Option 3 Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job
Regenerating Noetix views using a scheduled Concurrent Manager job on UNIX requires a number of initial tasks to set up the environment and parameters to be used. After this initial setup is completed, no additional user input is required, and the regenerations can be scheduled.
If you have upgraded NoetixViews and have used the Concurrent Manager earlier to regenerate your views, you need to repeat steps 5 and 6 in Step 1: Set Up Custom Application. Subsequently, you need to perform the procedures listed in Step 2: Populate Parameter File, Step 3: Populate Password File (for a standard install environment only), Step 4: Grant Permissions to APPS Objects (for an Oracle E-Business Suite On Demand Service (EBSO) environment only), Step 5: Define Concurrent Program, and Schedule Regeneration in Concurrent Manager. You should perform these procedures only after you have upgraded NoetixViews. For information about upgrading NoetixViews, see Upgrade the Software.
This method will involve setting up a Concurrent Manager job from a UNIX environment.
Initial Setup
The initial setup needs to be done once for each NOETIX SYS schema. After the setup has been done, for subsequent regenerations, go to Schedule Regeneration in Concurrent Manager to start the regeneration.
Initial setup involves the following steps:
Step 1: Set Up Custom Application
Step 2: Populate Parameter File
Step 3: Populate Password File (for a standard install environment only)
Step 4: Grant Permissions to APPS Objects (for an EBSO environment only)
Step 5: Define Concurrent Program
Step 1: Set Up Custom Application
You will need to create the custom application record and directories that will allow you to use the Concurrent Manager to regenerate Noetix views. This step may need to be done by a DBA with experience in setting up custom applications.
Note: For information about creating the directory, setting up the environment variables, and creating a program link, see the Oracle E-Business Suite documentation.
To set up the custom application
Log on to the UNIX-based computer as the user associated with the Concurrent Manager. Usually this is the same user who owns the Concurrent Manager log and output files. You will be using this account to run the concurrent process. For the purposes of this document, this user is referred to as noetix unix.
Note: This user can be found by changing to the Oracle E-Business Suite log or output files directories, using the UNIX commands cd $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG or cd $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT, and viewing the owners. The owner of the log and output files is the UNIX user account.
In the $APPL TOP directory, create a TOP directory for the Noetix custom application—XXNOETIX—that you will register in step Register an application with the following values:. This custom application’s TOP directory, XXNOETIX TOP, is to be used by the Concurrent Manager and should be at the same level as the $FND TOP directory. This directory structure depends on the operating system and the Oracle E-Business Suite version that is being used and should include subdirectories such as bin, sql, and ctl. Ensure that the noetix unix user has full permissions to this directory.
As part of the custom application directory setup, the environment variables need to be set in the <dbname>.env file for the TOP directory structure of the custom application.
Navigate to the bin directory of the XXNOETIX directory you just created, and create a program link called inst4cm under Host Language Concurrent Programs.
ln -ns $FND TOP/bin/fndcpesr inst4cm
If you do not have an environment variable set for the $APPL TOP directory, you may need to use the absolute path to the bin directory of the $FND TOP directory rather than $FND TOP/bin.
Under the XXNOETIX directory, create a /noetix install dir directory to be used exclusively for NoetixViews. This new directory should be at the same level as the bin directory.
Load the NoetixViews scripts into the noetix install dir directory following the steps described in Load the Software on UNIX in “Installing Noetix Views.”
Copy the file inst4cm.prog from the noetix install dir to the bin directory within the XXNOETIX directory structure.
Note: After copying the inst4cm.prog file to the XXNOETIX/bin directory, ensure that you have permissions to run the file.
Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user with the System Administrator responsibility.
Register an application with the following values:
Application: Noetix Custom Application
Short Name: XXNOETIX
Description: Noetix Custom Application
Set up the standard/EBSO data group for the application with the following values:
Application: Noetix Custom Application
Oracle ID: APPS
Description: Noetix Custom Application
Step 2: Populate Parameter File
This step will populate a parameter file with default values for all of the information that Noetix views regeneration will need, such as regeneration options and user names. These default values appear when you set up your scheduled regeneration jobs (if they have not been already set up at the time of the previous generation). You can change them at a later step for each scheduled job you create.
The script you run in this step will gather and validate the parameters and save them to the noetix install dir/autorun/cparam.sql file. You will have to provide all the required parameters (except passwords) for a scheduled regeneration. While scheduling a regeneration in Concurrent Manager, the Noetix System Administration User password will be taken from the secured cparam.sql file.
To populate the parameter file
Change the present working directory to the noetix install dir directory on the computer containing the NoetixViews generation scripts.
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User:
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>
Note: If you are using an instance that is not stored in the ORACLE SID environment variable, type @dbconnectstring.
