Resolve Issues in Your Noetix Views Generation
If there is an issue in your Noetix views generation (for example, if NoetixViews is not functioning correctly or if it is not returning data as described in the Noetix Help File), a workaround may be provided by insightsoftwareSupport. The workaround is typically in the form of a modified SQL script that will be placed in the NOETIX SYS user directory, often overwriting an existing file. If you need to overwrite an existing file, make a copy of the existing file at the same location and rename it as <file name>.old. Thereafter, you can run Stage 4. NoetixViews will use the modified SQL script to change the affected views to overcome the issue.
insightsoftwareSupport retains bug workaround scripts for every NoetixViews customer, upgrading them as and when necessary. These scripts are available with the upgraded product software released to the customer, and they smoothly integrate in the Noetix views generation process. After the issue is formally corrected in the product, the workaround is retired by insightsoftwareSupport.