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Suppress, Restore Columns

You can suppress the columns that you do not want to include in a view. The suppressed columns will not be available in the presentation layer of your reporting tool. You can also restore the columns that have been suppressed in the view. The list of columns available for suppression in a view does not include columns of the ROWID type. The columns of the Non-editable category will be available for suppression. For information about such column types, see Unsupported Column Types in NoetixViews Workbench.

When you suppress the columns of the view, the following points need to be considered:

  • If the view is a base view, make sure that the suppressed columns are not used by other views.

  • If the view is a list of values (LoV) view, make sure that the suppressed columns are not mapped to columns in other views.

  • If the columns that you want to suppress from a view are used in reports, make sure that the columns are removed from the reports before suppressing them.

  • If you suppress columns that exist in more than one query of the view, the columns will be suppressed in those queries where the columns are available.

  • After you suppress columns from a view, these columns will not be available in the view for modification until you restore them.

To suppress or restore columns

  1. On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, clickModify a View. TheModify Viewpage appears.

  2. Select a view, and then click Modify. For information, see Select a View. The Modify View » <view label> page appears.

  3. Under Columns, click Add, modify & suppress columns, and then click Next. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress columns page appears with the list of columns present in the view.

  4. Select the check boxes associated with the columns that you want to suppress or restore, and do the following:

    • To suppress the columns, perform the following:

      1. Click Suppress. The Suppress Column(s) dialog boxappears prompting you to confirm the action.

      2. Click Yes.In the list, the columns will be updated with the suppressed value as "Yes" and state as "SUPPRESSED".

      NOTE: If the view is a base view, a warning message will be displayed indicating that suppressing a column in a base view can cause the dependent views that use the same column to fail.

    • To restore the suppressed columns, perform the following:

      1. Click Unsuppress. The Unsuppress Column(s) dialog boxappears prompting you to confirm the action.

      2. Click Yes. In the list, the columns will be updated with the suppressed value as "No" and state as "UNCHANGED".

    Note: After suppressing columns, you can also perform other customizations on view columns, such as addition or modification of columns. For information about these tasks, see the respective topics under Manage View Columns.

  1. In the Customization comments box, provide a summary of the customizations that you have performed. The customization comments can contain a maximum of 200 characters.

  2. Click Save. The customizations are saved, and the Modify View» <view label> page appears.

Now, you can choose to perform any other customizations on the same view or go to the home page.

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