Generating NoetixViews
Pre-Generation FAQs
What are the Oracle tool components?
Oracle tools comprise SQL*Plus, SQL*Net, and SQL*Loader. SQL*Plus
is required to run the scripts while generating Noetix views,
and SQL*Net is required by SQL*Plus to connect to the database.
SQL*Loader is required during Stage 4 of Noetix views generation.
version of Oracle tools do I need?
The versions of the Oracle tools (SQL*Plus, SQL*Net, and SQL*Loader)
have to be compatible with the version of Oracle Home that you
are running. A mismatch between the Oracle tools and Oracle Home
versions has been known to generate errors in Noetix views generation.
Before generating the views, confirm that the versions of the
tools installed in the current Oracle Home is correct for your
generation. The versions of the Oracle tools that are compatible
with NoetixViews are listed in the system requirements.
NOTE: insigihtsoftware recommends that the Oracle tools and database be of
the same version so that compatibility-related issues are avoided.
I have several versions of SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader installed.
Which one will be used?
Answer: To check your SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader
Start NoetixViews
Administrator. To do this, click Start
> All Programs > NoetixViews > NoetixViews Administrator.
The welcome dialog box is displayed and prompts you to create
an account or connect to an existing account.
Type the system
administration user name, password, and TNS name to connect
to an existing account.
NOTE: The SQL*Plus and
SQL*Loader versions can be viewed only after a system administration
user account has been set up.
In NoetixViews
Administrator, on the Help
menu, click About.
You can see the versions of Oracle Database, SQL*Loader, and
SQL*Plus. You can also see the path to Oracle Home.
You can use the
Oracle Tool Detection tool in the NoetixViews Administrator
to change the SQL*Plus and SQL*Loader versions detected.
How does runsqlld find SQL*Loader?
First, runsqlld
looks at your PATH. It starts searching from the beginning trying
to match up the directories listed in your path to the Oracle
Homes listed in your registry. After it finds a match, it looks
in the Oracle bin directory for a file matching the pattern sqlldr##.exe
(where the #’s are numeric digits).
The following topics explain the concepts and procedures related to
the generating NoetixViews: