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EBS Projects (PA)

To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Projects (PA).





PA Control Item Actions

This view returns information about the actions for control items. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, a control item identifier, an action number, and a task number.


PA Control Item Comments

This view returns information about the comments related to control items. This information was supplied in the Interaction History tab of the Update Issue, Update Change Request, and Update Change Order pages under the Control tab of Oracle Project Management.


PA Control Item Impacts

This view returns information about the work plan, staffing, contract, and other impacts for control items. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, a control item identifier, an impact type, and a task number.


PA Control Item Relations

This view returns information about the relationships among issues, change requests, and change orders. A record is returned for each combination of a from control item identifier, to control item identifier, and relationship type.


PA Control Items

This view returns information about the control items for a project. This information was supplied in the Issues, Change Requests, and Change Orders pages under the Control tab of Oracle Project Management. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, control item identifier, and task number


PA Deliverable Actions

This view returns the W-2 register (wages and taxes) details of employee assignments as of a payroll period. This information is displayed by the W-2 Register report of Oracle Payroll. A record is returned for each combination of an assignment number, an effective date, and a state code. This combination will include a business group name for the global form of the view.


PA Financial Plan Impacts

This view returns information about the financial impacts on account of change requests and change orders. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, a control item identifier, an implemented budget version name, an impact type, a budget status, a budget version name, a budget version number, an implemented budget version number, and an implemented budget status.


PA Financial Plan Tasks

This view returns information about financial plans and their tasks. This information is displayed on the Financial Tasks page under the Financial tab of Oracle Project Management. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, financial plan version name, financial plan version number, and task number.


PA Organization History

This view returns information about organizations used in the Oracle Projects module. A record is returned for each combination of an operating unit name (if available), organization name, and organization usage type.


PA Proj User Define Attrs

This view returns information about user-defined attributes for projects and tasks. This information is displayed on the Other Project Setup section of the Project Setup page under the Project tab of Oracle Project Management. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, a task number, an attribute group display name, and user-defined attribute values across attribute groups.


PA Project Exceptions

This view returns information about the exceptions associated with a project. A record is returned for each combination of a project number, key performance area, measure name, and performance rule name.

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