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EBS Human Resources (HR)

To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Human Resources (HR).





HR Career Paths

This view returns information on the historic and current jobs defined in each career path. This information is displayed on the Map Career Path window of the Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite.


HR Competence Requirement

This view returns information on competency requirements for jobs, positions, and organizations. This information is displayed on the Competence Requirements window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each competence entry against a competence business group, job, position or organization.


HR Contingent Worker Info

This view returns information on current contingent workers. This information is displayed on the People and Assignment windows of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a contingent worker number and an assignment number.


HR EI Job Types

This view returns information on the "&INFOTYPE" extra information type. This information was supplied in the Job and Extra Job Information windows of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a job name, the "&INFOTYPE" extra information type, and a job extra information type flexfield.



This view returns information on the "&INFOTYPE" extra information type. This information was supplied in the Location and Extra Location Information windows of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a location, the "&INFOTYPE" extra information type, and a location extra information type flexfield.


HR EI Pos Types

This view returns information on the "&INFOTYPE" extra information type. This information was supplied in the Position and Extra Position Information windows of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a position, the "&INFOTYPE" extra information type, and a position extra information type flexfield.


HR Emp Asg Details

This view returns information about the current assignment details of the employees. This information is displayed on the Assignment window of Oracle Human Resources in the Oracle Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS) suite. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, an assignment number, and a business group name.


HR Emp Assign Costs

This view returns information on current employee assignment cost allocation details including the various user-defined segments of the cost allocation key flexfield. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, an assignment number, and a cost allocation flexfield.


HR Emp Assign Costs Hist

This view returns information on the current and historical employee assignment cost allocation details, including various user-defined segments of the cost allocation key flexfield. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, an assignment number, an effective start date, and a cost allocation flexfield.


HR Emp Assign Hist

This view returns the current and historical information on assignments of the current employees. This information is displayed on the Assignments tab of the People window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, an assignment number, and an effective start date.


HR Emp Ben Health

This view returns information on the health care benefits that a current employee has enrolled for. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number and a benefit name


HR Emp Ben Others

This view returns information on the non-health care benefits of the current employees such as retirement plans and vehicle allowances. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, a benefit name, and a coverage type.


HR Emp Beneficiary

This view returns information on the current beneficiaries of the employees and indicates those employees for whom no beneficiary information is currently recorded. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, a beneficiary full name, and a benefit name.


HR Emp Element Entry Vals

This view returns information on the current employee compensation components related to the element entry values. This information was supplied in the Entry Values window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite.


HR Grade Rates Hist

This view returns information on the grades and their associated rates, including the grade range such as minimum, midpoint, and maximum values, or a specific grade rate value. This information is displayed on the Grade Rate window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a grade, a rate name, the minimum grade value, and the maximum grade value.


HR Grades

This view returns current and historical information on grade structures. This information is displayed on the Grades window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each grade.



This view returns current and historic information on the Government Reporting Entities (GREs). This information is displayed on the Organization window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a business group and a GRE name.


HR Job Requirements

This view returns information on current requirements, requirement types, and requirement criteria details associated with each job. This information is displayed on the Requirements tab of the Job window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a job name, a job requirement type, and a job requirement criteria value.


HR Jobs

This view returns current and historic information on the job definitions and job work preferences for each business group. This information was supplied in the Job and Work Preferences window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each job name.


HR Location Info

This view returns information on the location details of those organizations that have assignments. This information is displayed on the Location window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite.


HR Map Surveys

This view returns information on a list of compensation survey lines associated with each job (current or historic), current position, and current assignment. This information is displayed on the Map Compensation Survey window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of an assignment number, a survey name, a survey job name, a job name, a position name, a survey region, and a company organization name.


HR Person Hist

This view returns current and historic information on all personal and assignment details for all person types. This information is displayed on the People window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of an employee number, an employee full name, the effective start and end dates, the assignment current flag, an assignment number, an assignment status, the assignment type, and the first line of the address.


HR Positions

This view returns the current and historic information on the definitions and work preferences of the positions for each business group. This information was supplied in the Position and Work Preferences windows of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a position name and the effective start and end dates of the position.


HR Qualifications

This view returns information on qualifications of employees, contingent workers, and applicants. This information is displayed on the Qualifications window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a qualification title and a subject name along with either an employee number, a contingent worker number or an applicant number.


HR Retropay Elements

This view returns information on the retropay components and their element definition setup. This information is displayed on the Retropay Elements window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of a base element name, a retro component name, a retro element name, and the beginning and end of the time span.


HR Schools Attended

This view returns historic and current information on schools and colleges attended by employees, contingent workers, and applicants. This information was supplied in the Schools and Colleges Attended window of the Oracle Human Resources module in the Oracle HRMS suite. A record is returned for each combination of an establishment name and either an employee number, an applicant number or a contingent worker number.

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