Module-Specific Information
NoetixViews for Oracle General Ledger
In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, the term “set of books” has been replaced by “ledger”. The terms “set of books” and “ledger” refer to the same concept. Also, in Release 12, the term “base currency” has been replaced with “primary currency” and the term “foreign currency” has been replaced with “transaction currency.”
The Noetix business views and pre-built answers for Oracle General Ledger provide a reporting solution for the major aspects of this Oracle E-Business Suite module, such as finding information about the journal entries entered corresponding to the actual, budget, and encumbrance transactions, and reviewing account balances. These views also provide setup information about summary accounts, accounting hierarchies, and budget organizations.
The following sections provide an overview of NoetixViews for Oracle General Ledger.
Support for Subject Areas
Noetix views for General Ledger can be mainly categorized into the following subject areas:
Subledger distributions
Other areas
Noetix views that return information about journals provide information about actual and encumbrance journal batches, journal entries, and journal entry lines. In these views, for actual journals, the information is available in the primary, transaction, and statistical currencies. For encumbrance journals, the information is available in the primary currency.
To view the actual journal entry line information in the primary currency, use the GL Journal Entry Lines view. To view the actual journal entry line information in all currencies, use the GL All Je Lines view.
One of the reporting scenarios where these views can be helpful is for finding information about journal entry lines, journal entries, or journal batches that have been not posted for the current period. Another reporting scenario is to find the journal entries and journal entry lines of a journal batch entered in the transaction currency.
Noetix views that return information about balances show the detail and summary balances.
The detail balance views provide information about actual balances, budget balances, encumbrance balances, and balance comparison for detail accounts. The actual and budget balances are available in the primary, transaction, and statistical currencies; encumbrance balances in the primary currency; and balance comparison in the primary and statistical currencies. Balance comparison views provide comparison between the budget and actual balances and between the budget, actual, and encumbrance balances. Balance views also provide information about funds available for the summary and detail accounts in the primary and transaction currencies.
The summary balance views provide information about the actual balances of the summary accounts in the primary currency and the balance comparison for the summary accounts in the primary currency. The rollup account and budget balance views provide summarized actual and budget balances respectively of detail accounts grouped by the natural account and balancing account segments in the primary currency. The rollup parent balances and rollup parent budget views provide the rollup actual and budget balances of all the child or detail accounts corresponding to a parent account in the primary currency.
To view the actual balance information in the primary currency, use the GL Balances view. To view actual balance information in all currencies, use the GL All Balances view.
Some reporting scenarios where the balance views can be helpful are for finding information about the:
Debt-to-equity ratio
Working trial balance for a period
Return on total assets for a year
Revenue and expenditure balances for a given period
Noetix views that return information about budgets provide details of budget names and budget organizations. These views also provide information about actual balances, budget balances, and balance comparison associated with the budget organizations for the summary and detail accounts in the primary currency.
Some reporting scenarios where the budget views can be helpful are for finding information about the:
Variance balance for a budget organization in an accounting period
Return on total assets for a year
Noetix views that return information about subledger distributions provide details of journal entry lines sourced from the accounting event of transaction distributions. These transaction distributions include Oracle Payables invoices and invoice payments; Oracle Receivables transactions, Receivables adjustments, Receivables standard receipts, Receivables miscellaneous receipts, purchase order (PO), and requisition encumbrances; and blanket purchase agreements, PO encumbrances, and requisition encumbrances that have been transferred to General Ledger.
Some reporting scenarios where the budget views can be helpful are for finding information about the:
Journal distributions details of standard receipts for an accounting period
Journal distributions of invoices for an accounting period
Journal details for PO distributions of a department or account in an accounting period
For more information about subledger distributions, see NoetixViews for Oracle Subledger Accounting.
Noetix views that come under this category include views that return information about:
Journal entries imported from subledgers, such as Payables, Purchasing, and Receivables. The views that return the information about journal entries include the word “Import” in them. For example, GL Import Journals.
The chat of accounts defined in Oracle E-Business Suite. The view that returns this information is GL Chart Of Accounts.
The detail accounts that roll up to the summary accounts. The view that returns this information is GL Summary Accounts.
The authorization limits information for a user. The view that returns this information is GL Journal Auth Limits.
The currency conversion rates. The views that return this information are GL Daily Exchange Rates and GL Period Exchange Rates.
The accounting periods and statuses. The view that returns this information is GL Status Of Periods.
Some reporting scenarios where these views can be helpful are for finding information about the:
Employees who are authorized to approve journal batches of a given value
Earliest open period and latest open period
Daily conversion rate for a date range
The following table lists the subject areas of General Ledger and the corresponding Noetix views.
Subject area |
Noetix view |
Basic setup: Information about chart of accounts, account summary, account hierarchies, budget names, budget organizations, calendar periods, conversion rates and rate types, and authorization limits. |
GL Budget Names GL Budget Organizations GL Chart Of Accounts GL Daily Exchange Rates GL Journal Auth Limits GL Parent Child Values GL Period Exchange Rates GL Status Of Periods GL Summary Accounts |
Journals:Information about actual journal batches, journal entries, and journal entry lines for the primary, transaction, and statistical currencies; encumbrance journal batches, journal entries, and encumbrance journal entry lines for the primary currency; and archived actual journal entry lines for the primary currency. |
GL All Encumb Je Lines GL All Je Lines GL Archived Je Lines GL Encumb Journal Batches GL Encumb Journal Entries GL Foreign Je Lines GL Journal Entries GL Journal Entry Batches GL Journal Entry Lines |
Balances: Information about actual balances in the primary, transaction, and statistical currencies; budget balances in the primary, transaction, and statistical currencies; encumbrance balances in the primary currency; and balance comparison in the primary and statistical currencies. |
GL All Balances GL All Budgets GL Archived Balances GL Average Daily Balances GL Balances GL Budget Actuals Encumb GL Budget To Actuals GL Budgets GL Encumbrance Balances GL Foreign Balances GL Foreign Summaries GL Funds Available GL Org Balances GL Org Budget To Actuals GL Org Budgets GL Parent Budget To Actuals GL Parent Child Balances GL Parent Child Budgets GL Rollup Account Balances GL Rollup Account Budgets GL Rollup Parent Balances GL Rollup Parent Budgets GL Stat Balances GL Stat Budget To Actuals GL Stat Budgets GL Summary Balances GL Summary Budget To Actuals GL Summary Budgets |
Transaction from external systems: Information about journal entries imported from Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Receivables, and other sources. |
GL Import Journals GL Import Payables GL Import Purchasing GL Import Receivables |
Transaction from subledgers: Information about transactions for Payables invoices, Payables invoice payments, Receivables adjustments, Receivables miscellaneous receipts, Receivables standard receipts, Receivables transactions, purchase order (PO) and requisition encumbrances, blanket purchase agreements, PO encumbrances, and requisition encumbrances that have been transferred to General Ledger. |
For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later (Using Subledger Accounting):
GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist GL Je SLA PO All Encumb GL Je SLA PO Blnkt Encumb GL Je SLA PO Encumb GL Je SLA PO Req Encumb
For Oracle E-Business Suite version before Release 12:
GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Je AP Inv Dist Details GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je Tran All PO Encumb GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist GL Je Tran PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb |
Support for Parent-Child Hierarchies in Global Views
Noetix Views (NoetixViews) supports the parent-child hierarchies defined on segments of the Accounting Flexfield. Global views that include the Accounting Flexfield can be used with parent-child hierarchies to create reports. For reports with account balances, the parent-child hierarchies help to create a total balance for all the detail accounts in the hierarchy, and then enable drill down one level at a time to the individual account balances. A report based on General Ledger journal lines can start at a hierarchy's top level with rolled up amounts of all the accounts in the hierarchy and drill down to the individual journal entry lines. Similar reporting can be done using views that return subledger distributions. A report can return a rolled up amount and the user can drill down to the individual distribution transactions.
Standard and Cross Operations Extension (XOP) views also support parent-child hierarchies. These views are available for only General Ledger and can be used for only finding information about the parent and child accounts at summary or detail level. However, they do not support building reports where you can drill down through a parent-child hierarchy of an accounting segment or support building reports where you can find the entire child or leaf flex values corresponding to a parent flex value.
Parent-Child Views for Segment Hierarchy
The reporting solution provided for the Accounting Flexfield parent-child hierarchies support in global views consist of two views, parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials.
The parent-child hierarchies views support all the hierarchies defined on a segment and are used to build reports that enable drill down one level at a time to the individual segment values in the leaf nodes of the hierarchies. In Business Intelligence (BI) tools that support hierarchies, this drill down capability is automatically enabled by the Angles for Oracle Generator for that tool.
The parent-child essentials views can be used for building reports in which you want to display all the leaf or child flex values corresponding to a parent flex value. This parent flex value can be the top most parent (also known as the root of a parent-child hierarchy), any lower level parent, or even a leaf value (in which case it returns itself). Also, a pseudo-parent value is available in the parent-child essentials views. The ALL VALUES pseudo-parent returns all the flex values of the segment even those not included in a hierarchy.
The parent-child hierarchy and essentials views return records only for detail account identifiers as the corresponding fact views return information only for the detail account identifiers.
Generation of Parent-Child Views for Segment Hierarchy
The parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials views are generated for each segment of each chart of accounts in Oracle E-Business Suite. These views can be used only with the global Noetix views and are generated for a segment only if a flex value set is defined on that segment. However, the parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials views will populate hierarchy data only if one or more parent-child hierarchies are defined on a segment.
A Concurrent Manager program is created in the Oracle E-Business Suite instance when parent-child views are generated in NoetixViews. If modifications are made to a segment hierarchy structure in Oracle E-Business Suite, the Concurrent Manger should be run to capture the changes. This includes changes to existing hierarchies and new hierarchies added to a segment that had at least one previous hierarchy. The NoetixViews Stage 4 generation process must be run to capture hierarchies defined on segments that previously did not have any hierarchies.
If Noetix Help File is available for your NoetixViews instance, the generated parent-child hierarchies and essentials views can be found under a global role for which they are generated. For example, the GLG0 LEDGER role will list all the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views generated for the role. The parent-child hierarchies and essentials views are named as N Acct <chart of accounts ID> <segment name> H (Example: N Acct 101 Account H) and N Acct <chart of accounts ID> <segment name> D (Example: N Acct 101 Account D) respectively.
After the parent-child views are generated, they must be configured in the BI tools using the respective Angles for Oracle Generator. In the BI tools, these views are used with other functional views to create reports. The functional views that are joined to the parent-child views are called fact views. In BI tools that support hierarchies, fact views can be used with a parent-child hierarchies view to build reports that return transaction data or provide summarized data at different levels of a parent-child hierarchy. The following fact views are defined by Noetix with joins to the parent-child views:
GL All Balances
GL All Encumb Je Lines
GL All Je Lines
GL Balances
GL Budget To Actuals
GL Encumbrance Balances
GL Journal Entry Lines
XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines
However, any global view that includes columns for the Accounting Flexfield and returns data for any Oracle E-Business Suite module can be joined to the parent-child views through joins that are created with the use of the Noetix Views Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench). For information, see the Noetix Views Workbench Help.
Features of Parent-Child Hierarchies View
The parent-child hierarchies views support a maximum of 20 levels for a segment hierarchy including the root and leaf flex values. For each level, the view returns segment flex value, flex value description, and flex values along with description. The root columns return information corresponding to the top-level node in a hierarchy. The leaf columns return information corresponding to the lowest-level child in a hierarchy. The leaf parent columns return information corresponding to the parent of the lowest-level child in a hierarchy.
When parent-child hierarchies views are configured in Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI) and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (Cognos BI) by using the respective Noetix Generators for these tools, additional hierarchical drill objects are created in the presentation model corresponding to the segment values and descriptions. These objects are named Description, Description With Value, and Value respectively. They are available under a dimension object created for each parent-child hierarchies view. The Description, Description With Value, and Value objects when used in a report return descriptions for all the segment values, segment descriptions with segment values, and segment values, respectively. Based on the reporting requirement, a reporting user can use one of the hierarchies drill objects in their report.
