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Upgrade the Software

NoetixViews should be upgraded if:

  • You want to take advantage of new product features and improvements, including new Noetix views and answers.

  • You have purchased an additional NoetixViews module.

  • An issue you have encountered in your environment is resolved in a more recent version of NoetixViews.

  • You are upgrading to a version of Oracle E-Business Suite that your current NoetixViews version does not support.

  • You are upgrading to a version of the Oracle Database that your current NoetixViews version does not support.

  • You would like to use NoetixViews in conjunction with other hardware or software that your current NoetixViews version does not support.

Refer to the MagnitudeNoetixViews Release Notes for the system requirements of the version that you are upgrading NoetixViews to. Ensure your environment meets the system requirements of the new version of NoetixViews, as these may have changed since your last generation. The release notes will also include any known issues you should be aware of and an overview of changes made since the previous product version. This may include metadata changes that will affect users’ reports.

For information about the tools and utilities that will help you plan your upgrade of NoetixViews and assess the upgrade impact on your report, see the Article No: 000014463 (INFO: How do I plan NoetixViews upgrade and assess its impact on my reports?).

Customers with a current insightsoftwareSupport agreement are eligible to receive NoetixViews upgrades. To request an upgrade, submit your request online at theinsightsoftwareSupport website.

Choose an Upgrade Method

NoetixViews can be upgraded on both Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based computers. On a Windows-based computer, an upgrade can be performed using the NoetixViews Administrator. On a UNIX-based server, you need to perform the upgrade using scripts. There is no need to uninstall the existing version of NoetixViews before upgrading it to another version.

insigihtsoftwarerecommends that you upgrade using the same method that you used during installation.

Option 1: Upgrade the Software on Windows

This section provides you information about upgrading NoetixViews on a computer running Windows.

Upgrade NoetixViews Administrator

To upgrade NoetixViews, you must upgrade NoetixViews Administrator.

To upgrade NoetixViews Administrator

  1. Follow steps 1 through 4 in “Install the Software on Windows” to proceed with the upgrade.

  2. On the Installation Location page, click Next. The path to the folder in which NoetixViews Administrator is presently installed is displayed. To select a different folder, click Browse, select a folder, verify the destination path, and then click Next.

    Note: You can create a separate installation folder for upgrading NoetixViews Administrator, but we recommend that you use the same folder you used during the previous installation.

    If you select the same folder in which NoetixViews Administrator is presently installed, a message appears asking you to confirm whether you want to overwrite the existing folder.

  3. Follow steps 6 through 9 in “Install the Software on Windows” to complete the upgrade.

    Note: During installation, a folder is created by default as <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Master\Custom to store the custom script files for your site. While upgrading, NoetixViews creates a subfolder in the Custom folder and moves the script files, if any, into the new folder. It also displays a message to that effect.

Additional Steps To Be Performed

After NoetixViews Administrator has been upgraded, you need to regenerate the views to complete the process. Perform the following steps for the regeneration.

To perform the additional steps

  1. Log on to the NoetixViews Administrator as your existing Noetix System Administration User account. For information, see Start NoetixViews Administrator in “Generation of Views.” A dialog box appears indicating that the version of the scripts or metadata in the Master folder is different from that in the NoetixViews schema directory.

  2. Read the instructions displayed on the dialog box, and then click Yes. The metadata and scripts in the NoetixViews schema directory will be replaced with that in the Master folder.

  3. Run the preupdate process by clicking Pre-Update Script on the Tools menu. This script prepares your generation for an upgrade of NoetixViews.

    Note: The preupdate script needs to be run only at the beginning of the upgrade process. If, for some reason, you need to run the generation stages multiple times to successfully complete the upgrade, you do not need to run the script again.

    You may receive error messages asking you to run the iappspkg.sql script, get execute permissions for various objects from the database administrator, or run the install1.sql script through the scripts-based method with the values that were originally provided during the generation. Follow the instructions in these messages, and rerun the preupdate process.

  4. If you have not already run the install1.sql script in the previous step, and if you have upgraded your Oracle E-Business Suite version to 12.2.3 or later, run the install1.sql script using the values provided during the generation. You do not need to run the install1.sql script again for subsequent upgrades of Oracle
    E-Business Suite.

  5. If you have any legacy customizations that were not created with the use of the Noetix Views Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench), ensure that they work with the upgraded version of NoetixViews. For assistance, contact insightsoftwareSupport.

  6. Complete Stages 2, 3, and Stage 4 of the generation using the NoetixViews Administrator. Make sure that you save the previous settings for role prefixes and Noetix query users. For information about the stages, see Generate Using NoetixViews Administrator.

