Preparing for Installation
Review System Requirements
The Noetix Platform system requirements can be found in the release documentation provided with the product software. These requirements vary depending on the product version that you are installing.
Before beginning an installation, make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements for hard disk space, memory, operating systems, and application versions. Run CheckPrerequisites.exe, which is available in the folder containing the setup files, on the computer on which you want to install Noetix Platform to verify whether the system requirements for Noetix Platform are met.
Back Up Applications
As a standard precaution, insigihtsoftware recommends that you back up your Oracle E-Business Suite, as well as your Oracle Discoverer End User Layer (EUL), before installing any Noetix components.
Magnitude also recommends that you install Noetix Platform in a non-production environment before rolling out to production.
Grant Administrative Privileges
To install and set up insightsoftware products, you must have administrative privileges for each computer on which you plan to install Noetix Platform components (Noetix QueryServer (NQS) and Noetix WebQuery (NWQ)).
If you need assistance with this task, contact your system administrator.
Determine Repository Configuration
The next step in preparing for installing Noetix Platform is to make decisions regarding the repository. This section deals with the decisions that you make regarding the repository including the configuration and the version of Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Server).
Determine NQS Computer Configuration
For optimal performance, insigihtsoftwarerecommends that you place the Noetix QueryServer service on a dedicated computer — a computer on which only insightsoftware products are running. You can install each Noetix service on the NQS computer, but for high use and maximum performance, separate environments are recommended for each service.
Determine NQS Repository Configuration
During the Noetix Platform setup, you are prompted to choose a location for the NQS repository, a SQL Server database that holds all the metadata for the Noetix Platform, as well as for the NQS Monitor. You can choose to install the NQS repository either on the local server (the computer on which the installation is run) or on a remote server (a computer that is accessible through the network). If you choose to install the NQS repository on a remote server, you can reduce the free disk space requirement in the NQS computer to 100 MB.
Determine SQL Server Version
To install Noetix Platform, ensure that the supported version of SQL Server is installed. For information about the supported versions of SQL Server, see the Noetix Platform system requirements.
Prepare Prerequisite Software
Before you begin installing Noetix Platform, there are some prerequisite software that must be installed or configured. This section discusses the prerequisite software that must be installed and the specific configuration steps that must be performed.
Install Database Connectivity Software
For any RDBMS that is to be used within NQS, either as a data source or to import users and roles, install all necessary third-party database connectivity software on the computer on which you install NQS.
Install IIS
When installing Internet Information Services (IIS), make sure that Microsoft ASP.NET is enabled. For more information about installing IIS, visit the Microsoftwebsite.
Install SQL Server
When installing SQL Server for use with Noetix Platform, you must:
Ensure that the support for 8.3 file name creation is enabled.
Ensure that the database services and reporting services components are installed on the computer on which you install SQL Server. Also, you must install at least the client components of SQL Server on each computer on which you install the Noetix Platform components.
Specify the SQL Server installation as a default instance—an instance identified by the network name of the computer on which the SQL Server installation is running. Do not specify the SQL Server installation as a named instance.
Specify the security (authentication) mode as Mixed Mode—this allows users to connect to the SQL Server installation through either Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication.
Ensure that the case-sensitive option is not enabled. NQS and NWQ cannot use an existing SQL Server database as their repository if the database has the case-sensitive option enabled. If your existing SQL Server instance is case-sensitive, then you must install a new instance of SQL Server.
For more information about selecting the SQL Server version, see Determine SQL Server Version.
Install Reporting Services
When installing SQL Server Reporting Services, select the option to install and configure Reporting Services with a native mode default configuration.
Install .NET Framework
Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed on your computer to install Noetix Platform.
Important: You are encouraged to apply critical updates and security patches for .NET Framework, but do not upgrade the version of .NET Framework until Magnitude has certified a compatible release. To determine the currently installed version of .NET Framework, select Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, and viewing the .NET Framework listing.
Configure TCP/IP Settings on NQS Computer
You must make the following change in the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) settings of the computer on which you intend to install NQS:
Select Start > Control Panel > Network Connections. The Network Connections dialog box is displayed.
Select Properties in the shortcut menu of Local Area Connection. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box is displayed.
Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the This connection uses the following items list and select Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box is displayed.
Select Advanced. The Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box is displayed.
Select the WINS tab and then select Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
Select OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
Configure SMTP Server
You must configure a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for installing Noetix Platform. The SMTP server address provided during the installation of Noetix Platform will be used for delivering subscriptions to email addresses, sending email notifications about the success or failure of subscriptions and agent jobs, and sending email alerts for the agent jobs. Also, during the installation of Noetix generators for Noetix Platform, the SMTP server address provided during the installation of Noetix Platform is displayed, by default. However, you can change it during the installation of Noetix generators for Noetix Platform.
For certain mail features to work, Noetix Platform requires network access to the SMTP server specified during the installation of Noetix Platform. The DeliveryManager and Angles for Oracle Generator service accounts must have permission to access the network, and the SMTP server must allow anonymous connections from the computer that runs the services.
For information about configuring an SMTP server, see the Microsoft documentation.