The parent-child hierarchies views follow the naming convention “<segment name> Parent-Child Hierarchies” in the presentation model of the BI tools. The corresponding dimension object under which the hierarchical drill objects are created is named as “<segment name> Account Parent-Child Hierarchies$DIM.” For example, the “Account Parent-Child Hierarchies” view is created for the Account segment, and the “Account Parent-Child Hierarchies$DIM” object is created for the hierarchical objects available for the Account segment.
In Noetix Platform and Oracle Discoverer, the parent-child hierarchies views is named as “<segment name> Parent-Child Hierarchies (<chart of accounts name>)”, where <chart of accounts name> represents the chart of accounts corresponding to the segment. For example, the “Account Parent-Child Hierarchies (Operations Accounting Flex)” view is created for the Account segment of the Operations Account Flex chart of accounts. The hierarchical drill objects for a parent-child hierarchies view is not available in Noetix Platform or Oracle Discoverer as it is in the other BI tools.
For information about how to use the parent-child hierarchies view, see Presentation Model for Global Views in BI Tools.
Features of Parent-Child Essentials View
The parent-child essentials views are designed to be used with other views that include the Accounting Flexfield and to which it has a join. This view provides information about the parent and leaf flex values and descriptions. The parent columns return values corresponding to the top-level node in a hierarchy and all the lower-level parents. The leaf columns return flex values for each lowest-level child within the hierarchy of a parent. A record returned consists of each combination of a parent and its lowest-level child flex values. The parent could also be an intermediate parent. The pseudo parent value ALL VALUES consider all the possible flex values of the segment as its children even those that are not part of a hierarchy. Use this pseudo parent value when you want to return the code combinations for every flex value of the segment. Each child flex value of the segment has a pseudo parent of the same value assigned to it. Use the flex value for the parent when you want to return the code combinations for a single child flex value. The parent-child essentials views can be used in conjunction with the parent-child hierarchies views to create drill-through reports.
The parent-child essentials views are named as “<segment name> Parent-Child Essentials” in the presentation model of the BI tools. For example, the “Account Parent-Child Essentials” view is created for the Account segment.
In Noetix Platform and Oracle Discoverer, the parent-child essentials views are named as “<segment name> Parent-Child Essentials (<chart of accounts name>)”, where <chart of accounts name> represents the chart of accounts corresponding to the accounting segment. For example, the “Account Parent-Child Essentials (Operations Accounting Flex)” view is created for the Account segment of the Operations Accounting Flex chart of accounts.
For information about how to use the parent-child essentials views, see Presentation Model for Global Views in BI Tools.
Support for Flexfields
The following tables list the flexfields in General Ledger and the Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
GL Accounts |
GL All Balances GL All Budgets GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Balances GL Budget Actuals Encumb GL Budget To Actuals GL Budgets GL Chart Of Accounts GL Encumbrance Balance GL Foreign Balances GL Foreign Summaries GL Funds Available GL Org Balances GL Org Budget To Actuals GL Org Budgets GL Rollup Account Balances GL Rollup Account Budgets GL Rollup Parent Balances GL Rollup Parent Budgets GL Stat Balances GL Stat Budget To Actuals GL Stat Budgets GL Summary Accounts GL Summary Balances GL Summary Budget To Actuals GL Summary Budgets |
GL All Encumb Je Lines GL All Je Lines GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Archived Je Lines GL Encumb Journal Batches GL Encumb Journal Entries GL Foreign Je Lines GL Journal Entries GL Journal Entry Batches GL Journal Entry Lines |
Define Budget Organization: Assignments |
GL Org Balances GL Org Budget To Actuals GL Org Budgets |
Define Budget Organization: Organization |
GL Budget Organizations GL Org Balances GL Org Budget To Actuals GL Org Budgets |
Define Budget |
GL Budget Names |
Budget Versions |
GL Stat Budgets |
Flexfield Segment Values |
GL Parent Child Values |
Enter Journals: Journals |
GL All Encumb Je Lines GL All Je Lines GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Archived Je Lines GL Encumb Journal Entries GL Foreign Je Lines GL Je AP Inv Dist Details GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist GL Je SLA PO All Encumb GL Je SLA PO Blnkt Encumb GL Je SLA PO Encumb GL Je SLA PO Req Encumb GL Je Tran All PO Encumb GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist GL Je Tran PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb GL Journal Entries GL Journal Entry Lines |
Enter Journals: Lines |
GL All Encumb Je Lines GL All Je Lines GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Archived Je Lines GL Foreign Je Lines GL Je AP Inv Dist Details GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist GL Je SLA PO All Encumb GL Je SLA PO Blnkt Encumb GL Je SLA PO Encumb GL Je SLA PO Req Encumb GL Je Tran All PO Encumb GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist GL Je Tran PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb GL Journal Entry Lines |
Period Rates |
GL Period Exchange Rates |
PO Distributions |
GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Encumb |
GL Period Statuses |
GL Status Of Periods |
PO Headers |
GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Encumb |
PO Lines |
GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Encumb |
Daily Rates |
GL Daily Exchange Rates |
Requisition Distributions |
GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb |
Requisition Headers |
GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb |
Requisition Lines |
GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb |
PO Line Locations |
GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Encumb |
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Accounting Flexfield |
GL All Balances GL All Budgets GL All Encumb Je Lines GL All Je Lines GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Archived Balances GL Archived Je Lines GL Average Daily Balances GL Balances GL Bly Budget To Actuals GL Budget Actuals Encumb GL Budget To Actuals GL Budgets GL Chart Of Accounts GL Encumbrance Balances GL Foreign Balances GL Foreign Je Lines GL Foreign Summaries GL Funds Available GL Import Journals GL Import Payables GL Import Purchasing GL Import Receivables GL Je AP Inv Dist Details GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details GL Je Blanket PO Encumb GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist GL Je SLA PO All Encumb GL Je SLA PO Blnkt Encumb GL Je SLA PO Encumb GL Je SLA PO Req Encumb GL Je Tran All PO Encumb GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist GL Je Tran PO Encumb GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb GL Journal Entry Lines GL Org Balances GL Org Budget To Actuals |
Accounting Flexfield (Continued) |
GL Org Budgets GL Parent Budget To Actuals GL Parent Child Balances GL Parent Child Budgets GL Rollup Account Balances GL Rollup Account Budgets GL Rollup Parent Balances GL Rollup Parent Budgets GL Stat Balances GL Stat Budget To Actuals GL Stat Budgets GL Summary Accounts GL Summary Balances GL Summary Budget To Actuals GL Summary Budgets |
System Items |
GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist |
Noetix Views in General Ledger Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow of General Ledger and the corresponding subject areas supported by Noetix views.
For more information about the Noetix supported subject areas and the views corresponding to each subject area, see Support for Subject Areas.
Noetix Roles for Oracle General Ledger
NoetixViews for Oracle General Ledger includes standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), and global roles. A standard role contains a set of views are generated corresponding to a specific ledger. For an XOP role, a set of views is generated corresponding to one or more ledgers depending on the chart of accounts settings in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. For a global role, a set of views is generated for all the ledgers configured in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. A user can access all the views corresponding to an assigned role. Contact your Noetix System Administration User if you have any queries regarding the roles granted to you.
Tips/Other Considerations
The following points help you to optimally use the views for General Ledger:
After migrating the Oracle E-Business Suite instance version from to Release 12 and purging your data for the first time, you must regenerate the GL Archived Balances and GL Archived Je Lines views. Otherwise, these views will return an error message. You do not need to regenerate these views after running the purge process subsequently.
Use the GL Summary Balances and GL Summary Budgets views to know the balances of only the summary accounts. To see the detail accounts associated to a summary account, use the GL Summary Accounts view.
Some views do not support granularity statements as they return information from multiple journal sources. These views are listed as follows:
GL Import Journals
GL Import Payables
GL Import Purchasing
GL Import Receivables
GL Je AP Inv Dist Details
GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details
GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist
GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist
GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist
GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist
Some of the standard Accounting Flexfield segment columns populated in the global form of the Noetix views for General Ledger are not available in the global form of the GL Rollup Account Balances and GL Rollup Account Budgets views. The segment columns that are not available in these views are listed as follows:
Acct$CD$Accounting KFF
Acct$CV$Accounting KFF
Acct$Code Combination Id
Acct$QD$Cost Center
Acct$QV$Cost Center
Acct$Segment Name List
Acct$Structure Name
The following views are only available in the standard and XOP forms:
GL Parent Budget to Actuals
GL Parent Child Balances
GL Parent Child Budgets
GL Rollup Parent Balances
GL Rollup Parent Budgets
Some views support row-level security based on the security set for a Noetix query user. In these views, row-level security is applied based on the flexfield security rules and ledgers assigned to the user in Oracle E-Business Suite and Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator). When row-level security is applied, the Noetix query user’s access to data within Noetix views corresponding to a role is further restricted. The following views support row-level security based on the row-level security settings assigned to a query user:
GL All Balances
GL All Budgets
GL All Encumb Je Lines
GL All Je Lines
GL AP Inv Je Line Details
GL Archived Balances
GL Archived Je Lines
GL Balances
GL Budget To Actuals
GL Budgets
GL Encumbrance Balances
GL Foreign Balances
GL Foreign Je Lines
GL Foreign Summaries
GL Funds Available
GL Je AP Inv Dist Details
GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details
GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist
GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist
GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist
GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist
GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist
GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist
GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist
GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist
GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist
GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist
GL Journal Entry Lines
GL Org Balances
GL Org Budget To Actuals
GL Org Budgets
GL Parent Budget To Actuals
GL Parent Child Budgets
GL Rollup Account Balances
GL Rollup Account Budgets
GL Rollup Parent Balances
GL Rollup Parent Budgets
GL Stat Balances
GL Stat Budget To Actuals
GL Stat Budgets
GL Summary Balances
GL Summary Budget To Actuals
GL Summary Budgets
NoetixViews for Oracle Subledger Accounting
Oracle Corporation has introduced the subledger accounting service in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. This service provides users the means of streamlining the process of subledger bookkeeping and thereby improving the administration of global and country-specific business.
Prior to Release 12, the data processed from the individual modules (for example, Oracle Payables or Oracle Receivables) could be posted to Oracle General Ledger according to the rules set up for the specific modules. In Release 12, a common accounting engine has been established to conduct all posting activities to General Ledger. The subledger tables, which store the accounting data in the common accounting engine, have been standardized across products, and they maintain every accounting detail of the subledger events. The common accounting engine then estimates to what level the details are to be summarized and finally posts them to General Ledger according to the user-defined accounting rules.
To support the subledger accounting functionality in Release 12, insigihtsoftwarehas designed and developed a set of cross-functional and module-specific views. The corresponding, cross-functional views for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i will continue to exist in Release 12 for tracking historical accounting data that has not been migrated to Oracle Subledger Accounting. Users of 11i will continue to use the older, cross-functional views to access accounting data.
Features of Noetix Views for Subledger Accounting
The views developed for Subledger Accounting are available in only the global form and provide these benefits:
Comprehensive coverage of functional areas.
Support for role-level and row-level security.
Support for joins based on one or more standard columns.
Controlled access to accounting information based on the Oracle E-Business Suite roles and responsibilities.
Support for drill-down reporting based on parent-child hierarchy information pertaining to the Accounting Flexfield.
A centrally located hub view that helps retrieve consolidated accounting information for all the distributions across all subledger applications. Noetix views that return subledger application-specific distribution details can be joined with the hub view to retrieve the distribution-specific accounting information in Subledger Accounting. The view can also be used to drill down from the journal entry lines in Subledger Accounting to the individual source distributions.
Support for drill down from account balances and journals in General Ledger to the individual source transaction distributions.
Based on the functional use and applicability, the views developed for Subledger Accounting have been broadly classified into a Subledger Accounting-specific solution and a subledger application-specific solution.
Subledger Accounting-Specific Solution
The Subledger Accounting-specific solution links distributions in various modules to journal entry lines in Subledger Accounting and finally to account balances and journals in General Ledger. The Subledger Accounting-specific solution consists of views that return information about subledger application-specific distributions, journal entry lines in Subledger Accounting, and journal entries and account balances in General Ledger. These views are available as part of the NoetixViews module for General Ledger and are managed through the SUBLEDGER ACCOUNTING Noetix role.
