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Installing Noetix Platform

Before beginning the installation process, you must see the system requirements for the current version of Noetix Platform and perform the pre-installation steps. For more information, see Preparing for Installation.

If you want to install Noetix Platform client tools, see Noetix Platform Client Tools Installation.

Installing the Software

Depending on your business needs and system setup, you may be installing some or all of these items on separate computers. For information about multi-computer installation, see Multi-Computer Installation in “Installation Concepts.” Your insigihtsoftwareconsultant can also help you determine the best location for each component.

To install Noetix Platform

Double-click Noetix.exe. The Noetix Platform splash screen appears.

Select Install Noetix Platform. The welcome page appears.

Review the information, and select Next to continue. The Software License Agreement page appears.

Read the license agreement, and select I Agree. The Installation Options page appears.

Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next:

Typical: This option is recommended when you are installing Noetix Platform for the first time or when you are installing on more than one computer and this is the first computer. This option allows you to choose from one of the typical installation scenarios: one-computer, two-computer, three-computer, and four-computer. For information about typical installation, see the following section “Typical Installation.”

Custom: This option is recommended for advanced users. It allows you to selectively install the Noetix Platform components on a computer. For information about custom installation, see Custom Installation.

Resume installation in-progress: This option is used when you are installing Noetix Platform on multiple computers, and intend to resume an installation on the second or later computer.

Depending on your selection, the installation wizard will display different pages.

Important: During or after a typical multi-computer installation, if you have to uninstall some Noetix components out of sequence, then you cannot reinstall the components by selecting the Resume installation in-progress option. You must select the Custom installation option to reinstall the components for that installation.

Typical Installation

The Noetix Platform installation wizard provides the following scenarios to choose from if you are performing a typical installation:

One-computer installation: For information, see One-Computer Installation.

Two-computer installation: For information, see Two-Computer Installation.

Three-computer installation: For information, see Three-Computer Installation.

Four-computer installation: For information, see Four-Computer Installation.

One-Computer Installation

This is the most basic installation scenario. All software components—prerequisites and Noetix Platform—are installed on one computer.

To proceed with one-computer installation

Select Typical in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Server Computer Configuration page appears.

Select the one-computer installation option, and then select Next. The Single Server Computer Configuration page appears.

Select the first option, and then select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Noetix WebQuerySSL Encryption page appears.

Select one of the following options, and then select Next:

Standard: HTTP, non-encrypted connections: Select this option if Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is not configured on the computer or you do not want to use SSL.

Encrypted: HTTPS, SSL encrypted connections: Select this option if you want to use SSL for encryption of user credentials. You must select this option only if SSL is configured on the computer.

The Noetix WebQuery Locate Reporting Services page appears.

Select the required options, and then select Next.

If you want to use the Subscriptions feature, select the Enable integration with Microsoft Reporting Services check box, and fill in the following boxes:

Server Name: The name of the computer on which Reporting Services is installed.

Report Server: The name of the Reporting Services WebService. This is created when Reporting Services is installed.

Report Manager: The name of the Reporting Services Manager. This is created when Reporting Services is installed.

Select the Reporting Services Requires SSL check box if you want to use Reporting Services with SSL. You must select this check box only if Reporting Services has been configured to use SSL.

If you want to integrate the Reporting Services and NQS security, select the Integrate with NQS Security check box.

The Noetix Delivery page appears.

On the Noetix Delivery page, do the following:

In the SMTP Server box, type the name of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server that must be used for the delivery of email notifications.

Contact your system administrator for information about the SMTP server, port, and SSL configuration.

If you want to use an authenticated email account for the delivery of email notifications through the SMTP server, select Configure SMTP authentication for subscriptions, and provide the following details:

User Name: Indicates the authenticated email id that must be used for the delivery of email notifications. For example, if your email id is “”, enter “jamie”.

Password: Indicates the email password.

If you do not select Configure SMTP authentication for subscriptions, the email notification will be sent through anonymous email id.

Select Use SSL if your SMTP server is configured with SSL.

If you want to test the SMTP server information, enter a valid email address that uses the server, and then select Test. A test email message will be sent to the address entered.

Select Next. The Prerequisite Check page appears.

The SMTP server information provided during the installation is saved in the NoetixDeliveryManager.exe.config file available in <installation folder>\Noetix\NWQ\Delivery. You can also update the SMTP authentication for the delivery of subscriptions using Noetix SMTP Auth Configuration Utility. For information about the utility, see the Noetix Platform Administrator Guide.

If you want to check the computer again for the prerequisite items, select Retry. Select Next. The Installation Summary page appears.

If any item fails the prerequisite check, the Next button is not available, and you will not be able to proceed with the installation. Make necessary hardware or software changes to the computer, and retry. If a failed prerequisite check can be corrected without closing the installation wizard, then make the change, and select Retry to run the prerequisite check again.

The Noetix Platform components that will be installed are displayed.

Select Install. The Installing page appears.

The installation process starts, and the status of the installation is displayed.

You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.

To copy the installation log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the installation log in any text-editing program.

After the installation is complete, the details will be stored in a log file in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs. The file name will be in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS> Details.log.

The An Administrator User dialog box appears.

Enter the following information, and then select Next:

Administrator User: A Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server) administrator's user name. Usually this will be the SA user.

Password: The password associated with the administrator user.

Server: The name of the computer on which SQL Server is located. You can select to see the list of computers having SQL Server installed on them. If you want to install NQS repository on the local computer, select (local) in the Pick Server dialog box, and select OK.

The Choose Monitor Location dialog box appears.

Select one of the following options:

Create new tables on the same server as the Repository: Installs the NQS Monitor tables on the same computer as the NQS repository (recommended).

Select Next. The Setup NQS dialog box appears. Go to step Select Next. The Noetix License Key Helper dialog box appears that lets you download a temporary license key of the product..

Create new tables on a different server: Installs the NQS Monitor tables on a remote computer on which SQL Server is installed.

If you select this option, and then select Next, the An Administrator User dialog box appears.

Provide the SQL Server administrator’s credentials (usually this will be the SA user) and the name of the computer on which SQL Server is installed. Select Next. The Setup NQS dialog box appears. Go to step Select Next. The Noetix License Key Helper dialog box appears that lets you download a temporary license key of the product..

Use a common database for the monitor data (the DB is already setup for monitoring): Stores the NQS Monitor data for multiple Noetix Platform installations in one computer.To use this option, the NQS Monitor tables must already be set up.

If you select this option, and then select Next, the An Administrator User dialog box appears.

Provide the NQS sysadmin user credentials and the name of the computer on which NQS is installed. Select Next. The Setup NQS dialog box appears.

The information about the NQS repository objects and NQS Monitor tables that will be created is displayed.

Select Next. The Noetix License Key Helper dialog box appears that lets you download a temporary license key of the product.

If there is more than one network adapter installed on your computer, the The Ethernet MAC address of this server list will display the media access control (MAC) addresses of all the network adapters installed on your computer. In the list, select a MAC address that you want to bind the license to. If there is only one network adapter installed on your computer, the MAC address of your computer is automatically displayed in the The Ethernet MAC address of this server list. The Noetix Platform license will be bound to this MAC address.

Do one of the following:

If you are connected to the Internet, select Download to download the temporary license key. The License Key Information dialog box appears.

If you are not connected to the Internet, contact insightsoftwareSupport to continue with the installation.

You cannot proceed with the installation without downloading a temporary license key of the product. If you select Close without downloading the temporary license key, a message appears to inform you about the same. Selecting OK in the message brings you back to the Noetix License Key Helper dialog box. Selecting Close again in the dialog box stops the installation.

Enter the information, and select Get License Key. A temporary license key is downloaded. A dialog box displays the location of the license key.

Note down this information, and select OK. You will return to the Noetix License Key Helper dialog box. Select Close to proceed with the installation.

If you had selected the Enable integration with Microsoft Reporting Services check box in step Select the required options, and then select Next. to use the Subscriptions feature in Noetix WebQuery (NWQ), a message is displayed to confirm backing up of your encrypted credentials and connection information. To do so, select Yes.

If you selected Yes and the setup is unable to back up your encrypted credentials and connection information, an error message is displayed. You can use the RSKEYMGMT tool to manually back up the encrypted data after the Noetix Platform setup is complete. Select OK on the error message to continue with the installation.

After the Noetix Platform installation is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

Select Next. A page stating that Noetix Platform is installed appears.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed installation log file that is explained in step You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.. This log file contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for installation, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Two-Computer Installation

In this scenario, the Noetix Platform components will be installed on two computers. You can have the following combinations in this scenario:

NQS and NWQ on one computer and the SQL Server Integration components on the other computer.

NQS and the SQL Server Integration components on one computer and NWQ on the other computer. Based on your requirement, you can have additional NWQ computers using the custom installation option.

Installing on First Computer

To start the two-computer installation on the first computer

Select Typical in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Server Computer Configuration page appears.

Select the two-computer installation option, and then select Next. The Two Server Computer Configuration page appears.

There are two possible combinations under the two-computer installation scenario.

Select the first option to install NQS and NWQ on the first computer and SQL Server Integration on the other.

Select the second option to install NQS and SQL Server Integration on the first computer and NWQ on the other.

Select Next. The Noetix QueryServer Installation Information page appears.

If you chose to install NWQ on a different computer (second option) on the previous page, then on the next page you are asked to specify the computer name on which you intend to install NWQ. Type the name of the computer in the Name box, and select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

On selecting Next, the installation wizard validates the name of the computer and displays a message if the computer name is not correct.

Perform the steps from You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears. through If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish. provided under “One-Computer Installation.”

During the installation, when you are asked to specify the SQL Server repository computer name (see Enter the following information, and then select Next:in “One-Computer Installation”), ensure that you specify the correct computer name. For example, if you installed SQL Server on the first computer, you must type the respective computer name in the Server box. Similarly, if you have installed SQL Server on the other (second) computer, you must type the second computer name in the Server box.

Installing on Second Computer

After you have successfully installed NQS on the first computer, you need to install NWQ or the SQL Server Integration components on the second computer.

To complete the two-computer installation on the second computer

Select Resume installation in-progress in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer Installation Information page appears.

Type the name of the computer on which you installed NQS in the previous section. Select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

On selecting Next, the installation wizard validates the name of the computer and displays a message if the computer name is not correct.

Perform the steps from You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears. through Select one of the following options: provided under “One-Computer Installation.”

During the installation, when you are asked to specify the SQL Server repository computer name (see Enter the following information, and then select Next: in “One-Computer Installation”), ensure that you specify the correct computer name. For example, if you installed SQL Server on the first computer, you must type the respective computer name in the Server box. Similarly, if you have installed SQL Server on this computer, you must type this computer’s name in the Server box.

After the Noetix Platform installation is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

Select Next. A page stating that Noetix Platform is installed appears.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed installation log file that is explained in step You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard. in “One-Computer Installation.” This log file primarily contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for installation, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Three-Computer Installation

In this scenario, Noetix QueryServer (NQS), NWQ, and the SQL Server Integration components are installed on separate computers. The sequence of installation in a three-computer installation is as follows:

NQS is installed on the first computer.

NWQ is installed on the second computer.

SQL Server Integration components are installed on the third computer.

Before starting with the installation, ensure that you have identified the computer on which SQL Server is installed. This will be the third computer in your multi-computer installation.

Installing on First Computer

To start the three-computer installation on the first computer

Select Typical in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Server Computer Configuration page appears.

Select the three-computer installation option, and then select Next. The Three Server Computer Configuration page displays information about the components that will be installed individually on each computer and the advantages of choosing this installation type.

Review the information, and then select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Prerequisite Check page appears.

Perform the steps from If you want to check the computer again for the prerequisite items, select Retry. Select Next. The Installation Summary page appears. through If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish. provided under “One-Computer Installation.”

Important: During the installation when you are asked to specify the SQL Server repository computer name (step Enter the following information, and then select Next: in “One-Computer Installation”), make sure that you specify the third computer name in the Server box.

Installing on Second Computer

After you have successfully installed NQS on the first computer, you need to install NWQ on the second computer.

To proceed with the three-computer installation on the second computer

Select Resume installation in-progress in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer Installation Information page appears.

Type the name of the computer on which you installed NQS in the previous section. Select Next. The Confirmation page appears.

On selecting Next, the installation wizard validates the name of the computer and displays a message if the computer name is not correct.

This page displays information that NWQ will be installed on this computer. Select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer page appears.

You need to provide the NQS sysadmin account credentials to proceed with the installation. In the Hub Name box, type the name of the first computer on which you installed NQS. Select Next. The Noetix WebQuerySSL Encryption page appears.

Select one of the following options, and then select Next:

Standard: HTTP, non-encrypted connections: Select this option if Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is not configured on the computer or you do not want to use SSL.

Encrypted: HTTPS, SSL encrypted connections: Select this option if you want to use SSL for encryption of user credentials. You must select this option only if SSL is configured on the computer.

The Noetix WebQuery Locate Reporting Services page appears.

Select the required options, and then select Next.

If you want to use the Subscriptions feature, select Enable integration with Microsoft Reporting Services, and fill in the following boxes:

Server Name: The name of the computer on which Reporting Services is installed.

By default, the name of the NQS (first) computer is displayed in the Server Name box. Ensure that you type the name of the SQL Server (third) computer in the Server Name box. Otherwise, subscriptions will not work in NWQ, and you will not be able to schedule jobs in NQS.

Report Server: The name of the Reporting Services WebService. This is created when Reporting Services is installed.

Report Manager: The name of the Reporting Services Manager. This is created when Reporting Services is installed.

Select the Reporting Services Requires SSL check box if you want to use Reporting Services with SSL. You must select this check box only if Reporting Services has been configured to use SSL.

