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Pregeneration Considerations

The scalability and open architecture of Noetix Views (NoetixViews) provide flexibility in how you generate and use Noetix views within your Oracle E-Business Suite environment. As a part of the installation of NoetixViews, the data (.dat) files for the NoetixViews modules purchased by your organization are installed. They are used by the Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator) to generate the views. Because components of the product are customized for your business environment, an understanding of the basic generation concepts will help you to maximize the effectiveness of NoetixViews within your organization.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the pregeneration considerations available in this section before beginning the generation process. Each task involves gathering and preparing information or making decisions.

This chapter will help you accomplish the following pregeneration tasks:

  • Back up applications.

  • Obtain account information.

  • Determine SQL*Loader version.

  • Create tablespace.

  • Install Noetix Payroll Data Mart (when using NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll).

  • Update scripts before generation.

  • Decide on a user name and password for the Noetix System Administration User.

  • Name role prefixes.

  • Determine which Noetix help formats should be generated.

  • Decide whether you want to suppress parent-child hierarchy views. For information about how to suppress parent-child hierarchy views, see Suppress Parent-Child Hierarchy Views in NoetixViews in the “NoetixViews Customization” section in “Maintenance.”

  • Decide whether you want to suppress charts of accounts. For information about how to suppress charts of accounts, see Suppress Charts of Accounts in NoetixViews in the “NoetixViews Customization” section in “Maintenance.”

  • Determine whether privileges need to be granted to the SYSTEM user.

Back Up Oracle E-Business Suite

As a standard precaution, it is recommended that you back up your Oracle E-Business Suite before generating Noetix views. It is also recommended that you generate Noetix views into a non-production environment before rolling out to production.Obtain Account Information

Prior to generation of Noetix views, you must obtain the following account information:

  • The user name and password of an Oracle database user with DBA privileges (i.e., system): This account information is necessary to create the Noetix System Administration User during the generation process.

  • The user name and password of an Oracle E-Business Suite APPS or AOL (APPLSYS) user: This information is necessary to grant limited AOL access privileges to the Noetix System Administration User during Stage 2 of the Noetix views generation process. You will have to provide the same password during Stage 4 (See Stage 4: Generate Views inGenerate Using NoetixViews Administrator), so that the generation process can access the database tables belonging to each of the Oracle
    E-Business Suite modules detected.

Determine Oracle Tools Versions

Oracle tools comprise SQL*Plus, SQL*Net, and SQL*Loader. SQL*Plus is required to run the scripts while generating Noetix views, and SQL*Net is required by SQL*Plus to connect to the database. SQL*Loader is required during Stage 4 of Noetix views generation. The versions of the Oracle tools that are compatible with NoetixViews are listed in the system requirements.

The versions of these tools have to be compatible with the version of Oracle Home that you are running. A mismatch between the Oracle tools and Oracle Home versions has been known to generate errors in Noetix views generation. Before generating the views, confirm that the versions of the tools installed in the current Oracle Home is correct for your generation.

Note: insigihtsoftwarerecommends that the Oracle tools and database be of the same version so that compatibility-related issues are avoided.

To check your SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader versions

  1. Start NoetixViews Administrator. To do this, click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > NoetixViews Administrator. The welcome dialog box is displayed and prompts you to create an account or connect to an existing account.

  2. Type the system administration user name, password, and TNS name to connect to an existing account.

    Note: The SQL*Plus and SQL*Loader versions can be viewed only after a system administration user account has been set up.

  3. In NoetixViews Administrator, on the Help menu, click About. You can see the versions of Oracle Database, SQL*Loader, and SQL*Plus. You can also see the path to Oracle Home.

  4. You can use the Override Oracle Tool Detection tool in the NoetixViews Administrator to change the SQL*Plus and SQL*Loader versions detected. For more information about the Override Oracle Tool Detection tool, see Override Oracle Tool Detection in “Maintenance.”Create Tablespace

    The database tablespace size you will need depends on your Oracle E-Business Suite environment and the number of NoetixViews modules to be generated. This tablespace amount is usually between 50 MB and 150 MB, but some generations may require up to 1 GB or more. The amount of tablespace required depends on the particular environment and configuration, including how many ledgers/sets of books, operating units, inventory organizations, and modules you have. Estimate your tablespace generously for planning purposes and monitor it during the generation. The tablespace can be increased during generation with no adverse effects.

