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EBS Fixed Assets (FA)

To download the description for the business views in a PDF format, click EBS Fixed Assets (FA).





FA Adjustments SLA GL Je

This view provides information on the adjustment amount, adjustment type, and asset number and type for an asset in a book. The AdjustPeriodDeprnRunFlag column indicates whether or not depreciation has been run for the adjustment period. The CurrentPeriodDeprRunFlag column indicates whether or not depreciation has been run for the current period.


FA All Trans SLA GL Je

This view returns information on asset transactions. A record is returned for each subledger journal entry line created for an asset transaction and imported into General Ledger, whether or not the asset transaction was posted.


FA AP Lease Pay Details

This view returns information on payment details of lease invoices and whether the payments have been posted to Oracle General Ledger or not. A record is returned for each combination of a leased asset, a lease invoice number, and an invoice payment number.


FA Asset Additions

This view returns information about assets created or capitalized. This information was supplied in the Assets window of Assets. A record is returned for each combination of a book name, an asset number, and a depreciation expense account (Acct$CV$AccountingKFF).


FA Asset Assignment Hist

This view returns chronological information on asset assignments. This information was supplied in the Assets and Assignments windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, an assignee, a depreciation expense account, a location, and a period.


FA All Trans SLA GL Je

This view returns information on asset transactions. A record is returned for each subledger journal entry line created for an asset transaction and imported into General Ledger, whether or not the asset transaction was posted.


FA AP Lease Pay Details

This view returns information on payment details of lease invoices and whether the payments have been posted to Oracle General Ledger or not. A record is returned for each combination of a leased asset, a lease invoice number, and an invoice payment number.


FA Asset Additions

This view returns information about assets created or capitalized. This information was supplied in the Assets window of Assets. A record is returned for each combination of a book name, an asset number, and a depreciation expense account (Acct$CV$AccountingKFF).


FA Asset Assignment Hist

This view returns chronological information on asset assignments. This information was supplied in the Assets and Assignments windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, an assignee, a depreciation expense account, a location, and a period.


FA Asset Assignments

This view returns information on asset assignments. This information was supplied in the Assets and Assignments windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, an assignee, a depreciation expense account, and a location.


FA Asset Financial Hist

This view returns information on the financial history of the assets. This information is displayed on the Financial Inquiry window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a depreciation book, and a transaction. The information returned by the view pertains to the transactions related to the asset's depreciation change, retirement, and reinstatement.


FA Asset Financials

This view returns latest financial information on assets in the depreciation books. This information was supplied in the Books window in the Assets window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. This information is also displayed on the View Financial Information window in the Assets window. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and a depreciation book. The information returned by the view pertains to the most recent financial information for the asset associated with a book.


FA Asset History

This view returns historical information on assets. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and a transaction reference number.


FA Asset Insurance

This view returns information on insurance policy details of assets. This information was supplied in the Fixed Asset Insurance window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a book, a policy number, and a policy line number, if a policy line number is available.


FA Asset Invoice History

This view returns historical information on the invoice source lines generated for assets. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and an invoice number or for an asset and a project number.


FA Asset Invoices

This view returns information on the invoice source lines generated for assets. This information is displayed on the Source Lines window of the Assets Window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and invoice number or for an asset and a project number.


FA Asset Keywords

This view returns information on asset keys. This information was supplied in the Asset Keys window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each asset key.


FA Asset Mass Changes

This view returns information on mass changes applied to assets. This information was supplied in the Mass Changes window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each mass transaction number.


FA Asset Production Hist

This view returns periodic production information on assets. This information was supplied in the Periodic Production window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a book, and a period.


FA Asset Scheduled Events

This view returns information on the maintenance event schedules of assets. This information was supplied in the Schedule Maintenance Events window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an event name and a schedule ID.


FA Asset Super Group Rule

This view returns information on asset super groups. This information was supplied in the Super Groups window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a super group rule and a book.


FA Asset Warranties

This view returns information on warranties. This information was supplied in the Asset Warranties window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each warranty.


FA Assets

This view returns information on assets that have corporate books attached to them and the related latest corporate book retirement details. This information was supplied in the Assets window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each asset.


FA Bonus Depr Rules

This view returns information on bonus depreciation rules. This information was supplied in the Bonus Depreciation Rules window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a bonus rule and a year range.


FA Book Controls

This view returns information on depreciation books. This information was supplied in the Book Controls window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each book.


FA Calendar Periods

This view returns information on depreciation calendars and periods. This information was supplied in the Asset Calendars window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a calendar name, a fiscal year, and a period.


FA Capital Budget Actuals

This view returns information on capital budget and actual expenditures. A record is returned for each combination of a book name, an expense account, a category, a period, and a transaction type (budget or actual).


FA Categories

This view returns information on categories. This information was supplied in the Asset Categories window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a category and a book.


FA CIP Cost Details

This view returns information about construction-in-process (CIP) assets. This information is displayed on the Assets window of Assets. A record is returned for each combination of a book name, an asset number, a begin period name, an end period name, and a depreciation expense account (AcctDepr$CV$AccountingKFF).


FA Conventions

This view returns information on prorate conventions used to determine the prorate date of an asset. This information was supplied in the Prorate Conventions window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a convention code, a prorate date, and an effective date.


FA Depr Detail History

This view returns information on depreciation and bonus depreciation of asset assignments. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a book name, a period name, an assignment and its effective end date.


FA Depr Summary History

This view returns information on summarized depreciation history. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a depreciation book, and a period.


