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EBS General Ledger (GL)

To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS General Ledger (GL).





GL All Balances

This view returns information about actual balances of the detail and summary accounts in the primary and transaction currencies. In the case of statistical journals, the view returns information about actual nonmonetary balances. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances and Detail Balances windows of Oracle General Ledger for summary and detail accounts respectively. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, code combination ID, currency code, translated balance status, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL All Budgets

This view returns information about budget balances of the detail and summary accounts in the primary and transaction currencies. This information is displayed on the Budget Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a budget name, period name, currency code, code combination ID, translated balance status, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL All Encumb Je Lines

This view returns information about encumbrance journal entries. This information is displayed on the Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a journal entry batch name, journal entry name, line number, period name, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL All Je Lines

This view returns information in the primary and transaction currencies about journal entry lines pertaining to journal entry batches and journal entry headers created for actual account balances. This information is displayed on the Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a journal entry batch name, journal entry name, line number, period name, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL AP Inv Je Line Details

This view returns information about journal entry lines pertaining to actual account balances with additional information on journal entry lines associated with Oracle Payables invoices. This information was supplied in the Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a journal batch name, a journal entry name, a journal line number, an invoice number, an accounting event line number, an accounting event line type, and a set of books name (if available).


GL Archived Balances

This view returns information in the primary and transaction currencies about the actual, budget, and encumbrance balances for the summary and detail accounts that are archived. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, code combination ID, currency code, translated balance status, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Archived Je Lines

This view returns information about archived journal entry lines of actual journals in the primary currency. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, journal entry batch name, journal entry name, line number, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Average Daily Balances

This view returns information about the average balances of actual journals for the detail and summary accounts in the primary and transaction currencies. This information is displayed on the Detail Average Daily Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of an accounting date, a code combination ID, a currency code, a converted from currency, a period name, an accounting date, a currency type, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Balances

This view returns information about actual balances for detail accounts in the primary currency. This information is displayed on the Detail Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Budget Actuals Encumb

This view returns information in the primary currency about the budget, actual, and encumbrance balances and the variance between these balances for detail accounts. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, a budget name, an encumbrance type, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Budget Names

This view provides information about budgets, such as the name, description, creation and closed dates, and status. The Status column indicates the status of the budget. The First Valid Period Name column indicates the beginning accounting period of the budget. The Last Valid Period Name column indicates the ending accounting period of the budget. The Latest Opened Year column indicates the latest year of the budget that is open.


GL Budget Organizations

This view returns information about budget organizations. This information was supplied in the Define Budget Organization window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a budget organization and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Budget To Actuals

This view returns information in the primary currency about the budget and actual balances for detail accounts and the variance between these balances. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, a budget name, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Budgets

This view returns information about budget balances for detail accounts in the primary currency. This information is displayed on the Detail Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a budget name, a period name, an account, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Chart Of Accounts

This view returns information about charts of accounts. This information was supplied in the GL Accounts window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a code combination ID and chart of accounts name (if available).


GL Daily Exchange Rates

This view returns information about daily conversion rates between two currencies. This information was supplied in the Daily Rates window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a conversion date, from currency, to currency, and conversion type.


GL Encumb Journal Batches

This view returns information about journal entry batches for encumbrance journals in the primary currency. This information was supplied in the Batch window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a default period name, default effective date, journal entry batch name, and chart of accounts name (if available).


GL Encumb Journal Entries

This view returns information about encumbrance journal entries in the primary currency. This information was supplied in the Enter Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, journal entry name, journal entry batch name, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Encumbrance Balances

This view returns information about encumbrance balances of detail accounts in the primary currency. This information is displayed on the Detail Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, an encumbrance type, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Foreign Je Lines

This view returns information about journal entry lines pertaining to actual account balances in the primary and transaction currencies. This information is displayed on the Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a journal entry batch name, a journal entry name, a line number, a currency code, an account, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Foreign Summaries

This view returns information about actual balances of summary accounts in the transaction and primary currencies. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, currency code, code combination ID, translated balance status, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Funds Available

This view returns information about actual, budget, and encumbrance balances of summary and detail accounts in the primary and transaction currencies. This information is displayed on the Funds Available Inquiry window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a budget name, an encumbrance type, a currency code, a code combination ID, a translated balance status, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Import Journals

This view returns information about journal entries that need to be imported into Oracle General Ledger from various sources, such as Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Projects, Oracle Inventory, and external systems


GL Import Payables

This view returns information about journal entries that need to be imported into Oracle General Ledger from Oracle Payables.


GL Import Purchasing

This view returns information about journal entries that need to be imported into Oracle General Ledger from Oracle Purchasing.


GL Import Receivables

This view returns information about journal entries that need to be imported into Oracle General Ledger from Oracle Receivables.


GL Je AP Inv Dist Details

This view returns information about journal entry lines generated for all journal sources with additional information for invoice distributions sourced from Payables.


GL Journal Auth Limits

This view returns information about journal entry lines generated for all journal sources with additional information for payment distributions sourced from Payables.


