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NoetixViews for Oracle U.S Federal Financials

Oracle U.S. Federal Financials provides a financial management solution to the U.S federal agencies, that complies with the mandates of U.S. Federal Guidelines. NoetixViews for Oracle U.S. Federal Financials provides predesigned views that cover all the functionality in U.S. Federal Financials, such as budgetary control, fund accounting, cost accumulation and allocation, multiple receivable line accounting, maintaining United States Standard General Ledger (US SGL) accounts, maintaining treasury cash accounts, and having multiple organization capabilities. NoetixViews for Oracle U.S. Federal Financials include about 50 views that deal with these functional subject areas of U.S. Federal Financials. These views belong to the basic and cross functional types.

The basic views of NoetixViews for Oracle U.S. Federal Financials cater to the application functionality provided by the Federal Administrator responsibility. Noetix query users with the Noetix roles of Federal Administrator can access these views.

The cross-functional views of U.S. Federal Financials link the Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Payables, and Oracle Purchasing modules with U.S. Federal Financials. For the support of U.S. Federal Financials cross functional views, insigihtsoftwarehas extended the functionality of the existing views for General Ledger, Receivables, Payables, and Purchasing to include columns that link up these modules with U.S. Federal Financials. For example, in the General Ledger view GL Journal Entries, columns such as Fund Check Status, Je Batch Transaction Code, and Je Header Transaction Code have been added. Similarly, in the Purchasing views PO Purchase Orders and PO Requisitions, the PO Header Transaction Code and Req Header Transaction Code columns have been added respectively. These views can be accessed by Noetix query users having the appropriate roles for each of the modules.

The funds availability views are categorized into summary and detailed views. Noetix extracts the data displayed on the Funds Available Inquiry window of the U.S. Federal Financials module and replicates it into two summary views, FV Funds Avail By Fund and FV Funds Avail By Treas Sym. These views provide information about the available funds in an organization, summarized on the basis of the funds and treasury symbols. The detail views provide information about the basic functional areas of the U.S. Federal Financials and related modules, such as, budget, expenses, obligations, and commitments. They provide transaction-level details which can be further summarized. This summarized data can be matched with the summary views and be used for the purpose of data drilldown.

Important: The Noetix views for U.S. Federal Financials are secured on the basis of the ledgers/sets of books. However, the following views are also secured by budget levels:

  • FV Budget Appr GL JE

  • FV Budget Auth SLA GL JE

  • FV Budget Authority Trans

  • FV Budget Transactions

  • FV Fund Distr GL JE

  • FV Fund Distr SLA GL JE

  • FV Fund Distributions

  • FV SLA Budget Trans

Only those users who are assigned appropriate budget levels through the Security Manager dialog box can have access to these views. For information about defining custom security for Noetix query users, see Manage Access to Data Based on Ledgers/Sets of Books in “Noetix Query User Management.”

Subject Areas of NoetixViews for Oracle U.S. Federal Financials

The following table displays the subject areas of the NoetixViews for Oracle U.S. Federal Financials, modules related with the subject areas, Noetix roles for the views, and approximate number of the views pertaining to the subject areas.

Subject areas

Modules involved

Noetix role

Approximate number of views

Budget levels,

budget distributions,

transaction types

appropriation or fund parameters,

fund groups or treasury account codes,

enhanced transactions,

transaction codes,

federal account symbols,

appropriation parameter authorizations,

other authorizations,

budget appropriations,

funds distributions, and

funds availability

Oracle U.S. Federal Administrator

Federal Administrator


Budget appropriations and fund distributions

Oracle U.S. Federal Administrator and Oracle General Ledger

Federal Administrator


Journal entry

Oracle U.S. Federal Administrator and Oracle General Ledger

General Ledger


Finance charges,
transaction code mapping,

interagency transfer,

invoice status history,

cash receipts,

accrue finance charges, and invoice write-off

Oracle U.S. Federal Administrator and Oracle Receivables

Accounts Receivables


Interagency transfer,

assign reason codes,

invoice returns,

treasury confirmation,

invoice payments, and

purchase invoices

Oracle U.S. Federal Administrator and Oracle Payables

Accounts Payables


Purchase orders,

purchase order receipts, and


Oracle U.S. Federal Administrator and Oracle Purchasing



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