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Managing Noetix Search Instances

Prerequisites for Generating Noetix Search Instances

The following prerequisites need to be met for generating a Noetix Search instance using Noetix Search Builder or Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Manage Master Keys Enterprise Manager:

If you are generating an instance for Noetix Views (NoetixViews), Stage 4 and Answer Builder stages must be completed.

If you are generating an instance for Noetix Analytics for Oracle E-Business Suite (Noetix Analytics) or RapidDecision, the AMDR must be set up.

The credentials for accessing the metadata for NoetixViews, Noetix Analytics, or RapidDecision must be available.

In the tnsnames.ora file, make sure that only one service name is specified for the connection that is used for connecting to the Oracle Database on which the NoetixViews, Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision schema resides.

If you are using Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager, a target must be added to the environment for which you want to generate the Noetix Search instance. For information about environments and targets, see the Noetix Enterprise Manager Help.

Criteria for Regenerating Noetix Search Instances

The criteria for regenerating a Noetix Search instance using Noetix Search Builder or Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager are as follows:

When changes are made to the Active Metadata Repository (AMDR), NoetixViews metadata, or Oracle Data Dictionary tables, you need to regenerate the corresponding Noetix Search instances to obtain the latest metadata.

When you install a new version of Noetix Search.

Regenerate all instances of Noetix Search for NoetixViews, Noetix Analytics, and RapidDecision whenever a new version of Noetix Search is installed.

Managing Instances for Noetix Search

A Noetix Search instance is an index of metadata that is generated from a NoetixViews metadata repository (NOETIX SYS) or Noetix Analytics metadata repository (NOETIXIDS), or RapidDecision metadata repository (RAPIDIDS). The Noetix Search Builder application helps you to index the metadata and generate it into Noetix Search.

Build Noetix Search Instances

This section explains how to generate a Noetix Search instance by using Noetix Search Builder. For information about prerequisites for generation, see Prerequisites for Generating Noetix Search Instances.

To generate a Noetix Search instance

Click Start > All Programs > Noetix Search > Noetix Search Builder. The Noetix Search Builder wizard appears.

Click Next. The General Settings page appears.

You can accept the following default values or change the information according to your business requirements:

Number of kilobytes to index in each batch:1,000, by default. The number of kilobytes to send to Noetix Search Server for indexing in each HTTP POST call. The batch size must be greater than or equal to 1.

Number of retry attempts for failed calls: 3, by default. The number of times you would want to retry a failed HTTP connection to Noetix Search Server.

Number of kilobytes to buffer in memory: 100,000, by default. The number of kilobytes waiting to be indexed that you would like to cache in buffer.

Number of items per cache segment: 1,000, by default. The number of items or entries to cache in each cache segment file. To reduce memory requirements, some data to be indexed is temporarily cached to the local disk. This setting defines the size of each cache segment file. The cache segment size must be greater than or equal to 10.

Use verbose logging: By default, this check box is cleared. If the check box is cleared, only common information, error, and warning messages are recorded in the log files. If the check box is selected, information, such as the query identifiers and the time taken for running the queries, is recorded at the lowest granularity levels, and this information can be used for troubleshooting problems.

Generate API Source Columns: By default, this check box is selected, and is applicable only for the Noetix Search instances of NoetixViews. If the check box is selected, Noetix Search Builder generates application programming interface (API) source column information when generating a Noetix Search instance of NoetixViews. If the check box is cleared, the content for the tables and table columns filters is not generated for the Noetix Search instances of NoetixViews.

Commit after every batch indexed: By default, this check box is cleared. If the check box is cleared, Noetix Search Builder does not commit the records to Noetix Search Server after every batch is indexed, thereby improving the performance of Noetix Search Builder. However, the records are not available in Noetix Search till the generation process is complete.

Optimize index on completion: By default, this check box is selected. If the check box is selected, Noetix Search Builder will automatically optimize the Noetix Search Server index upon completion of various operations. This operation may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the Noetix Search Server index, but optimizing the index decreases its size and improves its performance.

The general settings are saved in the file located at <Noetix Search installation directory>\builder.

Click Next. The page where you can type the URL of your Noetix Search Server installation appears. The URL should be provided in the http://<computer name>:<port number>/noetixsearch format, where <computer name> is the name of the computer on which Noetix Search is installed and <port number> pertains to the Noetix Search Server.

Click Next. The page to manage your Noetix Search instances appears.

Click Build a new instance, and click Next. The page to enter the Noetix Search instance information and Oracle connection information appears.

Do the following:

Under Search Instance Information, type an alias for the Noetix Search instance. The alias must be unique, begin with an alphanumeric character, and not exceed 60 characters, It can contain white spaces and underscores. The alias provided here appears in the list of available instances when you access Noetix Search after the generation is complete.

Under Oracle Connection, type the user name (Oracle user's schema name), password, and TNS name in the respective text boxes. The Oracle Connection information identifies the location of the noetix sys schema for NoetixViews instances, and the NOETIXIDS schema for Noetix Analytics instances.

Click Next. One of the following pages appears:

If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews, the page for displaying the statistics and logs appears. Go to step 10.

If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision, the page for selecting Documentation Types appears.

Select the check boxes corresponding to the source documentation types for which you want to generate information in the Noetix Search instance, and click Next. The page for displaying the statistics and logs appears.

By default, all check boxes will be selected.

Click Generate. The generation process starts. The graphs corresponding to the buffered and indexed documents indicate the progress of the instance generation process. Also, the following statistics will be displayed:

Indexed Documents: The number of documents successfully indexed into Noetix Search Server for the Noetix Search instance.

Buffered Documents: The number of documents in the buffer waiting to be indexed.

Failed Documents: The number of documents for which Noetix Search indexes could not be created in Noetix Search Server.

Lifetime Buffered: The number of documents buffered during the generation.

Elapsed Time: The total time taken to complete the Noetix Search instance generation.

The text box at the end of the page shows the ongoing log of the instance generation process. Information pertaining to the instance generation, error, and warning messages are displayed in this box.

Click Close after the generation process is complete. A message appears asking whether you want to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard. Click YES to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard.

Click Start Over if you want to perform another task or if the generation process fails with an error message, and you want to retry the generation after making the necessary corrections based on the error message.

A log file is created each time you generate a Noetix Search instance. For more information about log files, see Log Files.

Rebuild Noetix Search Instances

This section explains how to regenerate a Noetix Search instance by using Noetix Search Builder. The prerequisites for regeneration are same as those required for generation. For information about the prerequisites, see Prerequisites for Generating Noetix Search Instances. For information about the criteria for regeneration, see Criteria for Regenerating Noetix Search InstancesCriteria for Regenerating Noetix Search Instances.

To regenerate a Noetix Search instance

Perform steps Click Start > All Programs > Noetix Search > Noetix Search Builder. The Noetix Search Builder wizard appears. through Click Next. The page to manage your Noetix Search instances appears. under the “Build Noetix Search Instances” section. The page to manage your Noetix search instances appears.

Click Rebuild an existing instance, and click Next. The page appears where you can select the Noetix Search instance that you want to regenerate.

Select the Noetix Search instance from the list. The page displays details of the selected Noetix Search instance.

Click Next. The page appears where you can enter the password for the schema name.

Under Oracle Connection, type the password in the Password box, and click Next.

If you are regenerating a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews, the page for displaying the statistics and logs appears. Go to step 7.

If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision, the page displays the Documentation Types to select.

Select the check boxes to generate the required versions of source documentation, and click Next. The page for displaying the statistics and logs appears.

Click Generate. The regeneration process starts for the Noetix Search instance.

Click Close after the regeneration process is complete. A message appears asking whether you want to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard. Click YES to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard.

Click Start Over if you want to perform another task or if the regeneration process fails with an error message, and you want to retry the generation after making the necessary corrections based on the error message.

A log file is created each time you regenerate a Noetix Search instance. For more information about log files, see Log Files.

Delete Noetix Search Instances

If a generated Noetix Search instance is no longer required, you can delete the instance.

To delete a Noetix Search instance using Noetix Search Builder

Perform steps Click Start > All Programs > Noetix Search > Noetix Search Builder. The Noetix Search Builder wizard appears. through Click Next. The page to manage your Noetix Search instances appears. under the “Build Noetix Search Instances” section. The page to manage your Noetix Search instances appears.

Click Delete an instance, and click Next. The page appears where you can select the Noetix Search instance that you want to delete. The page displays details of the selected Noetix Search instance.

Select the Noetix Search instance that you want to delete from the list, and click Delete. A warning message appears asking you to confirm whether you want to delete the Noetix Search instance.

Click YES. After the Noetix Search instance is deleted, a confirmation message appears.

