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Selecting an Environment

As a prerequisite to work with the NoetixViews Workbench, an environment needs to be registered for a NoetixViews schema in the Noetix Enterprise Manager. Then, you need to select the environment in the NoetixViews Workbench.

Note: If you want to select another environment while working with one environment, select the new environment from only the home page of the NoetixViews Workbench, or immediately navigate to the home page of the NoetixViews Workbench after you change the environment. Otherwise, the customizations will continue to be made in the previously selected environment and will not be reflected in the newly selected environment. Also, verify that you are working with the correct environment by checking the name of the environment displayed on the upper right of the current page.

To select an environment

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Noetix Enterprise Manager > Noetix Enterprise Manager. The Noetix Enterprise Manager home page appears.

  2. In the Environment list, select an environment. The dialog box for validating the credentials of the NoetixViews schema corresponding to the selected environment appears.

  3. Provide the schema credentials in the respective boxes, and click Validate to validate the NoetixViews schema.

    Note: If you select the same environment again during a session, you will not be prompted to provide the schema credentials.

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