    When creating your tablespace, we recommend that you use the locally managed tablespace option, available in Oracle Database versions 8i and later.

Install Data Mart (When Using NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll)

The NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll module includes the Noetix Payroll Data Mart, which computes and saves balances for every assignment per payroll run. When the Payroll module is purchased, a directory as Datamart/Payroll is included with the product software, containing all the scripts you will need in order to install the data mart. The data mart must be installed before Noetix views are generated.

For more information about NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll, see   in “Module-Specific Information.”

Update Scripts Before Generation

Before you generate Noetix views, you may need to customize hook scripts based on your requirement.

Generate Individual Key Flexfield Segment Columns in Global Views

By default, individual segment columns are excluded from global views that use key flexfields with multiple structures. The views contain Z$ columns that allow users to join to the key flexfield views and incorporate the individual segment columns to the reports. However, if you want to generate the individual segment columns into the global views, you can do so by updating wnoetx gseg flex kff cols.sql before running Stage 4: Generate Views in Generate Using NoetixViews Administrator.

To incorporate individual segment columns into the global views

  1. Open wnoetx gseg flex kff cols.sql using a text editor. On a Windows-based computer, the default path to the file is <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>.

  2. Include the following statement:

    • UPDATE n f kff flexfields

    • SET kff cols in global view flag = 'Y'


    • AND ID FLEX CODE = "<Flex code>";

  3. Save the changes, and then close the file.

You can refer to wnoetx gseg flex kff cols.sql for the application IDs and flex codes of the key flexfields with multiple structures.

NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll

If you have purchased NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll, columns are automatically added to the PAY US Payroll Register view (introduced in NoetixViews 5.8.7) for each of the earnings and deduction balance types used in a specified time period. These columns return balances pertaining to regular earnings (with the “RE” label prefix), supplemental earnings (with the “SE” label prefix), imputed earnings (with the “IE” label prefix), alien or expatriate earnings (with the “AE” label prefix), non-payroll payments (with the “NP” label prefix), pretax deductions (with the “PD” label prefix), tax deductions (with the “TD” label prefix), voluntary deductions (with the “VD” label prefix), involuntary deductions (with the “ID” label prefix), employer benefit liabilities (with the “BL” label prefix), and employer tax liabilities (with the “TL” label prefix).

The time period for which these columns are generated can be adjusted through the use of the PAY NUMBER OF MONTHS parameter in the wnoetxu4.sql file. The period calculation always includes the months of the current calendar year, plus an adjustable range of additional months (the default is 36).

For example, if you run Stage 4 (See Stage 4: Generate Views inGenerate Using NoetixViews Administrator) in November 2009 and do not change the default number of additional months, NoetixViews will consider the previous 47 months-11 for the current year, plus the additional 36 months-for a time period from January 2006 through November 2009. The PAY US Payroll Register view will have one column for each earnings and deduction balance type used during these 47 months.These balance columns in PAY US Payroll Register retrieve their data from the Noetix Payroll Data Mart (See About Noetix Payroll Data Mart inNoetixViews for Oracle Payroll). To assure that each column returns a value for the payroll periods where the corresponding earnings or deduction balance type is used, you must specify a time period that has as its beginning the month that matches the oldest payroll period in the data mart.

If PAY US Payroll Register has already been generated and a new earnings or deduction balance type is used, the view must be regenerated for the corresponding new column to become available.

If the last time the view was regenerated was in a previous calendar year and you want the same beginning month for the time period, be sure to increase the value of the PAY NUMBER OF MONTHS parameter in increments of 12 for each year since the last regeneration.

In the standard form of this view, the additional columns will be restricted to those earnings and deduction balance types used over the given time period within the single business group of the view. The global form of the view, however, will include all earnings and deduction balance types from all business groups over the time period.