If you want to integrate Reporting Services and the NQS security, select the Integrate with NQS Security check box.

The Prerequisite Check page appears.

The Noetix Platform installation wizard checks the computer for prerequisite items listed in the Name column and displays the check results in the Status column.

If you want to check the computer again for prerequisite items, select Retry.

If any item fails the prerequisite check, the Next button is not available, and you will not be able to proceed with the installation. Make necessary hardware or software changes to the computer, and retry. If a failed prerequisite check can be corrected without closing the installation wizard, then make the change, and select Retry to run the prerequisite check again.

Select Next. The Installation Summary page displays the Noetix Platform components that will be installed.

Select Install. The Installing page displays the status of the installation. You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.

To copy the installation log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the installation log in any text-editing program.

After the installation is complete, the details will be stored in a log file in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs. The file name will be in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS> Details.log.

After the Noetix Platform installation is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

Select Next. A page stating that Noetix Platform is installed appears.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed installation log file that is explained in step Select Install. The Installing page displays the status of the installation. You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.. This log file primarily contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for installation, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Installing on Third Computer

After you have successfully installed NQS on the first computer and NWQ on the second computer, you need to install the SQL Server Integration components on the third computer.

To complete the three-computer installation on the third computer

Select Resume installation in-progress in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer InstallationInformation page appears.

Type the name of the first computer on which you installed NQS. Select Next. The Confirmation page appears.

On selecting Next, the installation wizard validates the name of the computer and displays a message if the computer name is not correct.

This page displays information that the SQL Server Integration components will be installed on this computer. Select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

Perform the steps from You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears. through If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and select Finish. provided in the section, “Installing on Second Computer.”

Four-Computer Installation

In this scenario, NQS, NWQ, the SQL Server Integration components, and Noetix Cache Maintenance Server (CMS) are installed on separate computers. The sequence of installation in a four-computer installation is as follows:

NQS is installed on the first computer.

NWQ is installed on the second computer.

SQL Server Integration components are installed on the third computer.

CMS is installed on the fourth computer.

Before starting with the installation, make sure that you have identified the computer on which SQL Server is installed. This will be the third computer in your multi-computer installation.

Installing on First Computer

To start the four-computer installation on the first computer

Select Typical in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Server Computer Configuration page is displayed.

Select the four-computer installation option, and then select Next. The Four Server Computer Configuration page appears.

This page displays information about the components that will be installed individually on each computer and the advantages of choosing this installation type. Review the information, and then select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

To change the destination directory, select Browse, navigate to a folder, confirm the destination path, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Prerequisite Check page appears.

Perform the steps from If you want to check the computer again for the prerequisite items, select Retry. Select Next. The Installation Summary page appears. through If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish. provided under “One-Computer Installation.”

Important: During the installation, when you are asked to specify the SQL Server repository computer name (see Enter the following information, and then select Next: in “One-Computer Installation”), ensure that you specify the third computer name in the Server box.

Installing on Second Computer

After you have successfully installed NQS on the first computer, you need to install NWQ on the second computer. The steps to install NWQ are the same as the steps for installing NWQ on the second computer in a three-computer installation. For more information about installing NWQ on the second computer, see Installing on Second Computer.

Installing on Third Computer

After you have successfully installed NQS on the first computer and NWQ on the second computer, you need to install the SQL Server Integration components on the third computer. The steps to install the SQL Server Integration components are the same as the steps for installing the SQL Server Integration components on the third computer in a three-computer installation. For more information about installing the SQL Server Integration components on the third computer, see Installing on Third Computer.

Installing on Fourth Computer

After you have successfully installed NQS, NWQ, and the SQL Server Integration components on the first, second, and third computers respectively, you need to install CMS on the fourth computer.

To complete the four-computer installation on the fourth computer

Select Resume installation in-progress in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer Installation Information page appears.

Type the name of the first computer on which you installed NQS. Select Next. The Confirmation page displays that CMS will be installed on this computer.

On selecting Next, the installation wizard validates the name of the computer and displays a message if the computer name is not correct.

Select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

To change the destination directory, select Browse, navigate to a folder, confirm the destination path, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer page appears.

Provide the NQS sysadmin account credentials to proceed with the installation. In the Hub Name box, type the name of the first computer on which you installed NQS. Select Next. The Noetix Platform installation wizard checks the computer for prerequisite items listed in the Name column and displays the check results in the Status column on the Prerequisite Check page.

If you want to check the computer again for prerequisite items, select Retry.

If any item fails the prerequisite check, the Next button is not available, and you will not be able to proceed with the installation. Make necessary hardware or software changes to the computer, and retry. If a failed prerequisite check can be corrected without closing the installation wizard, then make the change, and select Retry to run the prerequisite check again.

