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Organization Refresh Feature

You can use the organization refresh feature to enable the global forms of Noetix views to detect and process newly added organizations in Oracle E-Business Suite without regenerating the views.

The following table lists the Oracle E-Business Suite modules and the corresponding organizations for which you can use the organization refresh feature.

Oracle E-Business Suite module


Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Payroll, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Oracle Time and Labor

Business group

Oracle Bills of Material, Oracle Capacity, Oracle Cost Management, Oracle Enterprise Asset Management, Oracle Inventory, Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP, Oracle Quality, Oracle Work in Process

Inventory organization

Oracle Assets, Oracle General Ledger, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Oracle Install Base, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Payables, Oracle Projects, Oracle Project Manufacturing, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Service Contracts

Operating unit

Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development, Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution, Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials, Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory Management, Oracle Process Manufacturing Planning

Process organization

When you add organizations to Oracle E-Business Suite, and if the new organizations are associated with new sets of flexfield segment values, you will have to run the key flexfield incremental refresh program after running the organization refresh process so that the Noetix views can return data pertaining to the new organizations. For information about the key flexfield incremental refresh program, see Incremental Refresh in Manage Key Flexfield Data in the Global Views.


The prerequisites for using the organization refresh feature are as follows:

  • Stage 4 should have been completed successfully and should not be in progress.

  • The incremental regeneration process should not be in progress.

  • The generation of Noetix answers, Noetix Search (Noetix Search), or any Noetix generator should not be in progress.

  • Another instance of the organization refresh process should not be in progress.

Running Organization Refresh Using Script

In NoetixViews, you can use the organization refresh feature by running a script. Otherwise, you can use the feature through the Noetix Metabuilder (Noetix MetaBuilder) of the Noetix Enterprise Manager (Noetix Enterprise Manager). For information, see the MagnitudeNoetix MetaBuilder Section. You can run the script for the organization refresh process on Microsoft Windows or UNIX using SQL*Plus.

To run organization refresh process

Do one of the following to start an SQL*Plus session:

  • On a Windows-based computer, perform the following steps:

    1. Log on to the NoetixViews Administrator.

    2. On the Tools menu, click Support > SQL*Plus Prompt from the NoetixViews Administrator main window. The window for the SQL*Plus session will appear.

  • On a UNIX-based computer, perform the following steps:

    1. Change the present working directory to the server directory that contains the NoetixViews generation scripts.

    2. At the command prompt, use the following command to connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User.

      sqlplus <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>

    3. At the SQL prompt, run the instorgr.sql script to initiate the organization refresh process.

    4. To verify the changes for the recently run organization refresh, connect to the NOETIX SYS schema using an SQL query tool, and use the following SQL query to view the detailed messages from the N INSTALLATION MESSAGES table:

      SELECT Message from N INSTALLATION MESSAGES a WHERE a.Creation Date >= (SELECT max(nvo.Creation Date) FROM N VIEW PARAMETERS nvo WHERE nvo.Install Stage=4.1) AND Script Name = 'Noetix Org Refresh PKG' AND Process Type = 'Org Refresh' Order by Message Seq

      The output of the query will display messages similar to those displayed in the following screen shot.

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