    Note: Keep the following points in mind:

    • If you have NoetixViews for Oracle Payroll installed, you need to upgrade Noetix Payroll Data Mart before running through these generation stages. For more information, see   in “Module-Specific Information.”
    • During Stage 4, you will be prompted to run the Noetix Answer Builder. You must run the Noetix Answer Builder to regenerate the answers. You will also be prompted for whether you want to edit role prefixes. If you change a role prefix, any reports written against Noetix views within that role will break.
  7. Optionally, run the listchng script. This creates a file showing differences between your previous and new generations.

    start listchng.sql

    These changes will be contained in the listchng.lst file.

  8. After successfully running the Noetix Answer Builder, use the Noetix generators to regenerate the Noetix answers into the meta-layers of the business intelligence (BI) tools. For information about regenerating answers, see Regenerate Noetix Answers/Help File Separately.

  9. Regenerate the Noetix Help File so that it reflects your upgraded generation. For information about generating and distributing the Noetix Help File, see Option 1: Regenerate Using NoetixViews Administrator

  10. If needs be, you also need to update the query tools. Refer to your query tool documentation to see if the tools or their meta-layers need to be updated or regenerated to access the latest NoetixViews metadata and security.

    If you are using Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer (Angles for Oracle Generator) in conjunction with Oracle Discoverer, you will need to extract views as described in the Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer Administrator Guide to update your End User Layer (EUL). insightsoftware recommends that you upgrade the Angles for Oracle Generator when upgrading NoetixViews, if a new version is available.

Option 2: Upgrade Using Scripts

This section provides information about upgrading NoetixViews on a UNIX-based server. Upgrading NoetixViews on a UNIX-based server comprises loading script files in the installation directory where the script files for the previous installation were loaded and performing some additional steps.

Note: You can create a separate installation directory for upgrading NoetixViews, but we recommend that you use the same directory you created during the previous installation.

Load Script Files

The following procedure provides the details for loading the new script files for an upgraded version of NoetixViews.

To load the script files

  1. Transfer the generation files from the folder where you have unzipped the upgraded product software to the UNIX-based server. Use the Noetix Script Copy Wizard or an FTP client to transfer the necessary files to the NoetixViews installation directory that you had created while loading the files during the previous installation. For information about transferring files, see Load the Software on UNIX in Installing NoetixViews.

  2. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the existing Noetix System Administration User:

    connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>

Additional Steps To Be Performed

After the new script files have been loaded, you need to regenerate the views to complete the process. Perform the following steps for the regeneration.

To perform the additional steps

  1. If the Oracle Database version is, grant the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges with the admin option to the SYSTEM user. You do not need to perform these grants if these privileges have already been granted to the SYSTEM user.

  2. Run the preupdate process by running preupd.sql. This script prepares your generation for an upgrade of NoetixViews.

    start preupd.sql

    Note: The preupdate script needs to be run only at the beginning of the upgrade process. If for some reason you need to run the generation stages multiple times to successfully complete the upgrade, you do not need to run the script again.

    You may receive error messages asking you to run the iappspkg.sql script, get execute permissions for various objects from the database administrator, or run the install1.sql script with the values that were originally provided during the generation. Follow the instructions in these messages, and rerun the preupdate process.

  3. If you have not already run the install1.sql script in the previous step, and if you have upgraded your Oracle E-Business Suite version to12.2.3 or later, run the install1.sql script using the values provided during the generation.You do not need to run the install1.sql script again for subsequent upgrades of Oracle
    E-Business Suite.

  4. If you have any legacy customizations that were not created with the use of the NoetixViews Workbench, ensure that they work with the upgraded version of NoetixViews. For assistance, contact insightsoftwareSupport.

  5. Complete Stages 2, 3, and Stage 4 in Generate Using Scripts

    Note: During Stage 4, you will be prompted to run the Noetix Answer Builder. You must answer Yes to this prompt. You will also be prompted for whether you want to edit role prefixes. Please note that if you change a role prefix, any reports written against Noetix views within that role will break.

  6. Optionally, run the listchng script. This will create a file showing differences between your previous and new generations.

    start listchng.sql

    These changes will be contained in the listchng.lst file.

  7. After successfully running Noetix Answer Builder, you must run Noetix generators to regenerate the Noetix answers into the meta-layers of the BI tools. For information about regenerating answers, see Regenerate Noetix Answers in “Regeneration of Views.”

  8. Regenerate the Noetix Help File so that it reflects your upgraded generation. For information about generating and publishing the Noetix Help File, see Option 2: Regenerate Help Using Scripts in “Regeneration of Views.”

  9. If needs be, you also need to update the query tools. Refer to your query tool documentation to see if the tools or their meta-layers need to be updated or regenerated to access the latest NoetixViews metadata and security.

    Note: If you are using Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer (Angles for Oracle Generator) in conjunction with Oracle Discoverer, you will need to extract views as described in the Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer Administrator Guide to update your EUL. insightsoftware recommends that you upgrade the Angles for Oracle Generator when upgrading NoetixViews, if a new version is available.

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