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Promote a Package

The promotion feature in the NoetixViews Workbench allows you to promote a package from one environment to another environment. You can use this feature if you want to use the customizations of a package in a different environment within a NoetixViews Workbench installation. For information about exporting and importing your customizations across NoetixViews Workbench installations, see Introduction to Exporting Customizations in "Export/Import NoetixViews Workbench Customizations" and Introduction to Importing Customizations in "Export/Import NoetixViews Workbench Customizations".

insigihtsoftwarerecommends that you use the promotion feature if your objective is to use the customizations in environments within a NoetixViews Workbench installation.

IMPORTANT: You cannot promote a package to an environment that is based on an earlier version of Noetix Views (NoetixViews) than the source environment. If you select a target environment that is based on an earlier version of NoetixViews and attempt to proceed, an error message will be displayed.

About Promotion

Promotion is the process of exporting all the customizations available in a package in one environment to another environment. The customizations include the following:

  • Legacy customizations

  • NoetixViews Workbench customizations

  • All the wnoetx% files

  • Role prefix configuration

  • Noetix query user security configuration

When you promote a package from one environment to another environment, the legacy customizations and view revisions in the target environment will be overwritten. Therefore, insightsoftware recommends that you export or back up the contents of the target environment before you start the promotion process.

Before the promotion process, the NoetixViews Workbench determines if the source and target environments are compatible based on the following rules:

  • The first two parts of the Oracle E-Business Suite version number must be the same for both environments.

  • The first three parts of the NoetixViews script version number must be the same for both environments. The script version number consists of four parts. For example, if the number represents the script version, the first three parts should be the same for the source and target environments.

  • The first three parts of the NoetixViews metadata version number must be the same for both environments. The metadata version number consists of four parts. For example, if the number represents the metadata version, the first three parts should be the same for the source and target environments.

  • The NoetixViews modules in the source environment for which customizations are available must also be available in the target environment.

For an environment to be used as a source, Stage 4 should have been completed for the underlying NoetixViews schema. For an environment to be used as a target, at least Stage 4 should have been completed till the Get Passwords wizard is displayed for the underlying NoetixViews schema.

Promoting a Package

You can promote a package from one environment to another environment with the use of the NoetixViews Workbench.

To promote a package

  1. On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, click Manage Packages. The Manage Packages page appears.

  2. Select the check box corresponding to the package that you want to promote, and then click Promote. The Promote » Welcome page appears.

  3. Click Next. The Promote » Target Environment page appears.

    IMPORTANT: If the selected package includes views that contain references to custom master keys and does not include revisions of those views containing the master keys, a warning message will be displayed to indicate that Stage 4 or incremental regeneration may fail with errors. You can see the details of the warning by selecting the package on the Manage Packages page.

  4. Perform the following:

    1. Under the Select the environment to promote to area, in the Target environment list, select the target environment to which you want to promote the package.

    2. If prompted for the user credentials, provide the user credentials and validate the NoetixViews schema associated with the target environment.

    3. Under the Enter the name of the new package in the target environment area, in the Package name box, type a name for the package that is being promoted to the target environment. By default, the name of the selected package is displayed.

    4. If a package with the same name already exists in the target environment, select the Overwrite package if it exists in the target environment check box.

    5. If you have view revisions in the target environment that are not available in the source environment and want to remove all the view revisions from the target environment, select the Delete all view-revisions in the target environment? check box.

  5. Click Next. The Promote » Source & Target Compatibility page appears.

NOTE: If the package already exists in the target environment and you have not opted to overwrite the package, an error message is displayed indicating that the package already exists.

The compatibility-related information displayed on the page includes the following:

    • Oracle E-Business Suite versions of both the source and target environments.

    • Script versions corresponding to the NoetixViews schemas of the source and target environments.

    • Metadata versions corresponding to the NoetixViews schemas of the source and target environments.

    • NoetixViews modules that are available in the source and target environments.

    • NoetixViews modules that are available only in the source environment.

    • NoetixViews modules that are available only in the target environment.

    • NoetixViews version of the source environment.