FA Depreciation Ceilings

This view returns information on depreciation ceilings. This information was supplied in the Asset Ceilings window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a ceiling name, a year of life, and a ceiling start date.


FA Depreciation Details

This view returns information on the latest depreciation and bonus depreciation of asset assignments. This information is displayed on the View Financial Information window in the Assets window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials application suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a book name, an assignment, and its effective end date.


FA Depreciation Periods

This view returns information on depreciation periods. A record is returned for each combination of a book and a period.


FA DepreciationSummary

This view returns information on depreciation summary. This information is displayed on the View Financial Information window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and a depreciation book irrespective of the number of active distributions.


FA Deprn Dtl Hist SLA GL Je

This view returns information on the historical depreciation transactions. Before the Create Accounting - Assets program is run, a record is returned for each combination of an asset, a book name, and an active assignment. After the program is run, a record is returned for each subledger journal line created for the depreciation transaction.


FA Deprn Dtls SLA GL Je

This view returns information on the latest depreciation transactions. Before the Create Accounting - Assets program is run, a record is returned for each combination of an asset, a book name, and an active assignment. After the program is run, a record is returned for each subledger journal line created for the depreciation transaction.


FA Category Defaults

This view returns information on default depreciation rules. This information was supplied in the Default Depreciation Rules window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a category, a book, and a default depreciation rule.


FA Distribution SetDtls

This view returns information on distribution sets. This information was supplied in the Distribution Sets window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a distribution set, a book, and an assignment distribution.


FA GL Invoice Trans Je

This view returns information on invoice adjustment transactions.


FA GL Journal Adjustments

This view returns information on asset adjustments. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and a transaction reference number.


FA GL Journals

This view returns information on journals created for the asset entry transactions. A record is returned for each combination of a book, a batch name, a journal category, and a code combination.


FA Invoice Trx SLA GL Je

This view returns information on invoice adjustment transactions.


FA Itc Assets

This view returns information on assets that are eligible for Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This information was supplied in the Investment Tax Credits window in the Tax Workbench Assets window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an ITC-eligible asset and a tax book.


FA Itc Rate Information

This view returns information on Investment Tax Credit (ITC) rates. This information was supplied in the Investment Tax Credit Rates window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a tax year, an asset-life year, an asset-life month, a tax credit rate percentage, and a reduction basis rate percentage.


FA Itc Recap Rate Info

This view returns information on Investment Tax Credit (ITC) recapture rates. This information was supplied in the Investment Tax Credit Recapture Rates window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a tax year, an asset-life year, an asset-life month, a retirement year, and a recapture rate percentage.


FA JE Reserve Ledger Dtls

This view returns information about assets charged to depreciation expense accounts for accounting periods. This information is displayed on the View Financial Information <assetnumber> window of Oracle Assets. A record is returned for each combination of an asset number, a book name, a period name, a natural account (AcctDepr$QV$NaturalAccount), and an allocated percent.


FA Lease Pay Schedules

This view returns information on asset leases. This information was supplied in the Assets and Lease Details windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a lease, an asset, and a book.


FA Leases

This view returns information on asset leases. This information was supplied in the Assets and Lease Details windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a lease, an asset, and a book.


FA Locations

This view returns information on asset locations. This information was supplied in the Locations window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each location.


FA Mass Add Distributions

This view returns information on mass additions that are imported from Oracle Payables, Oracle Projects or any other external system. This information is displayed on the Mass Additions Assignments window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, an invoice, an invoice distribution line number, a project, a task, and an assignment.


FA Mass Additions

This view returns information on mass additions that are imported from Oracle Payables, Oracle Projects or any other external system. This information is displayed on the Mass Additions window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, an invoice, and an invoice distribution line number or for each combination of an asset, a project, and a task.


FA Methods And Rates

This view returns information on methods and rates. This information was supplied in the Depreciation Methods window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a method and a rate.


FA Pay Amortize Schedules

This view returns information on amortization payment schedules. This information was supplied in the Lease Details and Lease Payment windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a payment schedule and an amortization line number.


FA Payment Schedules

This view returns information on lease payment schedules. This information was supplied in the Lease Details window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a payment schedule, a payment start date, and a payment end date.


FA Physical Inventory

This view returns information on physical inventories of assets. This information was supplied in the Inventory Entry and Physical Inventory Comparison windows of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset and a physical inventory name.


FA Price Index Details

This view returns information on price indexes. This information was supplied in the Price Indexes window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of a price index, a value, and a period.


FA Retirement History

This view returns information on retirements. This information was supplied in the Retirements window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset, a transaction reference number, an assignee, a depreciation expense account, and a location.


FA SLA Tax Reserve Adjust

This view returns information on tax reserve adjustment transactions. This information was supplied in the Tax Reserve Adjustments window of the Assets module. A record is returned for each combination of an asset number, a book name, a fiscal year, an adjustment type, an accounting method (debit or credit), and a transaction reference number.


FA Tax Reserve Adjustment

This view returns information on tax reserve adjustments. This information was supplied in the Tax Reserve Adjustment window of the Oracle Assets module in the Oracle Financials applications suite. A record is returned for each combination of an asset number, a book name, a fiscal year period, an adjustment type, an accounting method (debit or credit), and a transaction reference number.


FA Transactions

This view returns information on asset transactions and corresponding invoices. A record is returned for each combination of a transaction reference number and an asset number.


FATransfers From To

This view returns information on assignment transfer transactions of an asset. A record is returned for each transfer.


FA Unassigned Assets

This view returns information on unassigned assets. A record is returned for each asset.


FA Unbooked Assets

This view returns information on unbooked assets. A record is returned for each asset.

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