Select Next. The Installation Summary page displays the Noetix Platform components that will be installed.

Select Install. The Installing page displays the status of the installation.

You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.

To copy the installation log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the installation log in any text-editing program.

After the installation is complete, the details will be stored in a log file in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs. The file name will be in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS> Details.log.

After the Noetix Platform installation is complete, the next page appears. Select Next. The Installation Complete page appears.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed installation log file that is explained in step You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.. This log file primarily contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for installation, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Custom Installation

insigihtsoftwarerecommends the custom installation method for advanced users. You must choose this option if you intend to decide the location or the sequence of installation of the Noetix Platform components without using the Noetix Platform installation wizard.

To familiarize yourself with the prerequisite software and the Noetix Platform components that should be installed on different computers, see Typical Installation Scenarios in “Installation Concepts.” If you are planning to perform a custom installation of Noetix Platform in a distributed environment, make sure that you install the components in the correct sequence. For information, see Sequence for Custom Installation in Distributed Environment in “Installation Concepts.”

In a multi-computer installation of Noetix Platform, if you uninstall some of the Noetix components out of sequence, then you must select the custom installation option to install the components during that installation of Noetix Platform.

To proceed with the custom installation of Noetix Platform

Select Custom in step Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software,” and then select Next. The Noetix Platform Components page appears.


This page helps you to select the components you want to install.

Select the check boxes to install the respective components, and then select Next:

Noetix QueryServer: Installs all the NQS components including Noetix QueryServer service, ODBC driver, Noetix Platform client tools, Noetix agent tools, and CMS. You can choose to individually install these NQS components except for NQS ODBC driver.

You must install Noetix agent tools on the NQS repository computer. Otherwise, subscriptions will not work in NWQ, and you will not be able to schedule jobs in NQS. If the installer is not able to verify that the NQS repository is present on the computer, an error message will be displayed.

Noetix WebQuery: Installs NWQ, NWQ Printer Utility, and the NQS ODBC driver.

NWQ requires Internet Information Services (IIS) to be installed on the computer.

Reporting Services Integration: Configures Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to work with NWQ. This option is available only if Reporting Services has been installed on this computer.

You must select this option to use the Subscriptions feature.

Noetix Delivery Services: Installs Noetix DeliveryServer and/or Noetix DeliveryManager. Expand this component to select the two subcomponents.

If you are installing the Noetix QueryServer service (Hub Service under Noetix QueryServer), you cannot install Reporting Services Integration, Noetix DeliveryManager or Noetix DeliveryServer without installing NWQ. Otherwise, an error message is displayed when you select Next, and you cannot proceed with the installation.

Perform the steps from You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears. through If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish. provided under “One-Computer Installation.”

The wizard pages that follow might differ based on the components selected for installation in step This page helps you to select the components you want to install..

Important: After installing the Noetix Platform software and generating Noetix Views (NoetixViews), it is recommended that you perform certain tasks to finish setting up your Noetix Platform environment. For information about these tasks, see “Setting Up Noetix Platform” in the chapter “About Noetix Platform” in the Noetix Platform Administrator Guide.

Registering Your Product and Obtaining Permanent License

Within 14 days of the installation of Noetix Platform, contact insightsoftwareSupportto register your products. You will receive a permanent license key that will be valid for the life of your product.

For more information, see “Working with Noetix License Key Helper” in the section “Maintenance” in the NQS Help.

Configure Link to Oracle ODBC Drivers

For Oracle data sources, when you are installing the Noetix Platform client tools, if the required Oracle ODBC drivers are already present, the setup will automatically configure a link to these drives in the registry. However, if the required ODBC drivers are not present during the setup or are modified after the setup is run, you need to install the ODBC drivers and manually run the application named “Noetix Link to Oracle ODBC” to configure the links to the ODBC drivers for Noetix Platform to connect to the Oracle database.

The application detects the installed ODBC drivers in your system and allows you to configure a link to the applicable ODBC driver.

To configure link to the ODBC drivers

Run the OracleODBCLink application. Alternatively, you can run the Noetix Link to Oracle ODBC application from the Start menu > All Programs > Noetix Platform > Noetix QueryServer. The Noetix Link to Oracle ODBC window appears.

If you are on a 32-bit operating system, under Linked Driver for 32-bit (x86) Applications, select the check box associated with the driver that needs to be linked. Then, select Save.

If you are on a 64-bit operating system, under Linked Driver for 32-bit (x86) Applications and Linked Driver for 64-bit (x86) Applications, select the check boxes associated with the drivers under the respective sections that need to be linked. Then, select Save.

If you do not have the Oracle ODBC driver installed, you must install the applicable bit versions for your operating system, and rerun the application.