Run the script to gather parameters:
start igetprm.sql
Answer the following prompts. To accept the default value, press ENTER; otherwise, type a value for each item when prompted, and press ENTER.
Please enter the <NOETIX SYS user> password.
Please enter the name of the database where the <NOETIX SYS> user resides.
Note: Type the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) name of this database.
What type of unattended install environment do you operate in (STANDARD or EBSO)?
Note: Type STANDARD or EBSO depending on your environment.
Please enter the default tablespace for the <NOETIX SYS> user.
Please enter the Noetix Administrator Installation Path.
Note: Type the full path to the noetix install dir directory, to which the NoetixViews scripts were loaded.
Please enter the APPS user name.
Please enter the language used in the install stage 4 processing.
Should Global views be installed (if available)? Please answer Y or N.
Note: If global form of Noetix views has been purchased, should they be generated? Valid responses are Y and N.
Should XOP views be installed (if available)? Please answer Y or N.
Note: If Cross Operations Extension (XOP) form of Noetix views has been purchased, should they be generated? Valid responses are Y and N.
Should Standard views be installed? Please answer Y or N.
Should standard INV views be installed (if available)? Please answer Y or N.
Note: If NoetixViews for Oracle Inventory has been purchased, should organization-specific views be generated? Valid responses are Y and N.
Should Projects Multi-currency columns be installed (if available)? Please answer Y or N.
If NoetixViews for Oracle Projects has been purchased, Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.8 or later detected, and Oracle Projects installed, should the multi-currency columns be generated? Valid responses are Y and N. Changing the multi-currency option during a regeneration of views impacts reports written against the views for Oracle Projects. For information, see Changing the Multi-Currency Option While Regenerating Noetix Views in NoetixViews for Oracle Projects.
Should Database comments be generated? Please answer Y or N.
Note: The Query Tool Help format is ideal for advanced users who use SQL*Plus, TOAD, and similar tools. As the database comments require a large amount of Oracle tablespace, you must regenerate Query Tool Help only after a successful regeneration of Noetix views.
Should Microsoft Help be generated? Please answer Y or N.
Should HTML Help be generated? Please answer Y or N.
Should we run Answer Builder? Please answer Y or N.
Should we run Answer Builder if warning occur in Stage 4? Please answer Y or N.
Overwrite configuration files using previous settings from the database? (Y/N)
Note: This parameter value is ignored in scheduled regenerations, and the role prefixes and settings for Noetix query users will be saved.
Which stages do you want the installer to run?
Choose which type of regeneration you want to schedule, and type A, B, or H:
A: This option will run Stages 2 through 4 of the generation process and regenerate answers and the Noetix Help File.
B: This option will run only the Noetix Answer Builder and regenerate the answers.
H: The option will regenerate only the Noetix Help File in the formats specified earlier.
The values you typed will be populated into cparam.sql, and you can continue to the next step.
Step 3: Populate Password File
Important: This step is relevant only if the type of your unattended install environment is standard. Skip to Step 4: Grant Permissions to APPS Objects if you have an EBSO environment at your site.
This step populates a password file with the user accounts and passwords that are required during a regeneration.
The script you run in this step will gather and validate the passwords and save them to the noetix install dir/autorun/cpw.sql file. Permissions are automatically set on this file so that the passwords are secure and accessible only to the noetix unix user.
To populate the password file
Change the present working directory to the noetix install dir directory on the computer containing the NoetixViews scripts.
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User:
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>
If you are using an instance that is not stored in the ORACLE SID environment variable, type @dbconnectstring.
Run the script to gather passwords:
start igetpw.sql
Type the passwords for the users as required by the script, and then press ENTER. The list of users that is displayed varies depending on the user configuration at your site. However, this list usually includes your APPS accounts.
Exit SQL*Plus.
The values you typed will be populated into cpw.sql, and you can continue to the next step.
Step 4: Grant Permissions to APPS Objects
Important: This step is relevant only if you have an EBSO environment at your site. Skip to Step 5: Define Concurrent Program if you have a standard environment.
This step is required to grant the NOETIX SYS user the permissions to the Oracle APPS schema objects if the version of Oracle E-Business Suite has been upgraded or any patch has been applied to the APPS schema. If there has not been an upgrade, you need not perform the following steps, and you can skip to Step 5.
To grant permissions to APPS objects
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User.
Run the iappspkg.sql script.
Run scripts to grant the NOETIX SYS user the permissions to the APPS schema objects. These scripts are available with the EBSO support providers. For more information about these scripts, contact insightsoftwareSupport.
Step 5: Define Concurrent Program
This step defines a concurrent program that will be used to run your scheduled Noetix views regeneration. You will be prompted to type the APPS user name and password, as well as other necessary information to set up the concurrent program.
To define the concurrent program
Change the present working directory to the noetix install dir directory.
Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User:
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>
If you are using an instance that is not stored in the ORACLE SID environment variable, type @dbconnectstring.
Run the script to load the concurrent program:
start iconcmgr.sql
Answer the following prompts. To accept the default value, press ENTER; otherwise, type a value for each item when prompted, and press ENTER.
Please enter a valid Oracle Apps user account
This account is typically APPS.
Please enter the Oracle User Password for the Apps User
Please enter the name of the Oracle Application you wish to associate with this Concurrent Program definition. Use the application short name to define this item.
Note: Type the short name of the application that you created in Step 1: Set Up Custom Application.
Which Request Group do you want to attach this Concurrent Program to?
Note: Type the name of the request group that you want to add the concurrent program definition to.
Please enter the name of the Oracle Application you wish to associate with the Request Group specified above. Use the application short name to define this item.
Answers to the remaining prompts are taken from the choices you made while performing Step 2: Populate Parameter File. Accept these defaults; you can change them in each Concurrent Manager job that you run. If some responses are wrong, you can correct them now; however, it is recommended that you correct the responses while populating the parameter file.
What type of unattended install environment do you operate in (STANDARD or EBSO)?
Note: Type STANDARD or EBSO depending on your environment.
Please enter the NOETIX SYS user name.
Please enter the name of the database where the NOETIX SYS user resides.
Note: Type the TNS name of this database.
Please enter the default tablespace for the NOETIX SYS.
Please enter the NoetixViews Administrator Install Path.
Specify the full path to the UNIX directory where the NoetixViews scripts reside (the noetix install dir directory).
Verify the information that you have entered. If the information is incorrect, exit the SQL*Plus session (press CTRL+C), and start Step 5 again. If the information is correct, press ENTER to continue.
After all the values have been entered, the script will use the parameters you have entered to define the concurrent program, and you can continue to the next step.
Schedule Regeneration in Concurrent Manager
To schedule your Noetix views regeneration, you need to submit a Concurrent Manager request.
Important: If you are scheduling a regeneration and think that variables that do not get displayed by the Concurrent Manager (such as passwords) may have changed since your initial setup, verify that the parameters and passwords saved in the cparam.sql and cpw.sql files are still correct. If you need to change the NOETIX SYS password or other parameters, perform Step 2: Populate Parameter File again. To change the APPS or other administrative passwords, perform Step2: Populate Parameter File again.
To schedule the Concurrent Manager job
Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as an Oracle E-Business Suite user with access to the request group.
Submit the <name> request.
Type or verify the following values.
Default Tablespace
Install Global Roles?
Install XOP Roles?
Install Standard Roles?
Install Individual Inventory Roles?
Add the Projects Multi-Currency Columns (11.5.8+ only)?
Generate Database Comment Help?
Generate Microsoft Help?
Generate HTML Help?
Run Noetix Answer Builder?
Continue to next stage on warnings?
Installation Option
- Choose which type of regeneration you want to schedule, and type either A, B, or H:
- A: This option will run Stages 2 through 4 of the generation process and regenerate answers and the Noetix Help File.
- B: This option will run only the Noetix Answer Builder and regenerate the answers.
- H: The option will regenerate only the Noetix Help File in the formats specified earlier.
- For more information about these options, see Step 2: Populate Parameter File.
- Schedule and submit the Concurrent Manager request.
- View the status and log of the job in Oracle E-Business Suite to ensure that the regeneration has been successful.
- During Stage 4, after the validation of the password for the APPS schema, a prerequisite check process will be performed to detect issues, such as missing SELECT privileges in the APPS schema and issues related to your environment or customizations. This process helps you identify and resolve the errors that may occur during the initial phase of Stage 4. If any issues are identified, Stage 4 will not continue, and the errors will be logged in the prechecker finderr.lst file. Make sure that issues are resolved before you reattempt Stage 4.
- After the regeneration is successful, see the ConcurrentManager output in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance to make sure that the concurrent programs are created successfully. If there are any issues with the creation of concurrent programs, see The Noetix Installation Status dialog box may indicate Stage 2 as completed, but may not specify the completion time and date, as specified for the other completed generation stages. This occurs after performing a scripts-based generation. Be assured that Stage 2 of the generation process is successful if the status is displayed as completed, regardless of whether the time and date are specified.Check Concurrent Program Creation.
- You may repeat these steps to set up additional Concurrent Manager jobs. The job can be modified or deleted. For information, refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite documentation. If any errors are detected during Stage 4, the Noetix Help File will not be regenerated. As a workaround, after completing Stage 4, you must first run the ifix4sts.sql script to override Stage 4 errors and then manually regenerate the Noetix Help File. The ifix4sts.sql script is located in the same directory where the install4.sql script is present. For information about manually regenerating the Noetix Help File using scripts, see Option 2 Regenerate Using Scripts.