Click OK, and click Close. A message appears asking whether you want to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard.

Click YES to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard. Click NO if you want to delete another Noetix Search instance without exiting the Noetix Search Builder wizard.

A log file is created each time you delete a Noetix Search instance. For more information about log files, see Log Files.

Build Noetix Search Instance Documentation

Using Noetix Search Builder, you can generate PDF documents for the role or module in the Noetix Search instance, such as NoetixViews role or Noetix Analytics module. The PDF document contains the cover page and table of contents (ToC) only when more than one role or module with more than one object is included for generation.

To generate documentation using Noetix Search Builder

Perform steps Click Start > All Programs > Noetix Search > Noetix Search Builder. The Noetix Search Builder wizard appears. through Click Next. The page to manage your Noetix Search instances appears. under the “Build Noetix Search Instances” section. The page to manage your Noetix Search instances appears.

Click Build instance documentation (PDF), and click Next. The page appears where you can select the Noetix Search instance for which you want to generate the PDF document.

Select the Noetix Search instance from the list. The page displays details of the selected Noetix Search instance.

Click Next. The page displays the modules and roles that are available in the selected instance.

Do the following:

Select the check boxes for one or more modules, or click the “select all” link to select all the modules.

In the Output folderbox, enter the path where the generated PDF files need to be saved. By default, the last used location path is displayed. Click Browse if you want to select another location for the generated documentation. The Open dialog box appears. Navigate to the folder location under the Look In list, select the destination folder, and click Open. The destination folder path is updated in the Output folder box.

Click Generate. You can view the PDF files in the location specified in the Output folder box when the “document generation completed successfully” message is displayed in the Build Documentation Status box. Separate PDF files are generated for each module that you select to document. The folder in which the PDF files are generated is named after the Noetix Search instance selected for the documentation.

Click Close to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard.

Manage Noetix Search Instances at Command Prompt

You can run Noetix Search Builder at the command prompt to facilitate the process of Noetix Search instance generation and maintenance. Using commands, you can generate a Noetix Search instance, regenerate an existing Noetix Search instance, delete a Noetix Search instance, and generate documentation for the modules in a Noetix Analytics Search instance, a or RapidDecision Search instance, or roles in a NoetixViews Search instance.

Do the following:

On a computer running Microsoft Windows, at the command prompt, navigate to the builder folder. By default, the folder is located at <installation folder>\Noetix\Noetix Search\builder. Then, type run --action <an action> <one or more inputs> <one or more flags>, and press ENTER.

On a computer running Linux, AIX or Solaris, at the command prompt, locate the folder where Noetix Search Builder is installed (/usr/local/noetixsearch/builder, by default). Type --action <an action> <one or more inputs> <one or more flags>, and press ENTER.

Some of the parameters, such as -s and --service do not need to be specified at the command prompt if they are stored in the file in the same folder as the run.bat file. If you set the Noetix Search Server URL as the default in the file, you do not need to specify it every time you run a command.

The commands that can be run at the command prompt, their descriptions, and the mandatory and optional parameters that can be used with them are described in the following sections.

Generating a Noetix Search Instance

The commands for generating a Noetix Search instance at the command prompt are listed in the following table.




Mandatory Input

--action build

Generates a Noetix Search instance.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-u, --user <user>

<user> represents the user name to connect to the Oracle database.

-p, --pass <password>

<password> represents the password to connect to the Oracle database.

--tns <name>

<name> represents the Oracle TNS name.

Optional Input

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents a friendly name for a Noetix Search instance. If not specified, the user name will be used as the alias name.

-b, --buffer <size>

<size> represents the amount of memory in KB to use as a buffer. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-c, --cache <size>

<size> represents the number of records per disk cache segment. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-r, --records <size>

<size> represents the target size in KB of each posted batch. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-a, --autocommit

Commits after each batch. If not used, the internal default value is used.

-o, --optimize

Optimizes the index upon completion.


Note This may take several minutes depending on the size of the index.

-t, --times

Displays the time taken to complete the query execution.


Displays the time taken to complete query collection.

-v, --verbose

Uses verbose logging (implies the --times and --ctimes commands).

--systemid <id>

<id> represents the <Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision> system ID.

Mandatory only if generating the instance against a Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision repository with multiple systems.


