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Presentation Model in SAP BusinessObjects

To create the presentation model in the meta-layer of SAP BusinessObjects, the Noetix views metadata must be generated into the meta-layer by using Angles for Oracle Generator for SAP BusinessObjects (Angles for Oracle Generator). After generating the Noetix views metadata, when you log on to BusinessObjects Infoview and use Web Intelligence, you can view the presentation model and the data provided in the presentation model.

In the presentation model, the generated global views and the associated key flexfield views are organized into logical groups based on their functional areas. These logical groups are represented as classes and are placed under the universe created for each NoetixViews module. When you extract global views, classes are created with the names of the Oracle E-Business Suite modules or functional areas, whichever is applicable, under the universe corresponding to the NoetixViews module. Under each class that is created for a group of global views, subclasses are created for each global view. Also, additional classes are created for the key flexfield views associated with the global views. These key flexfield views are organized into logical groups based on their functional areas and configurations in the global views. This organization of data provides an intuitive way to locate the data you want.

The presentation model in SAP BusinessObjects has the following pre-built and customized classes within a universe:

  • <Module/Functional area> Views: Contains all the extracted global views corresponding to a Noetix global role. For example, the name of the class created for the ARG0 RECEIVABLES role is “Receivables Views” and the name of the class created for the HRG0 HR SALARY MANAGER role is “HR Salary Manager Views.” The class created for a Noetix global role will contain subclasses created for each global view corresponding to the role. For example, the “Receivable Views” class will have subclasses created for each global view corresponding to the “Receivables Views” class, such as “ARG0 Addresses” and “ARG0 Adjustments.”

  • All Business Groups KFF Views: Contains the key flexfield views for all business groups. For example, this class contains sub classes created for the key flexfield views, such as “XXK Grade Grade” and “XXK Position Pos Vac.”

  • All Charts of Accounts KFF Views: Contains the key flexfield views for all charts of accounts. For example, this class contains subclasses created for key flexfield views, such as “XXK GL Acct AcctExp” and “XXK GL Acct AcctDist.”

  • <Business group name/Legislation name> Business Group KFF Views: Contains the key flexfield views for a business group. For example, the name of the class created for the business group Vision Corporation is “Vision Corporation Business Group KFF Views”, and it contains subclasses created for key flexfield views, such as “XXK Grade Grade (Grade Flexfield)” and “XXK Group Peo Grp (People Group Flexfield).”

  • <Structure name> Chart of Accounts KFF Views: Contains the key flexfield views for a structure. For example, the name of the class created for the Operations Accounting Flex is “Operations Accounting Flex Chart of Accounts KFF Views”, and it contains subclasses created for the key flexfield views, such as “XXK GL Acct Acct Trx”.

  • Item Category KFF Views: Contains a key flexfield view for each structure of the Item Categories key flexfield. For example, this class contains subclasses created for the key flexfield views, such as “XXK Mtl Cat ItemCat (Accounting Category)” and “XXK Mtl Cat ItemCat (Asset Management)”, where Accounting Category and Asset Management are structure names.

Depending on the global views and the key flexfield configuration in the global views, you will see one or more classes created in the presentation model.

For information on how global views and the corresponding key flexfield views can be joined in the presentation model of SAP Business Objects, seeUsing Parent-Child Views in SAP BusinessObjects.

Using Parent-Child Views in SAP BusinessObjects

This section discusses two examples for using the parent-child views of an Accounting Flexfield segment hierarchy. The first example discusses how to use the parent-child hierarchies view to build a drill-down report. The second example discusses how to use the parent-child essentials view to build a report that returns all the leaf flex values corresponding to a parent flex value. Also, you can build a drill-through report in SAP BusinessObjects by joining the reports created using a parent-child hierarchies view and parent-child essentials view. For more information about how to create a drill-through report in SAP BusinessObjects, see the product documentation.

Example 1

This example discusses how to build a drill-down report using a parent-child hierarchies view and a fact view. The example uses a fact view, GL All Balances, and a parent-child hierarchies view, Account Parent-Child Hierarchies, that are configured in the presentation model for the Italy Accounting Flex chart of accounts. The drill-down report created in the example provides details of the balances for the parent and child flex values of the Account segment. The report is further filtered using a ledger and period.

To build the report

  1. Log on to BusinessObjects Infoview.

  2. After logging on, click My Inbox.

  3. In InfoView, click New, and select Web Intelligence Document. The Web Intelligence Document—New Document page appears.

  4. Click the universe that you want to use as the data source for the new document. In the current example, a universe named NoetixViews for Oracle Financials – General Ledger Views is used. After you click the universe, the objects of the universe are displayed in the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel.