    • NoetixViews version of the target environment.

IMPORTANT: If any conflicts have been detected during the compatibility check, information about the conflicts will be displayed on the Promote » Source & Target Compatibility page and can also be found on the Logs page of the source environment in the Noetix Enterprise Manager. insightsoftware recommends that you proceed with the promotion process only after resolving these conflicts. However, if you want to override the conflicts and proceed with the promotion process, select the check boxes corresponding to each conflict. If you override the conflicts and promote the package to the target environment, Stage 4 may fail for the NoetixViews schema of the target environment.

  1. Click Next. The Promote » Source Environment page appears.

  2. If you want to promote the configuration-specific scripts that are not in the legacy package to the target environment, perform the following:

    1. Under the Check the items you want to promote area, the Role prefix configuration check box is selected by default. If you do not want to promote the role prefix configurations settings to the target environment, clear the check box. This option helps you promote your role prefix configuration settings with your other customizations from the source NoetixViews schema to the target NoetixViews schema. If your view labels in your target environment are different from those in your source environment, your reports could break. insightsoftware recommends that your role prefixes are the same in your development, test, and production environments.

    2. In the Optional hookscripts (all are recommended) list, clear the check boxes corresponding to the hook scripts that you do not want to promote. By default, all the scripts are selected. These hook scripts store configuration-specific settings, and, therefore, they are not included in the legacy package when legacy customizations are captured. However, insightsoftware recommends that you select these hook scripts along with other selected customization scripts so that the settings configured through these scripts in the NoetixViews schema of the source environment are also available in the NoetixViews schema of the target environment. For information about each script and its use, see the comments provided in each script.

    3. If you have added legacy customizations to your NoetixViews schema without using the NoetixViews Workbench after you ran Stage 4 for the last time, you may want to recapture these legacy customizations during promotion. Select the I want to recapture check box to capture them.

  3. If you do not want to promote configuration-specific scripts as part of promoting a package or if you do not want to recapture legacy customizations, go to step10. Otherwise, click Next. The Promote » Capture page appears.

    IMPORTANT: If you are capturing the configuration-specific scripts and if the NoetixViews Workbench could not generate the script corresponding to the view customizations for a view, an error message will be displayed along with the view name indicating that no script could be generated for the view.

  4. Perform the following:

    1. In the Enter the path of the zipped installs folder box, click Browse, and navigate to the location of the .zip file for the NoetixViews schema installation folder of the source environment. If the zipped folder does not contain the latest changes available in the NoetixViews schema installation folder, create a new .zip file for the schema installation folder.

      IMPORTANT: The NoetixViews schema installation folder must be provided in the .zip format, and the size of the .zip file must not exceed 2 GB. To create the .zip file, you must use the Compressed (zipped) folder option on a Microsoft Windows-based system or the gzip or zip application on a UNIX-based system.

    2. If the I want to recapture check box was selected in step 7c, you will be prompted to provide the path to the file corresponding to the NoetixViews schema of the source environment.

    3. Click Upload. A message is displayed indicating that the file has been successfully uploaded to the server.

    IMPORTANT: If the NoetixViews Workbench could not generate the script corresponding to the view customizations for a view, an error message will be displayed along with the view name indicating that no script could be generated for the view.

  5. Click Next. The Promote » Finish page appears, and the package is successfully promoted to the target environment.

    IMPORTANT: You will see an error message if the .zip file corresponding to the NoetixViews schema installation folder is invalid. For information, see Valid Schema Installation Folder Structure.

  6.  Click Home to go to the NoetixViews Workbench home page.

  7. Optionally, verify that the package that you promoted is listed in the target environment through the Manage Packages option. The description of the package indicates the environment from which the package was promoted. For information, see View Package Information.

  8. IMPORTANT: To apply the customizations to the NoetixViews schema, you must stage the package to the NoetixViews schema installation folder of the target environment and then run Stage 4 or incremental regeneration. For information about staging packages, see Stage a Package, and for information about running the incremental regeneration process, see the Noetix Metabuilder Help.

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