<run> --action build -s http://localhost:9080/noetixsearch --alias NoetixViews Prod -u noetix sys -p pw --tns ohs

Regenerating a Noetix Search Instance

The commands for regenerating a Noetix Search instance at the command prompt are listed in the following table.





Mandatory Input

--action rebuild

Rebuilds the index for an existing Noetix Search instance.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-p, --pass <password>

<password> represents the password to connect to the Oracle database.

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance to be rebuilt as identified by the list action. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance to be rebuilt. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

Optional Input

-b, --buffer <size>

<size> represents the amount of memory in KB to use as a buffer. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-c, --cache <size>

<size> represents the number of records per disk cache segment. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-r, --records <size>

<size> represents the target size in KB of each posted batch. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-a, --autocommit

Commits after each batch. If not used, the internal default value is used.

-o, --optimize

Optimizes the index upon completion.


Note This may take several minutes depending on the size of the index.

-t, --times

Displays the time taken to complete query execution.


Displays the time taken to complete query collection.

-v, --verbose

Uses verbose logging. (implies the --times and --ctimes commands).


<run> --action rebuild -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch --alias NoetixViews Prod -p pw

run --action rebuild i 2 p pw

Deleting a Noetix Search Instance

The commands for deleting a Noetix Search instance at the command prompt are listed in the following table.




Mandatory Input

--action delete

Deletes an existing Noetix Search instance.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance to be deleted as identified by the list action. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance to be deleted. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

Optional Input




<run> --action delete -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch -i 2

Building Noetix Search Instance Documentation

The commands for building Noetix Search instance documentation at the command prompt are listed in the following table.




Mandatory Input

--action document

Creates PDF documentation for one or more modules or roles in the Noetix Search instance. PDF files are created for the role or module in the Noetix Search instance, such as NoetixViews role or Noetix Analytics module. Both roles and modules are referred to as modules.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance for which the documentation is being built, as identified by the list action. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance or which the documentation is being built. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--module <name>

<name> represents the role or module in the Noetix Search instance, such as NoetixViews role or Noetix Analytics module for which documentation needs to be built. For multiple modules, type the names in a comma separated list. If all modules are to be documented, type ALL as the module value. Use the listmod option to see the exact names of the modules in an instance. Note that module names are case sensitive.

--folder <name>

<name> represents the path of the folder where documentation files will be written. A subfolder named after the instance alias will be created in this folder and all PDF files will be stored in the subfolder.

Optional Input




<run> --action document --alias NoetixViews Prod --module ALL --folder c:\temp

Listing Instances

The commands for listing Noetix Search instances at the command prompt are listed in the following table.




Mandatory Input

--action list

Lists all Noetix Search instances. The number returned with the instance can be used with -i in other commands.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

Optional Input




<run> --action list -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch

Listing Modules

The commands for listing modules at the command prompt are listed in the following table.




Mandatory Input

--action listmod

Lists all the modules in an instance. Used prior to the document action so that the module names can be entered correctly.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance as identified by the list action. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

Optional Input




<run> --action listmod -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch --alias NoetixViews Prod

Printing Usage Text

The commands for printing usage test at the command prompt are as follows.




Mandatory Input

<run> -h

<run> -help

Prints the usage text. Usage text is the help text that explains the commands with examples of how to run them at the command prompt.

Optional Input




<run> -h

Printing Version

The command for printing the version of Noetix Search Builder at the command prompt is listed as follows.




Mandatory Input

<run> --version

Prints the version of Noetix Search Builder.

Optional Input




<run> --version

Using Flags

If you have set any or all of the flag inputs listed below in the file, you do not need to specify them again while running a command. The command will automatically take the settings that you make in the file. The following are the list of flags, their description and the actions they can be used with.



Use with

-a, --autocommit

Indicates that a commit should be done after every batch is indexed

Build, Rebuild

-o, --optimize

Optimizes the index on completion

Build, Rebuild

-t, --times

Shows query execution times on completion

Build, Rebuild


Shows collection query times on completion

Build, Rebuild

-v, --verbose

Uses verbose logging. (When you use this flag, the -t, --times and --ctimes flags will be used automatically)

All actions

Generate Noetix Search Instances on a Second Computer

You can generate the Noetix Search instances on a second computer in the following scenarios listed in this section. For the steps pertaining to generating, see Build Noetix Search Instances.

