Generation Stages
The NoetixViews generation comprises generation preparations, generation phases, and generation administration.
As a part of generation preparations, you need to complete the pregeneration tasks. see Pregeneration Considerations.
For generating views, you have to start the NoetixViews Administrator and perform the steps in each generation phase. The generation phases are as follows:
Stage 1: The Stage 1 wizard performs all the tasks necessary to create Noetix Administration User Account which owns all the tables and procedures used during the NoetixViews generation process, and also the resulting views.
Stage 2: Stage 2 wizard performs the steps to grant the Noetix System Administration User access to the Application Object Library (AOL) tables.
Stage 3: Stage 3 process creates synonyms for the Noetix System Administration User to set up the account with the necessary tables and views.
Stage 4: Stage 4 of the generation process generates views, answers, and the Noetix Help File
The generation administration comprises the steps after the views, answers, and Noetix Help File have been generated:
Publish Noetix Help File (optional).
Grant Noetix query users access to Noetix views.
Configure reporting tool or install Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer (Angles for Oracle Generator).
Note: On a Windows-based computer, script-based generation of Noetix views is available for only Stages 2 through 4. For information about script-based generation, see Generate Using Scripts.