Installing NoetixViews
This chapter provides information on the preinstallation considerations for the software. It also guides users through the complete installation procedure of Noetix Views (NoetixViews). Users who use Microsoft Windows as the operating system at their site should refer to the procedure describing installation of Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator) for generating and maintaining Noetix views. Users having UNIX as the operating system at their sites should refer to the procedure for loading the script files on a computer running UNIX for generating and maintaining Noetix views.
The chapter also provides detailed procedures of upgrading the software on both the operating systems.
Preinstallation Considerations
You must familiarize yourself with the preinstallation considerations before installing NoetixViews. This section contains information about the tasks that must be completed before installing the product.
Review System Requirements
The system requirements for installing NoetixViews can be found in the release documentation included with the product software and inArticle No. 000008011 (INFO: Documentation for Noetix Views) on the Knowledge area of the insightsoftware Support Community.
Before beginning an installation, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for hard disk drive space, memory, operating systems, and application versions.
Grant Administrative Privileges for NoetixViews Administrator
You must have administrative privileges for each computer on which you plan to install NoetixViews Administrator.
To do this, add your user account to the Administrators group on each computer. If you need assistance with this task, contact your system administrator.
Install the Software
The following sections describe the process of installing NoetixViews in Microsoft Windows and UNIX environments.
Install the Software on Windows
The installation of NoetixViews on a Microsoft Windows-based computer consists of installing NoetixViews Administrator and the data (.dat) files. The NoetixViews Administrator uses the data files for generation of views. This section contains instructions for installing all the NoetixViews components on a Windows-based computer.
To install NoetixViews
Run the Setup.exe file. The NoetixViews installation startup screen appears.
Click NoetixViews. The Welcome to the NoetixViews Setup wizard page appears.
Review the information displayed, and click Next.
On the Software License Agreement page, click I Agree to accept the license agreement. The Installation Location page appears.
Accept or change the default folder location that is displayed. By default, NoetixViews is installed in <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews. To change the default folder, click Browse andselect a folder, and then click Next. The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.
Enter a Start menu folder name under which you want to create the shortcuts for NoetixViews. By default, it is NoetixViews. If you select a Start menu folder name from the list, the default name is added to the end of the selection. If you do not want to create the shortcuts for NoetixViews, select the Do not create shortcuts check box, and then click Next. The Installation Summary page appears.
Verify the installation settings, and click Install. After the installation process in complete, the Installation Complete page appears.
Optionally, click Show details. The log details of the installation process are displayed. Click Next when the installation process is complete.
You can right-click the information displayed and click Copy Details To Clipboard to copy the information to the clipboard. Thereafter, you can save the information in a text-editing program.
On the Installation Complete page, click Finish. The wizard exits.
On the NoetixViews installation startup screen, click Exit to close it.
Load the Software on UNIX
For generation of Noetix views using scripts, the necessary script files have to be transferred to the UNIX-based computer and consecutively, the files and directory have to be prepared. You can transfer the files either using the Noetix Script Copy Wizard or using a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client. The instructions for transferring the files using the Noetix Script Copy Wizard and an FTP client and preparing the files and directory are given in the following sections.
Transfer Files Using Noetix Script Copy Wizard
If you have installed NoetixViews Administrator on a Windows-based computer, you can use the Noetix Script Copy Wizard to transfer the necessary script files to the UNIX-based computer on which you will perform the scripts-based generation. This wizard will transfer the files using FTP.
To transfer scripts using the Noetix Script Copy Wizard
Create a Noetix installation directory on the UNIX-based computer where you want to generate the Noetix views. If you are generating Noetix views on multiple databases, you must set up a separate directory for each database. Note these directory locations for reference.
Click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > Script Copy Wizard. The Noetix Script Copy Wizard welcome page is displayed. Click Next to start the wizard.
If you have not installed NoetixViews Administrator on a client computer, you can access and run the Noetix Script Copy Wizard available with the product software.
Type a user name, password, and URL for the network location of the computer to which you would like to transfer the scripts using FTP. Click Next.
Type the location of the directory that you created in step Create a Noetix installation directory on the UNIX-based computer where you want to generate the Noetix views. If you are generating Noetix views on multiple databases, you must set up a separate directory for each database. Note these directory locations for reference.. Click Next.
Confirm the information that you have typed, and click Finish to transfer the files.
After the files have been transferred, the Noetix Script Copy Wizard displays the scripter.txt file. Skip to Prepare Files and Directory for Generation of Views Using Scripts for the next step.
Transfer Files Using FTP Client
As an alternative to using the Noetix Script Copy Wizard, the scripts required for generation can be transferred to the appropriate directory using whatever means available to you. If you have not installed NoetixViews Administrator, you can get the scripts you need from NvAdm\Master\Unix in the folder where you have unzipped the product software.
The script files are in text format, meaning that lines are ended with both a carriage return and line feed, rather than just a line feed (as found in UNIX). Whatever process you use to transfer the files, they must be converted to the format that suits the environment you are running the scripts from. Most FTP servers and clients do this conversion when you transfer such files in ASCII mode.
To transfer scripts using an FTP client
Note: The instructions below are based on the Windows FTP client, but should be applicable to any FTP client.
On the UNIX-based computer from which you want to generate Noetix views, create a Noetix installation directory. If you are generating Noetix views on multiple databases, you must set up a separate directory for each database. Note these directory locations for reference.
At the command prompt, change the present working directory to NvAdm\Master\Unix.
Type FTP <server name>, and press ENTER (where server name is the IP address or name of the UNIX-based server).
Type the user name and password when prompted.
Change the present working directory to the installation directory on the UNIX-based server.
Type ascii, and press ENTER. This puts you in the ASCII transfer mode.
Type put, and press ENTER. This transfers the script files from NvAdm\Master\Unix to the installation directory on the UNIX-based computer.
Type binary, and press ENTER. This puts you in binary transfer mode.
Type prompt, and press ENTER. This turns off the interactive mode so you are not prompted to transfer every file.
Type mput *.Z, and press ENTER. This transfers the compressed .Z files from NvAdm\Master\Unix to the installation directory on the UNIX-based computer.
When the transfer is finished, type bye, and press ENTER. This closes the FTP client. For information about the next steps of the generation, see the following section.
Prepare Files and Directory for Generation of Views Using Scripts
After transferring the script files to the UNIX-based computer, you must prepare the files and directory for generating Noetix views using these scripts.
To prepare files and directory for generation of views using scripts
Log on to the UNIX-based computer, and go to the NoetixViews installation directory.
Type . ./ and press ENTER. This command will decompress and untar the scripts.Z, datfile*.Z, and custom.Z files. (The custom.Z file is used for customer-specific configuration and may not be included for all installations.) It also sets the execute permission on all *.sh, *.bat, @echo, and @goto files.
Verify the following:
The users performing the generation of the views have read, write, and execute permissions to the directory.
The *.sh, *.bat, @echo, and @goto files have execute permission.
If you have received custom scripts from insigihtsoftwarethat are not contained in the custom.Z file, manually transfer these files through FTP to the NoetixViews installation directory at this point.