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Modify Descriptive Flexfield Columns

The NoetixViews Workbench allows you to modify the descriptive flexfield type columns of a view. However, you cannot modify a descriptive flexfield column in the following scenarios:

  • If the NoetixViews metadata contains a context value beginning with an ampersand (&), such as &LEGISLATIVE CODE or &INFO TYPE, an error message will be displayed indicating that the flexfield you are trying to modify contains special context <special context value>, and query editing is disabled.

  • If the descriptive flexfield column is not defined in every query in n view column templates, a warning message will be displayed indicating that the descriptive flexfield you are trying to modify is not defined in every query, and query editing is disabled.

  • If the descriptive flexfield column is using a table that is a base view, a warning message will be displayed indicating that NoetixViews Workbench does not currently support this functionality, and query editing is disabled.

NOTE: Some existing views may contain descriptive flexfield column labels that exceed eight characters. Even though the NoetixViews Workbench permits you to modify these descriptive

To modify a descriptive flexfield column

  1. On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, click Modify a View. The Modify View page appears.

  2. Select a view, and then click Modify. For information, see Select a View. The Modify View » <view label> page appears.

  3. Under Columns, click Add, modify & suppress columns,and then click Next. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress columns page appears showing the list of columns available in the view.

  4. Select a column, and click Modify. The Modify DFF Column page appears.

  5. Modify the column properties depending on your requirements. For information about the column properties, see Add Descriptive Flexfield Columns in "Add Columns." Regardless of the number of query tabs available for a view, the All Queries tab will be displayed, and your changes will be applicable to the descriptive flexfield column across all queries.

    NOTE: For some of the descriptive flexfields, you can edit the column properties with the following considerations:

    • The descriptive flexfield that is not fully configured (enabled, frozen, and not protected) in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance: A message will be displayed indicating that the descriptive flexfield for table "TABLE NAME (TABLE ALIAS)" you are trying to modify is not fully configured in your environment. The descriptive flexfield column will be generated only after it is enabled in the Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
    • The descriptive flexfield title cannot be detected in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance:  A title will be generated in the [Attribute% Title Pattern] format and made available in the Titles list. This title does not indicate the generation of the descriptive flexfield column in your view; the column will be generated only after it is enabled in the Oracle E-Business Suite instance. If you modify this title and save the changes, you can revert to the original value only by enabling the descriptive flexfield in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance or reverting to the revision that you have modified.

  6. Click OK. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress columns page appears showing the modified column with the state "CHANGED".

  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to modify more descriptive flexfield columns. You can also perform other customizations on view columns, such as addition or modification of columns of any type. For information about these tasks, see the respective topics under Manage View Columns.

  8. In the Customization comments box, provide a summary of the customizations that you have performed. The customization comments can contain a maximum of 200 characters.

  9. Click Save. The customizations are saved, and the Modify View» <view label> page appears.

Now, you can choose to perform any other customizations on the same view or go to the home page.

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