To modify the PAY NUMBER OF MONTHS parameter

  1. Open wnoetxu4.sql using a text editor. On a Windows-based computer, the default path to the file is <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>.

    In the PAY/HR SECURITY block, add the following statement:

  2. define PAY NUMBER OF MONTHS=<number of months>

  3. Save the changes, and then close the file.

NoetixViews for Oracle Quality

NoetixViews for Oracle Quality includes two sets of views that are dynamically generated on the basis of the collection plans and collection plan types set up at your site: QA Rslt <plan name> and QA Rslt PType <plan type>.

To ensure that these views are correctly generated, you need to modify the parameters in the wnoetx qa plan gen options.sql file before running Stage 4 (See Stage 4: Generate Views inGenerate Using NoetixViews Administrator).

On a Windows-based computer, the script file is stored in <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Master\Scripts\ Copy the script file to <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Master\Custom. Read the instructions in this file, modify the parameters, and edit the file so that the code is not commented.

Note: The QA Rslt <plan name> view will not be generated under Cross Operations Extension (XOP) roles.

Decide on Noetix System Administration User Name

A user name and password must be decided for the Noetix System Administration User. This database user (NOETIX SYS by default) will have administrative privileges and own the Noetix views. To maintain appropriate levels of security, the password should not be similar to the user name.

If you are generating on more than one database instance, you can use the same Oracle user name for the Noetix System Administration User in each instance. If you have several installations of Oracle E-Business Suite within one instance, you must use different names for each Noetix System Administration User.

Name Role Prefixes

Note: The role prefix should be created with the abbreviation for the ledger/set of books preceding the abbreviation for the application (e.g., USGL instead of GLUS). This way, a wildcard character search performed on all objects beginning with the NoetixViews prefix segment US (US%) will pull up objects related to your NoetixViews configuration, whereas a search performed on all objects beginning with the NoetixViews prefix segment GL (GL%) will pull up all objects related to General Ledger and prefixed with GL.

The prefix name can also identify the role and view as one belonging to NoetixViews in the database. If you are aware of other similarly named objects existing in the database, you may want to include the letter N in the prefix to distinguish Noetix views and roles from Oracle’s views and roles residing in the database.

Guidelines for creating role prefixes:

  • The first character must be an uppercase letter (A to Z).

  • English letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), and the underscore ( ) can be used in prefixes. However, the last character cannot be an underscore.

Up to five characters may be used in a prefix for identificatioAll Noetix view names include both a prefix and a business name. The prefix identifies the role a view is attached with. All views within a role have the same prefix. The prefix created for each role must be unique, even if the business name is not. This guarantees the uniqueness of every view name.

A role prefix provides a meaningful label for a view, helping to identify the ledger/set of books, operating unit, or inventory organization related to the role and the view. The prefix name can also identify the role and view as one belonging to NoetixViews in the database.

During a generation, NoetixViews generates default role prefix names that are the application label and a number (e.g., AP1). While you can use these default names, these are not user-friendly and should be changed. You will be prompted to edit these prefixes.

Important: Role prefixes should not be changed after your initial generation. It is highly recommended that you determine a naming convention for role prefixes and change them during the initial generation.

Role Prefix Naming Conventions

To customize role prefixes during generation, you will need to determine a five-character naming convention for each Oracle E-Business Suite module, ledger/set of books, operating unit, and manufacturing/inventory organization within your environment. If you have purchased XOP views, determine how you will distinguish roles for XOP views using role prefixes.

Prefixes are usually created using an abbreviation for the Oracle E-Business Suite module for which the role was created and a meaningful label for each operational area depending on the module. For example, if a role is granted access to a ledger/set of books for U.S. operations in Oracle General Ledger, the prefix for this role becomes USGL. Subsequently, all views accessible from this role will be labeled with a prefix of USGL.

n of modules, ledgers/sets of books, operating units, and inventory organizations.

Special or multi-byte characters cannot be used in prefixes.

The prefix for each database role listed on the role prefix dialog box must be unique. Duplicate prefixes are not permitted.