Noetix Platform Client Tools Installation

The Noetix Platform installation wizard allows you to install the Noetix Platform client tools.

To install the Noetix Platform client tools

Perform the steps Double-click Noetix.exe. The Noetix Platform splash screen appears. through Select a Noetix Platform installation method, and then select Next: provided under “Installing the Software.”

Select Typical, and then select Next. The Server Computer Configuration page appears.

Select the one-computer installation option, and then select Next. The Single Server Computer Configuration page appears.

Select Noetix Platform Client Tools, and then select Next. The Installation Location page appears.

You can accept the default destination folder that is displayed or change the destination folder. To change the destination folder, select Browse, navigate to the folder location, select the destination folder, and then select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer page appears.

Provide the NQS sysadmin account credentials (user name and password). In the Hub Name box, type the name of the computer on which the Noetix QueryServer service is installed. Select Next. The Prerequisite Check page appears.

The Noetix Platform installation wizard checks the computer for prerequisite items listed in the Name column and displays the check results in the Status column. If you want to check the computer again for prerequisite items, select Retry.

If any item fails the prerequisite check, the Next button is not available, and you will not be able to proceed with the installation. Make necessary hardware or software changes to the computer, and retry. If a failed prerequisite check can be corrected without closing the installation wizard, then make the change, and select Retry to run the prerequisite check again.

Select Next. The Installation Summary page displays the Noetix Platform components that will be installed.

When you select Install, for Oracle data sources, the setup will automatically configure the links to the required Oracle ODBC drivers. However, if multiple ODBC drivers are present, you need to configure the appropriate drivers by using the “Noetix Link to Oracle ODBC” application that will be displayed during the setup. Additionally, if the ODBC drivers are modified after setup is run, you need to install the required drivers and manually run the “Noetix Link to Oracle ODBC” application to configure links to the ODBC drivers for Noetix Platform to connect to the Oracle database. For information about running the application, see the Configure Link to Oracle ODBC Drivers section.

Select Install. The installation process starts, and the Installing page displays the status of the installation.

You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.

To copy the installation log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the installation log in any text-editing program.

After the installation is complete, the details will be stored in a log file in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs. The file name will be in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS> Details.log.

After the Noetix Platform client tools installation is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

Select Next. A page appears confirming that Noetix Platform is installed.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed installation log file that is explained in step You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.. This log file primarily contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for installation, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Reinstalling the Software

You can reinstall the software using the same Noetix.exefile that was used for the initial installation. Reinstallation of the software may be required in the following scenarios:

When a new component is to be added to the existing Noetix Platform installation.

When the initial installation is corrupted or could not be completed due to technical problems.

In a multi-computer installation, you must reinstall the Noetix Platform components in the same sequence in which you installed them.

This topic provides the Noetix Platform reinstallation steps for a typical one-computer installation. The steps to reinstall the Noetix Platform components are the same for all types of installation (typical, custom, and Noetix Platform client tools) except for some installation wizard pages that will not appear or may differ based on the type of installation.

To reinstall the Noetix Platform software

Perform the steps from Double-click Noetix.exe. The Noetix Platform splash screen appears. through Read the license agreement, and select I Agree. The Installation Options page appears. provided under “Installing the Software.” The Installation Found page appears.

You will not be prompted to provide the installation location and Start menu folder information during reinstallation because this information has already been provided during the installation.

Select Add/Reinstall components, and then select Next. The Noetix Platform Components page appears.

Select the components you want to install, and then select Next. The components installed during the initial setup will be unavailable for selection and will be reinstalled automatically. The Noetix QueryServer page appears.

Provide the NQS sysadmin account credentials to reinstall the software, and then select Next. The Noetix WebQuerySSL Encryption page appears.

Perform the steps from Select one of the following options, and then select Next: through If you want to check the computer again for the prerequisite items, select Retry. Select Next. The Installation Summary page appears. provided under “One-Computer Installation.” The Installation Summary page appears.

Select Install. The reinstallation process starts. This page displays the status of the reinstallation. You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.

To copy the reinstallation log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the reinstallation log in any text-editing program.

After the reinstallation is complete, the details will be stored in a log file in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs. The file name will be in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS> Details.log.

The wizard will shut down SQL Server and Internet Information Services (IIS) during the reinstallation process. You will be notified when IIS restarts.

If you had selected the Enable integration with Microsoft Reporting Services check box on the Noetix WebQuery Locate Reporting Services page to use the Subscriptions feature in NWQ, a message is displayed to confirm backing up of your encrypted credentials and connection information.

