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Troubleshoot issues in Angles Hub

This section provides information about some of the commonly occurring issues with Angles Hub and steps for resolving them.

Angles Hub failed to start

  • Symptom

    After installing the Angles Hub application, it failed to start, and an error message similar to the following is displayed:

    HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure


    Select Start > Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application and look for the recent errors. Locate the error message that lists the missing dependencies required for the application to start. Install the missing dependencies and restart the IIS server.

  • Symptom

    After installing the Angles Hub application, it failed to start, and an error message similar to the following is displayed:

    HTTP Error 500.37 - ANCM Failed to Start Within Startup Time Limit


    Add an attribute startupTimeLimit="240" in the web.config file at C:\Program Files\Noetix\Noetix Hub\WebContent\Noetix.Hub.

  • Symptom

    After installing the Angles Hub application, it failed to start, and an error message similar to the following is displayed:

    HTTP Error 500.31 - Failed to load ASP.NET Core runtime


    Install ASP.NET Core 3.1 Runtime (v3.1.19) - Windows x64 Installer!

Failed to deploy or save a business view

  • Symptom

    While trying to save, deploy a view, or perform any other operation in Angles Hub, 403 forbidden error is displayed.


    Verify the WAF rules and verify if any API calls are in blocked status.

The status of the tasks is not displayed on the Task Monitor page

  • Symptom

    When you perform any task, such as synchronize business views, refresh business views, or deploy business views, the status of the task is not displayed on the Task Monitor page.


    Raise a support ticket to restart the container so that all the tasks are cleared.

RPD generation issues

  • Symptom

    RPD generation was successful, but custom objects in OAS or top-level folders were not appearing in OAS RPD, despite the deployment of views.


    Ensure exact top level name is provided for related views to be visible.

Noetix Hub URL Connectivity Problem

  • Symptom

    Due to the involvement of a proxy server, the connection between the Noetix Hub server and postgres is taking longer than expected. By default, it waits for 120 seconds before timing out and throwing a timeout exception


    Increase the values of the following attributes in the app.config file:

    • KeepAlive

    • CommandTimeout

    • Timeout

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