Prefixes cannot be left blank.

If the guidelines are not adhered to when prefixes are created, an error will occur.

If you have only one ledger/set of books, inventory organization, or business group, the default prefix becomes the application label (e.g., GL Chart Of Accounts). In this case, you may want to associate the view with NoetixViews by adding the letter N (e.g., N GL).

If you have any queries regarding role prefixes after the generation is complete, you can look up the Noetix Help File to view the roles for your environment.

Choose Help Formats to Generate

The Noetix Help File helps you in searching information pertaining to a specific view or column. It helps you to easily locate a NoetixViews topic (for example, role, view, column or query construction) within the help file.

The Noetix Help File is available in three formats that can be generated during or after generation. You can choose to generate any combination of the following formats:

  • Microsoft WinHelp Format: The Noetix Help File for Microsoft Windows contains all information available concerning your generation and includes search capabilities. Users will find this help format similar to that found in many desktop applications. This help format is appropriate for environments running Microsoft Windows or Windows NT.

  • HTML Help Format: NoetixViews generates a set of HTML files that can be moved to a web server and accessed through a web browser. This help format is appropriate for environments that use an intranet for access to Oracle E-Business Suite data and internal networking.

  • Query Tool Help Format: NoetixViews generates comments for each Noetix view and column. Many query tools allow you to access these comments when you are building a query. These views are also helpful while using a query tool that does not directly support comments.

Important: The Query Tool Help format is ideal for advanced users who use SQL*Plus, TOAD, and similar tools. As the database comments require a large amount of Oracle tablespace, you must generate Query Tool Help only after a successful generation of Noetix views.

Grant Privileges to SYSTEM User

If you have upgraded Oracle Database to version, you must grant the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges with the admin option to the SYSTEM user. You do not need to perform these grants if these privileges have already been granted to the SYSTEM user.

Choose a Generation Method

Depending on your preferences and the platform in which you are operating, you may generate Noetix views using either the NoetixViews Administrator or SQL scripts.

Consider requirements such as the following when making your choice:

  • How familiar are you with Noetix view generations? If you are generating Noetix views for the first time, the wizard-based generation provides more information about the prompts asked during the process and the effects of your choices.

  • What environment or computer do you currently use for administrative tasks? If you use Microsoft Windows or UNIX for other administrative tasks, you may want to use a similar process for generating Noetix views.

The following table lists additional considerations for each generation method.


Comparing Generation Methods

NoetixViews Administrator


Runs on Windows



runs on UNIX/Linux



Supports changing role prefixes during generations



Can automatically compile Windows help file format



Includes online help for each dialog box/prompt



For information about generation of views using NoetixViews Administrator, seeGenerate Using NoetixViews Administrator

For information about generation of views using scripts, see Generate Using Scripts.

Generation Stages

The NoetixViews generation comprises generation preparations, generation phases, and generation administration.

As a part of generation preparations, you need to complete the pregeneration tasks. see Pregeneration Considerations.

For generating views, you have to start the NoetixViews Administrator and perform the steps in each generation phase. The generation phases are as follows:

Stage 1: The Stage 1 wizard performs all the tasks necessary to create Noetix Administration User Account which owns all the tables and procedures used during the NoetixViews generation process, and also the resulting views.

Stage 2: Stage 2 wizard performs the steps to grant the Noetix System Administration User access to the Application Object Library (AOL) tables.

Stage 3: Stage 3 process creates synonyms for the Noetix System Administration User to set up the account with the necessary tables and views.

Stage 4: Stage 4 of the generation process generates views, answers, and the Noetix Help File

The generation administration comprises the steps after the views, answers, and Noetix Help File have been generated:

  • Publish Noetix Help File (optional).
  • Grant Noetix query users access to Noetix views.
  • Configure reporting tool or install Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer (Angles for Oracle Generator).

On a Windows-based computer, script-based generation of Noetix views is available for only Stages 2 through 4. For information about script-based generation, see Generate Using Scripts.

The following topics explain the concepts and procedures related to the generation of NoetixViews:

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