The hub view is linked to 21 subledger application-specific distribution views that return information about the original transaction distribution details. The hub view is also linked to views that return information about account balances and journals from General Ledger. Oracle E-Business Suite users who have access to General Ledger can make use of the hub view along with the subledger application-specific distribution views and General Ledger views for a complete understanding of the source distributions and their accounting details.
The Subledger Accounting-specific views also provide support for role-level and row-level security. The role-level security is enforced on Noetix query users based on the SUBLEDGER ACCOUNTING Noetix role. The row-level security is enforced on Noetix query users based on the security settings configured for the ledgers and flexfield security rules in General Ledger and NoetixViews.
For the support of multi-currency, all the views that return transaction distribution details corresponding to Oracle Projects return transaction currency values. Additional columns are available in these views for returning project functional currency values (with the PFC suffix) and project currency values (with the PC suffix). In all other views, both primary and transaction currency values are returned.
The views that are available as part of the Subledger Accounting-specific solution and their coverage areas are as follows:
The following views return the details of the account balances and journal entries in General Ledger:
XLA GL All Balances
XLA GL Journal Lines
The XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view returns the details of the journal entry lines in Subledger Accounting that correspond to the distributions in subledger applications.
The following views return the details of the distributions in individual subledger applications:
XLA AP Invoice Dist
XLA AP Payment Dist
XLA AR Adjustment Dist
XLA AR Bills Rcv Dist
XLA AR Misc Receipt Dist
XLA AR Std Receipt Dist
XLA AR Transaction Dist
XLA Accrual Write Off Dist
The XLA Accrual Write Off Dist view will be generated only if Oracle Bills of Material is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA FA Transaction Dist
The XLA FA Transaction Dist view will be generated only if Oracle Assets is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA FV Budget Auth Trans, XLA FV Budget RPR Trans, and XLA FV Fund Distributions
These views will be generated only if Oracle U.S. Federal Financials is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance and NoetixViews application instance.
XLA FV Treas Confirmation
The XLA FV Treas Confirmation view will be generated only if U.S.Federal Financials is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA GMF Cst Subledger Dist
The XLA GMF Cst Subledger Dist view will be generated only if Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA INV Transaction Dist
The XLA INV Transaction Dist view will be generated only if Oracle Inventory is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA PA Budget Dist
The XLA PA Budget Dist view will be generated only if Projects is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA PA Cost Dist
The XLA PA Cost Dist view will be generated only if Projects is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA PA Revenue Dist
The XLA PA Revenue Dist view will be generated only if Projects is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA PO Receiving Dist
The XLA PO Receiving Dist view will be generated only if Oracle Purchasing is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
XLA PO Requisition Dist
The XLA PO Requisition Dist view will be generated only if Purchasing is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance and budgetary control is enabled for the ledgers.
XLA WIP Resource Dist
The XLA WIP Resource Dist view will be generated only if Oracle Work in Process is available in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
The relationship between the hub view and other views is as follows.
Subledger Application-Specific Solution
The subledger application-specific solution provides reporting capability for individual Oracle E-Business Suite modules. The subledger application-specific solution consists of distribution views and a single hub view for each subledger application. Each hub view provides details about the Subledger Accounting journal entry lines for a subledger application. Depending on the reporting requirements, a distribution view that covers a specific functional area can be joined to the hub view to retrieve distribution-specific accounting details from Subledger Accounting. The distribution and hub views available in the subledger application -specific solution are provided as part of the individual NoetixViews modules corresponding to the relevant subledger application.
The subledger application-specific views support role-specific and module-specific security. The role-level security is enforced on Noetix query users through the individual Noetix roles. The row-level security is enforced on Noetix query users based on the organizational unit-specific and application-specific security settings configured in the Oracle E-Business Suite modules and NoetixViews.
For the support of multi-currency, all the views that return transaction distribution details corresponding to Projects return transaction currency values. Additional columns are available in these views for returning project functional currency values (with the PFC suffix) and project currency values (with the PC suffix). In the views for all other modules, both primary and transaction currency values are returned.
The views that are available as part of the subledger application-specific solution and their coverage areas are as follows:
The following views return details of the distributions in individual subledger applications:
AP SLA Invoice Dist
AP SLA Payment Dist
AR SLA Adjustment Dist
AR SLA Bills Rcv Dist
AR SLA Misc Receipt Dist
AR SLA Std Receipt Dist
AR SLA Transaction Dist
FA SLA Transaction Dist
FV SLA Budget Auth Trans
FV SLA Budget RPR Trans
FV SLA Fund Distributions
FV SLA Treas Confirmation
GMF SLA Cst Subledger Dist
PA SLA Budget Dist
PA SLA Cost Dist
PA SLA Revenue Dist
PO SLA Requisition Dist
The following views return details of the journal entry lines in Subledger Accounting that correspond to distributions in the subledger applications:
AP SLA Hub Journal Lines
AR SLA Hub Journal Lines
FA SLA Hub Journal Lines
FV SLA Hub Journal Lines
GMF SLA Hub Journal Lines
PA SLA Hub Journal Lines
PO SLA Hub Journal Lines
Support for Subject Areas
The following table lists the subject areas related to Subledger Accounting that are supported by Noetix along with the corresponding view names.
Accounting subject area |
Oracle E-Business Suite module |
Noetix view |
Noetix hub view |
Invoices and payments |
Payables |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA AP Invoice Dist XLA AP Payment Dist XLA Subledger Exceptions For subledger application-specific solution: AP SLA Invoice Dist AP SLA Payment Dist |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: AP SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Transactions, adjustments, standard receipts, miscellaneous receipts, and bills receivable |
Receivables |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA AR Adjustment Dist XLA AR Bills Rcv Dist XLA AR Misc Receipt Dist XLA AR Std Receipt Dist XLA AR Transaction Dist XLA Subledger Exceptions For subledger application-specific solution: AR SLA Adjustment Dist AR SLA Bills Rcv Dist AR SLA Misc Receipt Dist AR SLA Std Receipt Dist AR SLA Transaction Dist |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: AR SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Encumbered purchase orders (POs) and purchase requisitions |
Purchasing |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA PO Requisition Dist For subledger application-specific solution: PO SLA Requisition Dist |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: PO SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Asset transactions, inter asset transactions, depreciation, and deferred depreciation |
Assets |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA FA Transaction Dist XLA FA Subledger Exceptions For subledger application-specific solution: FA SLA Transaction Dist |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: FA SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Project billing, costing, and revenue |
Projects |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA PA Budget Dist XLA PA Cost Dist XLA PA Revenue Dist For subledger application-specific solution: PA SLA Budget Dist PA SLA Cost Dist PA SLA Revenue Dist |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: PA SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Accrual write-offs, receiving transaction distributions in Purchasing, resource distributions in Work in Process, and transaction distributions in Inventory |
Cost Management |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA Accrual Write Off Dist XLA PO Receiving Dist XLA WIP Resource Dist XLA INV Transaction Dist XLA Subledger Exceptions |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Purchase receiving subledgers, purchase and inventory material transactions, sales order issues, Return Material Authorizations (RMAs), and cost revaluation and batch processing transactions |
Process Manufacturing Financials |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA GMF Cst Subledger Dist For subledger application-specific solution: GMF SLA Cst Subledger Dist |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: GMF SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Budget execution transactions, budget reprogramming, and treasury confirmation |
U.S. Federal Financials |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA FV Budget Auth Trans XLA FV Fund Distributions XLA FV Budget RPR Trans XLA FV Treas Confirmation For subledger application-specific solution: FV SLA Budget Auth Trans FV SLA Fund Distributions FV SLA Budget RPR Trans FV SLA Treas Confirmation |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines For subledger application-specific solution: FV SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Journal entry lines and account balances |
General Ledger |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA GL All Balances XLA GL Journal Lines |
For Subledger Accounting-specific solution: XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines |
Support for Flexfields
The descriptive and key flexfields that are supported by the Subledger Accounting-specific solution and the subledger application-specific solution are listed in the tables in this section.
Descriptive flexfield name |
Flexfield table |
Noetix view |
Adjustment Information |
AR Adjustments All |
AR SLA Adjustment Dist XLA AR Adjustment Dist |
Asset Category |
FA Additions B |
FA SLA Transaction Dist XLA FA Transaction Dist |
Book Controls |
FA Book Controls |
FA SLA Transaction Dist XLA FA Transaction Dist |
Budget Lines |
PA Budget Lines |
PA SLA Budget Dist XLA PA Budget Dist |
Budget Transactions Detail |
FV SLA Budget Auth Trans FV SLA Fund Distributions XLA FV Budget Auth Trans XLA FV Fund Distributions |
Budget Transactions Header |
FV SLA Budget Auth Trans FV SLA Fund Distributions XLA FV Budget Auth Trans XLA FV Fund Distributions |
Budget Versions |
PA Budget Versions |
PA SLA Budget Dist XLA PA Budget Dist |
GL Accounts |
GL Code Combinations |
XLA GL All Balances |
Enter Journals: Batches |
GL JE Batches |
XLA GL Journal Lines |
Enter Journals: Journals |
GL JE Headers |
XLA GL Journal Lines |
Enter Journals: Lines |
GL JE Lines |
XLA GL Journal Lines |
Invoice |
AP Invoices All |
AP SLA Payment Dist AP SLA Invoice Dist XLA AP Invoice Dist XLA AP Payment Dist |
Invoice Distribution |
AP Invoice Distributions All |
AP SLA Invoice Dist XLA AP Invoice Dist |
Invoice Payments |
AP Invoice Payments All |
AP SLA Payment Dist XLA AP Payment Dist |
Items |
MTL System Items B |
XLA INV Transaction Dist XLA WIP Resource Dist |
Payment Information |
AP Checks All |
AP SLA Payment Dist XLA AP Payment Dist |
Payment Schedule Information |
AR Payment Schedules All |
AR SLA Adjustment Dist XLA AR Adjustment Dist |
Reprogramming Transactions |
FV BE RPR Transactions |
FV SLA Budget RPR Trans XLA FV Budget RPR Trans |
Requisition Headers |
PO Requisition Headers All |
PO SLA Requisition Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist |
Requisition Lines |
PO Requisition Lines All |
PO SLA Requisition Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist |
Transaction history |
MTL Material Transactions |
XLA INV Transaction Dist XLA INV Transaction Dist |
Transaction Information |
RA Customer Trx All |
AR SLA Transaction Dist XLA AR Transaction Dist |
FV Treasury Confirmations All |
FV SLA Treas Confirmation XLA FV Treas Confirmation |
WIP Transaction History |
WIP Transactions |
XLA WIP Resource Dist |
Key flexfield name |
Noetix view |
Accounting Flexfield |
AP SLA Hub Journal Lines AP SLA Invoice Dist AP SLA Payment Dist AR SLA Adjustment Dist AR SLA Bills Rcv Dist AR SLA Hub Journal Lines AR SLA Misc Receipt Dist AR SLA Std Receipt Dist AR SLA Transaction Dist FA SLA Hub Journal Lines FV SLA Budget Auth Trans FV SLA Budget RPR Trans FV SLA Fund Distributions FV SLA Hub Journal Lines FA SLA Transaction Dist GMF SLA Cst Subledger Dist GMF SLA Hub Journal Lines PA SLA Budget Dist PA SLA Cost Dist PA SLA Hub Journal Lines PA SLA Revenue Dist PO SLA Hub Journal Lines PO SLA Requisition Dist XLA Accrual Write Off Dist XLA AP Invoice Dist XLA AP Payment Dist XLA AR Adjustment Dist XLA AR Bills Rcv Dist XLA AR Misc Receipt Dist XLA AR Std Receipt Dist XLA AR Transaction Dist XLA FA Transaction Dist XLA FV Budget Auth Trans XLA FV Budget RPR Trans XLA FV Fund Distributions XLA FV Treas Confirmation XLA GL All Balances XLA GL Journal Lines XLA GMF Cst Subledger Dist XLA INV Transaction Dist XLA PA Budget Dist XLA PA Cost Dist XLA PA Revenue Dist XLA PO Receiving Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines XLA WIP Resource Dist |
Asset Key Flexfield |
FA SLA Transaction Dist |
Category Flexfield |
FA SLA Transaction Dist |
Location Flexfield |
FA SLA Transaction Dist |
Item Categories |
PO SLA Requisition Dist XLA PO Receiving Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist |
System Items |
AR SLA Transaction Dist GMF SLA Cst Subledger Dist PO SLA Requisition Dist XLA AR Transaction Dist XLA Accrual Write Off Dist XLA GMF Cst Subledger Dist XLA INV Transaction Dist XLA PO Receiving Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist XLA WIP Resource Dist |
Stock Locators |
XLA INV Transaction Dist |
Noetix Roles for Subledger Accounting Views
The views provided as part of the Subledger Accounting-specific solution are managed through the SUBLEDGER ACCOUNTING Noetix role. The views provided as part of the subledger application-specific solution are managed through the Noetix roles corresponding to the individual NoetixViews modules. The following table lists the details of the Noetix roles and the corresponding views.
Noetix role label |
Noetix view |
FA SLA Hub Journal Lines FA SLA Transaction Dist |
GMF SLA Cst Subledger Dist GMF SLA Hub Journal Lines |
AP SLA Hub Journal Lines AP SLA Invoice Dist AP SLA Payment Dist |
PA SLA Budget Dist PA SLA Cost Dist PA SLA Hub Journal Lines PA SLA Revenue Dist |
PO SLA Hub Journal Lines PO SLA Requisition Dist |
AR SLA Adjustment Dist AR SLA Bills Rcv Dist AR SLA Hub Journal Lines AR SLA Misc Receipt Dist AR SLA Std Receipt Dist AR SLA Transaction Dist |
FV SLA Budget Auth Trans FV SLA Budget RPR Trans FV SLA Fund Distributions FV SLA Hub Journal Lines FV SLA Treas Confirmation |
XLA Accrual Write Off Dist XLA AP Invoice Dist XLA AP Payment Dist XLA AR Adjustment Dist XLA AR Bills Rcv Dist XLA AR Misc Receipt Dist XLA AR Std Receipt Dist XLA AR Transaction Dist XLA FA Transaction Dist XLA FV Budget Auth Trans XLA FV Fund Distributions XLA FV Budget RPR Trans XLA FV Treas Confirmation XLA GL All Balances XLA GL Journal Lines XLA GMF Cst Subledger Dist XLA INV Transaction Dist XLA PA Budget Dist XLA PA Cost Dist XLA PA Revenue Dist XLA PO Receiving Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines XLA WIP Resource Dist |
Noetix Views in Subledger Accounting Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow of Subledger Accounting and the important Noetix views that provide information at each point in the process flow.
For information about the hub and transaction distribution views and the corresponding subject areas, seeSupport for Subject Areas.
Useful Reporting Scenarios Supported by Subledger Accounting Views
This section explains some of the useful reporting scenarios that are supported by the Subledger Accounting views.
Projections or Corrections for Accounting Data
In this reporting scenario, you can use the hub views of subledger applications or the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view to obtain a preview of the accounts and amounts related to the Subledger Accounting distributions that are in the draft mode before transferring them to General Ledger. Also, you can use the hub and distribution views (both Subledger Accounting-specific and subledger application-specific) to check for any discrepancies in the accounts by comparing the accounts and amounts related to the Subledger Accounting journal entries against the accounts and amounts corresponding to the subledger application-specific distributions. If discrepancies are noticed, you can go back and correct the accounts and rerun the accounting process.
Transactions Not Transferred to Subledger Accounting
In this reporting scenario, distribution views and hub views corresponding to a subledger application can be used together for finding information about the transactions corresponding to the distributions that have not been transferred to Subledger Accounting. For example, you can use the AP SLA Invoice Dist view with the AP SLA Hub Journal Lines view to identify the transactions pertaining to invoice distributions that are not yet transferred to Subledger Accounting.
Subledger Accounting Exceptions
You may have set up multiple accounts in Subledger Accounting to segregate the accounting information related to subledger application-specific distributions on the basis of the accounting requirements. In this reporting scenario, you can find information about these accounts in Subledger Accounting by using the subledger application-specific hub views or the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view. For example, when a discount is applied to a sales order, two revenue lines will be created, one for the actual price of the item and the other for the discount. Since both lines refer to the same item, they will be accounted to the same account. However, if the discount line needs to be accounted to a different account, a new account is set up in Subledger Accounting for discounts. In this case, you can use the AR SLA Transaction Dist view or the XLA AR Transaction Dist view to obtain the details of the original distribution account. The details of the new distribution account set up for discounts can be obtained with the use of the AR SLA Hub Journal Lines view or the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view.
Consolidated Accounting Information
In this reporting scenario, you may want complete information about the distributions across all the subledger applications. The XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view can be used for finding this information. If you want the consolidated accounting information for all the distributions in a specific subledger application, you can use the hub view available for that subledger application.
Also, the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view can be used for the analysis of the accounting data by accounting class. You can analyze the accounting data for a detailed understanding about the accounts and amounts pertaining to different accounting classes, such as accruals, exchange gains and losses, earned and unearned discounts, inventory valuations, and inventory adjustments.
Transaction and Subledger Journal Details by Account Balances and Types
In this reporting scenario, you can drill down to a subledger application's source distributions for an account type from its balances in General Ledger. For this purpose, you will require the XLA GL All Balances view, the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view, and the relevant XLA% distribution view.
You can use the following steps to create a drill-down report:
Identify the account type for which you want to find the transaction and Subledger Accounting journal details corresponding to a subledger application. For this, join the XLA GL All Balances and XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines views to obtain details of line amounts in Subledger Accounting journals by account type. The information needs to be filtered by an accounting period, a ledger, and a Subledger Accounting journal currency and grouped by account type.
Identify a subledger application corresponding to the account type selected in the previous step. For this, join the XLA GL All Balances and XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines views to obtain details of line amounts in Subledger Accounting journals by subledger applications for the account type identified in the previous step. The information needs to be filtered by the accounting period, ledger, and Subledger Accounting journal currency used in the previous step and grouped by subledger application and account type.
Join the XLA GL All Balances and XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines views with the XLA% distribution view for the subledger application identified in the previous step to obtain the transaction and Subledger Accounting journal details for the subledger application and account type. Filter the records by the accounting period, ledger, and Subledger Accounting journal currency used in the previous step.
Tips and Other Considerations
The following points help you to optimally use the views for Subledger Accounting:
For manually created journal entries in Subledger Accounting and General Ledger, the views provided as part of the subledger application-specific and Subledger Accounting-specific solutions will not return any records because these journal entries do not have any associated source distributions in subledger applications.
A drill down from Subledger Accounting to the source distributions of subledger applications is not possible for intercompany transactions because they are created within Subledger Accounting.
The following is applicable to the information that is returned for the secondary and reporting ledgers:
When transactions are based on secondary ledgers set up in Subledger Accounting or General Ledger, the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view will return records for both the primary and secondary ledgers with the associated account and currency information for these ledgers. However, the XLA% distribution views return information about only primary ledgers. Therefore, to provide support for drill-down reporting based on the secondary ledgers from the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view to the individual XLA% distribution views, the SLA Ledger Name column has been added to the XLA% distribution views. The SLA Ledger Name column will return information about the secondary ledgers in the distribution views.
The distribution views available in the subledger application-specific solution return records for only the primary ledgers. However, the subledger application-specific hub views will return records for both primary ledgers and secondary ledgers. Therefore, use only primary ledgers when the subledger application-specific hub views are used to drill down to the distributions views for the subledger applications.
When the secondary or reporting ledger conversion is set up at the journal level in Oracle E-Business Suite, the records pertaining to the secondary and reporting ledgers in the subledger application-specific hub views, XLA% distribution views, and XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view will always return information in the base currency of the primary ledger. Therefore, when building reports and queries that are based on the secondary ledgers or reporting ledgers, you must not use the associated base currency information.
When the secondary or reporting ledger conversion is set up at the journal level in Oracle E-Business Suite, the following columns in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view always return information for the primary ledger:
AcctSLA$QV% columns
Chart Of Accounts Name
GL Period Name
Ledger Name
SLA JE Amount
SLA JE Amount Base
SLA JE Amount Cr
SLA JE Amount Cr Base
SLA JE Amount Dr
SLA JE Amount Dr Base
The Ledger Category column in the view can be used for identification of the ledger type associated with the records.
In Subledger Accounting, the links between lines and distributions are not always maintained, and some calculations are done internally. Therefore, in some cases, you cannot join records in the XLA% distribution views to the corresponding lines in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view. For example, when the value returned by the Accounting Line Type column of an XLA% distribution view is “AUTO GEN GAIN LOSS”, records will be dropped when you join the XLA% distribution view to the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view.
Sometimes, the number or records in the XLA% distribution views may not match the number of records in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view. For credits and debits, sometimes, the summed-up credit amounts or debit amounts in the XLA% distribution views may not match the summed-up credit amounts or debit amounts in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view. In some cases, when you drill down from a line in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view to the corresponding records in an XLA% distribution view, the amounts may not match. For example, the XLA AR Std Receipt Dist view will return separate records for credits and debits when the value returned by the Accounting Line Type column is “RCT UNAPP DEBIT” or “RCT UNAPP CREDIT”. However, the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view will return only one record with the net amount.
The following is applicable to the migrated data:
While Subledger Accounting-specific views and subledger application-specific views return migrated data, a drill-down from Subledger Accounting to the source distributions may return incorrect information because the data may not have been migrated correctly or some view columns may not have been populated by design for migrated data. Therefore, you must not perform calculations on records returned by the views for migrated data.
The columns in the XLA% distribution views pertaining to Cost Management will always return null values for migrated data. Therefore, when you compare the records in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view against the records in the XLA% distribution views for Cost Management, you will find differences in the line amounts and distribution amounts.
While building reports and queries based on the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view, XLA% distribution views, or subledger application-specific hub views, use the Migrated Data Flag column in the filter condition to find records pertaining to migrated data. These views may return incorrect information for the migrated data if the transactions were not migrated properly in Oracle E-Business Suite.
In some subledger applications, the distribution process does not result in separate records for credit and debit amounts. However, separate records are always created in Subledger Accounting for credit and debit amounts. When the XLA% distribution views for such subledger applications are joined with the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view, you must filter the records in the hub view using the Accounting Class column so that the summed-up amounts match. For example, in the XLA AP Invoice Dist view, records will be returned for only debit amounts. The XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view will have corresponding records created for these debit amounts. These records can be identified through the use of the “Item Expense” accounting class code in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view. However, in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view, records will be returned for credit amounts as well. These records can be identified through the use of the “Liability” accounting class code. Therefore, when the views are joined, you should filter the records in the hub view by the “Item Expense” accounting class code to find the corresponding records from the XLA AP Invoice Dist view.
In the Journals window of General Ledger, when the base currency amount for a journal entry is zero, you cannot drill down to the View Journal Entry Lines page to see the corresponding lines in Subledger Accounting. However, you can use the XLA GL Journal Lines view to drill down from an account for which the base currency amount is zero to the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view. For such accounts, in the XLA SLA Hub Journal Lines view, the SLA JE Line Number column will return negative values. Therefore, you can use this column to filter out such accounts while joining the two views.
In Projects, after the distribution process, a single record is created for a raw cost transaction, while separate credit and debit records are created for a burdened cost transaction. After the Create Accounting program is run, separate credit and debit records will be created for both raw cost and burdened cost transactions in Subledger Accounting. Therefore, when you build reports and queries based on the hub view in which you want to filter out the records corresponding to the raw costs, you need to use the following filter conditions: Accounting Event Entity Code = 'EXPENDITURES', Accounting Event Class Name <> 'Total Burdened Cost', and Accounting Class = 'Cost'. To filter out the records corresponding to the burdened costs, you need to use the following filter conditions: Accounting Event Entity Code = 'EXPENDITURES', Accounting Event Class Name = 'Total Burdened Cost', and Accounting Class = 'Cost'.
Other Cross-Functional Views for Subledger Accounting
This section contains information about other cross-functional views that are available in NoetixViews to support the subledger accounting functionality. The details of the Noetix views and the subject areas covered by these views are available in the tables provided in this section. However, these views may perform poorly and provide less flexibility because the information returned cannot be easily used for fulfilling the reporting needs.
Accounting subject area |
Subledger Accounting, cross-functional view |
Legacy, cross-functional view |
Legacy view generated in Release 12? |
Adjustments |
FA Adjustments SLA GL Je |
FA GL Journal Adjustments |
Yes |
Transactions |
FA All Trans SLA GL Je |
FA GL Journals |
Yes |
Depreciation histories |
FA Deprn Dtl Hist SLA GL Je |
FA Depr Detail History |
Yes |
Depreciations |
FA Deprn Dtls SLA GL Je |
FA Depreciation Details |
Yes |
Invoice transactions |
FA Invoice Trx SLA GL Je |
FA GL Invoice Trans Je |
Yes |
Tax reserve adjustment transactions |
FA SLA Tax Reserve Adjust |
FA Tax Reserve Adjustment |
Yes |
Accounting subject area |
Subledger Accounting, cross-functional view |
Legacy, cross-functional view |
Legacy view generated in Release 12? |
Payables invoices |
GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist |
GL AP Inv Je Line Details GL Je AP Inv Dist Details |
No |
Payables invoice payments |
GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist |
GL Je AP Pmt Dist Details |
No |
Receivables adjustments |
GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist |
GL Je Tran AR Adj Dist |
Yes |
Receivables miscellaneous receipts |
GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist |
GL Je Tran AR Misc Dist |
Yes |
Receivables standard receipts |
GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist |
GL Je Tran AR Pymt Dist |
Yes |
Receivables transactions |
GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist |
GL Je Tran AR Tran Dist |
Yes |
Purchasing PO and requisition encumbrances |
GL Je SLA PO All Encumb |
GL Je Tran All PO Encumb |
Yes |
Purchasing blanket purchase agreements |
GL Je SLA PO Blnkt Encumb |
GL Je Blanket PO Encumb |
Yes |
Purchasing PO encumbrances |
GL Je SLA PO Encumb |
GL Je Tran PO Encumb |
Yes |
Purchasing requisition encumbrances |
GL Je SLA PO Req Encumb |
GL Je Tran PO Req Encumb |
Yes |
Accounting subject area |
Subledger Accounting, cross-functional view |
Legacy, cross-functional view |
Legacy view generated in Release 12? |
Invoices |
AP Inv Dist SLA GL Je |
AP Inv GL Tr Details |
No |
Payments |
AP Pmt Dist SLA GL Je |
AP Pmt Dist GL Tr Details |
No |
Trial balance |
AP Trial Balance Details |
AP Trial Balance |
No |
Accounting subject area |
Subledger Accounting, cross-functional view |
Legacy, cross-functional view |
Legacy view generated in Release 12? |
Adjustments |
AR Adj Dist SLA GL Je |
AR Adjustment GL Je Dist |
Yes |
Miscellaneous receipts |
AR Misc Rcpt Dist SLA GL Je |
AR Misc Pymt GL Je Dist |
Yes |
Standard receipts |
AR Std Rcpt Dist SLA GL Je |
AR Cust Pymt GL Je Dist |
Yes |
Transactions |
AR Tran Dist SLA GL Je |
AR Cust Tran GL Je Dist |
Yes |
Accounting subject area |
Subledger Accounting, cross-functional view |
Legacy, cross-functional view |
Legacy view generated in Release 12? |
Budget authority transactions, appropriations |
FV Budget Auth SLA GL JE |
FV Budget Appr GL JE |
Yes |
Fund distributions |
FV Fund Distr SLA GL JE |
FV Fund Distr GL JE |
Yes |
Expenditures |
FV SLA AP Expenditures |
FV AP Expenditures |
Yes |
Budgetary transactions |
FV SLA Budget Trans |
FV Budget Transactions |
Yes |
Commitments |
FV SLA PO Commitments |
FV PO Commitments |
Yes |
Obligations |
FV SLA PO Obligations |
FV PO Obligations |
Yes |
Accounting subject area |
Subledger Accounting, cross-functional view |
Legacy, cross-functional view |
Legacy view generated in Release 12? |
Test accounting distributions |
GMF SLA Cost Subledger |
GMF Test Subledger |
Yes |
Updated accounting distributions |
GMF SLA Cost Subledger |
GMF Update Subledger |
Yes |
The following table correlates views that return ledger-to-subledger, final data that has been posted to General Ledger with views that return subledger-to-ledger data that is either in draft form or in final form and posted to General Ledger.
Accounting subject area |
Subledger-to-ledger view |
Asset adjustments (all) |
— |
FA Adjustments SLA GL Je |
Asset transactions (all) |
— |
FA All Trans SLA GL Je |
Asset depreciation histories |
— |
FA Deprn Dtl Hist SLA GL Je |
Asset depreciations |
— |
FA Deprn Dtls SLA GL Je |
Asset invoice transactions |
— |
FA Invoice Trx SLA GL Je |
Payables invoices |
GL Je SLA AP Inv Dist |
AP Inv Dist SLA GL Je |
Payables invoice payments |
GL Je SLA AP Pmt Dist |
AP Pmt Dist SLA GL Je |
Receivables adjustments |
GL Je SLA AR Adj Dist |
AR Adj Dist SLA GL Je |
Receivables miscellaneous receipts |
GL Je SLA AR Misc Rcpt Dist |
AR Misc Rcpt Dist SLA GL Je |
Receivables standard receipts |
GL Je SLA AR Std Rcpt Dist |
AR Std Rcpt Dist SLA GL Je |
Receivables transactions (all) |
GL Je SLA AR Tran Dist |
AR Tran Dist SLA GL Je |
Purchasing PO and requisition encumbrances |
GL Je SLA PO All Encumb |
— |
Purchasing blanket purchase agreements |
GL Je SLA PO Blnkt Encumb |
— |
Purchasing PO encumbrances |
GL Je SLA PO Encumb |
— |
Purchasing requisition encumbrances |
GL Je SLA PO Req Encumb |
— |
NoetixViews for Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management
The Noetix business views for Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management provide a comprehensive analysis for requisitions, draft purchase orders (POs), awards, and user defined attributes (UDAs).
The Noetix views for Contract Lifecycle Management are available in the standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), and global forms.
Support for Subject Areas
The Noetix views for Contract Lifecycle Management cater to the following subject areas to meet the needs of requestors, buyers, and contracting professionals:
Headers: The PO Requisitions, PO Req Notifications, and PO Requisitions UDA views provide information about purchase requisition headers, purchase requisition notifications, and UDAs pertaining to purchase requisition headers.
Lines: The PO Requisition Lines, PO Requisition Line Pos, and PO Requisition Lines UDA views provide information about purchase requisition lines, purchase requisition lines and resulting PO lines, and UDAs pertaining to purchase requisition lines.
Distributions: The PO Req Distributions, PO SLA Requisition Dist, and PO Req Distributions UDA views provide information about purchase requisition distributions, purchase requisition distributions in Oracle Subledger Accounting, and UDAs pertaining to purchase requisition distributions.
Headers: The PO Purchase Orders, PO PO Notifications, PO Document Actions, and PO Purchase Orders UDA views provide information about award headers, PO notifications, actions performed on purchasing documents, and UDAs pertaining to award headers.
Lines: The PO PO Lines and PO PO Lines UDA views provide information about award lines and their UDAs.
Shipments: The PO PO Shipments, PO All Shipments, and PO PO Shipments UDA views provide information about standard PO shipments, all types of PO shipments, and UDAs pertaining to PO shipments.
Distributions: The PO PO Distributions, PO SLA Hub Journal Lines, and PO PO Distributions UDA views provide information about PO award distributions, subledger accounting distributions, and UDAs pertaining to award distributions.
Releases: The PO Releases view provides information about the PO releases.
Actions and notifications: The PO Document Actions view provides information about the actions performed on PO documents. The PO PO Notifications view provides notification information about POs that are awaiting actions.
Draft purchase orders: The PO Draft Distributions, PO MOD Draft Distribution, and PO PAR Draft Distribution views provide information about the draft PO distributions for awards, award modifications, and post award requests.
Invoices and payments: The following views return information about Contract Lifecycle Management when POs created in Contract Lifecycle Management are invoiced and payments are made against these invoices:
AP Invoices
AP Invoice Distributions
AP Invoice Pay Schedules
AP Checks
AP Invoice Payments
AP Interest Invoices
PO Invoices
PO Invoice Payments
PO receipts: The PO Receipts and PO Uninvoiced Receipts views return information for contract lifecycle management when goods or items are received for a PO that is created in Contract Lifecycle Management.
User defined attributes: The following views provide information about UDAs for purchase requisition headers, purchase requisition lines, purchase requisition distributions, PO headers, PO lines, PO shipments, and PO distribution levels:
PO Requisitions UDA
PO Requisition Lines UDA
PO Req Distributions UDA
PO Purchase Orders UDA
PO PO Shipments UDA
PO PO Distributions UDA
Additionally, the following views return information about Contract Lifecycle Management:
AP Pmt Dist SLA GL Je
AP SLA Invoice Dist
FV SLA PO Commitments
FV SLA PO Obligations
PO PO Shipments
PO Vendor Sites
PO Vendors
XLA Accrual Write Off Dist
XLA PO Receiving Dist
XLA PO Requisition Dist
Noetix Roles for Contract Lifecycle Management Views
The views that provide information about Contract Lifecycle Management are managed through the Noetix roles corresponding to the NoetixViews modules to which they belong. The following table lists the Noetix roles and the corresponding views.
Noetix role label |
Noetix view |
FV SLA PO Commitments FV SLA PO Obligations |
AP Checks AP Interest Invoices AP Invoice Distributions AP Invoice Pay Schedules AP Invoice Payments AP Invoices AP Pmt Dist SLA GL Je AP SLA Invoice Dist |
PO All Shipments PO Blanket Price Breaks PO Document Actions PO Draft Distributions PO Invoice Payments PO Invoices PO MOD Draft Distribution PO PAR Draft Distribution PO PO All Distributions PO PO Distributions PO PO Distributions UDA PO PO Lines PO PO Lines UDA PO PO Notifications PO PO Shipments PO PO Shipments UDA PO Purchase Orders PO Purchase Order Details PO Purchase Orders UDA PO Receipts PO Releases PO Req Distributions PO Req Distributions UDA PO Req Notifications PO Requisition Line Pos PO Requisition Lines PO Requisition Lines UDA PO Requisitions PO Requisitions UDA PO SLA Hub Journal Lines PO SLA Requisition Dist PO Uninvoiced Receipts PO Vendor Sites PO Vendors |
XLA Accrual Write Off Dist XLA PO Receiving Dist XLA PO Requisition Dist |
Noetix Views in Contract Lifecycle Management Workflow
The workflow for Contract Lifecycle Management that represents the supported subject areas and Noetix views is as follows.
Useful Reporting Scenarios Supported by Contract Lifecycle Management Views
The following reporting scenarios are supported by the views in Contract Lifecycle Management:
To obtain information about purchase requisitions and their UDAs, you can join the PO Requisitions and PO Requisitions UDA views.
To obtain information about the total purchase requisition amount of conformed purchase requisitions for a period, you can use the PO Requisitions view.
To obtain information about purchase requisitions related to Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR), you can join the PO Requisitions and PO Requisitions UDA views.
To obtain information about the amended purchase requisition lines and contracting office details, you can join the PO Requisition Lines and PO Requisition lines UDA views.
To obtain information about the purchase requisition distributions and their UDAs, you can join the PO Req Distributions and PO Req Distributions UDA views.
To obtain information about the funded value change for a period and total value of funds by operating unit for a period, you can use the PO Req Distributions view.
To obtain information about the award headers and their UDAs, you can join the PO Purchase Orders and PO Purchase Orders UDA views.
To obtain information about award lines and their UDAs, you can join the PO PO Lines and PO PO Lines UDA views.
To obtain information about awards for a vendor for a period, you can use the PO PO Lines view.
To obtain information about award shipments and their UDAs, you can join the PO PO Shipments and PO PO Shipments UDA views.
To obtain information about award distributions and their UDAs, you can join the PO PO Distributions and PO PO Distributions UDA views.
To obtain information about encumbered amount for a period and POs associated with a project, you can use the PO PO Distributions view.
To obtain information about draft POs and their UDAs, you can join the PO Draft Distributions and PO Purchase Orders UDA views.
To obtain information about POs and their release details, you can use the PO Releases view.
NoetixViews for Oracle Projects
NoetixViews for Oracle Projects provides a solution for maintaining control and visibility of projects. It displays project information at a single source point enabling you to track and manage a project through the project lifecycle.
NoetixViews for Oracle Projects includes approximately 50 views that cover various project types such as capital, contract, and indirect. The subject areas covered are projects, tasks, resources, budgets, expenditures, invoices, revenues, and status inquiry. These views belong to the basic, value-added or cross-functional type and additionally are categorized as detail or summary-level views.
Detail views present transaction details as entered in Oracle Projects. Usually, these transactions can be entered in various currencies. All detail views include one or more transaction currency amount, as well as converted project and project functional currency amounts. A currency-code column differentiates the currency types for the user.
Summary views require the summation of individual transaction amounts. Therefore, summary views show the amounts in a single currency. The project functional currency and currency-code columns are not displayed.
In Oracle E-Business Suite 10.7, the Oracle Project Costing module had the facility to enter receipts in multiple currencies. Oracle expanded the multi-currency functionality within the Project Costing module with Oracle
E-Business Suite 11.0.3 and then further extended the multi-currency support to Oracle Project Billing with Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.8, Family Pack J.
NoetixViews supports multi-currency feature in the areas of Project Accounting, Project Costing, and Project Billing.
Currency Types Supported in Noetix Views for Projects
NoetixViews for Oracle Projects supports three types of currencies:
Project functional currency: The currency derived from the ledger of an operating unit. If multi-currency is enabled, each project can be maintained in a specific currency called project currency.
Project currency: The currency to which all transactions of a project are converted for processing and summarization. This can be defined per project.
Transactional currency: Can be different from project functional and project currencies with respect to subject area. For example, expenditures can take place in one currency and the agreement between customers can be in another currency. In the case of expenditures, the transactional currency is termed as expenditure currency and in the case of agreements, it becomes agreement currency.
Results of Multi-Currency Activation in Noetix Views for Projects
Activating multi-currency columns in NoetixViews results in the following changes:
All transactional views have transaction-specific currency values in the base amount columns. Additional columns for project functional currency (with the PFC suffix) and project currency (with the PC suffix) may also be generated. These additional columns are not added for every occurrence of a transactional amount column.
Most of the PFC columns corresponding to the transaction-amount columns are generated. Some of the PC columns corresponding to the transaction-amount columns are also generated.
You cannot summarize on the transaction-amount columns with this option as the columns can be in multiple currencies. You must summarize the transaction-amount columns based on the corresponding PFC or PC columns.
An expense amount in Project Currency might not equal the Payables Functional Currency amount for the same transaction.
Information related to currency codes and exchange rates is generated.
If you use the multi-currency functionality of Oracle Projects at your site, you must activate multi-currency columns in your views. Otherwise, the amount columns in your views will contain values in project functional currencies, and not display information related to currency codes and exchange rates.
NoetixViews for Oracle Process Manufacturing
The Noetix business views and pre-built answers for Oracle Process Manufacturing provide a reporting solution for the major aspects of this Oracle E-Business Suite module, such as new product development, recipe management, production, process execution, cost, quality, and regulatory management. These views also provide setup information about items, reordering rules for items, and resources for routings.
NoetixViews for Oracle Process Manufacturing includes 63 views that cater to Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory Management (covered by the views for Oracle Inventory for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later), Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development, Oracle Process Manufacturing Planning (covered by the views for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later), Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution, and Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials.
The views can be categorized into the following:
Basic views, such as the setup views
Value-added views, such as the summary, detail, and transactional views
Cross-functional views
Support for Subject Areas
The following tables list the subject areas of individual modules of Process Manufacturing and the corresponding Noetix views.
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Item setup: Information about items, catalog element values, lots and sublots, production rules, and reorder rules. |
GMI Item Catalogs GMI Item Master GMI Lots Sublots GMI Production Rules GMI Warehouse Rules |
On-hand inventory: Information about stock locators, inventory transactions, on-hand inventory by location and lot, total on-hand inventory by process organization, and warehouse transfers. |
GMI Inv Stock Locators GMI Inv Transactions GMI Onhand Inv By Location GMI Onhand Inv By Lot GMI Onhand Inv Rollup GMI Warehouse Transfer |
Unallocated inventory: Rollup and summary information about allocated and unallocated inventories. |
GMI Inv Unallocated Rollup GMI Unallocated Inventory |
Month-end inventory: Information about the month-end inventory balances. |
GMI Month End Inventory |
Noetix views for Process Manufacturing Inventory Management are applicable for only Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12, after which the views for Inventory provide the same functionality.
For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later, the following views for Inventory are available for Process Manufacturing.
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Item setup: Information about customer items, item catalogs, process manufacturing attributes, item relationships, item lots, and stock locators. |
INV Customer Items INV Item Catalogs INV Item Inventory Attributes INV Item Process Attribute INV Item Relationships INV Items INV Lot Details INV Stock Locators |
On-hand inventory: Information about unallocated inventory by lot and location and on-hand quantities rolled up to the inventory organization. |
INV Item Onhand By Lot INV Onhand Quantities INV Onhand Rollup INV Safety Stock |
Unallocated inventory: Information about item unallocated inventory and total unallocated inventory by inventory organization. |
INV Unallocated Inventory INV Unallocated Rollup |
Period close inventory: Information about period close inventory balances. |
INV Period Close Details |
Inventory reservations: Information about item reservations from various demand sources, such as purchase orders (POs), accounts, account aliases, process batches, jobs or schedules, and sales orders. |
INV Reservations |
Inventory transactions: Information about different inventory transactions, such as accounts, cycle counts, lots, POs, requisitions, and sales orders. |
INV Account Transactions INV Alias Transactions INV Cycle Count Transactions INV Lot Transactions INV Physical Inv Transactions INV PO Transactions INV Requisition Transactions INV Sales Order Transactions INV Serial Number Trans INV Transaction Details INV Transactions |
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Formulas: Information about formulas, such as the numbers, classes, owners, items, phantom items, required quantities, input and output quantities, and units of measurement (UOMs) for the item quantity. |
GMD Formulas |
Recipes: Information about recipes, customers, process losses, and validity rules. |
GMD Recipe Customers GMD Recipe Process Loss GMD Recipe Validity Rules GMD Recipes |
Routings: Information about routings, associated operations, and resources. |
GMD Routing Resources GMD Routings |
Quality management setup: Information on test cases, associated customers, test codes, and test values. |
GMD Qc Customer Tests GMD Qc Tests |
Quality management: Information on samples taken from customers, inventories, monitoring sources, suppliers, and work in process and the resulting activities; test results; and quality conformance requirements. |
GMD Qc Customer Samples GMD Qc Inventory Samples GMD Qc Monitoring Samples GMD Qc Results GMD Qc Specifications GMD Qc Supplier Samples GMD Qc WIP Samples |
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Action messages: Information about the material requirements planning (MRP) action message transactions and the pegging and transactions associated with each action number in an MRP run. |
GMP Action Messages GMP MRP Action Msg Pegging |
Forecast: Information about forecasts. |
GMP Forecast Details |
Demand/Supply: Information at the summary level about the demand and supply sources of an item for all transactions in each MRP run. |
GMP MRP Demand Supply Dtl |
Planning: Information about pending inventory transactions that are not bucketed as supply and demand. |
GMP MRP Mtrl Unbucketed |
From Release 12, Advanced Supply Chain Planning must be used in place of Process Manufacturing Planning. Therefore, for Release 12 and later, the views for Advanced Supply Chain Planning should be used for planning-related data. For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later, refer to the following Noetix views for Advanced Supply Chain Planning to avail of functionality that is similar to what is provided by the views for Process Manufacturing Planning. However, these views are a part of NoetixViews for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning and are not bundled with NoetixViews for Oracle Process Manufacturing.
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Exception, pegging details: Information about exception details and pegging details for plans. |
MSC Exceptions MSC Pegging Details |
Forecast consumptions: Information about forecast consumptions of plans. |
MSC Forecast Consumptions |
Demand/Supply: Information about demands and supplies for plans. |
MSC Demand Details MSC Supply Details |
Vertical Plan Details: Information about the vertical plans of the planned items. |
MSC Vertical Plan Details |
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Firm planned order: Information about firm planned orders of items, recipes, |
GME Firm Planned Orders |
Production Batch: Information about batches, such as deleted ingredients, |
GME Batch Deleted Details GME Batch Headers GME Batch Material Details GME Batch Step Details GME Batch Step Rsrc Actvty |
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Costing setup: Information about the association between cost and inventory organizations, standard burden or overhead costs, standard component costs, overhead codes and percentages for cost calculations, and resource costs. |
GMF Cost Organization Assc GMF Cost Warehouse Assoc GMF Item Burden Costs GMF Item Costs GMF Overhead Percentages GMF Resource Costs |
Costing: Information about the rolled up costs and lot-level costs for production items. |
GMF Item Costs Rollup GMF Lot Cost Details |
Subledger Accounting views (for Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12): Information about test updates of accounting distributions of different transactions and information about accounting distributions of different transactions that are updated to the subledger.
Subledger Accounting view (for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later): Information about subledger transactions in draft and final modes. |
GMF Test Subledger GMF Update Subledger
GMF SLA Cost Subledger |
The GMF Cost Organization Assc, GMF Overhead Percentages, and GMF Lot Cost Details views are available for only Release 12 and later. Also, the GMF Cost Warehouse Assoc view is obsolete in Release 12 and later and returns only historical data; use the GMF Cost Organization Assc view instead.
Support for Flexfields
The following tables list the descriptive flexfields in Process Manufacturing and the Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Item Catalog Groups |
GMI Item Catalogs |
Item Information |
GMI Item Master GMI Onhand Inv By Lot GMI Onhand Inv Rollup |
Lot/Sublot Information |
GMI Lots Sublots |
Production Rules |
GMI Production Rules |
Warehouse Information |
GMI Warehouse Transfer |
Warehouse Rules Information |
GMI Warehouse Rules |
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Item |
INV Item Process Attribute |
Lot |
INV Lot Details |
Lot Number |
INV Lot Details |
Lot Number Character |
INV Lot Details |
Lot Number Date |
INV Lot Details |
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Formula Line Attributes |
GMD Formulas |
Operation Resources Flexfields |
GMD Routing Resources |
Quality Results |
GMD Qc Results |
Quality Specifications |
GMD Qc Specifications |
Quality Tests |
GMD Qc Customer Tests GMD Qc Tests |
Recipe Flexfields |
GMD Recipe Customers GMD Recipe Process Loss GMD Recipe Validity Rules GMD Recipes |
Routing Header Flexfield |
GMD Routings |
Samples |
GMD Qc Customer Samples GMD Qc Inventory Samples GMD Qc Monitoring Samples GMD Qc Supplier Samples GMD Qc WIP Samples |
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Batch Information |
GME Batch Deleted Details GME Batch Headers GME Firm Planned Orders |
Batch Steps Information |
GME Batch Step Details GME Batch Step Rsrc Actvty |
Material Details |
GME Batch Material Details |
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Cost Detail Information |
GMF Item Costs GMF Item Costs Rollup |
Cost Warehouse Association Master |
GMF Cost Warehouse Assoc |
Percentage Burden Codes Information |
GMF Overhead Percentages |
The following tables list the key flexfields in Process Manufacturing and the Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Detailed Container Item |
INV Customer Items |
Item |
INV Customer Items INV Item Catalogs INV Item Onhand By Lot INV Item Process Attribute INV Item Relationships INV Lot Details INV Onhand Rollup INV Period Close Details INV Stock Locators |
Item Catalogs |
INV Item Catalogs |
Locator |
INV Stock Locators |
Master Container Item |
INV Customer Items |
Supply Locator |
INV Item Process Attribute |
Yield Locator |
INV Item Process Attribute |
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Item |
GMD Formulas GMD Qc Customer Samples GMD Qc Inventory Samples GMD Qc Results GMD Qc Specifications GMD Qc Supplier Samples GMD Qc WIP Samples |
Formula |
GMD Recipes |
Product |
GMD Recipes |
Sample Locator |
GMD Qc Customer Samples GMD Qc Inventory Samples GMD Qc Monitoring Samples GMD Qc Supplier Samples GMD Qc WIP Samples |
Source Locator |
GMD Qc WIP Samples |
Storage Locator |
GMD Qc Customer Samples GMD Qc Inventory Samples GMD Qc Monitoring Samples GMD Qc Supplier Samples GMD Qc WIP Samples |
Test Kit |
GMD Qc Results |
Validity |
GMD Recipe Validity Rules |
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Ingredient |
GME Batch Deleted Details |
Item |
GME Batch Material Details GME Firm Planned Orders |
Product |
GME Batch Deleted Details GME Batch Headers |
Sample Locator |
GME Batch Material Details GME Firm Planned Orders |
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Accounting Flexfield |
GMF SLA Cost Subledger |
Cost Category |
GMF Overhead Percentages |
GL Business Category |
GMF Overhead Percentages |
GL Category |
GMF Overhead Percentages |
GL Product Line Category |
GMF Overhead Percentages |
Item |
GMF Item Burden Costs GMF Item Costs GMF Item Costs Rollup GMF Lot Cost Details GMF Overhead Percentages GMF SLA Cost Subledger |
Noetix Roles for Process Manufacturing
NoetixViews for Oracle Process Manufacturing includes only the following global roles:
OPM INVENTORY (for Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12)
PROCESS PLANNING (for Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12)
Noetix Views in Process Manufacturing Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow of Process Manufacturing and the important Noetix views that provide information at each point in the process flow.
Other Considerations
The following points would help you optimally use the views for Process Manufacturing:
NoetixViews for Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory Management returns the transactional data for only Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12. From Release 12, Inventory supports the Process Manufacturing functionality for inventory. Therefore, for these versions of Oracle E-Business Suite, NoetixViews for Oracle Inventory returns information relevant to Process Manufacturing Inventory Management transactions through the INV Transactions and INV Transaction Details views. For Release 12 and later, Noetix views for Process Manufacturing Inventory Management return only historic data. To view the historic data relevant to Process Manufacturing Inventory Management transactions, you can use the GMI Inv Transactions view.
As the concept of Subledger Accounting is introduced in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, some of the existing Noetix views for Process Manufacturing Financials in Release 12 return only historic data. These views are GMF Test Subledger and GMF Update Subledger. For Release 12 and later, cost and accounting transaction data is returned by the GMF SLA Cost Subledger view.
Noetix views for Process Manufacturing Planning return only historic data for Release 12 and later. From Release 12, Noetix views for Advanced Supply Chain Planning, such as MSC Demand Details, MSC Designator Details, MSC Exceptions, MSC Pegging Details, and MSC Supply Details, return similar information as provided by the transaction views for Process Manufacturing Planning.
In Oracle E-Business Suite, planning recommendations from Advanced Supply Chain Planning become purchase requisitions in Oracle Purchasing. Data for purchase requisitions can be viewed through the PO Requisitions view. Through regular transactions in Purchasing, these requisitions become purchase orders (POs), shipments, and receipts, the details of which can be viewed through the PO PO Lines, PO Purchase Orders, PO PO Shipments, PO Receipts, and PO Uninvoiced Receipts views.
The additional details of sales orders for items in Process Manufacturing are maintained in Oracle Order Management and can be viewed through the OE Deliveries, OE Drop Shipments, OE Orders, and OE Returns views.
The GMD Qc Monitoring Samples view requires Family Pack K (11i.OPM PF.K) to be generated for Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12.
NoetixViews for Oracle Time and Labor
The Noetix business views and pre-built answers for Oracle Time and Labor return setup information for timecard processing, missing timecards, Batch Element Entry (BEE) batches, and various time management structures and policies and also summary and detailed information for self-service and professional timecard data entry.
Support for Time and Labor reporting is also provided by NoetixViews for Oracle Human Resources, NoetixViews for Oracle Projects, and NoetixViews for Oracle Purchasing.
Twenty views are available in standard and global versions. The views can be categorized as basic or value-added views, or as setup, summary, and detail views. For most of the views, the access of Noetix query users to data is dependent on the security profiles set up in Oracle Human Resources. Moreover, for the global version of these views, the security profiles can be applied or ignored while Noetix query users access data. For all the global views, the list of business groups for which data will be returned can be customized. For more information, contact the Noetix System Administration User.
Support for Subject Areas
The following table lists the subject areas of Time and Labor and the corresponding Noetix views.
Subject areas |
Noetix views |
Basic Setup: Work plans, shifts, and rotation plans. |
HXC Rotation Plans HXC Work Plans |
Earning policy setup |
HXC Earning Policies |
Time Store Setup: Time entry rules and time entry rule groups. |
HXC Time Entry Rule Groups |
Employee Assignments: Mapping of employee assignments with time management policies |
HXC Assignment Time Info |
Timecards: Latest information, missing entries, errors, and historical information for professional timecards; latest information, missing entries, time category hours, approval action history, and historical information for self-service timecards; and summary information for both types of timecards |
HXC PUI Latest Timecards HXC PUI Missing Timecards HXC PUI Time Entry Errors HXC PUI Timecard History HXC SS Latest Timecards HXC SS Missing Timecards HXC SS Time Category Hours HXC SS Timecard Action Hist HXC SS Timecard History HXC Timecard Summary |
BEE Batches: Header-level information, line-level information, and error messages |
HXC BEE Batch Headers HXC BEE Batch Lines HXC BEE Error Messages |
Assignment and person historical information |
HXC All Assignment Hist HXC All Person Hist |
Support for Flexfields
The following tables list the flexfields in Oracle Time and Labor and the corresponding Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Additional Timecards Information |
HXC PUI Latest Timecards HXC PUI Timecard History |
OTL Additional Assignment Information |
HXC Assignment Time Info |
OTL Information Types |
HXC SS Latest Timecards HXC SS Timecard History |
OTL Timecard Summary Detail |
HXC PUI Latest Timecards HXC PUI Timecard History |
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Cost Allocation Flexfield |
HXC BEE Batch Lines HXC PUI Latest Timecards HXC PUI Timecard History |
Grade Flexfield |
HXC All Assignment Hist |
Job Flexfield |
HXC All Assignment Hist |
People Group Flexfield |
HXC All Assignment Hist |
Position Flexfield |
HXC All Assignment Hist |
Noetix Roles for Time and Labor
NoetixViews for Oracle Time and Labor includes standard and global roles. For your Oracle E-Business Suite setup, a set of standard views is generated for each business group, while a set of global views is generated for all business groups. You can use the views under any role that is assigned to you. Contact your Noetix System Administration User if you have any queries regarding the roles granted to you.
Noetix Views in Time and Labor Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow of Oracle Time and Labor and the Noetix views that provide information at each point in the process flow.
Additionally, the HXC All Assignment Hist and HXC All Person Hist views have been provided for historical information and the enabling of joins between views. The HXC Timecard Summary view has been provided so that information pertaining to both self-service and professional timecards can be retrieved through a single view. These views do not fit into the Time and Labor workflow.
Tips and Other Considerations
The following points could help you optimally use the views for Time and Labor:
While querying the HXC PUI Missing Timecards and HXC SS Missing Timecards views, make sure that you filter the records by the From Date and To Date columns. Otherwise, the views may return incorrect data.
The summary view HXC Timecard Summary can be joined to the detail views HXC PUI Latest Timecards and HXC PUI Timecard History using the PUI Timecard ID column. It can also be joined to the detail views HXC SS Latest Timecards and HXC SS Timecard History using the SS Timecard ID column.
In the HXC SS Time Category Hours view, the columns pertaining to hours for time categories are prefixed with “TC$”. The number of such columns depends on the number of time categories defined at your site.
If you add a new time category after this view has been generated, you cannot see the details of the new time category in the view immediately. For including the newly added details, this view has to be regenerated. Contact your Noetix System Administration User for regenerating the view.
If you have access to the Noetix views for Purchasing at your site, you can view the information relevant to Time and Labor through the PO Closed Uninv Receipts, PO PO Lines, PO Receipts, and PO Uninvoiced Receipts views.
If you have access to the Noetix views for Human Resources at your site, you can view the information relevant to Time and Labor through the HR Emp Absence Hist view.
If you have access to Noetix views for Projects at your site, you can concatenate the SS Timecard ID and Time Entry Version Number columns of the HXC SS Timecard History view with a hyphen (“-”) and join them to the Exp Item External Sys Ref column of the PA All Expenditure Items view to retrieve information relevant to Time and Labor from Projects.
NoetixViews for Oracle Quality
The Noetix business views and pre-built answers for Oracle Quality return information about the core elements of the Quality module, such as collection elements, specifications, collection plans, and quality results.
These views can be categorized as basic and value-added, including seven basic views and three value-added views. Additionally, Noetix gives you the option of dynamically generating two sets of views for quality results. The number of these views depends upon the number of collection plans and collection plan types set up at your site and the options selected during generation of the views.
Support for Subject Areas
NoetixViews for Oracle Quality provides views that cater to the following subject areas:
Collection Elements
These views provide information about collection elements and the action rules associated with the collection elements. The following views are available:
QA Col Elem Action Rules
QA Collection Elements
These views provide information about specifications and the elements associated with the specifications. The following views are available:
QA Quality Spec Elements
QA Quality Specifications
Collection Plans
These views provide information about collection plans, transactions and triggers associated with the collection plans and collection plan elements, and action rules associated with the collection plans. The following views are available:
QA Collection Plan Smry
QA Collection Plan Trans
QA Plan Elem Action Rules
Quality Results
These views provide information about the results entered for collection plans. There are three types of views:
View for all collection plan results: The QA Collection Plan Rslts view displays the results collected for all the collection plans.
Views for results collected during transactions in Oracle Work in Process: The QA WIP Completion Trx Rslts and QA WIP Move Trx Rslts views display results collected during completion and move transactions respectively, occurring in the Oracle Work in Process module. These views are generated for only those roles that correspond to inventory organizations that are enabled for Work in Process.
Site-specific views: Two sets of views can be dynamically generated on the basis of the collection plans and collection plan types set up at your site. The views based on collection plans are named as QA Rslt <plan name>, where <plan name> represents the collection plan name at your site. The views based on collection plan types are named as QA Rslt PType <plan type>, where <plan type> represents the name of the collection plan type at your site.
The views pertaining to Work in Process transactions and site-specific views will return information for newly added collection plans and collection plan elements only after being regenerated. Contact your Noetix System Administration User for regenerating the views.
Support for Flexfields
The following tables list the flexfields in Oracle Quality and the corresponding Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix view |
Collection Elements |
QA Col Elem Action Rules QA Collection Elements |
Collection Plan Elements |
QA Plan Elem Action Rules |
Collection Plans |
QA Collection Plan Smry QA Collection Plan Trans QA Plan Elem Action Rules |
Specification Elements |
QA Quality Spec Elements |
Specifications |
QA Quality Specifications |
Key flexfield |
Noetix view |
Item Categories |
QA Quality Specifications |
Items |
QA Quality Specifications QA WIP Completion Trx Rslts |
Noetix Roles for Quality
NoetixViews for Oracle Quality includes standard and Cross Operations Extension (XOP) roles. For your Oracle E-Business Suite setup, a set of standard views is generated for each inventory organization, while a set of XOP views is generated for each combination of a chart of accounts and an item master organization. You can use the views under any role that is assigned to you. Contact your Noetix System Administration User if you have any queries regarding the roles granted to you.
The QA Rslt <plan name> view will not be generated under XOP roles.
Noetix Views in Quality Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow in Oracle Quality and the Noetix views that provide information at each point in the process flow.
NoetixViews for Oracle Cash Management
The Noetix business views and pre-built answers for Oracle Cash Management provide a reporting solution for the major aspects, such as transactions, reconciliation, and automatic clearing.
Additionally, you can analyze information about the bank accounts, invoice checks and payments, and transactions prior to reconciliation using the views for Oracle Payables and Oracle Receivables that are available as part of Cash Management. Two basic views and a value added view are available for Noetix views for Oracle Payables. Similarly, two basic views are available for Noetix views for Oracle Receivables. The five views are available in the standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), and global forms.
Support for Subject Areas
NoetixViews for Cash Management cater to the following subject areas:
Bank Statements
Cash Transfers
Cash Flow
The AP Bank Accounts view for the Banks subject area provides information about the bank accounts, bank branches, and contact details in bank branches. Though a part of NoetixViews for Oracle Payables, this view is also available through the CASH MANAGEMENT role.
Bank Statements
The CE Bank Stmt Line Dtls and CE Reconciliation Lines views for the Bank Statements subject area provide information about the reconciled transactions and their impact on the bank account during a period. Additionally, information about the reconciled statement lines is provided.
Though a part of NoetixViews for Oracle Payables, the AP Checks and AP Invoice Checks views are also available through the CASH MANAGEMENT role so that the transactions prior to reconciliation are available. For the same reason, the AR Cash Receipts and AR Cash Receipts Combined views have been made available through the CASH MANAGEMENT role even though these views belong to NoetixViews for Oracle Receivables.
Cash Transfers
The CE Cash Transfers view for the Cash Transfers subject area provides information about the cash transfers among banks within or across legal entities. The cash transfers can be intra-company or inter-company. For an intra-company cash transfer, the source and destination bank accounts must be in the same legal entity. For an inter-company cash transfer, the source and destination bank accounts can be in different legal entities.
Cash Flow
The CE Cash Flow Details view for the Cash Flow subject area provides information about cash flows, source bank, destination bank, and clearing details. The cash flow may happen because of the manual entry of bank account transfers or the Sweep Transactions Generation, Generate Cash Leveling Transfers, or Bank Statement Cashflow Creation program. The view appears only for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later.
Support for Flexfields
The following tables list the flexfields in Oracle Cash Management and the corresponding Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix views |
Statement Headers |
CE Bank Stmt Line Dtls |
Statement Lines |
CE Bank Stmt Line Dtls |
Cash Transfers |
CE Cash Transfers |
Bank Account |
AP Bank Accounts |
Bank Branch |
AP Bank Accounts |
Payment Information |
AP Checks, AP Invoice Checks |
Invoice |
AP Invoice Checks |
Invoice Payments |
AP Invoice Checks |
Payment Documents |
AP Invoice Checks |
Vendor |
AP Invoice Checks |
Receipt Information |
AR Cash Receipts, AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Customer information OLD |
AR Cash Receipts, AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Party Information |
AR Cash Receipts, AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Payment Schedule Information |
AR Cash Receipts, AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Accounting Calendar: Periods |
AR Cash Receipts, AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Customer Credit Profile Information OLD |
AR Cash Receipts, AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Key flexfield |
Noetix views |
Accounting Flexfield |
AR Cash Receipts AR Cash Receipts Combined |
Noetix Roles for Cash Management
NoetixViews for Oracle Cash Management has only a global role. The global role contains a set of views generated for all the business groups configured in the Oracle E-Business Suite instance. Noetix Views for Cash Management includes the CASH MANAGEMENT role.
Noetix Views and Cash Management Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow of Cash Management and the corresponding subject areas supported by Noetix views.
For more information about the Noetix supported subject areas and the views corresponding to each subject area, see Support for Subject Areas.
Tips and Other Considerations
The following points would help you optimally use the views for Cash Management:
Noetix views for Cash Management do not cover the cash forecasting and cash positioning concepts.
The bank accounts-related information is maintained at the operating unit level for Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12 and at the legal entity level for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later.
NoetixViews for Oracle Project Management
The Noetix business views and pre-built answers for Oracle Project Management provide a reporting solution to manage a project based on a single, integrated, accurate view of all project-related activities. NoetixViews for Oracle Project Management helps to track and manage the various project activities, such as creating, planning, and tracking of project workplans, budgets, and forecasts throughout the project life cycle. The views belong to the basic, value added, or cross functional types and additionally are categorized as set-up views.
Support for Subject Areas
NoetixViews for Oracle Project Management cater to the following subject areas:
Manage Progress
Manage Issues
Project Sets
The PA Proj User Define Attrs, PA User Defined Attrs, and PA Deliverable Actions views for the Workplan subject area help to review deliverables, work breakdown structures and dependencies, assigned resources, and project progress.
The PA WP Resource Usages view for the Resource subject area provides workplan resource usages, assigned resources, and staff resource requirements for projects.
The PA All Expenditure Items, PA Financial Plan Impacts, and PA Financial Plan Tasks views for the Budget subject area provide financial breakdown structures; published workplans; and generated, adjusted, submitted, and approved budgets for projects. Though a part of NoetixViews for Oracle Projects, the PA All Expenditure Items view is also available through the PROJECT MANAGEMENT role.
Manage Progress
The PA Tasks, PA Projects, PA Project Status Reports, and PA Workplan Details views for the Manage Progress subject area provide progress against tasks and deliverables. Though a part of NoetixViews for Oracle Projects, the PA Tasks and PA Projects views are also available through the PROJECT MANAGEMENT role.
Manage Issues
The following views for the Manage Issues subject area are used to track issues and display changes in the issues:
PA Control Item Actions
PA Control Item Comments
PA Control Item Impacts
PA Control Item Relations
PA Control Items
PA Supplier Deductions
PA Supplier Impact Dtls
The PA WP Resource Usages and PA Project Exceptions views for the Schedules subject area provide information about workplans, schedules, and team schedule updates.
The following views for the Forecast subject area provide information about the generated, reviewed, submitted, approved, and republished forecasts:
PA Project Status Reports
PA Workplan Details
PA Project Exceptions
PA Financial Plan Tasks
Project Sets
The PA Project Sets view for the Project Sets subject area provides information about the projects that are associated with a project set.
Support for Flexfields
The following table lists the flexfields in Project Management and the corresponding Noetix views that support these flexfields.
Descriptive flexfield |
Noetix views |
Human Resources |
PA Tasks PA Projects |
Control Items Desc Flex |
PA Control Items |
Expenditure Items |
PA All Expenditure Items |
Project Status Report Sections |
PA Project Status Reports |
Project Sets |
PA Project Sets |
Projects |
PA Tasks PA All Expenditure Items PA Projects PA Workplan Details |
Project and Task |
PA Proj User Define Attrs |
PA Proj User Define Attrs |
Tasks |
PA Tasks PA All Expenditure Items PA Financial Plan Tasks PA Workplan Details |
Planning Transactions |
PA WP Resource Usages |
Noetix Views in Project Management Workflow
The following diagram explains the process flow of Project Management and the corresponding subject areas supported by Noetix views.
For more information about the Noetix supported subject areas and the views corresponding to each subject area, see Support for Subject Areas.
Noetix Roles for Project Management
NoetixViews for Oracle Project Management includes the standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), and global roles. A standard role contains a set of views generated for each operating unit. For an XOP role, a set of views is generated corresponding to one or more operating units depending on the chart of accounts settings in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. A global role contains a set of views generated for the business groups in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. A user can access all the views corresponding to an assigned role. Contact your Noetix System Administration User if you have any queries regarding the roles granted to you.
NoetixViews for Oracle Project Management uses the PROJECT MANAGEMENT role.
Replacement Views for Release 12
This section provides information about the views available for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and their replacements in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. The 11i views that are available in Release 12 have been made obsolete and returns historical data. Also, some of the views available for 11i do not have replacement views in Release 12 because of the functional changes made in Release 12. The 11i replacement views for Oracle Subledger Accounting are discussed in Other Cross-Functional Views for Subledger Accounting in “NoetixViews for Oracle Subledger Accounting.”
Noetix Views for Projects
The table provided in this section lists the 11i views for Oracle Projects and their replacements for Release 12. The details also cover information about the availability of the 11i view in Release 12.
View for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i |
Available for Release 12 |
Replacement view for Release 12 |
Change description |
PB Revenue Distributions |
Yes |
PA Rev Dist SLA GL JE |
The legacy view has been made obsolete because it will return only historical accounting data for Release 12. |
PA Organizations |
Yes |
PA Organization History |
The legacy view has been made obsolete because of granularity-related changes and will be removed in a future release. |
PA Project Workplan |
Yes |
PA Workplan Details |
The legacy view has been made obsolete because of functional changes and standardization of the view. |
Noetix Views for Process Manufacturing Inventory Management
The table provided in this section lists the 11i views for Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory Management and their replacements in Release 12. The details also cover information about the availability of the 11i view in Release 12.
The 11i views listed in this section are applicable for only Oracle E-Business Suite For Release 12 and later, the views have been made obsolete because Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory Management has been merged into Oracle Inventory; therefore, the views return only historical data.
View for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i |
Available for Release 12 |
Replacement view for Release 12 |
GMI Inv Stock Locators |
Yes |
INV Stock Locators |
GMI Inv Transactions |
Yes |
INV Transaction Details |
GMI Inv Unallocated Rollup |
Yes |
INV Unallocated Rollup |
GMI Item Catalogs |
Yes |
INV Item Catalogs |
GMI Item Master |
Yes |
INV Items and INV Item Inventory Attributes |
GMI Lots Sublots |
Yes |
INV Lot Details |
GMI Month End Inventory |
Yes |
INV Period Close Details |
GMI Onhand Inv By Location |
Yes |
INV Onhand Quantities |
GMI Onhand Inv By Lot |
Yes |
INV Item Onhand By Lot |
GMI Onhand Inv Rollup |
Yes |
INV Onhand Rollup |
GMI Unallocated Inventory |
Yes |
INV Unallocated Inventory |
GMI Production Rules |
Yes |
Not available |
GMI Warehouse Rules |
Yes |
Not available |
GMI Warehouse Transfer |
Yes |
Not available |
Noetix Views for Process Manufacturing Planning
This section provides information about the 11i views for Oracle Process Manufacturing Planning and their replacements in Release 12.
The 11i views listed in this section are applicable for only Oracle E-Business Suite For Release 12 and later, the Process Manufacturing Planning functionality is not supported, and, therefore, the views have been made obsolete and return only historical data. For Release 12 and later, use Noetix views for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning instead of Noetix views for Process Manufacturing Planning.
The following views for Process Manufacturing Planning return historical data in Release 12:
GMP Action Messages
GMP Forecast Details
GMP MRP Action Msg Pegging
GMP MRP Demand Supply Dtl
GMP MRP Mtrl Unbucketed
Noetix Views for Process Manufacturing Financials
This section provides information about the 11i views for Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials and their replacements in Release 12.
The GMF Cost Warehouse Assoc view for Process Manufacturing Financials is applicable for only Oracle
E-Business Suite For Release 12 and later, the view has been made obsolete and returns only historical data. For Release 12 and later, use the GMF Cost Organization Assc view.
Noetix Views for Inventory
This section provides information about the 11i views for Inventory and their replacements in Release 12.
The INV Demands view for Inventory is available for only Oracle E-Business Suite For Release 12 and later, use the INV Reservations view.
Noetix Views for U.S. Federal Financials
This section provides information about the 11i views for Oracle U.S. Federal Financials and their replacements in Release 12.
The 11i views listed in this section have been made obsolete for Release 12. The following views for U.S. Federal Financials return historical data in Release 12:
AR FV Trans Code Mappings
FV Enhanced Trans Events
FV Transaction Codes
Noetix Views for Human Resources
This section provides information about the legacy views for Oracle Human Resources and their replacements for Release 12.
The HR AP 1099 Vendors view for Human Resources is available for only Oracle E-Business Suite For Release 12 and later, use the HR AP 1099 Payments view.
Noetix Views for Enterprise Asset Management
This section provides information about the legacy views for Oracle Enterprise Asset Management and their replacements in Release 12.
The EAM WO Cost Details view for Enterprise Asset Management is applicable for only Oracle E-Business Suite The view has been made obsolete in Release 12, and, therefore, it will return incorrect information for Release 12. For Release 12 and later, the functionality is provided through the EAM WO Actual Cost Details, EAM WO Estimated Cost Dtls, and EAM WO Oprn Cost Summary views.