Generate Noetix Search Instances on an Alternative Computer with only Noetix Search Builder Installed

In this scenario, Noetix Search is already installed on a server computer. On the client computer, run the Noetix Search Setup and select only the Noetix Search Builder component for installation. After Noetix Search Builder is installed, run the application and point the Noetix Search Server URL path on the Noetix Search Server Connection page to the server computer.

Generate Noetix Search Indexes Offline

In this scenario, Noetix Search is already installed on a production computer. On another computer, run the Noetix Search Setup wizard and install the components (the “Integrate Noetix Search Server with IIS” component is optional). Make sure you install the same version of Noetix Search on both computers. Now, you have a separate computer to generate Noetix Search indexes. When you need to update the index on the production server, generate a Noetix Search index against the NoetixViews, Noetix Analytics, or RapidDecision schema on the second computer. Then, stop the Noetix Search Server service on both the production server and the second computer. Copy the index folder from the second computer to the production server and restart the Noetix Search Server service on both computers. The index files are located at <installation folder>\Solr\solr\data. This scenario allows you to regenerate the Noetix Search index on the production computer with minimal impact to the Noetix Search users. The users will be unable to access the Noetix Search index when the Noetix Search Service is stopped.

Managing Instances for Noetix Enterprise Manager

You can also use Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager for managing your Noetix Search instances. The procedures for generating, regenerating, and deleting Noetix Search instances are provided, and information about generating a Noetix Search instance on a second computer is included.

Generate a Noetix Search Instance

For information about the prerequisites for generation, see Prerequisites for Generating Noetix Search Instances. You can generate only one Noetix Search instance for a combination of an environment and a target. When more than one Noetix Search instance is required for the same schema, you can add another target to the environment, and run a generation. You can initiate the generation, save the details pertaining to the instance as a job in Noetix Enterprise Manager (Noetix Enterprise Manager), and run the job on the Active jobs in Noetix Enterprise Manager page. For more information about jobs, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

To generate a Noetix Search instance

On the home page of Noetix Enterprise Manager, click Generators > Noetix Search Builder <version> The home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager appears.

If you are not already connected to the required environment, select the environment in the Environment list. The Validation Required dialog box appears.

Type the password in the Password box, and click Validate. The home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager appears.

Click Generate a search instance. The Generate Instance >> Choose Target page displays the default target.

Verify or select the required target in the target list, and type the alias for the Noetix Search instance in the Instance alias box. The alias must be unique and can contain only alpha-numeric characters but cannot begin with a space, be empty, or exceed 60 characters. The specified values are displayed under SELECTIONS in the right pane.

Click Next. The Generate Instance >> General Settings page appears.

Under Options, select one or all the following check boxes depending on your requirement:

Use verbose logging: By default, this check box is cleared. If the check box is cleared, only common information, error, and warning messages are recorded in the log files. If the check box is selected, information, such as the query identifiers and the time taken for running the queries, is recorded at the lowest granularity levels, and this information can be used for troubleshooting problems.

Generate API Source Columns: By default, this check box is selected, and is applicable only for the Noetix Search instances of NoetixViews. If the check box is selected, Noetix Search Builder generates application programming interface (API) source column information when generating a Noetix Search instance of NoetixViews. If the check box is cleared, the content for the tables and table columns filters is not generated for the Noetix Search instances of NoetixViews.

Commit after every batch indexed: By default, this check box is cleared. If the check box is cleared, Noetix Search Builder does not commit the records to Noetix Search Server after every batch is indexed, thereby improving the performance of Noetix Search Builder. However, the records are not available in Noetix Search till the generation process is complete.

Optimize index on completion: By default, this check box is selected. If the check box is selected, Noetix Search Builder will automatically optimize the Noetix Search Server index upon completion of various operations. This operation may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the Noetix Search Server index, but optimizing the index decreases its size and improves its performance.

The general settings are saved in the file on the computer containing the Noetix Search Builder Service that is chosen by Noetix Enterprise Manager to perform the search generation. For more information, see File under Supporting Concepts.

You can click Restore defaults if you want to use the default settings. The options that you select are displayed under SELECTIONS in the right pane.

Click Next. One of the following pages appears:

If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews, the Generate Instance >> Summary page appears. Go to step 10.

If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for Noetix Analytics, the Generate Instance >>Choose Documentation Types page appears.

Perform the following steps:

If you want to exclude the source documentation for a version, select the corresponding value in the Included Documentation Types box, and click Suppress.

Click Next. The Generate Instance >> Summary page appears.

Click Generate. The Generate Instance >> Build Status page displays the status of the generation process.

If the Show all messages check box is selected, all the messages related to the generation process are displayed in the Building Instance box. You can also view the generation log on the Logs page of Noetix Enterprise Manager. For information about viewing the logs, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

Under BUILD STAGE STATUS in the right pane, the stages of the generation process and their statuses are displayed.

When a generation is running, you can navigate away from the Generate Instance >> Build Status page, switch to another environment, or log off from Noetix Enterprise Manager. You can also view the generation status from the Active jobs in Noetix Enterprise Manager page of Noetix Enterprise Manager. For more information about viewing jobs, see the Magnitude Noetix Enterprise Manager Help.

If you want to switch to another environment while the generation is still running, click the Home button to navigate to the home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager. Then, select the environment from the Environment list.

Regenerate Noetix Search Instances

This section explains how to regenerate a Noetix Search instance with the use of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager. The prerequisites for regeneration are same as those required for generation. For information about the prerequisites, see Prerequisites for Generating Noetix Search Instances. For information about the criteria for regeneration, see Criteria for Regenerating Noetix Search Instances. You can initiate the regeneration, save the details pertaining to the instance as a job in Noetix Enterprise Manager, and run the job on the Active jobs in Noetix Enterprise Manager page. For more information about jobs, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

To regenerate a Noetix Search instance

Perform steps On the home page of Noetix Enterprise Manager, click Generators > Noetix Search Builder <version> The home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager appears. through Click Generate a search instance. The Generate Instance >> Choose Target page displays the default target. that are provided under the “Generate Noetix Search Instances” section. The Generate Instance >> Choose Target page appears.

In the target list, verify the target or select the target identifying the location of the Noetix Search instance that you want to regenerate, and in the Instance alias list, verify or select the required alias of the Noetix Search instance. The corresponding details of the instance are displayed under the Instance alias list.

Click Regenerate <instance alias>, and click Next. The Generate Instance >> General Settings page appears.

Under Options, select one or all the following check boxes depending on your requirement:

Use verbose logging: By default, this check box is cleared. If the check box is cleared, only common information, error, and warning messages are recorded in the log files. If the check box is selected, information, such as the query identifiers and the time taken for running the queries, is recorded at the lowest granularity levels, and this information can be used for troubleshooting problems.

Generate API Source Columns: By default, this check box is selected, and is applicable only for the Noetix Search instances of NoetixViews. If the check box is selected, Noetix Search Builder generates application programming interface (API) source column information when generating a Noetix Search instance of NoetixViews. If the check box is cleared, the content for the tables and table columns filters is not generated for the Noetix Search instances of NoetixViews.

Commit after every batch indexed: By default, this check box is cleared. If the check box is cleared, Noetix Search Builder does not commit the records to Noetix Search Server after every batch is indexed, thereby improving the performance of Noetix Search Builder. However, the records are not available in Noetix Search till the generation process is complete.

Optimize index on completion: By default, this check box is selected. If the check box is selected, Noetix Search Builder will automatically optimize the Noetix Search Server index upon completion of various operations. This operation may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the Noetix Search Server index, but optimizing the index decreases its size and improves its performance.

The general settings are saved in the file on the computer containing the Noetix Search Builder Service that is chosen by Noetix Enterprise Manager to perform the regeneration. For more information, see File under Supporting Concepts.

You can click Restore defaults if you want to use the default settings. The options that you select are displayed under SELECTIONS in the right pane.

Click Next. One of the following pages appears:

If you are regenerating a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews, the Generate Instance >> Summary page appears. Go to step 7.

If you are regenerating a Noetix Search instance for Noetix Analytics, the Generate Instance >> Choose Documentation Types page appears.

Perform the following steps:

If you want to exclude the source documentation for a version, select the corresponding value in the Included Documentation Types box, and click Suppress.

Click Next. The Generate Instance >> Summary page appears.

Click Generate. The regeneration starts, and the Generate Instance >> Build Status page displays the status of the regeneration process.

If the Show all messages check box is selected, all the messages related to the regeneration process are displayed in the Building Instance box. You can also view the regeneration log on the Logs page of Noetix Enterprise Manager. For information about viewing the logs, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

Under BUILD STAGE STATUS in the right pane, the stages of the regeneration process and their statuses are displayed.

