Choose a Generation Method
Periodic maintenance is required to keep your Noetix views generation in synchronization with your Oracle
E-Business Suite configuration. insigihtsoftwarerecommends frequent regenerations to keep Noetix Views (NoetixViews) metadata and user accounts synchronized with changes made to your Oracle database or applications (for example, to pick up security changes or new flexfields). The frequency with which you regenerate will depend on the frequency of changes you make in your Oracle environment.
Noetix views must be regenerated in the following situations:
A significant patch to Oracle E-Business Suite has been applied.
You have upgraded your Oracle E-Business Suite (if your current version of NoetixViews supports that version).
You have upgraded Oracle Database.
If you have upgraded Oracle Database to version, you must grant the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges with the admin option to the SYSTEM user. You do not need to perform these grants if these privileges have already been granted to the SYSTEM user.
You have standard or Cross Operations Extension (XOP) form of the views and performed one or more of the following tasks:
New business groups, ledgers/sets of books, operating units, inventory organizations, service requests, time categories, collection plans, collection plan elements, or process organizations have been added to your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
The key or descriptive flexfield configuration in Oracle E-Business Suite has changed, such as a key flexfield structure has been added or modified.
Additional flexfield security rules have been created in Oracle E-Business Suite or a new segment has been added to the Accounting Flexfield.
You have created or modified custom views using the Noetix Views Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench) or scripts obtained from insightsoftwareSupport.
You have global form of the views and performed one or more of the following tasks:
New business groups, ledgers/sets of books, operating units, inventory organizations, service requests, time categories, collection plans, collection plan elements, or process organizations have been added to your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
If business groups, ledgers/sets of books, operating units, inventory organizations, or process organizations have been added, and you want NoetixViews to detect and process them without regenerating the views, you can run the organization refresh process. For more information, see Organization Refresh Feature in “Maintenance”.
The key or descriptive flexfield configuration in Oracle E-Business Suite has changed, such as a key flexfield structure has been added or modified.
Additional flexfield security rules have been created in Oracle E-Business Suite or a new segment has been added to the Accounting Flexfield.
The configuration of the Codes, Lookups, or Types values has changed.
You have created or modified custom views using the NoetixViews Workbench or scripts obtained from insightsoftwareSupport.
You can choose to use the incremental regeneration feature to generate only new custom views and those views that have been modified since the last run of Stage 4 or incremental regeneration. For information, see Option 5: Incremental Regeneration.
In all of these circumstances, Noetix views must be regenerated to incorporate any changes made to either NoetixViews or the Oracle configuration.
When regenerating, you must start with a successful Noetix views generation (that is, the last time you ran Stages 1 through 4 of the generation process, they must have all completed successfully). If your generation was not successful, use the steps described in Option 1: Regenerate Using NoetixViews Administrator and Option 2 Regenerate Using Scripts in “Generation of Views” to complete your generation, or call insightsoftwareSupport. Attempting a regeneration when the initial generation was not successful may fail and cause you to lose important generation settings. insightsoftware recommends that reports or queries based on views should not be run during a regeneration.
After regenerating the views, to provide Noetix query users the latest views with appropriate security through query tools, you may need to update the query tool meta-layers and take additional steps. For information, refer to the documentation of the query tools.
Choose a Regeneration Method
Noetix views can be regenerated with the use of the Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator) or scripts. In addition, regenerations can be scheduled using a Concurrent Manager job or using a UNIX-based Cron job.
In addition to the supported regeneration methods, for the global form of the views, you can use the incremental regeneration feature to regenerate only the new custom views and customized existing views. For more information, see Option 5: Incremental Regeneration
You will need to choose the method that will work best for your environment. Consider the following requirements when making your choice:
How familiar are you with Noetix views generations and regenerations? If you do not have much experience administering your NoetixViews environment, you may do best with a wizard-based regeneration, which provides more information about the prompts asked during the process.
What environment or computer do you currently use for administrative tasks? If you use Microsoft Windows, SQL*Plus, Cron (the UNIX scheduling service), or the Concurrent Manager (the Oracle scheduling service) for other administrative tasks, you may want to use a similar process for regenerating NoetixViews.
Do you need to regenerate outside of business hours? If so, the Cron or Concurrent Manager methods, which can be scheduled, may work best for you.
Do you have view customizations to implement? If so, for the global form of the views, you can use the incremental regeneration feature for most types of customizations. For other forms of the views, you have to perform a regeneration.
Have you added business groups, ledgers/sets of books, operating units, inventory organizations, or process organizations to your Oracle environment? If so, regenerating will create roles and views for these new structures. You will need to determine the role prefixes for these new roles, which can’t be done in a scheduled regeneration method.
For the global form of the views, you can use the organization refresh feature to detect and process the new organizations. For more information, see Organization Refresh Feature in “Maintenance”.
The following table lists the considerations for each regeneration method.
Features |
Compare Regeneration Methods |
NoetixViews Administrator |
Scripts |
Concurrent Manager Job |
Cron Job |
Incremental regeneration |
Runs on Windows? |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Runs on UNIX/Linux? |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Can be scheduled? |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Regenerates all views? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Implements customizations? |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Supports editing role prefixes during regeneration? |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Can be used without additional setup steps? |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Can include NoetixAnswers regeneration? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Can automatically compile Windows help format? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Includes online help for each dialog box/prompt? |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Important: If a regeneration fails or is aborted, your next attempt should be done using the same regeneration method, computer, and NOETIX SYS user directory. If you switch regeneration methods after an unsuccessful regeneration, it may be difficult to retain your Noetix query user accounts and role prefixes.
The following topics explain the concepts and procedures related to the regeneration of NoetixViews: