Export, Import Security Settings for Noetix Query Users
Information about the security settings for Noetix query users can be exchanged between NOETIX SYS schemas on the same database or on different databases through the use of the i sme transfer settings.sql script. The script provides you with the flexibility of deciding on how conflicts between the security settings of Noetix query users should be handled, whether roles should be merged, and the types of Noetix query users for whom the security settings should be imported or exported.
Note: The security settings can be transferred only between NOETIX SYS schemas generated through NoetixViews 6.3 or later.
Using the script, you can do the following:
Export the security settings from one schema to another on the same database
Export the security settings from a schema on one database to a schema on another database
Export the security settings for a schema to %.dat files
Import the security settings from %.dat files to a schema
You can use the i sme transfer settings.sql script to back up the security settings to %.dat files in the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>\Security Manager folder. If these files already exist, they will be moved to a folder under <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>\Security Manager\backups. The backup folders will be named according to the <YYYYMMDD> <HHMMSS> smi hist.sme format. You can use the %.dat files to restore your security settings to a specific version.
To export security settings from one schema to another on same, different databases
Start a SQL*Plus session by using one of the following methods:
On a Windows-based computer:
Open the NoetixViews Administrator, and log on to the source NOETIX SYS schema.
On the Tools menu, click Support > SQL*Plus Prompt. The window for the SQL*Plus session will appear.
On a UNIX-based computer:
Change the present working directory to the server directory that contains the NoetixViews generation scripts.
To connect to the source NOETIX SYS schema and start an SQL*Plus session, run the following command at the command prompt:
sqlplus <user name>/<password>@<database connect string>
In the SQL*Plus window, run i sme transfer settings.sql. The following prompts will appear:
Select one of the option numbers listed below to begin:
Migrate security settings between schemas in two different databases
Migrate security settings between schemas in the same database
Save security settings to datsme% files
Migrate security settings from an existing set of datsme% files
Please enter an option number from the list above
default [1]:
Type 1 or 2, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear:
Export Noetix Security Manager User Information
Please specify the schema that contains the source Security Manager repository:
DEFAULT [source schema]:
Type the name of the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear:
Please enter the password for the above user:
Type the password of the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear:
Please enter the Database Connect String for the source Database
DEFAULT [database connect string]:
Type the database connect string of the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. After the credentials for the source NOETIX SYS schema have been verified, the following prompts will appear:
Please specify one or more of the following user types to export.
A) EBS Authenticated Users (Type A)
R) EBS Authenticated Responsibility Users (Type R)
U) Database Users (Type U)
M) Noetix External Mapping User (BI User) (Type M)
You can enter a single user type or combination of user types separated by commas. Use "%" to specify all user types defined in the source repository. Only the selected user types are populated into the datfiles and/or exported to the target schema security repository. For Example: "A", "R", "M, "A,R", "A,M", "A,U" or "A,R,U" etc.
[DEFAULT '%' ]:
Specify the types of Noetix query users who must be imported from the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. You will be required to verify the information that you have typed, and the following prompts will appear:
Import Noetix Security Manager User Information
Please specify the schema that contains the destination Security Manager repository:
DEFAULT [target schema]:
Type the name of the target NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear:
Please enter the password for the above user:
Type the password of the target NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear:
Please enter the Database Connect String for the target Database.
DEFAULT [database connect string]:
Type the database connect string of the target NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. After the credentials for the target NOETIX SYS schema have been verified, the following prompts will appear regarding the security settings for Noetix query users:
Please enter the target schema security settings override:
Options for replacing the target security settings with the source security settings.
Y - Overrides/replaces the target security settings with the source security settings.
N - If the user exists in the target schema, retains the user's target security settings.
Type Y or N, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear with respect to the assigned roles for Noetix query users:
Please enter the option for merging Security Manager User roles:
Options for merging/overriding the target query user roles with the source query user roles for the overlapping users between the source and target schemas.
Y - The roles in the dat files/source repository will be merged into the target repository.
N - The role list in the dat files/source repository will replace the roles for each user in the target database.
Roles for which the corresponding metadata is not available in the target schema will be ignored.
Type Y or N, and press ENTER. The following prompts will appear:
Please specify one or more of the following user types to import.
A) EBS Authenticated Users (Type A)
R) EBS Authenticated Responsibility Users (Type R)
U) Database Users (Type U)
M) Noetix External Mapping User (BI user) (Type M)
You can enter a single user type or combination of user types seperated by commas. Use "%" to specify all user types defined in the source repository/dat files. Only the selected user types are imported from the dat files or directly from the source schema security repository.
For Example: "A", "R", "M", "A,R", "A,M", "A,U" or "A,R,U" etc.[DEFAULT '%' ]:
Specify the types of Noetix query users who must be imported to the target NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. You will be required to verify the information that you have typed, and the script will be run. The sme load summary.lst file will be created in the Security Manager folder of the source NOETIX SYS user directory, and the same information will be displayed in the SQL*Plus window.
If the security settings are being exported from a schema on one database to a schema on a different database, %.dat files will be created in the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>\Security Manager folder. If these files already exist, they will be moved to a folder under <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>\Security Manager\backups. The backup folders will be named according to the <YYYYMMDD> <HHMMSS> smi hist.sme format.
To export security settings to %.dat files
Start a SQL*Plus session by using one of the following methods:
On a Windows-based computer:
Open the NoetixViews Administrator, and log on to the source NOETIX SYS schema.
On the Tools menu, click Support > SQL*Plus Prompt. The window for the SQL*Plus session will appear.
On a UNIX-based computer:
- Change the present working directory to the server directory that contains the NoetixViews generation scripts.
To connect to the source NOETIX SYS schema and start an SQL*Plus session, run the following command at the command prompt:
sqlplus <user name>/<password>@<database connect string>
In the SQL*Plus window, run i sme transfer settings.sql. The following prompt will appear:
Select one of the option numbers listed below to begin:
Migrate security settings between schemas in two different databases
Migrate security settings between schemas in the same database
Save security settings to datsme% files
Migrate security settings from an existing set of datsme% files
Please enter an option number from the list above
default [1]:
Type 3, and press ENTER. The following prompt will appear:
Export Noetix Security Manager User Information
Please specify the schema that contains the source Security Manager repository:
DEFAULT [source schema]:
Type the name of the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. The following prompt will be displayed:
Please enter the password for the above user:
Type the password of the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. The following prompt will appear:
Please enter the Database Connect String for the source Database
DEFAULT [database connect string]:
Type the database connect string of the source NOETIX SYS schema, and press ENTER. After the credentials for the source NOETIX SYS schema have been verified, the following prompt will appear:
Please specify one or more of the following user types to export.
A) EBS Authenticated Users (Type A)
R) EBS Authenticated Responsibility Users (Type R)
U) Database Users (Type U)
M) Noetix External Mapping User (BI user) (Type M)
You can enter a single user type or combination of user types seperated by commas. Use "%" to specify all user types defined in the source repository. Only the selected user types are populated into the datfiles and/or exported to the target schema security repository.
For Example: "A", "R", "M", "A,R", "A,M", "A,U" or "A,R,U" etc.
[DEFAULT '%' ]:
Specify the types of Noetix query users who must be exported from the source NOETIX SYS schema to the %.dat files, and press ENTER. You will be required to verify the information that you have typed, and the %.dat files will be created in the Security Manager folder of the source NOETIX SYS user directory.
The %.dat files will be created in the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>\Security Manager folder. If these files already exist, they will be moved to a folder under <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>\Security Manager\backups. The backup folders will be named according to the <YYYYMMDD> <HHMMSS> smi hist.sme format.
To import security settings from %.dat files
Start a SQL*Plus session by using one of the following methods:
On a Windows-based computer:
Open the NoetixViews Administrator, and log on to the source NOETIX SYS schema.
On the Tools menu, click Support > SQL*Plus Prompt. The window for the SQL*Plus session will appear.
On a UNIX-based computer:
Change the present working directory to the server directory that contains the NoetixViews generation scripts.
To connect to the source NOETIX SYS schema and start an SQL*Plus session, run the following command at the command prompt:
sqlplus <user name>/<password>@<database connect string>
In the SQL*Plus window, run i sme transfer settings.sql. The following prompt will appear:
Select one of the option numbers listed below to begin:
Migrate security settings between schemas in two different databases
Migrate security settings between schemas in the same database
Save security settings to datsme% files
Migrate security settings from an existing set of datsme% files
Please enter an option number from the list above
default [1]:
Type 4, and press ENTER. The following prompt will appear:
Import Noetix Security Manager User Information
Please specify the schema that contains the destination Security Manager repository:
DEFAULT [target schema]:
Type the name of the NOETIX SYS schema into which the %.dat files must be imported, and press ENTER. The following prompt will appear:
Please enter the password for the above user:
Type the password of the NOETIX SYS schema into which the %.dat files must be imported, and press ENTER. The following prompt will appear:
Please enter the Database Connect String for the target Database.
DEFAULT [database connect string]:
Type the database connect string of the NOETIX SYS schema into which the %.dat files must be imported, and press ENTER. After the credentials for the target NOETIX SYS schema have been verified, the following prompt will appear:
Please enter the target schema security settings override:
Options for replacing the target security settings with the source security settings.
Y - Overrides/replaces the target security settings with the source security settings.
N - If the user exists in the target schema, retains the user's target security settings.
Type Y or N, and press ENTER. The following prompt will be displayed:
Please enter the option for merging Security Manager User roles:
Options for merging/overriding the target query user roles with the source query user roles for the overlapping users between the source and target schemas.
Y - The roles in the dat files/source repository will be merged into the target repository.
N - The role list in the dat files/source repository will replace the roles for each user in the target database.
Roles for which the corresponding metadata is not available in the target schema will be ignored.
Type Y or N, and press ENTER. The following prompt will be displayed:
Please specify one or more of the following user types to import.
A) EBS Authenticated Users (Type A)
R) EBS Authenticated Responsibility Users (Type R)
U) Database Users (Type U)
M) Noetix External Mapping User (BI User) (Type M)
You can enter a single user type or combination of user types seperated by commas. Use "%" to specify all user types defined in the source repository/dat files. Only the selected user types are imported from the dat files or directly from the source schema security repository.
For Example: "A", "R", "R", "A,R", "A,M", "A,U" or "A,R,U" etc.
[DEFAULT '%' ]:
Specify the types of Noetix query users who must be imported to the target NOETIX SYS schema from the %.dat files, and press ENTER. You will be required to verify the information that you have typed, and the script will be run. The sme load summary.lst file will be created in the Security Manager folder of the source NOETIX SYS user directory, and the same information will be displayed in the SQL*Plus window.