When a regeneration is running, you can navigate away from the Generate Instance >> Build Status page, switch to another environment, or log off from Noetix Enterprise Manager. You can also view the regeneration status from the Active jobs in Noetix Enterprise Manager page of Noetix Enterprise Manager.

If you want to switch to another environment while the regeneration process is still running, click the Home button to navigate to the home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager. Then, select the environment from the Environment list.

Delete Noetix Search Instances

If a generated Noetix Search instance is no longer required, you can delete the instance.

To delete a Noetix Search instance

Perform steps On the home page of Noetix Enterprise Manager, click Generators > Noetix Search Builder <version> The home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager appears. through Click Generate a search instance. The Generate Instance >> Choose Target page displays the default target. that are provided under the “Generate Noetix Search Instances” section. The Generate Instance >> Choose Target page appears.

In the target list, verify the target or select the target identifying the location of the Noetix Search instance that you want to delete, and in the Instance alias box, select the alias for the Noetix Search instance. The details pertaining to the instance are displayed under the Instance alias list and the values that you selected are displayed under SELECTIONS in the right pane.

Click Delete <instance alias>, and click Next. The Generate Instance >> Summary page appears.

Click Delete. The Generate Instance >> Build Status page appears.

If the Show all messages check box is selected, all the messages related to the deletion process are displayed in the Building Instance box. You can also view the deletion log on the Logs page of Noetix Enterprise Manager. For information about viewing the logs, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

Under BUILD STAGE STATUS in the right pane, the stages of the deletion process and their statuses are displayed.

When a deletion process is running, you can navigate away from the Generate Instance >> Build Status page, switch to another environment, or log off from Noetix Enterprise Manager. You can also view the deletion status from the Active jobs in Noetix Enterprise Manager page of Noetix Enterprise Manager. For more information about viewing jobs, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

If you want to switch to another environment while the deletion process is still running, click the Home button to navigate to the home page of Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager. Then, select the environment from the Environment list.

Generate Noetix Search Instances on a Second Computer

You can generate the Noetix Search instances on a second computer in the following scenarios listed in this section. For the steps pertaining to generating, see Generate a Noetix Search Instance.

Generate Noetix Search Instances with Noetix Search Builder and Noetix Search Builder Service Installed

In this scenario, Noetix Search and Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager are installed on one computer and the Noetix Search Builder and Noetix Search Builder Service components are installed on a second computer. The Noetix Search Builder Service on both the computers is configured to access the same Noetix Enterprise Manager. When you start a Noetix Search instance generation using Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager, Noetix Enterprise Manager chooses between the available Noetix Search Builder Service components, but generates the index for the chosen target.

Generate Noetix Search Indexes Offline

In this scenario, Noetix Search is installed on a production computer, a second computer on which Noetix Enterprise Manager is installed, and on a third computer, the Noetix Search Builder and Noetix Search Builder Service components are installed. The Noetix Search Builder Service on the third computer is configured to access Noetix Enterprise Manager.

Important: This procedure can be used only when a Noetix Search index exists on the production computer so that you can replace the index with the latest generated one.

Perform the following steps for generating a Noetix Search instance offline:

Copy or replace the index files from the production computer on the third computer.

In Noetix Enterprise Manager, register the target for the third computer. For information about registering the target, see the MagnitudeNoetix Enterprise Manager Help.

In Noetix Search Builder for Noetix Enterprise Manager, select the target for the third computer and the alias that was used for generating the instance on the production computer.

After the generation is complete, stop the Noetix Search Server service on the production and third computers.

Copy the index folder from the third computer to the production computer.

The index files are located in the <nstallation folder>\Solr\solr\data folder.

Restart the Noetix Search Server service on the production and third computers. The Noetix Search instance is updated.

Improving Relevance for Noetix Search Results

To improve the relevance of the search results, commonly used synonyms are specified in the synonyms.txt file and words that can be ignored are specified in the stopwords en.txt file.

The synonyms.txt file is available at <installation folder>\Noetix\Noetix Search\Solr\solr\conf. Commonly used abbreviations and terms can be added to the synonym list to refine the search results when searching with these words. For example, the “acct” or “act” synonym can be used as a substitute for the “account” word.

stopwords en.txt is available at <installation folder>\Noetix\Noetix Search\Solr\solr\conf\lang. Words that are added to the stop word list are ignored when a search is performed. For example, the words “or”, “the”, and “with” can be ignored when performing a search that includes these terms.

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