GL Journal Entries

This view returns information about journal entries and journal entry batches. This information was supplied in the Enter Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a journal entry name, journal entry batch name, period name, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Journal Entry Batches

This view returns information about journal entry batches for actual balances. This information was supplied in the Batch window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a default period name, journal entry batch name, and chart of accounts name (if available).


GL Journal Entry Lines

This view returns information about journal entry lines for actual balances in the primary or statistical currency. This information is supplied in the Journals window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a journal entry batch name, a journal entry name, a line number, an account, a currency code, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Org Balances

This view returns information in the primary currency about actual balances of both the summary and detail accounts assigned to budget organizations. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances and Detail Balances windows of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a budget organization, period name, and code combination ID.


GL Org Budget To Actuals

This view returns information in the primary currency about the budget and actual balances for the summary and detail accounts of budget organizations and the variance between these balances. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, budget name, budget organization, code combination ID, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Org Budgets

This view returns information in the primary currency about budget balances of the summary and detail accounts assigned to budget organizations. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances and Detail Balances windows of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a budget name, period name, and code combination ID.


GL Parent Budget To Actuals

This view returns information in the primary currency about the budget and actual balances and the variance between these balances for detail accounts or child accounts of parent accounts. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, parent account, child account, budget name, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Parent Child Balances

This view returns information in the primary currency about actual balances for detail accounts or child accounts of parent accounts. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, parent account, and child account.


GL Parent Child Budgets

This view returns information in the primary currency about budget balances for detail accounts or child accounts of parent accounts. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, budget name, parent account, and child account.


GL Parent Child Values

This view returns the information about child account segment values and their corresponding parent account segment values in the segment value hierarchy. This information is displayed on the Value Hierarchy window that is accessed through the Segment Values window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a child flex value, parent flex value, and chart of accounts (if available).


GL Period Exchange Rates

This view returns information about the average, period-end, and period-end reverse conversion rates between the primary and transaction currencies. This information was supplied in the Daily Rates window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, balance type, to currency code, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Rollup Account Balances

This view returns information in the primary currency about summarized actual balances of detail accounts grouped by the natural account and balancing account segments. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a balancing segment value, a natural account segment value, an account type, a set of books name/ledger name (if available), and the ACCT$<attribute> columns (if available).


GL Rollup Account Budgets

This view returns information in the primary currency about summarized budget balances of detail accounts grouped by the natural account and balancing account segments. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a balancing segment value, a natural account segment value, a budget name, an account type, a set of books name/ledger name (if available), and the ACCT$<attribute> columns (if available).


GL Rollup Parent Balances

This view returns information in the primary currency about parent account balances by summarizing the actual balances of the detail or child accounts corresponding to a parent account. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, a set of books name/ledger name (if available), and the ACCT$<attribute> columns (if available).


GL Rollup Parent Budgets

This view returns information in the primary currency about parent account balances by summarizing the budget balances of the detail or child accounts corresponding to a parent account. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, a budget, an account, a set of books name/ledger name (if available), and the ACCT$<attribute> columns (if available).


GL Stat Balances

This view returns information about actual balances for detail accounts in the statistical currency. This information is displayed on the Detail Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Stat Budget To Actuals

This view returns information in the statistical currency about the budget and actual balances for detail accounts and the variance between these balances. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, an account, a budget name, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Stat Budgets

This view returns information about budget balances for detail accounts in the statistical currency. This information is displayed on the Detail Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a budget name, a period name, an account, and a set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Status Of Periods

This view returns information about the status of the accounting periods defined in Oracle General Ledger. This information was supplied in the Open and Close Periods window of General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Summary Accounts

This view returns information about the detail accounts that are associated with the summary accounts. This information is displayed by the Chart of Accounts - Account Hierarchy report of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a detail account code combination ID, summary account code combination ID, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Summary Balances

This view returns information about actual balances for summary accounts in the primary currency. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, code combination ID, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Summary Budget To Actuals

This view returns information in the primary currency about the budget and actual balances for summary accounts and the variance between these balances. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, code combination ID, budget name, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Summary Budgets

This view returns information about budget balances for summary accounts in the primary currency. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, code combination ID, budget, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).


GL Ytd Balances

Important: This view is used for populating the year-to-date (YTD) beginning balance information in the answers corresponding to the Detail Trial Balance report of Oracle General Ledger. The view has no significance if used individually.



This view returns information about the parent-child hierarchies on the &SEGMENT NAME segment of the &CHART OF ACCOUNTS NAME chart of accounts. The hierarchies are built and maintained on the Value Hierarchy window that is accessed through the Segment Values window of Oracle General Ledger.


XXHIE Acct Dim

This view returns the Accounting Flexfield code combinations corresponding to parent values from hierarchies on the &SEGMENT NAME segment of the &CHART OF ACCOUNTS NAME chart of accounts. The hierarchies are defined on the Value Hierarchy window that is accessed through the Segment Values window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for a Code Combination ID corresponding to each child flex value of a parent.


GL Foreign Balances

This view returns information about actual balances of summary accounts in the transaction and primary currencies. This information is displayed on the Summary Balances window of Oracle General Ledger. A record is returned for each combination of a period name, currency code, code combination ID, translated balance status, and set of books name/ledger name (if available).

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