If you selected Yes and the setup is unable to back up your encrypted credentials and connection information, an error message is displayed. You can use the RSKEYMGMT tool to manually back up the encrypted data after the Noetix Platform setup is complete. Select OK in the error message to continue with the reinstallation.

Select Next. A page appears confirming that Noetix Platform is installed.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed log file that is explained in step Select Install. The reinstallation process starts. This page displays the status of the reinstallation. You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.. This log file primarily contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for reinstallation, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Upgrading the Software

Depending on your business needs and system setup, you may be upgrading some or all of the Noetix Platform components on separate computers.

In a multi-computer installation, you must upgrade the Noetix Platform components in the same sequence in which you installed them.

If the version of Noetix Platform that you want to upgrade to requires an upgrade of your existing technology stack of operating system and database software, contact insightsoftwareSupport for the upgrade sequence.

This topic provides the steps to upgrade Noetix Platform for a typical one-computer installation. The steps to upgrade the Noetix Platform components are the same for all types of installation (typical, custom, and Noetix Platform client tools) except for some installation wizard pages that will not appear or may differ based on the type of installation.

Important: When you upgrade Noetix Platform, make sure that all its components are upgraded to the same version.

To upgrade Noetix Platform

Perform the steps from Double-click Noetix.exe. The Noetix Platform splash screen appears. through Read the license agreement, and select I Agree. The Installation Options page appears. provided under “Installing the Software.” The Installation Found page appears.

This page displays information about an existing installation of Noetix Platform. To proceed with the upgrade, select Next. The Noetix Platform Components page appears.

The components that are already installed and are being upgraded are selected by default.

The following components are upgraded:

Noetix QueryServer: Upgrades all the NQS components including Noetix QueryServer service, ODBC driver, Noetix Platform client tools, Noetix agent tools, and CMS.

You must install Noetix agent tools on the NQS repository computer. Otherwise, subscriptions will not work in NWQ, and you will not be able to schedule jobs in NQS. If the installer is not able to verify that the NQS repository is present on the computer, an error message will be displayed.

Noetix WebQuery: Upgrades NWQ and the NQS ODBC Driver.

Reporting Services Integration: Configures Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to work with NWQ. This option is available only if Reporting Services has been installed on this computer.

Noetix Delivery Services: Upgrades Noetix DeliveryServer and/or Noetix DeliveryManager. Expand this component to select the two subcomponents.

Select Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform. By default, it is Noetix Platform. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for Noetix Platform, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then select Next. The Noetix QueryServer page appears.

Provide the NQS sysadmin account credentials to upgrade the NQS repository. Select Next. The Noetix WebQuery SSL Encryption page appears.

Perform the steps from Select one of the following options, and then select Next: through Select Install. The Installing page appears. provided under “One-Computer Installation.”

The upgrade process starts. This page displays the status of the installation. You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the installation wizard.

To copy the upgrade log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the upgrade log in any text-editing program.

After the upgrade is complete, the details will be stored in a log file in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs. The file name will be in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS> Details.log.

The wizard will shut down SQL Server and Internet Information Services (IIS) during the upgrade process. You will be notified when IIS restarts.

The wizard prompts you to back up your NQS and NWQ repository (nqsdb database) before continuing with the upgrade. Back up of the repository is important if you need to revert to the original installation.

Select Yes on the message box. A message appears stating that you will be prompted to provide a location for the backup file. Select OK. The Enter a Backup Folder dialog box appears.

If NQS and NWQ are installed on different computers, this message will appear on only the computer on which NWQ is installed.

Provide a location (<hard disk drive>:\<folder name>) for the backup file, and then select OK. The folder must be on the computer on which SQL Server is installed.

If you either select Cancel or leave the box for the location blank and then select OK, the backup file will be created in the root folder of the drive on which SQL Server is installed.

Ensure that enough disk space is available for the backup file in the specified location.

If the backup does not succeed, you can do one of the following:

You can retry backing up the repository and proceed with the upgrade.

You can proceed with the upgrade without backing up the repository.

If you proceed without backing up the repository, you can do one of the following:

Continue with the upgrade of Noetix Platform without upgrading the repository. If you do so, you must ensure that after the setup completes, you back up the repository manually. After manually backing up the repository, reinstall Noetix Platform to upgrade the repository.

Continue with the upgrade of both Noetix Platform and the repository. If you do so, you cannot retrieve the previous version of the repository.

If you had selected the Enable integration with Microsoft Reporting Services check box in Noetix WebQuery Locate Reporting Services page to use the Subscriptions feature in NWQ, a message is displayed to confirm backing up of your encrypted credentials and connection information. To do so, select Yes.

If you selected Yes and the setup is unable to back up your encrypted credentials and connection information, an error message is displayed. You can use the RSKEYMGMT tool to manually back up the encrypted data after the Noetix Platform setup is complete. Select OK in the error message to continue with the upgrade.