  5. From the class that contains the dimension object created for a parent-child hierarchies view, select the parent-child hierarchy drill object that you want to use in your drill-down report, and add it to the report design layout. In the current example, a dimension object name Account Parent-Child Hierarchies is used, and the Level01 Description With Value hierarchical drill object is selected from the dimension object and added to the report design layout.

  6. From a class that contains the fact view that you want to use in the report, select the required columns, and add them to the report design layout. In the current example, the GLG0 All Balances view is selected, and the Balance SUM, Ledger Name, and Period Name columns from this view are added to the report design layout.

  7. The final report design after adding all the required columns is displayed on the Result Objects pane. In the current example, the sample report design is displayed as follows:

  8. After adding all the required columns to the report layout, specify the filter conditions for the relevant columns. In the current example, a filter condition is set on the Ledger Name and the Period Name columns. For the filter condition, the value “Vision Italy EUR” is assigned to the Ledger Name column, and the value “05-99” is assigned to the Period Name column.

  9. In the current example, if you want to find hierarchy information of any root flex value that you provided, specify a parameter for the Level01 Description With Value column from the Account Parent-Child Hierarchies view and for the other required columns.

  10. After specifying all the filter conditions, run the report.

  11. When you are prompted to select a query context, select the appropriate context, and then click OK. The report will be displayed in Report View. In the current example, the GLG0 All Balances CTX context is selected.

  12. In the current example, the report will display the account balances corresponding to all the root flex values for the “Vision Italy EUR” ledger and for the period “05-99”.

  13. In the report, the columns Level01 Description With Value, Balance SUM, Ledger Name, and Period Name columns have been renamed as Account Hierarchy, Balance, Ledger, and Period, respectively.

  14. After enabling the drill option, drill-down to the next level in the report. To do this, select a root flex value from the hierarchy, and perform a drill-down. You can drill-down one level at a time up to 20 levels. In the current example, a drill-down is performed for the “REVENUES (5)” flex value. The result will display the next level of flex values under the “REVENUES (5)” flex value. From the result displayed, a drill-down is again performed for the “PRODUCTION VALUE (500)” flex value. The result will display the next level of flex values under the “PRODUCTION VALUE (500)” flex value.

Example 2

This example discusses how to build a report using a parent-child essentials view and a fact view. The example uses a fact view, GL All Balances, and a parent-child essentials view, Account Parent-Child Essentials, that are configured for the Italy Accounting Flex chart of accounts in the presentation model. The report created in the example provides details of the account balances corresponding to all the child flex values of a parent flex value for the Account segment. The report is further filtered using a ledger and period.

To build the report

  1. Log on to BusinessObjects Infoview.

  2. After logging on, click My Inbox.

  3. In InfoView, click New, and select Web Intelligence Document. The Web Intelligence Document—New Document page appears.

  4. Click the universe that you want to use as the data source for the new document. In the current example, a universe named NoetixViews for Oracle Financials – General Ledger Views is used. After you click the universe, the objects of the universe are displayed in the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel.

  5. From a class that contains the parent-child essentials view that you want to use in your report, select the required columns, and add them to the report design layout. In the current example, a view named Account Parent-Child Essentials is used, and the Parent Description With Value and Leaf Description With Value columns are selected from this view and added to the report design layout.

  6. From a fact view that you want to use in the report, select the required columns, and add them to the report design layout. In the current example, the GLG0 All Balances view is selected, and the Balance SUM, Ledger Name, and Period Name columns from this view are added to the report design layout.

  7. The final report design after adding all the required columns is displayed on the Result Objects pane. In the current example, the sample report design is displayed as follows:

  8. After adding all the required columns to the report layout, specify the filter conditions for the relevant columns. In the current example, a filter condition is set on the Parent Description With Value, Ledger Name, and Period Name columns. For the filter conditions, the flex value ”REVENUES (5)” is assigned to the Parent Description With Value column, the value “Vision Italy EUR” is assigned to the Ledger Name column, and the value “05-99” is assigned to the Period Name column.

  9. In the current example, if you want to use the report to find information about all the child flex values corresponding to any parent value that is provided, specify a parameter for the Parent Description With Value column and for the other required columns.

  10. After specifying all the filter conditions, run the report.

  11. When you are prompted to select a query context, select the appropriate context, and then click OK. The report will be displayed in Report View. In the current example, the GLG0 All Balances CTX context is selected.

  12. In the current example, the report will display the account balances corresponding to all the child flex values of the “REVENUES (5)” parent flex value for the “Vision Italy EUR” ledger and for the period “05-99”.

  13. In the report, the columns Parent Description With Value, Leaf Description With Value, Balance SUM, Ledger Name, and Period Name columns have been renamed as Parent Flex Value, Child Flex Value, Balance, Ledger, and Period, respectively.

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