EBS Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Enterprise Asset Management (EAM).
No. |
Views |
Description |
1 |
EAM Column Descriptions |
Type of transaction for which the account is charged. |
2 |
EAM Asset Activity Assoc |
This view returns information on asset activity associations. This information was supplied in the Activity Association window of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) module. A record is returned for every asset activity association. |
3 |
EAM Asset Downtime |
This view returns information on the actual and scheduled downtime of assets and rebuildable items. The actual shutdown information was supplied in the Asset Status and Operations windows of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. The scheduled shutdown information was supplied in the Work Order, Rebuild Work Order, and Operations windows of the eAM module. A record is returned for an actual or a proposed shutdown of an asset or a rebuildable item. |
4 |
EAM Asset Hierarchies |
This view returns information on asset or rebuildable item hierarchies. This information is displayed on the Hierarchy page on the Assets tab of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) module. A record is returned for each asset relationship. |
5 |
EAM Asset Information |
This view returns information on assets and rebuildable items. This information was supplied in the Define Asset Number and Define Rebuildable Serial Number windows of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each asset number or rebuildable item serial number. |
6 |
EAM Oper Completion Trans |
This view returns information on completed and uncompleted transactions of work order operations. This information was supplied in the Complete Operation page and Operations tab on the Work Orders page of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each combination of a work order number, an operation sequence number, and a transaction date. |
7 |
EAM PM Meter Readings |
This view returns information on meter readings. This information was supplied in the Meter Readings window of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module (Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10) or the Meter Readings section on the Assets page of the eAM module (Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later). A record is returned for each combination of a meter name, a current reading date, and an asset number |
8 |
EAM PM Schedule Details |
This view returns information on preventive maintenance schedules. This information was supplied in the Preventive Maintenance (Schedule Definition) window of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each combination of a preventive maintenance schedule, an activity, and a rule. |
9 |
EAM WO Actual Cost Details |
This view returns the cost details of work orders. This information was supplied in the Estimated Cost Details window and Cost Estimate Details section of the Work Order Estimate Details page of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each material or resource cost for a work order. |
10 |
EAM WO Cost Details |
This view returns the cost details of work orders. This information was supplied in the Estimated Cost Details window and Cost Estimate Details section of the Work Order Estimate Details page of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each material or resource cost for a work order. |
11 |
EAM WO Estimated Cost Dtls |
This view returns information about the estimated cost details of the work orders. This information is displayed on the WIP Transaction Distributions window of Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). A record is returned for each combination of a purchase order (PO) number, a PO line number, an operation sequence number, a cost type, an item description, a resource name, the resource usage, and a work order number. This view returns multiple records for the combination if a resource is used multiple times for an operation in the work order. |
12 |
EAM WO Matrl Requirements |
This view returns information on material requirements for work orders. This information was supplied in the Material Requirements window of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. For direct items, the information was also supplied in the Requisitions and Purchase Orders windows of the Oracle Purchasing module. A record is returned for each material requirement for a work order. |
13 |
EAM WO Oprn Cost Summary |
This view returns the cost summary details of the maintenance operation sequence for a work order. This information is displayed on the Cost Details By Operation window accessed through the Maintenance Work Orders window of Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). A record is returned for each combination of an operation department code, an operation department class code, an operation code, a location code, an operation sequence number, a work order number, a period name, an equipment cost variance, a labor cost variance, and a material cost variance. |
14 |
EAM Work Order Resources |
This view returns information on work order resources. This information was supplied in the Operations and Resources windows of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each combination of a work order number, an operation sequence number, a resource name, and a resource sequence number. |
15 |
EAM Work Orders |
This view returns information about work orders. This information was supplied in the Work Orders and Rebuild Work Orders windows of Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). A record is returned for each work order number. |
16 |
EAM Work Requests |
This view returns information on work requests created for the maintenance of an asset or a rebuildable item. The information was supplied in the Work Requests page of the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) module. A record is returned for each work request. |