After the Noetix Platform upgrade is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

Select Next. A page confirming that the installation is complete appears.

If you want to view the installation log file, select Show installation log on close, and then select Finish.

The log file that is displayed when you select Show Installation log on close and select Finish is different from the detailed upgrade log file that is explained in
step Perform the steps from Select one of the following options, and then select Next: through Select Install. The Installing page appears. provided under “One-Computer Installation.”. This log file primarily contains detailed information about the Noetix Platform components chosen for upgrade, the prerequisite checks performed, and the results of the prerequisite checks. This log file is saved in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Noetix\Logs, and the file name is in the following format: <computer name> Platform <version> Setup <YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS>.xml.

Uninstalling the Software

Before uninstalling Noetix Platform, ensure that you have backed up and exported your NQS and NWQ data.

This topic provides the steps to uninstall Noetix Platform for a typical one-computer installation. The steps to uninstall the Noetix Platform components are the same for all types of installation (typical, custom, and Noetix Platform client tools) except for some installation wizard pages that will not appear or may differ based on the type of installation.

For example, if you are uninstalling the Noetix Platform client tools on a computer, you will not be prompted for step During the uninstallation, the installer wizard will display messages asking whether SQL Server and Internet Information Services (IIS) should be stopped to continue with the uninstallation. Select Yes in these messages. The wizard also displays a message when IIS is restarted. Select OK..

If you have done a typical multi-computer installation,then uninstall the Noetix Platform components in the reverse order of the installation, that is start uninstalling from the last computer and proceed to the first. Before uninstalling, ensure that you know the name of the computer on which NQS is installed.

While uninstalling the Noetix Platform components, the Noetix QueryServer service must be running. However, if you are uninstalling SQL Server Integration from a computer on which NQS is not installed, the Noetix QueryServer service must be stopped. For more information, see step In a three-computer or four-computer installation:.

To uninstall Noetix Platform

Exit Noetix Platform if you are running it.

Select Start > All Programs > Noetix Platform > Uninstall.

Alternatively, you can uninstall the software using the Add or Remove Programs tool in Microsoft Windows.

The welcome page appears.

Select Next. The Uninstall Noetix Platform page appears.

This page displays the location on which Noetix Platform is currently installed. Select Next. If you are uninstalling the Noetix Platform client tools, the Noetix QueryServer page appears.

Type the NQS sysadmin credentials (user name and password). In the Hub Name box, type the name of the computer on which the Noetix QueryServer service is installed. Select Uninstall. The Uninstalling page displays the status of the uninstallation.

You can select Show details to view the actions performed by the uninstallation wizard.

To copy the uninstallation log at a point in time, you can right-click the information and select Copy Details To Clipboard. You can then paste and save the uninstallation log in any text-editing program.

In a three-computer or four-computer installation:

If you are uninstalling SQL Server Integration components from the third computer, an error message appears stating that you need to shut down the Noetix QueryServer service on the NQS (first) computer before continuing with the uninstallation.

Shut down the Noetix QueryServer service on the NQS computer, and select OK in the error message on the third computer to continue with the SQL Server Integration components uninstallation.

If you are uninstalling NWQ on the second computer and the Noetix QueryServer service is stopped on the NQS (first) computer, an error message appears stating that you need to start the Noetix QueryServer service before continuing with the uninstallation.

Start the Noetix QueryServer service on the NQS computer, and select OK in the error message on the second computer to continue with the NWQ uninstallation.

During the uninstallation, the installer wizard will display messages asking whether SQL Server and Internet Information Services (IIS) should be stopped to continue with the uninstallation. Select Yes in these messages. The wizard also displays a message when IIS is restarted. Select OK.

After Noetix Platform is uninstalled from your computer, the Uninstallation Complete page is displayed. Select Next.

The Uninstallation Complete page displays the option to restart your computer.

If you want to restart your computer, select Reboot now, and select Finish.

After Noetix Platform is uninstalled, the log files created by Noetix QueryServer Service are deleted from the computer. However, the files created by the Noetix Logging Service (for installation-related and prerequisite check-related tasks) are not deleted and must be manually removed. For information about the log files, see “Log Files” in the chapter “Maintenance” in the Noetix Platform Administrator Guide.

Deleting NQS Objects from SQL Server

After uninstalling Noetix Platform, you must manually delete the NQS objects from SQL Server.

To delete NQS objects from SQL Server

Log on to SQL Server Management Studio.

Delete the jobs associated with the nqsadmin user.

Delete the nqsdb and nqsmtrdb databases and the nqsadmin and nqsmtradmin users.

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