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Running Prerequisite Checker


This topic provides the steps to run Noetix Platform Prerequisite Checker (Prerequisite Checker) and the various symbols used for displaying the prerequisite check results.

NOTE: Prerequisite Checker is also bundled with the Noetix Platform installation wizard and runs automatically during installation. Depending on the selected installation type (one-computer, two-computer, three-computer, or four-computer) or the Noetix Platform component selected for custom installation, the required prerequisite checks are run.

This topic lists the steps to run the Noetix Analytics for Oracle E-Business Suite Prerequisite Checker (Prerequisite Checker) and the various symbols used for displaying the prerequisite check results.

How to Run Prerequisite Checker

To run the Prerequisite Checker, perform the following steps:




Run the CheckPrerequisites.exe file.The Noetix Platform Prerequisite Checker window appears. ClosedScreen Shot


In the Common Configurations section, select the check box corresponding to the Noetix Platform component to check whether the computer meets the minimum system requirements. You can select multiple check boxes if you intend to install multiple components on a computer. For example, you can select the NQS check box to verify whether Noetix QueryServer (NQS) can be installed on the computer.

When you select a component, the related products in the Products section get selected. To view the description of a product in the Description section, you can move your pointer over the product that you want to view. SClosedcreen Shot


Click Next. The prerequisites for the Noetix Platform components selected in step 2 are displayed. The computer will be checked for each prerequisite for the chosen components. ClosedScreen Shot


Click Run. The prerequisite check result is displayed. For information about each symbol in the prerequisite check result, see "Symbols for Displaying Prerequisite Check Information" in this topic. ClosedScreen Shot

Tip: If you move the pointer over a prerequisite item on this page, the expected prerequisite check result for the item is displayed in the Expected Result box. The actual prerequisite check result returned by the Prerequisite Checker is displayed in the ActualResult box. For example, if you move the pointer over the Web Browser prerequisite item, the Expected Result box displays that Microsoft Internet Explorer 9,8, or 7 is required for the selected Noetix Platform components, and the Actual Result box displays the actual version of Microsoft Internet Explorer installed on the computer.


Click Finish to exit Prerequisite Checker if all the items have passed the prerequisite check. If any item fails the prerequisite check, the Retry button is displayed instead of Finish. Go back to the first page of Prerequisite Checker, and review your selection of Noetix Platform components or make changes to the computer so that the prerequisite check is successfully completed.




Run the CheckPrerequisites.exe file. The Noetix Analytics Prerequisite Checker window appears. ClosedScreen Shot


In the Common Configurations area, select the check box corresponding to the Noetix Analytics for Oracle E-Business Suite (Noetix Analytics) component. The available choices in the Products box pertain to the administration tools for both Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server and the data warehouse for Microsoft SQL Server only.

NOTE: Move the pointer over a product name to see the product's description in the Description box. ClosedScreen Shot


Click Next. The prerequisites for the selected Noetix Analytics components are displayed in the Prerequisites box. ClosedScreen Shot


Click Run. The result of the verification process is displayed with a symbol against each prerequisite item in the Prerequisites box. ClosedScreen Shot


For information about the symbols, see “Symbols for Displaying Prerequisite Check Information.”

NOTE: Move the pointer over a prerequisite item in the Prerequisites box to see the expected and actual results.

If all the items pass the prerequisite check, the Finish button is displayed. If any item fails the prerequisite check, the Retry button is displayed.


Click Finish if the prerequisites have been met.

If the prerequisites have not been met, click Retry. Alternatively, you can choose to close the Prerequisite Checker if you want to ignore the failed checks.

Symbols for Displaying Prerequisite Check Information

The following symbols are used to display the prerequisite check information:


Prerequisite Check Information

The check for the prerequisite has passed.

The check for the prerequisite has failed.

The check for the prerequisite has been skipped. The check might have been skipped because a parent check failed or was skipped.

The check for the prerequisite is in progress. After the check is done and depending on the prerequisite check result, the symbol changes to , , or .

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