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OCA Inventory (INV)

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INV ABC Assignments

This view returns information about Inventories ABC Assignments in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through My Enterprise > Set up and maintenance > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Inventory Management > Manage ABC Assignment Groups.

Set up and maintenance > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Inventory Management > Manage ABC Classification Sets.

Set up and maintenance > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Inventory Management > Manage ABC Classes.

A record is returned for each combination of ABC classification set name or ABC assignment group name or item number.


INV Costed Transactions

This view returns information about inventories transactions in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management > Tasks > Review Completed Transactions.

Cost distribution is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Cost Accounting > Review Cost Accounting Distributions.

A record is returned for each combination of an Inventory Transaction Number, Lot Number, and Cost Transaction ID.


INV Cycle Counts

This view returns information about Cycle Count.

This information is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management > Counts > Manage Cycle Counts.

A record is returned for each combination of Cycle Count Name, Inventory Organization Code, Item Number and CountSequence.

ItemCycleCountEnabledFlag: Indicates whether cycle counting enabled for item.


INV Item Categories

This view returns information about Categories in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Product management > Product information management > Manage catalog. A record is returned for each combination of Category Id, Catalog Id, Organization Id and Inventory item Id for category.



This view returns information about inventories items onhand quantities in the Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management work area > Tasks > Manage Item Quantities. A record is returned for each combination of an item number, an organization code, a subinventory code, an inventory locator name, a lot number, an onhand transaction date, an onhand transaction UOM code, a supplier name, a supplier site code and a business unit name.


INV Item Reservations And Picks

This view returns information about Item Reservations and Picks. Manage Reservations and Picks screen which can be accessed through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management > Manage Reservations and Picks. A record is returned for each combination of an Item Number, Inventory Organization Code, Reservation Demand Document Type, Reservation Demand Source Number, Reservation Demand Source Line, Supply Document Type, Pick Transaction Type Name, Pick Source Number and Pick Source Line Number.


INV Locators

This view returns information about inventory l tors and subinventory item L tors in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management.

This information is accessible through My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area >Tasks > Search > Manage Item Subinventories > Manage Item Subinventories for subinventory item l tors and My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area > Tasks > Search > Manage Item Subinventories > Manage L tors for inventory locators.

A record is returned for each combination of a context, an inventory item identifier, and a subinventory name for inventory l tor and subinventory item l tor.



INV Onhand Reservation Summary

This view returns information about Inventories onhand and reservations summary in the Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management work area > Tasks > Manage Item Quantities. A record is returned for each combination of an Item Number and Inventory Organization Name.


INV Organizations

This view returns information about Inventories Organization in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area >Tasks > Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management > Facilities > Manage Inventory Organizations. A record is returned for each combination of Organization ID or Organization Code or Organization Name.


Inv Subinventories

This view returns information about subinventories and item subinventories in Oracle Fusion Inventory management. This information is accessible through My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area > Tasks > Manage Subinventories and Locators > Manage Subinventories for subinventories and My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance work area > Tasks > Manage Subinventories and Locators > Manage item Subinventories for item subinventories. A record is returned for each combination of a context, an organization name, and a subinventory name for subinventory and item subinventory.


INV Transactions

This view returns information about inventories transactions in Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management > Tasks > Review Completed Transactions.


INV Transfer Order Distributions

This view returns information about transfer orders in Oracle Fusion Inventory management. This information is accessible through the navigation Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management work area > Tasks > Manage Transfer Order. A record is returned for each combination of transfer order header Id and distribution line Id.


SLA INV Transaction Distributions

This view returns information about inventories transactions and cost distributions in the Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Inventory Management > Review Completed Transactions. The Cost distribution is accessible through Supply Chain Execution > Cost Accounting > Review Cost Accounting Distributions. A record is returned for each combination of an Inventory transaction number, a lot number, a cost transaction, a cost distribution line number, a SLA distribution line number.


INV Items

This view returns information about inventories items in the Oracle Fusion Inventory Management. This information is accessible through Product Management > Product Information Management work area >Tasks > Manage Item. A record is returned for each combination of an Item number, Organization Code.

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