caused by a limitation in SAP BusinessObjects in versions prior to BusinessObjects 3.1 SP3 FixPack 4, for which the Create lists of values option is not available in the generator execution plan.

For SAP BusinessObjects versions prior to 3.1 SP3 FixPack 4:

The Universe Designer Software Development Kit (SDK) does not provide an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows Angles for Oracle Generator to fully configure LoVs for important Noetix Views (NoetixViews) columns. As a result, BusinessObjects creates LoVs by querying the Noetix views themselves for a distinct list of values for a given column. This operation may perform poorly for various reasons, including the target view containing a large amount of data.

This problem can be mitigated by manually configuring the LoV definitions after generating the universes. Angles for Oracle Generator will not overwrite these manual changes during regeneration.

To manually configure the LoV definitions:

This procedure is specific to NoetixViews. At the time of this release, the current shipping version of Noetix Analytics does not include LoVs.

  1. Execute the SQL statement below using TOAD, SQL*Plus or some other SQL tool. It will return a list of view columns that can be modified to use the LoV views that come with NoetixViews.
  2. select view_name,



    'select distinct '||external_lov_column_name||' from '||external_lov_view_name "lov_sql"

    from n_gen_lovs_v

    orderby view_name, column_name, lov_view_name

  3. Open the universe containing the first view listed using Universe Designer.
  4. Find the class and object associated with the view and column from the first row of the query then open the Properties dialog for the object.
  5. Navigate to the Properties tab then Select the Edit… under Associate a List of Values. The Query Panel will appear.
  6. Select the SQL button on the button bar. Replace the existing SQL statement in the dialog that appears with the one from the query results.
  7. Check the Do not generate SQL before running checkbox then Select OK.
  8. Select Save and Close on the Query Panel dialog.
  9. Check the "Export with Universe" box to export the new LoV when the universe is exported.
  10. Repeat steps 2 - 7 for every other view in the universe that exists in the query result.
  11. Save and export the universe.
  12. Repeat this process for the other universes that contain views mentioned in the query result.

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