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Delete Noetix Query Users

A Noetix query user account can be deleted with the use of the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box or scripts.

Important: Using the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab, you can delete only Noetix query users of the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R), and Database User (Type U) types. Using scripts, you can delete only Noetix query users of the Database User (Type U) type. To delete the database users that are associated with Noetix query users, you need to log on to the database as a user with DBA privileges.

If you are using Oracle Discoverer, you will need to use Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer (Angles for Oracle Generator) to update security in your End User Layer (EUL). For more information about updating security, see the Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer Administrator Guide. You must select the Remove Business Area Security on Non-NoetixViews Query Users check box; otherwise, the deleted query user will still have access to the EUL.

You must be granted the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges to delete a query user.

To delete a Noetix query user using NoetixViews Administrator

  1. On the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab, select a Noetix query user. To select multiple Noetix query users, press CTRL, and click the users.

  2. Click Remove. A message appears to confirm the same. Click Yes.

  3. When you select the Noetix System Administration User (Type N) or an Oracle Administrative Database User (Type O), that is, the database logon accounts that are automatically created, the Remove button is unavailable.

  4. Click OK to commit the changes. Noetix query user accounts will only be removed if you click OK to commit the changes to the database.

    Note: The user record will be removed, and the query user will no longer have access to Noetix views.

To delete a Noetix query user using scripts

  1. Change the present working directory to the server directory containing the NoetixViews generation scripts.

  2. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User:

    connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>

  3. Run the delete user script, idelqusr.sql:

    start idelqusr.sql

  4. Answer the following prompts. To accept the default value, press ENTER; otherwise, type a value for each item when prompted, and press ENTER.

    • Please enter the Query User name.

      Note: Type the name of the Database User (Type U) type user.

    • Remove this Query User from NoetixViews? (Selecting this option will remove all roles and created synonyms.)

      Type "Y" to delete the user. Type "N" to remove roles from the user. If you type "N," you will be prompted to select roles for removal. Press ENTER to see all the roles assigned to this Noetix query user. If you want to delete a single role, type its name. If you want to delete all roles, type %.

  5. Verify the information that you have typed. If the information is incorrect, exit the SQL*Plus session (usually by pressing CTRL+C), and start over. If the information is correct, press ENTER to continue.

  6. Answer the following prompt:

    • Do you want to remove additional query users or query user roles?

      Type Y to remove additional query users or roles. Otherwise, type N. If you typed "Y", repeat steps 4 and 5. If you typed "N", all the Noetix query users or roles to be deleted are listed.

  7. Verify the information. To confirm, press ENTER. To cancel, exit the SQL*Plus session by pressing CTRL+C.

    If you have deleted roles from a query user record, then the user will no longer have access to the views pertaining to the removed roles. If you have deleted the user, the user record will be removed, and the query user will no longer have access to Noetix views.

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